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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, EJc eitncoiVtUG Hephi News Briefs Q)z NATIONAL Mrs Phyllis Martell of Helper and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Christison of Salt Iake City spent last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler. William D. Goble, a student at the Utah State University at Logan, sient the week end w.th his parents, Mr. and Mrs RIAL Tssociatioh ivtummaMiMiit Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah, as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: One year $4.00; Six months, $2.25. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates upon request. Roy E. Gibson Office: 96 South Main St. Editor-Manag- Telephone 623-052- 5 i 1 t 6' Franklin Keith Brough of Bishop William Jarrett and sons Ronnie and Craig of Salt Salt Lake City spent the week Lake City w ere the week end end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brough. guests of his brother and Mrs. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard MitchThayne Jarrett ell and two children of AmerMr. and Mrs. Larry Goble ican Fork; Bruce Howard of and children, and friends Stee St. George and Miss Patsy Tavey and George Argent us, Howard of Salt Lake City all of Salt Lake City were spent the week end at the week end guests of Mr. and home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cowan. Mrs. Maurice Howard. Mrs. Willis Morgan of Goshen visMr. and Mrs. James II. ited on Monday with her fathCrane and four daughters of M. T. Howard. er, week-end Salt Lake City were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett Cox. and children of Salt Lake City Ray Fowkes and sons Kevin visited at the home of Mr. and and Dennis of Brigham City' Mrs. Theodore Jones over the spent Saturday and Sunday at week end. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heb-e-r Week end guests of Mr. and Fowkes. Mrs Newton Kay were Mr. and Dinner guests of Mrs. Ches- Mrs. John Maughn and son ter Foote on Saturday were Daren of Smithfield. Mrs. Max Knight and three Mrs. Ray Lunt entertained children of Sprmgville; Mrs. Dick Bailey and four children in honor of her grandson Kerry of Ephraim; Mrs. Charles Jon- on his eighth birthday anniverMrs. sary Monday afternoon. Mrs. es and son of Magna; Glen Foote and son of Provo, Lunt entertained Kerry and 15 and Mrs. Raymond Wilkey and friends with games and reIwo children of Salt Lake City. freshments. Mrs. Jones and son remained Gordon Lunt of Salt Lake until Sunday. City, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lunt W. E. (Ted) Garbett of De- and son Todd of Sandy and troit Michigan, who has been Kim Blackett of Granger spent in Utah on business, was a din- the week end with Mr. tmd ner guest of his mother, Mrs. Mrs. Ray Lunt A. L. Garbett on Thursday. Llrs. Kent Larsen and childMr. and Mrs. M. John Har- ren of I lobe r City were week mon of Logan were week end end guests of Mrs. Anna D. guests of their parents, Mr. Allred. and Mrs. Clark Sparks and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harmon. St, sister-- in-law, Alvin Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coopei Park Forrest, Illinois announce the birth of a son on October 10. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cooper of Nephi and Dr. and Mrs. Fail Utah Nephi, Phillips of Salt Lake City. er Nephi Local, Social News of 6 : t.vjt F a well, 200 ft. deep at a point S. 6680 ft. and E. 650 ft. from NV Cor. Sec. 1, T13S, The water L to be PROBATE AMJ GUARDIAN- R6W. Consult used for the watering of 300 SHIP NOTICES County Clerk or respective cattle in SWL4NW14 Sec. 12. T13S, R6W. signers for sdd'tlonal 6-i- n. NOTICE States of United 35612 TO CREDITORS America, Bureau of Land Management, P. O. Box 177, Salt Estate of George Laurel lake from City, Ut. .05 scc.-fCarter, deceased. Creditors will a well, 300 ft. deep at a vouchers with claims present point N. 6100E. 2230 ft. from to the undersigned at the of- SW Cor. Sec. 33, T14S, R6W. fice of Udell R. Jensen, 125 water is to be used for North Main St., Nephi, Utah, The of 500 cattle in on or before the 11th day of the watering Sec. 33. said SEUSWii January, A. D. 1964. s Delora C. Christensen, 35640 Bear Creek Mining Administratrix of the estate Co, 1489 S. Lipan St., Denver of George Laurel Carter, from a n 23, Colo 03 sec.-fwell 526 ft. deep at a S. 6200W. 3600 ft. from Dates of publication: October point NE. Cor. Sec. 13, T11S, R3W. in The 21 31. and 1963, 10, 17, The water is to be used in the Nephi, Utah Tintic Mining District at the t. n. 6-i- t. Times-New- s, Horseshoe Hill mine, for mill ing, mining and smelting of silver, lead and zinc, all uses in Secs. 7, 8, 18. TUS, R2W, Secs. 12, 13, T11S, R3W. TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Juab County, State of Utah, NOTICE iAncftWt. 'Tt BEAUTY Ginna Serra, who holds the UNIVERSAL ; ' i throughout the entire year 35643 un- Floyd Meyers, 545 American All North 6th East, less otherwise designated from a Fork, Ut. .1 sec locations are in SLB&M. tunnel at a point W. 2700 ft title of Miss Italy, is shown United States of from Eli Cor. Sec. 26, T14S, S561I at Nevr Yorks InternaBureau of Land Man- nilW. The water is to be used America, tional Airport O. P. Pox 777, Salt for the domestic requirements agement, Lake City, Ut. 05 sec ft. from of 10 families, for the watering of 100 sheep. 15, cattle and 15 horses, and for mining in the Detroit Mining District for copper, silver, gold and other YOU BET I USE WASCO metals, all uses in said Sec. -- ft v r i i jfrtt, if 4 t jt -- 4 , r r iv i wf at? 21 A A1 Darby of San Antwo his introduces midget tonio, Tex., quarter horses in New Jersey. The introduction dispels the belief that everything thats big comes from Texas. ll seven-year-ol- d of Land 85652 Bureau Management, P. O. Box 7305, Murray, Ut. .013 sec. ft. from a Live Spring (Cedar Spring) at a point N. 2931 ft. and E. 424 ft from S Cor. Sec. 15, T13S, R19W. The water is to be conveyed by pipe line 8400 ft. and used for the domestic requirements of 20 persons, and for the watering of 9000 sheep and 100 cattle, all uses in Sec. 15, SEYiSWi SWliNE-Sec. 23, T13S, R19W. "This year's corn crop is the biggest and best I've ever had. "Many of my neighbors and friends have been curious about about these foot high stalks and the heavy yield of ears. I have to blme it on Wasco 1 1 -- fertilizer! Wasco field man told me "My his story last spring and we decided to try an application. Applies excellently in fall, too. Yessir, be St fertilizer buy I S3 -- Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons there-lomust be filed m duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, r, ever made." Utah, on or before December 7, 1963 Contact Your Wasco Representative! WASATCH Wayne D. Criddle STATE ENGINEER jtwwiWwJ Ato'JiitiZt. CHEMICAL CO. Salt Lake City and Orem, Ut; Idaho Falls and Nampa, Ida. O. Huggins of Published in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah, from Octoberd 24 to November 7, 1963. A new kind of Pontiac with a new kind of Pontiac power leave when you can have a wonderful SELECTION of toavnly carpttt by LEES brought right to your door by a carpet representative from CHAPMAN FURNITURE IN UTAH BEER IS A NATURAL natural as the wholesome grains and tangy hops from which it is brewed, beer is Utahs traditional beverage of moderation - light, sparkling, delicious. As the Brewing Industry is proud of the good living it provides for so many folks in Utah. Not only for employees of the Brewing Industry itself, but also for the farmers and other suppliers of beers natural ingredients. In Utah, beer belongs - enjoy it. And naturally, UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. UTAH DIVISION Steel from mine to mill to you is shipped on Union Pacific... the SHIP SHAPE T mathematicians it. is a lenticular hyperboloid, but to the people of Hartford, Conn., the new office building is simply called the ship. Water Everywhere Quite a Shock A Lightning not only struck in tank, truck caught fire Avesnes, France, and was times in the same place, but the target was the quickly destroyed by flames, Mobile, Ala., weather bureau despite the fact it was trans- porting 600 gallons of water. station. three CARLTON HOTEL AIK CONDITIONIS 1V4 Blocks from Mormon Tempts end Business District Goroge wtth Elevator lervfee Direct to Your floor Newly Redecorated Coffee Shop Beoufy Mm free Television and Rodto Orlve-l- n A nlfiiriiYtYlf rOMKMWB It's the 64 TtMPfST eiUTOM COttVUTlBU BACKGROUND- - K TUttST k Pontiac Tempest with a new SIX for savers and a V-- 8 for swingers. Wide-Trac- 6 develops 140 horsepower from 215 cubic inches, Tempest's new and it'll please everybody but the gas station man. And Tempest's inch V--8 puts out up to 280 horsepower for swingers. SEDAN buLcht in-li- ne optional-at-ewtra-e- 326-cub- set THE ot ic ONLY DEAIER WHO SEUS THE CARS -Y- OUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEAIER GREENWOOD SERVICE 740 North Main Street Nephi, Utah Phone 623-185- 1 teili a dHocalio 140 Cost South Temple Street SALT LAKK CITY 1, UTAH Steel in countless forms is an essential part of our daily living Ore from mine to mill, raw steel to manu facturer, finished products to market . . all move the automated rail way If if moved in the West, chances are Union Pacific hauled it Whether you ship prod ucts strong as steel or perishable as fruit. Union Pacifics skilled personnel, backed by a vast net work of electronic controls and communications, wiM deliver them safely and dependably to their destma tion. Remember, whatever... wherever... whenever you ship or rece ,e be specific, route Union Pact c Ogden whi Mr. and Mrs. James Golden of Provo were week end guests and Mrs. Arnold of Mr. Brough. The Salt Creek Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 16 at the home of Mrs. Elnora Foote. Following the invocation by Laura Brough, the group sang Our Mountain Home So Dear and the lesson on Mining in Utah was given by Maude B. Robertson. The history of James and Hannah Pexton was Regiven by Naomi Bailey. freshments were served by Priscilla Neilsen, Naomi Bailey and Laurel Hall to 21 members present. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Haynes of Blackfoot, Idaho visited in Nephi with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Haynes on Saturday and Sunday. i r J. spent the week end with his brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Verda Kendall, while hunting deer in this area. Bowles. i Eoiif Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kendall and family of Salt Lake City were week end visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd KendalL Mrs. Donald Bowles and three children of Vernal, and her father, Robert Jex of Spanish Fork visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy 26 exclaims Dean Morgan Layton, Utah Rancher and Farmer Pag Mr. and Mrs. James E. Moore and family of Salt Lake City spent the week end Ru-lo-atn the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bracken. -- BRAND FERTILIZERS!" 1943 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker of Bountiful and Miss Catherin Bowles of Provo were weekend guests of Mrs. Catherin B. Bowles. They also were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Bowles. IS QUARTER HORSES October 24, The strength and safety of steel it yours in worry free Urnon Pacific Domelmer travel Next time you travel fce specif c go Union Pacific JAwl 1 0 |