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Show Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pay and daughter Becky visited in Brigham City with Mrs. Carl Crowther over the Mothers at Day week end. They also tended the Central School May Festival in Brigham City on of Mrs Friday evening. A niece a was participant. Pay For GinS to WEDDINGS or ANY OCCASION it's treasure for BIRTHDAY NEPHI JEWELRY Phone 341 Nephi Dry Cleaning At It's Best TWO BATH DRY CLEANING WITH SPARKLING CLEAR SOLVENT RINSE known to the most thorough method of dry cleaning the industry today. 85 0 Your clothes are cleaned so thorough that much per brighter of the spotting is eliminated. It produces left m residue or excess soaps colors, and there are no cleaning clothes. You are assured of the best quality It is your always. ARE REALLY WHITE WHITE GARMENTS WHEN WE CLEAN THEM! TODAY. WEAR AND CLEAN ECONO THE WE HAVE ADDED BOTHERING OF SERVICE TO OUR PLANT INSTEAD OUR ECONO CLEAN TO WASH THEM WHY NOT THE PRESS DRYCLEANED. THEM GET AND AND WEAR WRINKLES AVOID WILL YOU WILL STAY IN BETTER ALL! AND IT COSTS ALMOST NOTHING AT you TRY OUR CLEANING PP THE JUDGE ECONO CLEAN AND WEAR SERVICE Price list for Three Types of Service Completely Steam Air Clean I Item Dresses Ladies Coats Suits, Mens and Ladies Finished 1.25 Finish n,y 79c 89c 89c 89c 59c 49c 59c 1.251.50 1.25 69c 1.50 69c Overcoats .651.00 Jackets, Shorty Coats 49c .65 39c Shirts ...65 39c Trousers 65c 39c Skirts 85c 65c, 39c Sweaters Ask for the type service you want for paint, Fancy pressing, charge for time; Special spotting sweaters and extra Carding charge; blood, etc stains, exrta charge. extra Pleating, charge; cashmere, coats, . ONE & DYERS PHONE 280 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET di Nona, Rural Area Under AUXILIARY TRANSPORTS Thursday, May I960 12, Page '4M4W Inasmuch as all numbers at Mona and in the rural area between Nephi and Mona served by the Nephi office of the Mountain States Tel. Tel. Co. have been changed under the improved service recently inaugurated, we are bringing as a public service the new number listings for this area. Use of these numbers will service, give you immediate whereas use of the former numbers will necessitate a de- Andrews, Orval Bowles, LaMar Brooks, Jess Bryan, Evan Calloway, W. W Carter, Vern Christensen, W. 081 R1 -- 083-R- 3 085-R- 091-J- 1 086-J- 1 Homer Mona LDS .... Church, 3 087-J- 1 Carter, Laurel Ellertson, E. Alton Ellertson, Elgy N Ellertson, Willard 094-J- 3 090-J- 1 091-R- 3 089-J- 1 084-J- 3 089-J- 3 091-J- 3 Ewell, Henry Fowden, Mrs. Cora Fowkes, Earl S Fowkes, Don Garfield. Arnon Garfield, Leonard Howard, H. S Howard, Jack W Howard, Leon N Howard, M. T Ingram, Earl E Jackson, Russell Jones, Maurice Kay, Albert Kay, Arthur Kay, Mrs. Caroline Kay, Claude Kay, Cleon W Kay, Josephine Kay, Loras Kay, Lynn Kay, Melvin Kay, Spencer Kenner, C. II Keyte, Floyd Keyte, Lauren A Keyte, V. S Lowther, Clifford Mayer, Geo. Garage .... McPherson, Merle Molyneux, Vaughn Motes, K. E 094-J- 2 081-J- 1 080-R- 2 089-R- 1 092-J- 2 081-R- 3 083-J- 1 083-J- 2 083-J- 3 082-R- 3 082-J- 2 092-R- 1 093-R- 2 088-R- 2 089-J- 2 087-J- 3 085-R- 1 092-J- 1 088-J- 2 085-R- 2 085-J- 2 081-J- 2 081-R- 2 089-R- 2 093-J- 3 093-J- 1 082-J- 3 090-R- 1 083-R- 2 091-J- 2 082-J- 1 lay in reaching your party. It is the suggestion of F. A. Matheson, manager of the local exchange, that all subscribers in the East Juab County area clip this list and attach it to a convenient place in the current directory, and to refer to it when making calls to the area. Mona and "in between Additional copies will be available at both the Business office of the Telephone Company and at The Times-New- s office after noon Thursday: 086-J- 2 Myers, Ray 086-R- 2 Neilsen, Calvin E Neilsen, Mrs. David .... 086-R- 3 093-R- 1 Neilsen, Milton 086-R- 2 Neilsen, Paul W 080-J- 1 Neilsen, Russell E 087-R- 1 Newton, Don Newberry, R. Kenneth 080-J- 3 088-J- 1 Newel. Clark 088-R- 1 Newell, Harry K Newton, Mrs. Arvilla .... 093-J- 2 084-J- 2 Newton, Gerald 086-R- 1 Newton, Oscar 091-R- 2 Newton, Percy B 086-J- 3 Newton, Ray 087-R- 2 Oliver, Harrison 084-J- 1 Orgill, Doyle 084-R- 3 Susie Mrs. Orgill, 087-R- 3 Orgill, Richard 082-R- 1 Ostler, Raymond 092-J- 3 Platt, Mrs. Edward 082-R- 2 Prestwich, Elwood 080-J- 2 , Rowe, S. L 090-R2 Switchrack, Mona 090-J- 2 School, Mona Shepard, Mrs. Katie .... 092-R- 2 080-R- 1 Sperry, Asa A 085-J- 1 Stanley, James R 094-R- 1 Stanley, LaMar 081-J- 3 Steele, Dr. John G 094-R- 3 Swasey, Floyd Summers, E. Vaughn .... 084-R- 1 093-R- 3 Summers, W. H 089-R- 3 E Sutherland, Alger 080-R- 3 Teerlink, Nephi 082 J4 Allen Tolley, 088-R- 3 Vest, Marc 088-J- 3 Vest, Earl 092-R- 3 Williams, Katie 094-J- 1 Yates, Don 087-J- 2 Yates, Mont 084-R- 2 Young, Herman 085-J- 3 Young, J. D Graduation MAKE YOURS A Gublee come in and pick one out and we will hold it until graduation We have a fine selection AMPHIBIOUS BEACHHEADS ASSAULTS ON ENEMY CALL FOE THOUSANDS OF MEN MARINES AND SOLDIERS. TRANSPORTS UKE THE USS OKANOGAN (FA220), DO THE JOB OF GETTING MEN AND BATTLE MATERIEL TO THE RIGHT PUCE AT THE RIGHT TIME. APA'S OF THE Freeman Shoes IT'S THE VOICE THAT TELLS WORLD... I ' s A s 'v t ' ' VA $f v r. & '' v V & - - Arrow Shirts Wembley Ties OKANOGAN CLASS DID THIS HERCULEAN TASK DURING WORLD WAR II AND THE KOREAN CON -FUCT. THEY ARE 455 FEET LONG AND HAVE A BEAM (OR WIDTH) OF 62 FEET. Levan Hews Briefs Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Worwood and family visited in Scipio on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Forrest Memmott. Club Members There just isn't anything like this new rm Strong vinyl floor. . . It's Enjoy Recent Mrs. Hugh Burdick of Downey, California telephoned her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Worwood on Mother's Day. Members of the Ladies LitRex Taylor and daughters erary League and their guests the 15th anniversary Christy and Maude of Provo celebrated visited with his mother, Mrs. of their club recently at the Christine Taylor and other rel- Fourth ward hall. Dainty refreshments were served from atives on Sunday. small tables decorated with Udell Wankier of Copperton spring flowers. The place spent Saturday with his par- cards were miniature pastel Mr, and Mrs. Joseph hats and marked places for the ents, Wankier. On Sunday Mr. and following members and guests: Mrs. Bob Marshall and two Mrs. H. L. Grace, Mrs. J. R. children of Spanish Fork were Greerrhalgh, Mrs. Jay Warner, Mothers Day visitors at the Mrs. Earl Hawkins, Mrs. Herbert Yates, Mrs. Eugene Lunt, Wankier home, Mrs. Glade Sanders, Mrs. Coe emhas who William Grant, McPherson, Mrs. Kenneth Ridployment in Ely, Nevada spent dle, Miss Pearl Nielson, Mrs. Thursday and Rriday in Levan V. R. Nielson, Mrs. Fred L. with his family. Painter, Mrs. Earl McPherMrs. Raymond Pay, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Chris- son, LuAna Stuart, Mrs. Isabell were son and tensen Terry Mrs. Merron Sidwell, Price, atthe home Mrs. Mont Fillmore visitors Sperry, Mrs. May-Io- n of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers, Miss RJieta Sperry, Philander Day, on Sunday. Mrs. Wallace Fackrell, Mrs. R. Miss Bessie Mangelson will H. Stuart, Mrs. Leon Jackson, leave Sunday for Gooding, Ida- Mrs. Rex Tolley, Mrs. G. E. ho for a month's training at Wilkey, Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, Mrs. Stella Boswell, Miss Mathe T. B. hospital theje. bel Anderson, Mrs. Ronald Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis Gowers and Mrs. Arlin Stepand sons Myron and Randy of hensen. Murray spent Mothers Day During the evening prizes were won by Mrs. Fred L. with Mrs. Della Tunbridge. Painter, Miss Pearl Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Stott Ivie and Mrs. Maylon Bowers and Miss Canof Fry daughter Cindy Ireta Carter. The committee in yon, Utah spent Mothers Day charge of the evening consistwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed of Mrs. Mont Sperry, chairLee Aagard. man, Mrs. R. H. Stuart, Mrs. Mrs. J. R. Mother's Day week end vis- Earl Hawkins, Mrs. and Howard itors of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Greenhalgh Brown. H. Carter were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Carter and baby of Soldier Summit. Guest Night When you see it, youll agree this new Armstrong vinyl floor. Tessera Corlon, is unique. And different It actually has depth. You 'can look down into it The aoftly colored vinyl chips set in translucent vinyl form fascinating random patterns. Tesseras natural textured effect adds elegance to any interior, WE DARE YOU in monochromatic stylings or with accent chips of contrasting colors. And Tessera can be used in every part of your home (even in available - a basement hideaway). If you cant stop in to inspect this wonder- fully new vinyl floor-- 1 write or call ing today for samples and information. Priced $33 to 'GO POKED SWUESDOE Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hardy and of Henderson, son Stephen Nevada were Mothers Day visitors of her mother, Mrs. Julia Stephensen and other relatives in Levan. Its yet never dominates. " THE Utah Nephi, Improved Phone Service j DAY SERVICE IF DESIRED CLEANERS NEPHI Here's New Numbers List for $181 below other leading-mak- e H-te- a pickups. . . gives better gas mileage, tool Youre dollars ahead on price . . . gallons ahead on gasl la independent tests, 60 Ford Sixes beat every other leading half-to- n pickup in gas more miles per mileage . . . delivered 13 gallon than the average of them all. Come in! Get the facta, and the savings! YOU BE THE JUDGE Yes, we dare you to compare a TableRite Steak with the same steak purchased anywhere at any price If the TableRite Steak Is not better, we will cheerfully re- And you fund your money Johnare to be the judge sons IGA Market, 56 East Center St. FOR SALE Spinet Piano built by Baldwin. Located near Will here. sacrifice rather than return to Salt Lake store. Write Adjuster, P. O. Box 412, Salt Lake City 10, Utah. Yes, buying, selling or trading, a WANJ AD will bring less you more money or save you more money . . at cost! It's where you look when you want something and they look for and so do all the rest of the folks WHATS PLAYING AT ra ideas, toe. BUYING HOW! ITS SO EASY to place a Want Ad Looking for a used car? a house? a bicycle? furniture? even a beef steak offer? You'll find many most of them at fine items in the Want Ads bargain prices. Just phone 96 South Main. Wi WWi VENICE Last Time Tonight THIRD MAH ON THE MOUNTAIN m a aMnafadann ULYSSES SELLING- - Check the attice, garage, closets yes every room the house for saleable no longer needed items! Instead of having them gather dust, they can gather in a few dollars for you through a Times-New- s Want Ad. Just cal! 196. HELLER III PINX ALL HEW TIGHTS FALCON Tuesday, Wednesday and HEAVEN THAT E5ATJCHERO ALLOWS DOUBLE FEATURE ANGRY HILLS prim ... g, FORD TRUCKS COST LESS ksi re sfTius ia hn.hkt is usr iwwu, reel PARKIN MOTOR CO. Friday and Saturday The MYSTERIANS avdtaMa New kind of truck . . . new kind of big Moot savings I Up to 80 mpg single-un- it box . . . tighter, construction! And the style, ride and comfort of a fine carl Try it for a aurprise! longer-lastin- Thursday ALL f rddi Priced $89 To $710 below eAer leading-mak- e pkkepe . . . gives op to 30 miles per galleal Sunday and Monday In wpartw muM Friday and Saturday 196 or and we'll be glad to assist you with the wording better still (if convineient for you) stop in at our office at OAS TO fVN 13 South Main Stree? Phone 312 Nephi, Utah Six |