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Show Mr. and Mrs. Earl Francom Tomato and Ribbons for most makes in FOR SALE s office. Call Earl stock at and daughter of Spnngville pepper plants 472 W Nielsen, phone visited with his parents, Mr. BEDDING PLANTS for sale and Mrs. H. Ray Francom on Eldon Belliston, 610 South a ribbon Is visGrove held of Pleasant were your the typewriter Meetings by Kathy Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nephi 2nd East, Nephi replace it today ited at the home of Mr. and Friday. City Library Board on little dim Francom and Sunthree daughters Wednesday, April 27th and on Mis. Rulon Shepherd on of Lehi were Mothers Day vis- Thursday, May 5th. day. itors at the Francom home. Mayor Winn stated that folMr. and Mrs. Kent Shepherd the resignation of Miss lowing iaited in Scipio with her mothMr. and Mrs Delwin Shep- Mayme Riches as City Librarer, Mrs Fix'd a Hatch on Moth-ir- s herd were Salt Lake City vis- ian, Mrs. Merron Price had Day. been selected by the City Counitors last week. cil to act as Librarian. The Mr. and Mrs. Raymond PeBoard sustained-thaction of terson and iamily of Midvale Mr. and Mrs. Clarence the City Council and Mrs. were Mothers Day visitors at daughter Carolyn and Price began work May 1, uni the home of his parents, Mr. son Jimmy were in Tooele on der the direction of Miss Richand Mrs. Ralph Peterson. Friday evening to attend the es who will continue until June wedding reception of Mr. and 1st. FOR ALL MEDICATIONS Levan American Legion Aux- Mrs. Eldon Paystrup, son and Appreciation was expressed Moniliary meeting was held daughter in law of Mr. and for the many years of service day evening at the City Hall. Mrs. Raymond Paystrup. given by Miss Riches and her In order that we may be able to fill the great majority Mrs. Flojd Wignall, auxiliary willingness to be of assistance of Utah department president Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones and to Mrs. Price and the Library of prescriptions .we carry a stock of pharmaceuticals and Ruby J. Farnsworth, state sons Michael and and Mr. Board. secretary, were guest speak- and Mrs. Delmar Gary valued at $13,000.00 to $14,000.00 at all times. We George W. Johnson was apHowlett and ers. In addition, a vocal trio as chairman of the was given by Misses Marlene daughter Karla Jean of Nephi; pointed Board with Mrs. Frank have agreements with nearly all major pharmaceutical and Kathryn Sorbe, and Car- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett and as secretary. of Salt Lake daughter Stacey olyn Pajstrup houses to supply us with new products on release by were Mothers Day visA weekly column of library Those present were Inez City itors at the home of Mr. and news is planned for The Times Irene Mrs. E. C. automatic shipments. Once in a while we will receive a Sorbe, Louise Taylor, News each week. We hope to Malmgren. Mangelson, Melba Ballow, Rause this means of keeping the mona Hoyt, Sadie Bowers, Delprescription of a product unfamiliar with our local area Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Man- public informed regarding the la Tunbridge, and the special difbut if it is available in the Intermountain Area we genervisited in Salt Lake City books at the library for guests, Mrs. J. Floyd Wignall gelson ferent age groups and also to and Mrs. Ruby J. Farnsworth. on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. list names of persons or clubs John B Hansen and Mr. and ally can obtain it for you within 24 hours. On Saturday, Mrs. H. Ray Mrs. Clarence Reed. Mr. and who may from time to time Francom attended a Mothers' Mrs. Kent Christensen also was donte good books to the Library. and Daughters luncheon with visiting with them. The Library Board will welher daughter, Mrs. Leon Mad- come any suggestions from citsen, at the Parks Cafe in Or Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Math- izens as to what em. they would ews and two sons of Kearns like to see accomplished and visited at the home of her par- how the City Library can best ents, Mr. and Mrs Vern serve their needs. Suggestions . gelson over the Mothers Day may be mailed to George W. week end. Johnson, chairman. evan Local and Social Nevs Mothers Day visitors at the of Mr and Mrs. Mangelson weic Mr. and Miss Mrs. David Mangelson, Dessie Mangelson and Gerald home NATIONAL nanrsodlTioN EDITORIAL agl Witt. if !M ''! Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Entered at the post oftice at Nephi, Utah, as second mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, One year $4.00: Six months, Subscription rates: Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising in request. Publishers A. B. HTm Utah. class 1879, $2.25 rates Gibson Gibson Gibson and Roy E. L Roy Times-New- v Mrs. Ted Thompson and ehildien of Kphiaim and Bicnt Taj lor of Salt Lake City spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mis. Heber Taylor. Mrs. Kenneth F. Sperry and sons are visiting with her parMr. and Mrs. Heber ents, Shepherd this week. Mothers Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Pierce were: Mrs. Theda Chase Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah and daughter Patsy of Mt. Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. Willard and two children of Shephehrd Is Husband of Former Nephi Lady Spnngville, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pierce and four children of Exhibiting Art Work at Special Provo Show Orem, Mr. and Mrs. John San-do- r and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paintings by Farrell Collett and also in California, New well known Utah artist, will Yoik and Chicago. Ills pictur- Pierce and daughter Jane Sherbe exhibited during the month es hang among collections of man of Salt Lake City; Mrs Pearl Ault and Mr. and Mrs. of May at the Provo Municipal 20 different schools. The presArt gallery m the City Utilities ent exhibit in the Provo gal- Weston Pratt and son of Amerand Mrs. building at 251 West 8th N. lery includes portraits, land- ican Fork, Mr. The exhibit is sponsored b the scapes, and animals in oil, wat-e- r George Beagley and son and colors, drawings and litho- Mrs. Esther Beagley of MagProvo Art board na. Mr. Collett recently was graphs. Mr. Collett is a son in law awarded first place at the Mr. and Mrs. James ShepSpnngville art exhibit for his of Mrs. George E. Howard. His herd and two children of Prois former Martha wife the oil painting The White Horse vo and Mrs Gerald Belhston Mr. Collett has exhibited in 1 Toward. Karen and and daughters Utah and surrounding states Editor-Manag- er Library Nevs Pay-stru- p, Green-halg- h -- , Lsuuisii 'iH3fn tip itoml Tastewell fJkriprine 3 lbs. 9 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES DEVOE 3 pkgs 892 Buy Now! See the Newest Decorator-Teste- d Spring Shades in STANDBY TOMATO JUICE 46 oz cans VINYL BASE 5 PUNCH POWDER WONDERTONES - f, pkgs HESHEYS INSTANT Betty Buckley, Bestways own advisor to Western home makers, says: I've never seen a paint that goes on so smoothly, scrubs so easily, decorates so beautifully . . . and no painty odor I Take Betty Buckleys word for it, DEVOE WONDERTONES with vinyl base are truly liquid magic. The colors are smart, GAL. MADE TO LAST YEARS LONGER h in Modern Paint Chemistry. Contains Devral, the miracle resin I Does not swell, weaken or blister from moisture. Remains elastic. Allows interior moisture to work slowly through without weakening tough surface. Resists ravages of sunlight, rain, snow and sleet. Remains e'ea- - and bright years longer. Gal... An Important Break-Throug- tones . . . keyed new decorator-teste- d to go with all the exciting new fabrics. And Wondertones give professionallooking results every time. Flow on freely without brush marks, dry fast and hard, make It easy to scrub away smudges and finger marks. And you can wash up brushes and rollers with ordinary water. DEVRAL BLISTER-RESISTA- er House Paint or other fine quality house paints. Forms a tough bond with vood, does not absorb moisture, prevents swelling ' blistering. Gal.. 6.95 DEVOE VINYL PAINT At last a truly flat house paint thats perfect for both masonry and wood. Easy brushing, fast drying, superior color retention 43 colors and white. Gal.....$ g yg , SHUREFINE SHORTENING 3 pound 2 y2 pkg - - 09 MIX- -- 4 pkg -- tins - Each 67 WHOLE KERNEL CORN Libby CORN BEEF UKULELE SLICED 34c PINEAPPLE - 2 Scans size 892 S3 3 cans 1.00 D Creta " " 2 SHUREFINE MILK 8 for 1.00 SPRING GARDEN PEAS . Regular size cans S cans 092 STANDBY CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN WOODS CROSS TOMATOES cans cans Regular S 87 iy2 size --- 4 NORTHERN TISSUE 12 ROLLS 1.00 PIERCES CATSUP --N- $ FLAT EXTERIOR - PILLSBURY PANCAKE Dee 672 CARNATION TUNA 4 cans 89 Each cans 89 2 btls 33c CHICKEN BREASTS - DRUM ORANGES per pound 102 lb STICKS OR THIGHS $96 POTATOES SNOW CROP PINEAPPLE SHAFTERS 10 lbs 47g JUICE 7 cans 1.00 UNDERCOAT for use as an undercoat with DEVOE Super 79 25 SHORTENING 3 pound fins 2 packages 892 NIBLETS B1SQUICK COCOA for FLUFF MIRROLAC ENAMEL Point just about anything . . . indoors or out. Use it on kitchen or bathroom walls, furniture, wood- work, outdoor equipment-even boats will e with a gleam finish that resists weather, wear, grease or alcohol. Qt.... tile-lik- $28 ORANGE JUICE - - 5 cans 79c ASPARAGUS FISH STICKS 3 pkgs 852 CARROTS PIZZA PIE 2 Pkgs for 69 EW - Utah -2 lbs 29 2 pounds 92 BACON - Very ood - per lb 49 SWIFTS FRANKS 2 pounds QQc SAUSAGE - Very Good Fresh! Counfry Style! lb3S PORK ROASTS - kean and Partly Boneless per pound M g GROUND BEEF -- Freshly Ground - Best- -lb BOLOGNA-'- " 2 lbs 09 47c A HEPHI, UTAH PHONE 11 6 Nephi, Utah ssz i |