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Show Seminary Pin Jj Nephi Local and Social Items Miss Carol Nyman of Pro-- 1 vo visited with her parents, Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman on Mothers Day. mussen and family of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. JohnLake City spent Mothers Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs son are parents of a daughter, Barbara Ann, bora at the LDS Page Four Amos Rasmussen. Thursday, May 12, I960 Nephi, Utah hospital on April 28. They Mrs. F. C. Sherwood on MothMiss Nadine Pay, a student have four other children Mary Cushiony soft, driving its er's Day. at Dixie College, spent the Dean, Richard, Robert and yours with Marfak chassis lubrication. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaw week end with her parents, Becky Alice. Grandparents are Marfak clings to bearings. ..safeguards Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane of A very successful Seminary spent the week end in Tooele Mr .and Mrs. William Pay. of wear and friction... paves the points Nephi. Graduation banquet was held with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Dow. Mrs. E. and Mr. William smooth driving for 1,000 miles to way in the last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pace and or more. And Marfak is always on the Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aston Wright and two children of The d ward hall. City, Mr. and Mrs. family of Pleasant Grove spent main event was presentation to and family of Logan and Mr. Salt Lake job. It wont jar out, squeeze out or with his mother, Mrs. the 58 prospective graduates of and Mrs. David Hartwell of Arthur G. Ostler, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday wash out For longer lasting Marfak Alean Pace. Ostler and family the seminary their 1960 Sem- Salt Lake City spent Mothers Raymond lubrication, see us today ! and Mr. and Mrs. Norman OstMr. and Mrs. Milton T. Harinary pins. Each year the Day with their parents, Mr. and ler were dinner Mr. of Scott. guests mon and baby of Salt Lake seminaries of the church make Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Bert Morgan on to the graduating available WOUND-KOT- E City were week end guests of Matsu and son Mothers Day. Venna Mrs. students who wish to have one, of Hawaii are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M the at visiting a beautiful pin which is a symMr. and Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler L. Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. RogMr. and of her home parents, bol of their work in Seminary. and Andrew The pressure spray germicidal and and family visited in Moroni er Jorgensen Mrs. Amos Rasmussen. The design of the pin is difwith his mother, Mrs. Serena Thompson also were dinner ferent each year, and the inguests on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ras Ostler on Mothers Day. fungicidal coaling. A quick drying, itials of the student are enMr. and Mrs. Thad M. Neb-ekgraved on the back of the pin visited in Richfield with deep peneiraiirg antiseptic dressing for identification. Young peoMr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Jenple of the church from all over 1000 sen and in Sigurd with Mr. and applicatons Approximately the world w'ho have completed Mrs. George W. Nebeker on their seminary work, wear Mothers Day. these lovely pins. for only Parents of the seminary gradAIR CONDITIONING WE RE GOING TO SURE Mr. and Mrs. Byron John uates took charge of the af- MOVE but we Com- son have as their guests for a just dont know Parts and servicing fair, providing, and preparing when. Were still sering our plete stock of filters, pumps, few djys this week, her moththe food, and organizing the LEO 0TTEH old and new customers and floats. Call 95W for ser- er and sister, Mrs. Marion many Consignee Ph. 8 wras program that given. Spec- from our store at 44 West Cen- vice or in the for filters of Mrs. Manti and Earl stop King ial thanks is extended from the ter St. Barton Gibson of Twin Falls, Idaho. Stop in today for some and parts you need. Nephi, Utah seminary faculty to the follow- outstanding bargains. 4 - D Plumbing Co., 347 North Main SILVER MAPLE SERVICE. who worked to make the M.'ss Ann Jensen of Provo Nephi. Utah ing Plumbing and Builders Supply. Nephi. LAN'S SERVICE, Levan, Utah banquet a great success: Mrs. and Miss Kathleen Jensen, a Richard Wethereil who was student of the University of DONT FIGIIT THAT OLD ....WHILE THEY LAST chairman of the food commit MOWER Get a new Toro Utah, spent Mothers Day with Gordon Kelson, Mgr. tee assisted by Mrs. Theo Mower with the Toro Power Giant Delphinium and Colum- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. NEPHI TEXACO 3rd South and Main Pan3 1.00. bine. for Park, Mrs. Glade Sanders, Mrs. Handle and enjoy the summer Udell R. Jensen. plants 3 sies and English Daisies Wm. Paxman and Mrs. LeRoy ahead. Youll find several dozen for $1.00 at Nephi Ostler. The delicious meal that sizes in stock at Plumbing was served was evidence of & Builders Supply, 44 West their fine skills. Center St., Nephi. On the program committee DONT BE LOCKED OUT was Elgin R. Garrett as chair- HOUSE FOR SALE - CHEAP Get an extra set of keys for man with Cecil Furr assisting. ....Terms like rent 68 East 8 with '2-inc- h your home or car Quick serJames P. McCune was master North Contact Wayne Niel- vice on all patterns of ceremonies with Mrs. Mary sen at Orem, Utah or Udell R. Plumbing & Builders Supply, chuck Reverse switch Jensen giving a toast to the Jensen af Nephi. 44 West Center St, Nephi gill graduates and Ralph MurJ. E. Platt ray giving a toast to the boy FOR SALE VINTS 7-inc- h graduates. Karen Orgill, one home and farm in Mona, conof the graduates gave a read- sisting of 52 acres land, 4 Body and Upholstery Shop Ramon shares Mona Irrigation, mod- Body and fender work, painting; Stephen Furr, Memmott and Fred Parkin ern home, garage and coops. ing, tailored seat covers and 1 onlAll rave a trumpet trio; Marlene Contact Attorney James P. Me-- , kitchen chairs covered. patterns to choose from (U. S. Sorbe and Diane Haycock, sem- Cune, telephone 257. 180 South Main Naugahyde) inary graduates sang a duet, and a vocal duct also was giv- WE DARE YOU YOU BE St., Phone 597R. en by Bruce Russell and Jim- THE JUDGE Yes, we dare We have 1, 2 and sizes, my Paystrup, also seminary you to compare a TableRlte Is your typewriter ribbon a graduates. replace it today--RibbSteak with the same steak pur- little dim The hall and table decora- chased anywhere at any price for most makes in tions consisted of replicas of office. If the TableRite Steak Is not stock at Times-New- s BUILD YOURS NOW! the temples, which gave a beau- better, we will cheerfully retiful setting to the occasion. fund your money And you PLUMBING SALE In charge of decorating were are to be the judge Johnf Electric water heaters Mrs. Grace Sparks, Mrs. Lor- sons IGA Market, 56 East Toilets (guaranteed very good raine Hayes and Mrs. Zelda Center St. I flushing) Basins (china, steel Blackett. or iron) Tubs (steel or cast Over 170 were in attendance. SALE Piano FOR Spinet iron. Will take trade ins We have the filters!! built by Baldwin. Located near Call or see Barton Plumbing n Mr. and Mrs. David Will sacrifice rather here. ALL MATERIALS EASY TO ERECT and Miss Colleen West- than return to Salt Lake store. Co. O. Mrs. and Mr. of Box Provo. 412, Write Adjuster, P. ring V L Lynn Wright and son Lee and Salt Lake City 10, Utah. LAWN SPRINKLERS of all BESTLITE PLASTIC Jerry Westring were Mothers KAISER DIAMOND RIB kinds sprinkling systems inALUMINUM PANELS Day dinner guests at the home at stalled rates reasonable Watch Repa ring Jewelry of Mr. and Mrs. Theo WestAll purpose Plumbing and Builders Diamonds Engraving ring. Embossed design adds Supply, 44 West Center St., corrugated rugged Phone 306, Nephi. strength, beauty, duratranslucent plas- Compact, ' in. DRILL. Geared Miss Marcile White and THE TIDE BOX surGlareless bility. cartic. For were the patios, iriend Andy Leavitt chuck, trigger face. Reflects heat, AT THE TOGGERY $13 Mothers Day guests of her ports, fences, room switch FOR SALE 1957 Ford F buildings keeps 19 North Main Mr. and Mrs. Ivol dividers, etc. Durable, cooler in sumparents, Nephi 100 Call Dee Kendall at 601. aa White. tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ORBITAL SANDER mer, warmer In tough, never needs paint-inwinter. Ideal for to nail, saw or 4 Vi x S'i sanding Easy patio roofs. FLOWER PLANTS FOR SALE mm . drill. Variety of Professional 'area. Sq. Ft.. mad to order far r Cosdffloaliig temperature . Pansies, Violas, Peonies, Sweet colors. Sq. ft Ldesign. Handles ell Williams, Pinks, Gladiola bulbs, kinds of Primroses, Carnations, Colum$15 job, deRose bine, bushes, SnapdragHandsomest of new PATTY-O-FENC- E ALL PURPOSE ons, Painted Daisies, Dephin-iusigns. All parts are pre-cJIG-SABasket of Gold, Geranand finished for fast aswood, metal, jCuts iums, Chrysanthemums. Many sembly. Cedar panels, varieties of Petunias. Marirails and one 8 ft, post in- Icompositions. Most useful tool you golds (Tall and Dwarf), Asters, cluded in each 8 foot lean own . . . .18 Algeratum, Dalhias, 3 varieties Per length. of Allysum, Portalaca, Verbena, lineal foot. ..... SUPER SANOIR Phlox, Stocks, Lobelia, Neirem-bergeand Shrubs. Tomato and other vegetable plants at Roy Olsons Nursery, 212 South Center St., Santaquin, MAY IS NATIONAL BRAND NAME MONTH Utah. Phone SKyline Mrs. Max Shields and children of Kanosh, and Mrs. Diane Brough of Salt Lake City visited at the home of Mr. and Banquet Is Successful - Avfenffeii Sfochmen! with First-Secon- SEE THE NEW FARNUMS er el - HEPH! DRUG - 4-- D ELECTEES DRILL - -- 4-- D Q. SKILL HAW dd.2G LAWN SwEEPER y- 25.88 DS Y3U NEED GAS CANS?? ons Happy Days! REPLACE THOSE FAULTY ELECTRIC SWITCHES BESOTffl PfflO LET US SERVICE YOUR AIR CONDITIONER - Man-rolso- WE HAVE A GC3D STOCK OF PAINTS 0 BRUSHES KMTOlfrHEiMONT . 4-- D pABUILDERS SUPPLY! .PLUMBING AND g. ... nkV 19 ut W .J,., rs ... And We're Mighty Proud of DARE YOU to compare a Table Rite Steak with the SAME STEAK purchased VvE anywhere at any price. If the TABLERITE STEAK is not better we will cheerfully refund your money you be the judge. JOHNSONS IGA Super Market, 56 East Center, Nephi Certain-tee- CeloteX Best-wa- ys shop for brand I bast guarantee of quality and value." I USE EASY BESTWAY Why shouldnt you be driving Americas car right now? You couldnt do better by your family or your family budget than to pick out one of Chevya 18 FRESII-MINTEMODELS, load up its VACATION-SIZED TRUNK and take off on one of those springtime trips Chevy so dearly loves. Once youre first-choi- ce D Save right now the highway, cushioned by FULL COIL SPRINGS at all four wheels, youll have your own smooth-runnin- g account of why Chevys 60s whisking along best seller. And right now when beautiful buys are in full bloom at your dealers! omkai franm tifw during the Spring Fever Selling Spree at your heal authorized Chevrolet dealer 740 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 433 NEPHI, UTAH RYLOCK NU-WOO- $ It's our job to "tailor" a program of insurance to fit your particular needs and your budget. Compare the program we offer with those offered by other agents and companies. Make this comparison today. Call: CENTRAL (Ahterock coaeoo avion D mm OlTHo IP UK m K X: JoKMlSt EZ2E3 BUDGET TERMS . . . NOTHING DOWN! PABCO II Mafarkey RgzzizlM tCuimS VERSAB0RD FBIOIDAIRE EASY FOLD PICNIC TABLE FRAME IS gauge stool tubing. Weather and rust resistant. All hardware Included. Folds flat, soots 8 to 10, wont sway or tip . 1 O UTAH CO. PHONE 634 Doug Christiansen Roy Kenneth WyW. Hanson Paul E. Booth man W HOW... SATISFACTION ; 3 MASONITE I MEASURES UP! INSURANCE BREEMOOB SERVICE WELDWOOD ALWAYS The Impede Coavertibie with Body by Fisher! HiJ ESES3 Olympic strong names. When a man ufaefurer is proud onough to put his name on a product, l I knoiw ho Is also proud of its reputa- tion. To me thats the 1 vftlll OUR INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR YOU 'Ves,inhousc d I Betty Buckley, own advisor to Western home makers, says: I always the Brands We Carry GUARANTEED m EOiAW MWATIOB |