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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah cljc !LSSLBSBZ,, mpm THE NAME COMES FBOA THE OtO ENGLISH WORD HAtWZ meaning HOLY HOLY the THUS VNNG, FEsnvw.vwwy CELEBRATED By THE ROMANS, IN HONOR. OP POMONA.THE G&ycxss or FRUfT TREES. LATER ON, f N BRITAIN, THE DRUIDS CELEBRATED IT IN THANKSBMNa FOR THE HARVEST. STILL LATER, IT WAS HELD IN COMMEMORATION OP THE SAINTS' AND I i ON THE i t froov GOBS DOWN AS LOW AS AOO DEGREES , I Nephi Local, Social Hems Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Bur--, raston and Miss iAicille Bailey of Salt Lgjjp city. and Carl Bailey, a student at the B. Y. 11. at Provo, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey. Gary Tate and Mr. ami Mrs. LaMar Ogden of Salt Lake City and Lewis Beagley of American Fork visited at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley on Sunday. Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. I Eugene Beck were Mr. and Mrs. Fred I Lock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Freeman and family, all of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Lindsay of Heber City visited at and daughter, Mr. and Mis. the home of their son in law They came to Fay Parker. see their new grand daughter. 3ICW ZERO! Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ivory and daughter of Brigham City were week end visitors of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Boston. A MOTHER EAT CAN CARRY HER yOUNO ABOUT, EVEN AFTER THEIR COMBINED WEIGHT EQUALS MORE THAN HER OWN. Simco-iCctu- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stom-mof Salt Lake City were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davis of Salt Lake City also visited on Friday at the Bowers home. el Beta Club Members Meet at Gibson Home Kan-akao- FRUIT 303 - IGA MILK r CANNED 100 I CASE i i FLEX-0-GLA- IGA TABLERITE SALAD DRESSING TABLETREAT AAe Any little lady can enclose a porch or breezeway with Warps Its so easy! Just cut with shears and tack over screens. Makes a warm, healthful Ultraviolet HARLOW W. PEXTON He has given you four years of careful and conscientious work. Some of it very hard work. Many hours of extra time spent working to have Nephi profit from the many opportunities our changing times bring. His one main object as your representative and councilman will be to efficiently operate your city. His goal to preserve personal freedom. G. RAY KELSON successful in his own right. Has done much to A man keep Nephi a good place to live by providing opportunities for employment for many young people. There IS NO SUBSTITUTE for experience and the ability to see the big picture of the things we must do to help our youth, to provide stability and at the same time plan ahead for growth. Ray is a friendly person and has served you well, experience and knowledge again work for you. ar FLEX-O-GLAS- S WE HAVE THE GENUINE niifflt&f' Let his rays, where the children can play all winter long or use as an extra Store-rooGenuine, crystal-clelasts for years at a fraction the cost of glass. Only 87 a sq. yd. at your local hdwre. or lmbr. dealer. HOLD IN HEAT-KEE- TOP QUALITY Window Materials OUT COLD P for Storm Chtoptr than 9101 Poors and Windows Porch IndoiwrtS FlexOGlass GEORGE W. "CHES" WILLIAMS lass-ONe- t BUTTERMILK 4 T CLOSE ALL FRUIT OUT- -- CANNING SUPPLIES 3 BREAD JARS AND SALE-FRE- SH SUNKIST PORK LOIN YELLOW lb PORK 3) lbs LEMONS - - lb lb ONIONS U.$.1 FISH STICKS 39 CUT & WRAPPED FOR FREEZER bag -- ii 5pkgsl.00 2 for 99c TV DINNERS IGA ORANGE JUICE- 13c 251b DRY c lb PORK CHOPS V2 PRODUCE BANANAS PORK ROAST CENTER CUT OFF FANCY I fOHO LOAVES 10 TABLE FRESH US lb FLEX-O-GLAS- sunlit room, flooded with QT. cans ROAST This Year SS - 5.69 CHUNK TUNA or TOMATO JUICE PICNIC Let Her Winterproof the Porch with 9S IGA FANCY importance. DONT PAMPER - 2.95 CASE -- WHOLE HOG ' II cans - Community. W.K. OR CREAM CUT YOUR WIFE - TtlGA CORN 5ta1.00 These men are your friends and neighbors. They are inferesfed in you and your problems as an individual a well as fhe decisions of i le e, VOTERS CAN, AT NO COST, OBTAIN EXPERIENCE, ABILITY AND OUTSTANDING DEVOTION TO NEPHIS WELFARE. THE RECORD CAN AND DOES VERIFY THESE THINGS e CATERING SERVICE NEPHI CATERING SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Deloy Hill of Salt Lake City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ballow and Mr. and Mrs. Fred -- 303 Stephensen on Monday. Last week end visitors at or the home of Mr. find Mrs. W. Woodrow Beard were Mr. and 211 Mrs. Derrel Snow and son of Sheridan, Missouri, returning IGA CHUNK - CRUSH home after a visit at McMin-villOregon; and Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Hodson and Mr. two children of Sandy. and Mrs. Beard returned with them to Sandy where they celebrated Mrs. Snows birth- IGA BEANS-PEA- S day luncheon. On Monday they visited Temple Square and TOMATOES saw the organ in the Tabernacle and were privileged to 303 hear recordings of the Tabernacle choir. Mrs. Beard recans mained in Sandy until Wednesday with her son in law and daughter. The Snows returned to Missouri. IN THE ELECTION ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1963 NEPHI community-wid- NEPHI y, COCKTAIL PINEAPPLE Three men with the desire, the energy, the foresight and ability to plan and carry on through. To strive for those things which keep our city a living, growing, g Mrs. Helen Benedict. Levan Recently admitted patients at the Juab Colunty Hospital Brenda Lynn Mower, the at Nephi, include the follow-- 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Time was when mom said ( ing. according to the list re- Max Mower, Nephi Junior, eat your vegeleased Wednesday morning by Mrs. Howard Taylor, Nephi tables, ho replied, Daddy Hospital authorities: Ijeonard Garfield, Mona isnt eating any." Nowadays Mrs. Italpii Jasperson, Goshhe says, Youll have to moWayne Liddiard, Nephi tivate mo. Joseph W. Clements, Fair-vie- en. Mrs. Lester Briggs, Nephi Look Sharp Max G. Chappell, San Diego, Mrs. Arvilla Newton, Mona a St. Louis, Mo., While Frankie Todd Elsbury, son California Mrs. Frank Larsen, Fairview Eatrolman was absent froma of Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Elscar making Cheryl Penrod, daughter of routine bury, Nephi someInvestigation, Mr. Mrs. ami Oliver Penrod, Karrie Davies, daughter of from one stole the battery Mr. and Mi's. David L. Davies, Nephi his car. JlaNae Stephenson, daughter Nephi. Mrs. John E. Underwood, Eureka. Patricia MoCaffery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nephi James Hunt, Nephi Jaekuline Bowles, daughter Decorating and Catering Service of Mrs. Joyce Bowles, Nephi Mrs. F'rank Booth, Nephi for Wedding Receptions Mi's. Owen Carter, Mona Kay Painter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Painter, Nephi Lorraine Hayes, Mgr. Phone 623-144- 8 Deborah Belliston, daughter BellisAir. Mrs. of and Byron ton, Nephi IGA RECORDS Page Five of Mr. and Airs. Devon Stephenson, Aloroni Suzanne Peel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peel, Mt. Pleasant. Juab Hospital Patient List HY'trMAW OF PUBLIC AND PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS forward-lookin- Thursday, October 24, 1963 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Broun A review of Papa Married of Salt Lake City were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al- - a Mormon" given by Mrs. Sam Hayes highlighted the meeting len Belliston. of the Beta Literary Club held Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. on Thursday evening. October Mathews ami three small sons 17 at the home of Mrs. Roy Mrs. Hayes held Randy, Robert and Wayne of E. Gibson. Santa Marla, California arriv- the attention of all club memed in Nephi Friday for a two bers as she dramatically reweeks vacation at- - the home viewed the Incidents related in Mis. James VV. Mathews. This the interesting book. of Russells parents, Mr. and Melody time was in charge is Russell's first trip home af- of Mrs. Jack Brough and Mrs. ter an absence of three years. Fred J. Chapman gave the He is employed as City Patrol- club collect. Mrs. Clark Morman at Santa Maria. gan, club president, conducted Mrs. Harold Stepheneon and the meeting. Members present included Mrs. Bruce Boswell spent Mrs. Jack Brough, Mrs. John Tuesday in Salt Lake City. Parkin, Mrs. Clark Morgan, Mrs. Mrs. Fred Chapman. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Clarence Wilkcy, Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. William L. Sperry were Nyman, Mrs. Jack Ludlow, Mr. and Mrs. Elvvin Goble and Mrs. Ernest I. Wilson, Mrs. two sons of Murray; Mr. and Allen Christensen, Mrs. HarMrs. Ronald Goble and daught- low Pexton, Mrs. Othel Pay, er of Albuquerque, New Mex- Mrs. Leo Christensen, Mrs. ico; Mrs. Donna Jasperson and Miles Anderson, Mrs. Sam children of Goshen and Mrs. Hayes and the hostess, Mrs. Norma Jensen and daughter Roy E. Gibson. Becky of Delta. Mrs. Olive Broadhead visited in Salt Lake City last week Levan Social Items with Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Morten-se- u Black. She also visited with of California, Mrs. Amelia her son, Elder Lester Broad-hea- d on Sunday and until he Crane of Delta, Miss Marlene left on Monday morning for Anderson and Mrs. Edith and daughter of Salt Oakland, California on his Lake City were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Florence Rose-quls- t. The Republican Party Presents Three Outstanding Candidates THREE MEN WITH OUTSTANDING - o for - 6 oz 79 GET YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY FREE CERTIFICATE WITH; bags HyGrade Smoked CHIPPED BEEF TURKEY CLOSE OUT RED E TABLERITE SKINLESS SWEAT SHIRTS Regular 1.79 1 lb FRANKS pkg IGA LIQUID 22 oz DETERGENT ONLFREE Y- TURKEY CERTIFICATE WyrOGlass Screen-Glas- Ches says that George W. Williams is the same It means something. It means he is always the Ever Ches has had a wide friendly and approachable. 5ame achieved has and success in each endeavor. Running business of experience variety a city and operating its goverment is much like running a business. His would be a strong voice in any group of officials. Ches is truly representative of the people. His pledge of good, sound and proper governmental administration will be met, if given the opportunity. You know his as "Ches" Williams. fellow. It is worth remembering. open-minde- d. VOTE FOR SOUND ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES AND ECONOMY IN GOVERNMENT VOTE FOR PERSONAL FREEDOM VOTE REPUBLICAN!! AND FREE ENTERPRISE!! VOTE REPUBLICAN!! Paid Political Advertisement bv the Neohi City Republcan Committee. Ray W. W orthington. Chairman L -r s 53Flex M ttM NEPHI LUMBER CO. 55 West 2nd North Nephi We Have the lOPEN FRIDAY til 7:00 p.m. Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday! CHECK THE IGA ADS STAMPS BONUS BUYS available at S' BUILDERS 210 West Canter SHOP EARLY! FOR MORE CRYSTAL CLEAR CUT, TACK, SEW or SEAL HUNDREDS OF USES INDOORS A OUTDOORS VALLEY CONVENIENCE! FREE GOLD STRIKE in S. L. and Provo Papers iMi FOR YOUR SHOPPINS Nephi YOUR NEPHI IGA STORE Markit NEPHI 56 EAST CENTER STREET Phone 623-113- 1 Custom Culling, Wrapping, Freezing |