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Show Saltt 10c Single Copy Census Shows Population Decrease of 213 Nephi, Loss in population during the period appears to be over 200 persons, according to the compilation of the Nephi Community Development census which this week has been distributed to home owners of the community, and which was presented at the Community Development regular meeting last evening at the Juab High I5e3& it School auditorium. , wnmifciir rf PAINT-Ufor spring has been asked by at painting the home of Mrs. T. W. Vickers Federal census of 1950 showed a population of 2990, the Jaycees and they practice what they in a project last Saturday. Paint was supwhile the C - D gathered preaeh. Here several of the Jaycees work plied by four Nephi business concerns. census lists 2777, a decrease of 213 persons. Many additional facts are put forth in the census report and heads of households have been invited to take ample time to study the various tabMembers of the Nephi Jay- Vickers, where they gave the with the Jaycee Janes, and then les and to fully understand the cees put their projects into act- home a job returned to complete the job. facts presented. thorough paint-u- p ion last Saturday, as they donConcern was expressed at Paint for the project was donon the exterior during the day. ned coveralls and stepladders the meeting over the loss of exated Mrs. Vickers has publicly by BestWay Building and went to work. and greater concern population, Center, Ken's Hardware, Ne- was that some 147 individuals A large crew of Junior Cham- pressed her appreciation. Plumbing At noon the group enjoyed phi Lumber and ber of Commerce members met at the time the census was at the home of Mrs. T. W. lunch at the Nephi City park i & Builders Supply. taken expressed plans to leave the community. It was expressed in the meeting WedClub Hears Agent, nesday that the census count occurred at the exact time he Agricultural Advisor occurred at the exact time the Nephi plant of H. K. Porter Juab Stake Quarterly confer- ing. Both meetings are to be The Nephi Kiw'anis club met Companys Thermoid division Ward d ence will be held on Saturday held at the at Carters Cafe May 4 at 6:15 was experiencing a cut back in evening and Sunday, May 21 chapel and recreational hall. with President Lloyd R. production and had been layp.m. will con' anand 22, according to an Sunday meetings Goble and reporting ing off men because of it. nouncement made this week sist of sessions at 10 a.m. and on the presiding interclub rabbit. Of the 147 individuals who statGarrett 2 President Juab R. Roscoe p.m., Garrett, by was in charge had expressed plans to leave The program A. ed. Stake President. Elder of the committee the community, more than half Theodore Tuttle of the First Planning now is toward ded- with J.Agricultural Walter Paxman in of them indicated the desire d Council of Seventy has been ication of the new Juab charge. Mr. Paxman reported for better jobs as he primary ward building during the on assigned as representative of d livethe reason. on session Sunday, the general authorities for the morning stock held and 3, show, deMay President Garrett stated, conference. Higher income groups Inthat it was highly The conference meetings will pending w'holly upon finance reported more tendency to dicated successful. consist of a leadership meet- from the membership of the the lower income than Mr. Paxman expressed his depart ing at 6:30 p.m. and a special stake and upon final approval groups. to those comappreciation assisting Fathers and Mothers meeting by the Church Building in the show, and to the merA definite problem existing at 8 p.m. on Saturday even mittee in Salt Lake City. chants who had contributed the here is that in the age span awards. He particularly ex- of 20 44, the prime through tended to Allens thanks g and income proCash Store and to Theo Park age, Nephi lags behind of Cloverleaf Dairy for furnish- ducing both Utah and the United Stating lunch during the show. es. Mr. Paxman introduced Jay Scouts and parents are invitRex Hill, chairman of the The report points out that and Kay Bendixsen who the notice that Dailey take to ed will be a decline in our there and Scout Health District were evethe of the speakers Spring Camporee will be held school population. While the made the Committee Safety 20 and ning and who assisted the the week end of time trend is for a deannouncement this week 'that 21 rain or shine May committee with the long announced enrollment, the popRoad-e-creasing o for bicycle a Skills La Comb, Juab District show. Both complimented the ulation table points out that riders will be held Saturday, Gary club for their activities with there will be a Camporee Chairman. temporary inMay 14, beginning at 1:30 p.m. was necessary to postpone the boys in the field of agri- crease in It age stuon the until time time because of the culture citing the benefits it This event will be held few next the dents during blacktop just north of the weather on the original date. brings to the boys. years. Central School. The committee Plans are to follow the same has painted a standard course outlinas program there to be used by our young ed. Scouts previously are requested to Mercury Climbs to 85 Junior High Sets bicycle riders to better their wear their uniforms to this riding skills. The Saturday camporee. Parents are invited In Top contest will be open to Cubs to attend sometime during the Achievement Night and Scouts ages 8 to 13. rewill camportee and boys of In the the weather report Prepare your bikes now and ceive points for your attendJunior High School Achievelast week, we missed be at the area ready to go. The ance. A special Friday night aprinted a ment night program will be very important figure total score will amount to 200 campfire program will be held rainfall of .22 of an inch which presented Friday, May 13 unpoints 100 for bike inspection beginning at 7:30 p.m. The was recorded on May 3rd. This der the leadership of the stuand 100 for riding the course. place is the Elk Pasture storm added to the .66 record- dent council. The boys from Mona and Le- turn north at the upper power ed on May 4, and .06 recorded Michael Paxman, president is van are invited to participate plant for one mile. on May 5 gives .92 of an inch general chairman with other in this event. They can organCamporee ribbons, patches of during the first officers heading the various ize and inspect their bikes at and prizes are on display at five moistqre committees: Advertising, Kent of May. days home and come in here to ride The Toggery, Scout official The weather, including the Pace; Invitations: Carol Linda the course. Bicycles will be distributor. Come prepared to missed storm and reapeat of Tracy; Programs: Sue Ingram available for them. Cubs and win these events for your and low figures of May and Cleda Blackett; Program: should contect their troop is the invitation from high Scouts 3 to May 11 is as follows: Bert McPherson, Gayle Willeaders for the information. Scouter LaComfc. Prec. key, Gary Stephensen, Judy A special feature will give .22 Jackson; Hospitality, Sandra Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lyman of each boy a chance to check his .66 Cook; Decorations: Kathy Cot.06 ton; Dance, Bonnie Jarrett. speed on the radar. The State Nephi announce the engage.00 The theme chosen for the Highway Patrol will have their ment of their daughter, Rosalie radar unit set up for them to to Byron Wilkey, son of Mr. .00 evening is Moments to Reand Mrs. Herman Wilkey. ride through. .00 member and will high light .00 school participation as well as .00 extra curricular activity. 00 The aim is to involve every Readings are taken daily at student and the hope is that 10 a.m. for the prior every parent will care enough to come. period. K&t rrffrtfi 12, I960 4, . P Jaycees Complete Project 4-- D , Completion of grading, planting of slmibery and the lawns to complete the exterior of the building preparatory to the planned dedication of May 22, has been set for Saturday, May 14, uccording to an announcement made Wednesday by E. Union Brough of the Juab Stake Presidency. A Stake Work Day at the building and grounds has been called for Saturday by the Stake Presidency and Bishops, and President Brough has been given the overall supervision of the completion. Starting at 7 a m. Saturday morning, Belief Society women and MIA young women are asked to report to the building armed with window cleaner, a good supply of cleaning cloths, pans, soap, and single-edg- e razor blades. Although some of the rooms have been cleaned, there are countless other windows which will need cleaning on Saturday. As the rooms are cleaned, windows polished and floors waxed or vacuumed, they will la locked to keep them ready for the dedication. Also starting at 7 a.m. and continuing all day, men from ages 14 through 80 are invited to bring rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, and plenty of ambition to complete the outside of the building. Grading is being completed by machinery prior to Saturday, but some rocks will have to be removed, the lawn area raked and rolled, and the grass planted. Shrubbery for the building will be here Saturday morning and several responsible men will be assigned to make the plantings. All are encouraged to be at the building at 7 a.m. ready to work with the theme that many hands will make light work. If proper efforts are expended, the grass will be growing by Saturday nightfall, and the interior of the building will be gleaming dean ready for dedication. To Baccalaureate Membeis of the Senior Class the Juab High school have extended a cordial invitation for a'l to attend the annual Baccalaureate services to be held on S inday. May 13 at 3 p. m. in the Juab High school auditorium. The class has chosen for their speaker for this occasion President Lemonte Peterson. Mr. a native of Levan, Peterson, recently was sustained as Stake President of the new University West Stake in Satl Lake City. He has served in a stake presidency since 1950. A graduate of Juab high school in 1933, President Peterson married Alice Hall of Nephi in 1938 at the Manti Temple. He is currently office manager and accountant at the Salt Lake Mill and Lumber Company. In addition to the baccalaureate address by President Peterson, prayers will be given by Bishop Ray W. Worthington and Bishop Kenneth Nyman; a vocal duet by Mrs. Margean Ostler and Don Royee; a trumpet trio by Fred Parkin, Ramon Memmott and Steven Furr, accompanied by Cecil Furr. Mr. Furr also will play the prelude and postlude musof Lemonte Peterson . . to give address Sunday 1 Conference Dates Announced R. H. Gardner First-Secon- Died In Salt Lake Hospifal Stake-Thir- BASEBALL MONDAY MEET NIGHT ic. meeting is called for Monday, May 16, at 8 p.m. at the Blue Room of the City Equipment Building for the reorganization of the Nephi Baseball association, according to Ray Kelson, City Councilman in charge of recreation and 1959 president of the Nephi Baseball assn. All young men and men who are interested In playing for the Nephi City team A The Baccalaureate services are being carried out by Linda Sperry and Michael R. Garrett under the direction of Senior class officers: Jimmy Pexton, Robert Royce, Arta Worthington, Phylhs Draper, Iris Phillips and Bruce Rus- LEVAN Richard H. Gardner of Levan, a former Juab County Commissioner, died in sell. Salt Lake City this morning (Thursday) at 1:20 a.m., acThe annual Senior Reception cording to word received here. and Tea will be held at the Juab High school immediately Mr. Gardner was born Aug. 22, 1872. He married Mary E. are encouraged to attend, following on the Baccalaureate Sunday, May 15. Mangelson September 5, 1900 as well as all baseball en- services The committeee planning the at the Manti Temple. thusiasts. tea is Karen Smith, Margo Mr. Gardner served as Juab R. H. Gardner . . Brough, Phil Sperry and Marh . died County Commissioner several early this morning ion Greenhalgh. years ago, and had been active Pouring will be by the ofin Levan community affairs Hospital Patients ficers mothers: Mrs. Harlow during his lifetime. NUMBERS GAME Pexton, Mrs. Don Royce, Mrs. h He was a member of the Are Listed Ray Worthington, Mrs. III THIS ISSUE Juab Stake High Priests quorDraper, Mrs. James Philum at the time of his death. lips and Mrs. Ellis Russell. Youve surely heard of the Recently admitted patients Sophomore and Junior girls Surviving are his widow, Mrs. at the Juab County Hospital will Numbers game which has serve. been operated in many big Mary Gardner of Levan; and include: the sons and following cities in years past. Weve daughtWalter A. Potts, Lynndyl ers: R. Elgin Gardner, Foster John W. Anderson, Learning-ton- . got a new numbers game C. Gardner and Mrs. Norma Nephi News Briefs s In this issue of The G. of Merlin Bailey ones Nephi; and this Nanette Aagard, daughter of being and Mrs. Wayne Steele operated legally and for your Gardner of Levan; G. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Lee Aagard, Le- of Mr. Orem spent Sunday with Gardner of Payson; Russell van. benefit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lyman; Mrs. The new numbers game Gardner of Springville, and Mrs Stephen Stowell, son of Mr. or information sheet, if you Esther Connelly of Sialt Lake and Mrs. William Stowell, Ne- LaVar Waters and son Bobby of Provo were Monday visitors want to call it that appears City. Also surviving are a phi. at the Lyman home. on page six of this Issue. It number of grand children and David Tolley, son of Mr. and lists the new numbers that great grand children. Mrs. Robert L. Tolley, Nephi A daughter was born to Mr. Funeral services will be anhave been assigned by the Earl H. Steele, Nephi and Mrs. Ted J. Anderson of nounced Anderson Funeral by Telephone Company to the Clarence Paxman, Nephi Levan, at the Juab County subscribers in the rural area Home of Nephi, and probably Wright, daughter of Hospital on May 8. GrandparWendy will be held at the Mona Monday and between Nephi and Salt Ned Mrs. Mr. and Wright, ents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer North of Mona, and those Levan Ward chapel. Lake City. Meldrum of Levan and Kenwithin the community of Mrs. Alma Dalby, Levan neth Anderson of Ephraim. Mona. Under the recently A special meeting will be Mrs. William L. Sperry, Neto services installed new held May 26 at 8 phi. Mona, all phones have been p.m. atThurdsday the County Court House Margaret Drew, Eureka We renumbered. suggest for all farmers Kevin Tolley, son of Mr. and of Juab Counnumnew our that you clip ty. It wras previously erron- Mrs. Kenneth Tolley, Delta bers game and glue It to eous Lowell Ray Oldroyd, son of announced for Tuesday a convenient place in your rather than Mr. and Mrs. Lowell C. OldThursday. For directory. telephone The meeting will deal with royd, Fountain Green. convenience, you may want the Kyle Belliston. daughter of filling out and applying for two one or extra to have an Mr. and Mrs. Glen Belliston, tax gasoline they will be available after Nephi noon Thursday at both the and in office Nephi Telephone s office, at The and for convenience of our . friends in Mona, a supply will be placed in Kays Store Mrs. LaMar Stanley and Mrs Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray during the afternoon today. Fse of the new numbers Newton on Sunday were Mr. Don Yates were hostesses to will speed your telephone and Mrs. Richard Summers and the members of their club on Mr. and Mrs. Karl Thursday evening at the home call, saving the local operfamily, ator the necessity of lookNewton and family, Mr. and of Mrs. Katie Williams. DelicMrs. Frank Tidwell and fam- ious refreshments were served ing it up for ou. Ingram, Marilyn ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jar- to Phyllis Alean all of Salt Park, Marilyn Keyte, and rett family, club The Ladies Republican Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Edith Keyte, and Betty Lake City, of Nephi held their monthly Paul Newton and family of Ellertson, Dorothy Neilsen, Cafe at recently. meeting Rays Newton, Norma Carter, Kearns. Mrs. Dona Jones, president, Beth Yates and Lila Stanley. Vicky Sue VVankier . . to to the presided and the pledge attend Girls' State R. Mrs. James with Visiting flag was lead by Mrs. Beatof Miss Norma were Molyneux on Mothers Day A paper What Stanley rice Winn. Stanley Salt Lake City was the guest Levan Girl To Attend America Means to Me was Mr. and Mrs. DarylMrs. Mr. and Mrs. n of her parents, Mr. and and family, read by Mrs. Jones. on Mothers Willard of Molyneux and daughter Stanley The business of the meeting Day. Mrs. and Mr. 1960 Girls State Thays was to elect officers for the Orem, of Santaquin and Mrs. Stanley HowMrs. Alyth Mr. and Mrs. Ray Myers coming year. LEVAN Vicky Sue ard was elected president, with Maud Fowkes of Payson. and family visited with his parof Mr. and Mrs. daughter Mrs Alice Belliston first vice Mr. and Mrs. Ceasar MyMrs. William Summerse was ents, Farrell Wankier of Levan will ers of Panguitch on Sunday. president and Mrs. Beatrice attend the annual Girls State second vice president. hostess to the members of the Winn, Mrs. Dona Jones was elected Mt. Nebo Camp of the D. U. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Pritchett to be held at Logan during the and Mrs. P. on Wednesday evening. Cap- of Lovelock, Nevada, Mr. and coming summer. secretary-treasurMiss Wankier will attend untain Agnes Myers conducted Mrs. Gary Molyneux and famKathryn Shaw reporter. s der the sponsorship of the LeconThe the of Mrs. Directors Board and Mr. of 1 Uf' concluding The meeting. Logan; ily i 1, on The Brookline Clark Molyneux and family of van unit of the American Legsist of Mrs. Nedra Starr, Mrs. lesson was and Saints Mrs. Ida Andrews Reta given by Joseph- Spanish Fork visited with their ion Auxiliary, accord'ng to Mrs. j ine Kay. The history of Alonzo parents, Mr and Mrs. Vaughn Wm. F. Sorbe. president of the Brough. 7 The next regular meeting is Ilaventon Russell was given by Molyneux during the week end unit. al, L,.-- ' Girls State annually is held to be held on the first Monday his granddaughter, Rose Neil- On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Delicious refreshments Stanley Pitt of Bountiful vis- at Logan and is designed to Thousands of prospective Utah visitors saw this colorful stats of June. The meeting place will sen. instruct young women of high were served to the following: ited at the Molyneux home. display at sports and travel shews In lot Angeles and Dallas this be announced. school senior age in the fundaJosephwomen interMyers, Agnes All Captain Booth Republican information literaturo and Utah's about provided spring. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Jarrett mentals of government. Geneva ine Kay, Ina Kay. The vacation possibilities. The display pictured here with Ward J. ested in their country and their Rose of Salt Lake City visited in Utah State University campus should Moyneux, Norma Kay, proceedings government Tourist tho Utah Mrs. of Gene and Publicity Council, Roylance with her parents. Mr. has served as the locale for plan to attend these meetings Neilsen. Madge Newlon, Joy Mona Bllcfcenstaff, San Juan County, was a cooperative effort of tho j You call your reservations Summers, Elena Stanley and and Mrs. Ray Newton on Moth- the affair for several years may I to Mrs ers day. (he hostess, Ruby Summers. state, eeuntiee and chambers of commerce. past. Clvde Shaw at 100. Kiwanis-sponsore- Two Scouting Events Planned Volume 51, Number 19 Work Day Saturday Seniors Invite Public 10-ye- ar . Jab County, Utah, Thursday, May Lake child-bearin- Hovv-art- is high-scho- ol Pre-Summ- Times-New- er v Thnes-Nevv- Mona Local and Social News vcy, 24-ho- ur j by the editor In The Monitor arrived the fr;.n point to point. Utoco has a new travel other day and we just have to folder cut this spring and is bring you a couple of their e now featuring a mapping We yorns. page "Telestory to the and pubmotoring help this magazine appreciate lic. especially its page of good, reg clean stories: Folks' who are not ComHeres a couple of examples: meeting Said one wife to another: munity Development minded wondered why all the "Dont worry if your husband siren on Wednesday evening. flirts. My dog chases cars, noise was just to reThe he one big ever he if caught but of mind all the 8 pm. meeting. do with to what know wouldnt Next meeting will be on the it. fourth Wednesday May 25 reg One good way to save face so if the siren sounds at 6 p m. is to keep the bottom half dont run for your air raid shelter (what air raid shelter?) shut. run for the shower and get reg A new service to make the all fancied up and attend the tour.sts to meeting at 8 p.m. that night traveling public scenic so you can hear whats going you more aware of the has on and so you can speak your area, a in particular spots Utah the peace for or against! by been inaugurated . this reg Company Oil Refining Us Ask Travel week. As You Mr. REG says: is the theme of the new proSome people always find curthe in announced gram with their neighbors fault Utah Torch of The rent issue Just to get even with the Oil publication. neighbors who find fault New signs will encourage a? the tourist travels with them. n, ser-vc- question? Ar-dat- r h Nel-do- Wan-kie- r, er -- i u |