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Show mmm I Nephi Local and Social Hems Mothers Day visitors at the Nephi, Utah Thursday, May 12, I960 Page Three home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Tidwell were: Mr. and Mrs. CARD OF THANKS the funeral services. Lavon Wiley and family, and To friends, neighbors and Family of Wayne R. Rosquist Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and Mrs. Beth B. Rosquist relatives of Nephi and Founfamily of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ludell Orr and family of tain Green we are truly grat-fu- l Blackett. Mrs. Tidwell also for kindnesses in our beSpringville. received a telephone call from half following the tragic loss ' One of our husband, father and son. her daughter, Miss Diane MowFOR SALE We express to each of you our home with large lot; one er in Lawton, Oklahoma, wishthanks for your sympathies and modern home has ing her a happy mother's day. words of consolation in our part basement. In excellent loGeorge Cliff of Salt Lake and for the kindnesses at cation Call 244J. City visited with Mr. and Mrs. be-ha- lf, W. Q. Tidwell on Sunday. Miss Erveena Andrews of Salt Lake City spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Tol- ley and children Grant, Myma and Jeanette of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aiken and daughter Sandra of Spring t -- - 5 PAIRS MENS CUSHION SOLE . WORK SOX 88 Grey -- White -- Random BOYS COLORED STRIPED T SHIRTS -- - forQC O Sizes 4 -- 6 and 8 LADIES COTTON NIGHT GOWNS CHILDRENS SPORTS WEAR gg Shorts ; " - Pedal Pushers Blouse, etc Each THONGS - Men's Womens - Children's OC pair - . MENS OR BOYS (S)(5)e bb pair i. W SHORTS for MENS AND BOYS (5)i M -White & T SHIRTS 1 RACK SKIRTS AND )(5)C DRESSES (odds and ends) ei TABLE SPORT SHIRTS J -- I Small, only-Si- zes 14-1- 4 While they last, your choice, ea. (5)C bu - White - Champaign CANVAS OXFORDSBroken Sizes Mr. and Mrs. Duane Tidwell and family visited in Moroni with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forris Blackburn on Mothers Day. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tew and son of Salt LakeCity, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Olsen and family of Ephraim were Mothers Day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ivan Tew. Miss Claudia Hanson of ProIla Coates and son Rex and friends of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Taylor were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levon M. Hanson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry F. Hall spent Sunday in Fountain Green with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welcome Chapman; other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dern Chapman and two daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sorensen of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nielsen and Mrs Bob Olsen and child-- , ren spent Sunday in Kearns visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don Olsen and son. vo, Mrs. - per pair Mr. and Mis. Clifford R. Birrell were Mothers Day visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mis. Roy E. Gibson. Other Mothers Day din"How much water should be ner guests were Mrs. Gibson's applied when a field is irrigaparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ray ted?" is a question many farmPowell. ers are asking, according to R. Bendixsen, Juab CounMr. and Mrs. Floyd Andrews Kay Extension Agent. and daughter Annette and son ty An Dale spent Mothers Day with answeropportunity to learn the ofto his mother, Mrs. James An- fered to allthis question is farmers on May drews. 18 and 19. Glen Stringham, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Har- Extension Irrigation Specialist wood and son and Mrs. Sher- will spend these tw'o days in man Wall and tw'o children of Juab County assisting farmers Provo, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Van in a better understanding of Ausdal and two children of efficient irrigation methods. May 18 will be spent in the Springville and Mr. and Mrs. Virl Sudweeks and family of Mona area and May 19 in NePayson were Mother's Day vis- phi. In the afternoon of each itors at the home of Mr. and day a demonstration will be given on how to determine soil Mrs. Richard Sudweeks. mosture, distance or length of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stuart run for a field, how much watspent Mothers Day in Orem er to apply, use of a soil augwith their son in law and er. water holding capacity of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith the soil, and how often to irBarnes. rigate. The evening will be spent in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stephen-se- n discussing the same subject and son Norman and two and other of interest children; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce in relation problems to efficient irrigMrs and Boswell and baby; Mr. ation. Ray Stephenson and children The water prospects look, and Mr. and Mrs. James Step- better this year than they werej visited at henson and children in 1959. More water means the home of Mr. and Mrs. more land can be if Thomas Stephensen on Sun- the water is used irrigated efficiently. day. water is wasting Wasting Mr and Mrs. Thomas Step- money. Few farmers can afhensen had as their overnight ford to do either Mr. BendixKnowing more guests Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. sen said. proper use of water Robins and son Danny of Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Robins and and using that knowledge will son, and Mrs. Isabell Sidwell mean more profit more dollThis irrigation and son Charles were also din- ars to spend. school will give all farmers an ner guests on Sunday. opportunity to learn more about Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Steel irrigation, Mr. Bendixsen has attended the funeral services of pointed out. Time and place of the demhis father, Thomas Steele, in Salt Lake City on Thursday. onstration and meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaw also announced later. The type of soil the demonstration is given attended the services. on is not important. The prinMr. and Mrs. Melvin Stan- ciples demonstrated will apply ley were Mothers Day guests on any soil type or condition. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles BowlThe school is for the farmers es in Springville. Other dinner benefit and all should plan to guests were Mr. and Mrs. attend, the County Agent Blaine Norton and family of Provo. Saving Plans On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley entertain- ed in honor of Mr and Mrs, Bert Cassidy of Alpine, California. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Olpin and Mr. R. Roscoe Garrett, Mgr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gadd and and Mrs. Harry Black. Founin visited Anita daughter Miss Nelda Sperry of Salt tain Green Sunday, with Mrs. Lake City spent Mothers Day UTAH POULTRY & Eugene Allred, mother of Mrs. here with her mother, Mrs. W. Gadd, and with Mrs. James H. Sperry. FARMERS' Allred, their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. COOPERATIVE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fowkes and sons Jerry and Sperry and family of Brigham City Dale of Salt Lake City visited 285. W. Cen. Nephi Ph. 49 were week end visitors of Mr. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Heber Fowkes. W. G. over the Saturday. CHALICE MEMBERS REGENT GLU3 ENJOY MEETING The Chalice Literary Club met recently at the home of LuOna Prisbrey. The program was under the direction of Betty Motes who had as her guest Mrs. Zella Johnson who gave a book report on "Lead Kindly Light", the life and works of Mahatma Gandhi. Those present were Bernice Boswell, Garvene Garrett, Rula Gowers, Faye Greenhalgh, Marjorie Greenhalgh, Beth Jarrett, Adele Jackson, Corrine Jenkins, Jean Johnson, Iris Lunt, Betty Motes, Joyce Pay, Row-en- a Pew, Thelma Reed, Alene Sperry. Naomi Wilkey, and the special guests: Zella Johnson. Mrs. Vilpha Motes and Mrs. W. II. Pew of Mesa, Arizona; and the hostess, LuOna Prisbrey. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Park and family of Spanish Fork spent Mother's Day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sergeant and Mrs. Merle SAGO HONTHLY and family of American Fork and Dale Wilson and a SPARE TIME friend of Salt Lake City spent Mothers Day with Mr. and Mrs. George Latimer. Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality Mr. and Mrs. George V. coin dispensers In this Jones visited in S'alt Lake City area. operated No To qualify selling. with Mr. and Mrs. Clair II. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee you must have ear, references, $600 to 1900 cash. Seven to 12 C. Burton on Sunday. hours weekly can net up to Linda Jackson, a student at $400 monthly. More full time. Dixie College at St. George, For personal Interview write spent the Mothers Day weekend with her parents, Mr. and P. O. Box 1055, Boise, Idaho. Include phone number. Mrs. Russell Jackson. Kay THIS IS THE YEAR TO KILL WHITE ROOTS AND ALL, ONCE AND FOR ALL! Park. with WEEDAZOL SOCIAL ITEMS OF NEPHI Weed Mothers Day dinner guests ' WALLPAPER ODDS AND ENDS One, two and three rolls per pattern. Closing out at 25c to 75c per roll Chap-- , man Furniture Co., 61 South. for your fertilizer needs SPRAYED ON THE LEAVES, 11 TRANSLOCATES TO THE ROOTS KILLS THE ENTIRE n home: MODERN with furnace for sale Tiled; bathroom, living room carpet-- ; 4 acre lot planted with ed for alfalfa. Terms, $4500.00 553 N. a cash deal, $3500.00. 1st West, phone 442J. ' 3 ' EASY TO MIX, EASY TO CLEAN OUT OF YOUR SPRAYER. and Mrs. Clark Morgan were Mayor and Mrs. R. E. Vinn, and Mr and Mrs. Floyd Schramm and children of Pay-so- WEEDAZOL s available Mrs. Rex Cook and children of Delta spent Mothers Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dean Winn. UTAH POULTRY at the following dealers rJORQffl FEED at Moroni n. & FARMERS CO-- OP Ross Garrett, Branch Mgr. Nephi r trroberries ... . cup 25$ .... tinonas 2 lbs. 29$ BUTTER NUT COFFEE - - SPECIAL DEAL ;i , j - 77c With' 25c cash in can Your Cost 52c 2 lb tin -1,55 with 50f2 cash In tin - Your cost 1.03 1 lb fin DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz Sforggc LARD - - 4 lb 57c NBC VANILLA WAFERS - 36c size package 29 3 --30 3 :t tir Tuna 2 tin 49$ PIES --- 2 PEAS - -- The Batemans Used Enough Fertilizer, Harvested Up To 25 Tons Corn Silage Per Acre Bateman and Wayne Bateman at West Jordan, Utah. On corn, Mr. Bateman used 100 pounds of available nitrogen, plus barnyard manure and 80 pounds of available phosphate, and harvested up to 25 tons of corn silage an acre. On barlev. the average vivid was 90 bushels an acre with proper SPRAY AT PLANT. DOES NOT STERILIZE THE SOU. GARNET GRAPE FROZEN PIZZA We use a great deal of barnyard manure on our land up to 30 tons per acre but we find commercial fertilizer helps break it down and gives us higher yields. Our investment in USS Anhydrous Ammonia has paid off in more profits, says Mr. Earl P. Bateman, who farms with his sons, Earl Ray mm . . . BLOOM STAGE. Breasf-O-Chick- en Per Acre , t'M SWIFTS ICE , CREAM- - -- HALF GALLON 6QC STANDBY JELLIES - Assorted kinds -- 12 oz 4 for QQe SGNIE5 SHAMP00 G CREME RINSE - half price , w Farmer X Skimped on Fertilizer, Harvested 14 Tons Corn Silage Killer nub num Mothers Day visitors of Mrs. Birdie Jones W'ere Mr. and Mrs Ashael Rigby of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Roy Nielsen and Mrs. Dean Howard were in Moroni on Saturday and Sunday to spend Mothers Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Eliason. They also attended a Mothers and Daughters banquet with their mother on Saturday evening. of Mr. TOP MtoylroitT Sperry Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox returned home Tuesday after spending the week end in Salt Lake City and Bountiful with their children. They enjoyed Mothers Day dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cox in Bountiful. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Cox of Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crane of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Broad-hea- d visited in Provo with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Broadhead on CURTAIN PANELS Pink City, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tolley were Mothers Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tolley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tidwell and two daughters of Kaysville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Tidwell. To Tell Water for 69C 3pkgs 30 c -- CHOPPED IN OUR MARKET n cans 44c 2 Dkgs - i IPorEi Stecalis fertilization. The Batemans also used USS Nitrogen on their increase. sugar beets with a three-toIts just good farming to see that your crops get enough fertilizer, Mr. Bateman says. High yields go hand in hand with proper fertilization. Realize the most from your land this year with USS Nitrogen Fertilizers: USS Ammonium Nitrate (33'2 N), USS Ammonium Sulfate (21 Nitrogen and Sulfur), and USS AnAmmonia in are made the west for western (82 N) hydrous farmers. Insist on USS Nitrogen Fertilizers this year and follow recommended fertilizer practices for top farm profits. 3 Cubed Si'ecsEi V -- . J - 23c each 2-- Nitrogen Fertilizers 4 s. -- rwitir4 ftedemwt PHONE 7 j D,,. 1 - COMPLETE PROCESSING OF BEEF - PORK - LAMB |