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Show Ij Nephi, Utah inwa-8ftThursday, May Nepfii Local, o 12, Pago Five I960 Mrs. Bowles Gives Cake Decorating Hints for Club The Nautilus Literary Club held their final meeting for the year last Friday at the home of Earl McPherson. Aria McPherson was hostess for the evening. President Betty Lou Ostler was in charge and disShe in- cussed the business. traduced Mrs. Max Bowles who gave an outstanding demon-strion of Cake Decorating. She showed very interesting things about cake decorating, and several kinds of borders, She also gave flowers, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shill (Rhoda) of Salt Lake City the group some very good ic-i- the Following recipes. demonstration the cake was cut and served with punch to the following: Nancy Beck, Doris Anderson, Betty Lou Ostler, Marilyn Park, Phyllis Ingram, Beth Sperry, Rosalie spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Vickers. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Vickers and the Mothers Social Items Mrs. Raymond Ostler entertained in honor of her daughter, Maxine, on her 6th birthday anniversary. Games were played and refreshments served to 16 little friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Hoyt and sons David and Neil, of Orem spent Mother's Day at the home of Mrs. Eva Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler and family were Mothers Day visitors of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Owen Taylor in Provo. Day week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Waiter Mrs. Marcus H. Burton ren, and son Harry; Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Paxman and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Duane C. Hill and family. Belliston, Dona Jones, Carolyn Ockey, Margaret Hill, Vonda n Bowles, Nadine Blackett, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris Llewellyn, Linda WhitLinda, and son Jim daughter Bowles Mrs. the guest, tington, of Ogden visited at the home of School Lunch Menus McPher Aria and the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner on son. Sunday afternoon. Elder Dale For Week Released Dorius of Fayette, recently supervisor of Elder Mark WarSchool lunch menus for the ner, was a Sunday evening of May 16 through May visitor at the Warner home. week 20 have been announced by the Week end guests of Mr. and Lunch personnel as follows: Mrs. Frank Warner were Miss Monday Barbeque pork and Betty Jo Garrick, Dennis Law, gravy with hash brown potaand Miss Verna Palmer, and toes; frozen mixed vegetables; and carrot salad; Sunday guests were Mr. and celery-raisi- n rolls Mrs. Dean A. Warner and apple Betty; cornmeal daughters Bonnie and Vicky, and butter, and milk. and Macaroni all of Salt Lake City. Tuesday tomatoes, caggage cheese, Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jar-ie- tt slaw, rice muffins, fruit, bread visited in Ephraim with and butter, milk, and peanut her father, James Everitt, and butter balls. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford JorgenBeef stew, letWednesday sen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lund tuce wedge, pumpkin chiffon nd Mr. and Mrs. Gordon tarts, bread and butter, milk, Thompson. and cheese fudge. Spanish rice, Thursray Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Paxman pick-up sticks salad, buttered and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Jarrett oatmeal cookie visited in Centerfield on Sun- green beans; and butter, and bread peaches, day afternoon with their moth- milk. er, Mrs. Virl Goates, and their Baked pork, cookbrother and sister in law, Mr. edFriday lemon Jell-- o cabbage, green and Mrs. Max Goates. fruit salad, rice pudding, raismilk. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jack-so- n in bread with butter, and family were Mothers REPLACE' those bothersome Day visitors of her mother, Mrs. Esther Tidwell in Moroni. bathroom fixtures now with new modern fixtures. Toilets Mrs. Wanda Burridge had as at $35.00; Excellent supply of Wash her Mothers Day guests, her all types of fixtures; son in law and daughter Mr. basins $13.50 up. We have and Mrs. Max D. Strong and a good buy on electric water Plumbchildren of Tooele. Others who heaters today 44 called at the Burridge home ing and Builders Supply, were Mr. and Mrs. Varlo Dav- West Center, Phone 306. enport and children of Sandy. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jarrett We are grateful to our and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jar- friends andtruly relatives for their rett and daughter of Salt Lake words of sympathy and love City visited at the home of following the untimely death Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herberg on of our husband and father. We Mothers Day. deeply appreciate assistance by Visitors during the week at Bishop Nyman and counselors, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- the Presidency of the Seventies ma Haycock were Mr. and quorum, and others who assist8:30 a.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Mrs. M. W. Wilkinson of Mag- ed in any way. For words of na, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hay- consolation, for music and for to 7 p.m. cock and children of Layton, prayers at the services we too Miss Kathleen Anderson of are graceful. We also want to thank the Hunter, Mr and Mrs. Robert 8:30 a.m .to 6 p m. SATURDAY Houghton and baby and Mrs. members of the Junior ChamDorothy Dewar of Salt Lake ber of Commerce for their fine CLOSED SUNDAYS spirit and friendliness in paintCity. ing our home last Saturday. HI OH We shall ever be grateful for NOW GOING Oil --GI STILL have Baled Hay for their work. sale Call after Friday L. Mrs. T. W. Vickers and OF HUNDREDS THESE AND H. Vickers. Salt Creek canyon. family. at Jo-An- Just deceived A NEW SHIPMENT OF ALL THE LATEST COLORS OF LIPSTICKS AND NAIL POLISHES BY REVLON ALSO NEW SKIN PRODUCTS RELEASED BY REVLON & COMPLETE EYE MAKE UP PRODUCTS 1 Pax-naa- n spent Sunday (Mothers Day) in Salt Lake City with their daughters and their families. They also welcomed a new grandson which was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Felt (Elaine) on April 24. Dinner on Sunday was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwane C. Hill to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Felt and child- Former Levan Lady Is Finalist in Contest Mrs. Robertson Hostess to For "Mrs. Utah" To Students Graduate From Snow LDS Institute EPHRAIM Two students are among the Nephi class of 52 who will receive diplomas at the exercises of the Snow LDS Institute of Religion to be held Sunday afternoon. Students from the Nephi area graduating are Don Ray Ockey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ockey; and Anita Charlene Gadd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Gadd. from DARGAINS Mrs. Udell R. Jensen, Mrs. LeGrande Mangelson, Mrs. Victor Jones, Mrs. Howard HanMrs. Marvin Anderson, sen, Mrs. LeRoy Ostler, Mrs. W. W. Stephenson, Mrs. Will L. Hoyt, and Mrs. William Bailey of the Stake Relief Society Board attended a Relief Society convention at Goshen last week. They met conjointly with Nebo and Santaquin - Tintic Stakes Mrs. Aleine M. Young and Mrs. Elna P. Haymond of were the the General Board visiting officers at the J ? -- , 'l Winter and Mr. and Mis. W. W. Stephenson gathered at the park in Spanish Fork Sunday to enjoy a fine banquet and visit together. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Winter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson and famMrs. R. L. Gerrard and ily, three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Logan and son, all of Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Winter and sons of Spanish PH. 1 Service X-R- ay 8-- PAYSON, UTAH Mile South on Hiway 91 YOUR OLD WATCH IS WORTH MORE ON TRADE IN AT NEPHI JEWELRY Phone 341 Nephi m? t ; SPECIAL OFFER! flume or write for descriptive folder & complete information Visit 45 E. Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah 108 W. Center Provo, Utah 2336 Wash. &!vd. Ogden, Utah 2 BIG WEEKS! forC CAKE MIX or CALLING Reduced tuition until June 30th or until classes filled. BETTY CROCKER TRIM CAROLE Faced with a FROSTING mix. second trial over the death of Mrs. Bernard Finch, Carole HEINZ OR is shown in Los Tregoff CAMPBELLS Angeles, Calif., jail. She has trimmed from a trial weight VEGETABLE 6 for VARIETIES of 145 pounds to 132. ...to the lady who pushes the cart... cnim 79c !t safe, I? 88? 12 oz cans 2 for IGA HOMOGENIZED EVAPORATED FOODS FROZEN SWANSONS TV BREASTS i Vr SHORTENING Milk 3 69$ LB j for Of SOLID PACK TUNA 3 89x 89$ Once again IGA is featuring an array of top nationally advertised ' Famous Brands." F, products hare brought complete tp "uc (oyou m e,ery way. So. come m today and shop at IGA... where the selection is complete, every day. lb fin LB SHANK HIPPY CHEESE HALF LB WHOLE OR BUTT NEW SHIPMENT SPONGE FOAM BEAUTIFUL COLORS only 00$ yard Wisconsin HALF Longhorn - FRANKS lb wn ie 2 pound bag ONLY 8.95 and up SLEEPING BAGS $5.88 CANVAS CAMP COTS (NEW) 2.49 ONLY AIR MATS KIDDIES CANVAS SHOES Sizes thru 12 ONLY 88c 1.49 VALUE 98c fi $3.00 vaue ..... LADIES SLIPS ... SEE KEN AS OFTEN AS YOU KEN FORBARGANS!! L-y- - PRICES EFFECTIVE CM CO I L UJ cs as - UJ 1 ac 3 U co 'o UJ o a. co UJ C3 -- V 00 oc NEWS on Channel 4 at 10 p.m. Monday through news of UTAH and the nation and for Friday for IGA SPECIALS available throughout the state and ALSO HERE IN NEPHI Youll want to watch for EARLY WEEK IGA SPECIALS on Monday . . and then shop EVERY DAY at ot CD Zj - AND SATURDAY NEWS OF UTAH AND THE NATION . . . O Plan now and make reservations early, to avoid disappointment. See your nearby Union Pacific ticket agent today. FRIDAY SEE CO NEPHI ---- for 1. 00 Mam Whenever you ship or travel. in the West . , . be specific& 6 -- --3 - Buy Several! MEAT PIES SWIFTENING 5 lbs only $1.98 LAWN SEED FERTILIZER bag 2.98 6.95 each SPREADERS ONLY $1.88 50 feet GARDEN HOSE PEAT MOSS 12c up FLOWER POTS ONLY 8.95 WHEEL BARROWS ONLY 49c double roll WALL PAPER 2.98 gallon HOUSE PAINT (White) 2 GALLONS for 5.00 HARDWARE AND ARMY NAVY STORE DINNERS CHICKEN ' 2 for 99$ DINNERS cahcekeoni EQUIPMENT 48 NORTH MAIN STREET CHIROPRACTOR Palmer Method 9 to 6 Daily Closed Tues. 9 to 9 Mon., Wed., Frl. SWIFTS PREM , I W. L. LAFFEF1TY Be a Hair Stylist Learn all Phases of Beauty Culture Day and Night Classes Budget Terms Beauty is Big Business course Complete included at no Extra Cost. e, I 5 RINGS NEPHI JEWELRY Phone 341 Nephi C I i BANDS Meat Types 6for 1.00 98c and up' FISHING POLES (Glass) 69c dozen HAND TIED FLIES 20 off BEAUTIFUL FISHING RODS 398 up SPINNING REELS 2 cards 25c! SNELLED HOOKS 69c box 22 SHELLS (Long Rifle) 39c SPINNING LINE (100 yards) only $L98 FISHING CREELS ; WATCH WEDDING HOLLYWOOD Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Alma L. Garrett and children of Spring-villMr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Jones and children Mrs. Hyrum Winter, and Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Stephenson of Nephi FISHING EQUIPMENT GARDEN MEN'S JEWELRY WHAT ABOUT o, -- OTHER NEPHI The remainder of the evening was enjoyed in social conversation and reminiscing. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. W. W. Stephenson, Mrs. Cecil Furr, Mrs. J. W. Berwick, Mrs. Jack Cotton, Mrs. Dee Wright. Others present were Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. Lester B. Belliston, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. Wilford Bailey, Mrs. James R. Stanley, Miss Mabel Sperry, Mrs. J. L. Belliston, Mrs. T. II. Burton, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. Jack Wright. Mrs. Harry Foote, Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler, Mrs. Marvin Anderson, Mis. Robertson, and as special guests: Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mrs. Frank Brough, Mrs. Harry Black and Mrs. Lula Memmott. 7.95 All Appliance Service Irons Toasters Vacuums Phone 75 369J 4-- D NEW STORE HOURS - ASH SOCIAL ITEMS OF Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson were in Moroni Friday evethe wedding DONT BE LOCKED OUT ning to attend Get an extra set of keys for reception for Mr. and Mrs. your home or car Quick ser- Bruce Westenskow. vice on all patterns Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Plumbing & Builders Supply, and Mr. and Mrs.Angus Clark Hayn44 West Center St. Nephi es of Provo visited in Black-fcIdaho with Mr, and Mrs. Elmo Ilaynos and family over the week end. &' Vo The families of Mrs. Hyrum KEN'S 1 at the State Federated Club convention to be held in Salt Lake City May 19, 20 and 21. Mrs. G. R. Judd, mother of the year of Nephi, was presented with a beautiful corsage. Mrs. T. H. Burton paid tribute to Mrs. Judd. President Cotton thanked all her officers and committee members for the support they had given during the past two years and expressed to all the memliers her love and two-wee- herself and her husband to Florida to compete in the Mrs. America contest. 4-- D 1 The Ladies Literary Club held their guest night party on Monday night at the home of Mrs. John E. Robertson. The tables were beautifully decorated with basket of gold and The group pansies flowers. enjoyed a delicious pot luck banquet. Mrs. Jack Cotton, club president was in charge of the business and announced that the would be graduate luncheon held on May 23rd at 7:30 p.m. She also told the members of Service TV AUTO RADIO REPAIR Rear Speaker kits as low Club Members, Guests LEVAN A former Levan young lady, Mrs. George Paxman (Betty Andersen) has been selected as one of four women to compete for Mrs. Utah honors. The finals were being held Wednesday May 11 at the Sill Home Living center in Salt Lake City. The contestants have to make and decorate a cake, make a refrigerator desert, a casserole dish, style their hair three different ways, and answer five questionaires or essays. The winner will receive a paid vacation for Two Nephi Delmar's (j; UJ CD CD S3 C3 C3 CD Y" IITT? : jf & VT t h m XI i CUSTOM 56 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 57 NEPHI |