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Show COAL OPERATORS REFIT TO COIL I.1YSTERY TWELVE THOUSAND MOORS CHINESE . III A1 Utah stat:-- news ; MEN NON-UNION Michigan investors have purchased worth of land in Millard county for agricultural purposes. The herd dt .Buffalo on Antelope Island recently' has been augmented by Two Men Are Shot During Riot in San Bay They Were Forced to Rais Prlcss Heavy Fire of Warships at Casablanca I addition of twelve calves. the of Line Hand to Meet Increase in Wages and Too Much for Tribesmen. Francisco, While Girle Take four-yea- r course in mechanic arts A in Fight in Ohio. Battle Extended Over Two Miles That Politic Played Importwill be added to the manual training Mach Feeling is Stirred up in the Caleb Power Say He Will Name ant Part, department of the Salt Lake high school. Real Murder of Kentuckian, and Flowery Kingdom Over Succes-so- r San Francisco. Monday, Labor Day, . The Western Pacific will Inaugurate Casablanca. During the fighting be to is Innocent. Howard Empress. Jim Dowager That Several men were wounded, one prob- regular freight and passenger service tween the French forces and the Moor Philadelphia. The Reading comon Friday, near the French camp, the ably fatally, during a riot which oc- on its line between Salt Lake and pany, the Philadelphia & Reading Railcurred shortly before noon on Market Bews, Nev., October 1. ' Moors at first retreated, and It was way company and the Philadelphia & wa The near the street engagement the that landing. believed ferry Lake A. of Salt City C. For M. a Constitution Y. Reading Coal & Iron company on Sat- State-ren- t For Than More Urgent The of Democratic Nominee riot was precipitated by an attack on has provided the meas for over 200 over, when suddenly the enemy reapurday filed their answers to the suit or the Amalgamation of Power to a DecChina, Goads Covernor n United directions. In two the force cf to break of the federal government inspector a, peared in great to enjoy an' outing of from a the Opposing Chinese and laration That the Real MurRailroads and was participated In by boys The Saphis irregular Algerian cavalry up the alleged monopoly existing in to ten days during the summer. week i Selection . the Manchus, derer Has Not Bern Brought of this several thousand people. found then'lves almost surrounded, the anthracite coal region A shocking case of neglect comes of a Fu.ure Ruler. ta Justice. The parade of the labor unions affilbut formed a square and slowly feil Btate. ' The answer ef the three conchild dyfrom Ogden, a iated with the Building Trades Council back until reinforced. Meanwhile the cerns of which George F, Baer is its while and misery in squalor shells showered had" just been dismissed at the corner ing French warships president, makes a general denial of In jail for locked up mother was, a the governments allegations and goes Peking. The question oF the Man-;h-u of Main and Mission streets and Georgetown, Ivy. Goaded by the among the hills, scattering the enemy. . . , drunkenness. Into the first great sMke in the hard statement here In the opening speech The engagement lasted three hours. succession, native officials assert, large crowd was waiting at the ferry been has coal of again The price The line of battle extended over two has become the paramount topic of to go across the bay to Shell Mound coal fields and its relaiior to the presi- of Jud;e S. Whager, Democratic nomLake dealers, Wyoboosted Salt, Mcby and about exercises that when 1900 estimated is where summer One dential campaign of palace. deliberation at the Park, literary inee tor goveinor, that he would not miles and it coal now being sold pt $7 a ton Kinley was elected. It Is declared pardon Caleb Powers if convicted for 12,000 Moors were engaged. The loss of the ablest foreign authorities says athletic games were part of the days ming Utah product Li that the agreements to advance the conspliacy in the murder of Governor of the latter Is believed to have been that more urgent than a constitution program. For some cause not clearly for lump, while the at $6.50. . counted officers been in priced of the understood but believed to have or the price of coal were brought about WJl iarn Goebel, Powers ou Sunday heavy, as the French one road- for China,Chinese amalgamation man, was run section a in Moors B. of R. bodies to the Boyd, car close twenty the street is a of 1900 by the violence an! intimidation the and saystatement Manchus, running opposing night issued a written while which the assembled people, an attack was down by an engine near Ogden of striking mine woikers, by the ing that he had at laFt learned the way. was fifteen killed question of an heir apparent, loss sustained French The and track failure of the United States govern- name of the man who murdered Goe- or wounded. The cruisers Gloire and the dowager empress, the greatest of made on Inspector J. W. Hall, who walking along the Injuries, his left arm being cut ment and the state ot Pennsylvania bel. and could point him out. the beach be- all Manchus, closely identifies with was starting the cars for the United fatal bombarded later Guardo off near the shoulder. the to enforce the law and protect statement made by yond Casablanca, where .the force of the continuance and security of the Railroads. No previous coal companies and hv the importuniWhile been sennot feeding a hay baler the young Moorish cavalry gathered, but It was dynasty. The question has Fearing the rush of the angry crowd, powers has created so profound a Motor-ma- n ties of tne late Marcus A. Hanna, who, of Gustav Felt,, of Huntsville, and to the Watkins Conductor fire. James ion the the soon the sined time at last believed warships' Is subsequent raised It by dispersed for It is alleged, was anxious to end the sation, F. L. Duston of Sutter street car broke one of his legs. Young Felt was Goebel dowager's deposing of Prince ChunB strike of the miners on account of the real murderer of Governor No. MEN PERISHED. SEVENTY-FIV1615, drew their revolvers and pushing the hay Into the machine with son Pu Chun, in accordance with the will be learned. Powers says that the Impending presidential election. into the mob. This Infuriated the his foot at the time of the accident fired of a when not Jim Is of 1901, majority man who killed Goebel protocol in Disaster crowd still more, and the fighting soon Horrible of Result Bridge to Arrangements are being made for a PRESIDENT WILL MAKE TRIP. the imperial clan reaffirmed loyalty Howard, who Is serving a life sentence extended along Market street from Canada sham battle to be held in Ogden a caused action big dangThis ou Chun. Pu that charge. in the penitentiary the ferry to the junction of Sansome on as an Will Taka a Steamboat Ride Down the September 26. It Is probable the Quebec, Canada. The toll of death erous scandal and was regarded "The time has come, said Power, and Sutter streets, a distance of about a occasion of may extend over two days tha the to not the be caused great threatening Mississippi River. must affront blocks. seven collapse powers dragged by "when my name sevenfollowed arbe and A was by an old fashioned men at least used to When one of the union price removal of complications. bridge numbers Oyster Bay, N. Y. To prepare a half Into political campaigns to be a disad- cantilever and fire. rescue to clan eighty-fiv- e camp crowd the the on reach Chuns head, was attempted rested, or ty-five may read one gencandidate aid prove . placed dozen addresses, each to be David Dose, who killed himself at The terrific height of the great steel was denounced and Its activity sup- him, throwing bricks and stones at erally by a nation of 80,000,000 peo- vantage to the other. officers. The mob was finally Laramie, Wyo., with a .22 caliber rifle, the above 180 the feet from . 30 structure, pressed. ple, to be delivered from September away from the station. was practically blind, being unable to JUST A LITTLE PRACTICE? The urgency of the question of the driven No. surface of the river, crushed the bodies to October 3, Is the task of the presi1615 had proceeded as far Car setthe difference between darkness of many of the workmen In a frightful succession and the difficulty of its dent is now devoting several hours of as Sutter street, followed all the way tell naturto will the and feared la is daylight, and was despondent and It Morocco many With tlement serious, owing manner, his time at night from 8 until bedtime. Frenchmen Say Conflict by a hooting crowd of men and boys over this fact. of empress, the Infirmities found. al be never dowager and will bricks be a with War. bombarded dozen who Not it is half speeches Beside the It is rumored 'that a grand jury is Many of the dead were Amerlcaus due to old age, which are complicated other missiles. At this point the crew he called on for as many more extern Rambouillet. The cabinet ministers rethe also and to be called to investigate the excesby of the car agal discharged their here by the Phoenix Bridge by threats of apoplexy poraneous talks. met here on Saturday and discussed brought of Phoenix. conJohn and who had in which volvers of the condition sive cost of living in Salt Lake City, emperor, I a., hla company The president Is to terminate the Moroccan situation with President the contract for the Iron work on the stantly is reported to be ill. He is Peterson received a serious wound in it being chargeu that a combination vacation with a dash through the mid- Fallleres, Although desperate fightsaid to he the victim of a decline, the groin. The conductor and motor exists between the different merdle west and south. He will appear between the French bridge. occurred , several 30. ing and locomotive A He freight O., chants to keep up prices. which adds to the possibility of an ac man are under arrest. first at Canton, September Casablannear Moors and the steel weie with loaded cars troops girders of to the throne, other than that will take a trip down the Misstss.ppl Nebraska City. cident Mabel Miller, Mrs. Girls Protect Mobs Victims. . river by boat as far as Memphis, the ca, August 28, during which the Moor- moving out on the bridge just before feared from anarchists and revoluwhen the fuse became frightened Meb., cunJess the structure collapsed. Engineer Steubenville, O. A Labor day riot blew out on a Salt Lake street car. trip being punctuated by functions at ish fanatics demonstrated their tionists. St. Louis and Cairo. From Memphis ning and tactical ability, and bravery, went into the river with his engine, ar- that bade fair to end in a tragedy had of own of view her In precedent nd jumped from the moving car, he will travel by way or train back to it Is scouted that France has a real but was picked up 300 feet below the Hsu emperor, it not been or the bravery of two striking on her head, Lacturing the Kwang making bitrarily Davis tc perished. Fireman the people war on Its hands, with a probability bridge. Washington, speaking it is believed that the dowager em- young women occurred here Monday skull, death resulting a few hours and of Nashville and Chattanooga, of a long and enormously expensive ' BY : FLAMES. CAUGHT ALMOST press will declare the heir apparent afternoon. The victims of the crowds later. probnbly other selected points. compaign in Mprocco. of the wishes of the rage were Joseph Robison, who reA crusade against poolroom keepers independently At the conclusion of the conference, Writers on Louisville Courier-Journceived a fractured skull, and John and saloon men, who have been AN OLD QUARREL. imperial clan. a dispatch was sent General Drude, the Rescued From Burning Building. Hatton, who was cut and bruised while guilty of allowing minors In their OLD MEN TO TAKE BACK SEAT. shielding the men. MUs Mary Magee delinJhina and Japan May Lock Homs French commander at Casablanca, givCourier-Journplaces and contributing to the Louisville, Ky. The ing him instructions in regard to his Rooks received, cuts and quency of children, has been inaugurTulla and Over Extensive Strip of Territory. Green and streets, at Fourth Will be in Command Young Officer future movements, hut the nature of building bruises on the head and body and are ated by the juvenile court of Salt the Toklo. Reports from Seoul state on the Pacific Coast Voyage. determined upon was not an- In which are located the plants of the steps in a serious condition. Robison and Lake City. and Evening Times that Chinese officers in Kantao, in nounced. Honors were voted for sev- Courier-Journa- l Of the Hatton came here from St. Iouis to Times The York. New says: Leland Brown of Ogden, the seventeen-demanded that northern Korea, have men who were wound- was destroyed by fire early Friday officers now in and is a officers strike mine where a in eral the work eighteen son of Captain William year-old. commanding Major Salto, who was sent there re- ed at Casablanca. General promotion The structure was five stories high aqdl t0 make the k,n voyage progress. As they left the telephone Brown, who was killed by Abe Majors, shlpa Korean start111 fire of the The block. a crow-cently at the request of the participants in the engagements occupied half from the Atlantic' to the Pacific, it is office they were, set upon by a the misfortune to have a horse ed at the top of an elevator shaft, sup and were being badly beaten when had government to extend the necessary has been arranged. now four that declared captains only him la a. week. His right faH with ol MaInsulation from withdraw. defective to thick of the two Koreans, posedly the girls rushed into protection make the will at the ankle and just trip. was broken ships commanding with leg greal and with electric wires, spread jor Saito has refused to comply, his the trouble and frantically apushing VISIT WAS A SURPRISE. and of the knee. the below navy The secretary and shoving their way through crowd rapidity. the request. Kantao is the name of forces assistant have forwarded plans of ad- of about . The editorial and reportorial R. S. Riddle, a Salt Lake jeweler, men reached the two an extensive strip of lend lying on the to the vancing the young men to the fighting victims, tafifty Courier-Journa- l to At stuck Life Risk Russia women of of the a narrow escape from death- near thS had whom young upper Yalu river, bordering on Tiunan. Emperor Consecration of Church. iu the hope that the blaze line and keeping the older on shore were strangers. The girls threw them- Geneva while returnin'- - from Provo building tend been has to it The territorial right would be subdued and that they could duty. Of the eighteen captains who selves on the prostrate men, protected on a Rio Grande train, a bullet, fired a bone of contention between China St. Petersburg. For thd second time Issue the paper. They were caught will command and for their heads and received on their own of years. since Red Sunday Emperor Nicholas by some careless hunter, crashing and Korea for hundreds napping with fire at all exits and had the $100,000,000 worth of armament bodies the kicks and blows of the mob. through the car window and barely of the atno reliable are figures There to be taken out on ladders. on Sunday entered the capital to and equipment to be sent through the One of the men, who was wielding a missing his head. population of the territory, but it400,-O-Is tend the consecration of a church to Magee on the and 000 In broad daylight burglars entered , straits of Magallen ' to the Pacific, piece of iron, ahitlullMiss Chinese estimated at GOO, AlexA LUCKY AERONAUT. in assault the of his the head. grandfather, the During memory than men be will fourteen Koreans. Its soli is very fertile, younger residence of Gus Becker, In Ogthe was assassinated In police reached the scene and rescued in cash, in addinow in Since the late war the Koreans have ander II, who command. are Still Is Robison and Hatton. Only one arrest den, and secured $15 where the Fell Two Thousand Feet and been without an official protector and March, 1881, on the spot worth of jewelry to $500 about tion was made. Alive. of the CHOLERA AT YOKOHAMA. Major Salto was sent as above stated. edifice was raised. The date and cutlery. The crime was commitBarnstable, Mass. Nearly 5,000 r trip, coincident with the conspiracy Riot. a ted while the family were absent, beWoman Started deDies of Dread Used Hammer on Patient. sons at the Barnstable county fair saw Japanese Supercargo trial just closed here, plainly was 4 and 6 oclock. Louisville, Ky. A Labor day riot, tween loyalty of the army Professor Maloney a balloonist, droj Disease, Washington, D. C. While under the signed to raise the was Several Greeks were taken ta a Salt which but for the timely arrival of a complete sur- 2,000 feet to earth, strike on top of i Influence of gas preparatory to having and the people. It ot case fatal The first Yokohama. Lake formidhospital -- from Helper last week, assumed ocand escape with his cholera In this port has been reported. the police might have cedar fence-pos- t a tooth extracted, George W. Bowers, prise, and no untoward Incident able proportions, resulted In the injury all suffering from burrs. The Greeks, no pre- life. For fully two minutes Maloney was the Japanese super- of four aged 28, rose from the chair and vio- curred. The police neglectedof victim The street car employes who are laborers, were living in a car emthe floated along, with the gas rapidly safety Maru. lently attacked R. B. Leonard, who was caution to Insure the steamer of trouble occurred near Helper and the stove In the car the Takasago The Labor on day. went so far as to leaking. Mahoney and the balloon cargo contracted the at First and Walnut streets and was was upset, causing a fire. The men he treating him, severely beating him and peror, and even that is It supposed in struck He j The doctor's thoroughly search the city and inspect came down rabidly. knocking him down. one of the ports of call be- started by a woman. The Labor day were burned on faces and shoulders. standing position on top of a big disease at had just broken up and the call for help brought W. H. Wunger, the passports of suspicious individuals. half An enterprising dealer raised the cedar post. His back was terribly torn tween this place and Newchwang. parade were swarming on the butter famine for a short time in Salt who was treated in similar fashion. The emperor was in excellent spirits, the on participants arrived who He wai arm The passengers his left Injured. hut the empress had the same care- and s condi steamer were landed before the case cars to go to a park, when the woman Lake one day last week, and stole a Fearing that his life wa3 in danger, remarked picked up in a been near has hammer refused to ride on a car operated by march on his that look small sad a reached worn, Wunger competitors by shipping tion and hurried in an automobile to was discovered and search is now n men, and jeered the unionby and used It freely on Bowers head, so often. said he wa The and vessel hotel. The in a large quantity of Idaho butter. It for physicians them. made to them of being the so, for fracture ists exhorting doing a causingBow-er- compound not internally injured and that he will Its crew have been quarantined. ' went like hot cakes, lor 30 - cents will recover. pull the scab off. skull. Spanking Result In Disaster. recover. for the Utah butter. against WilCourt Refuses to Quash .Sheboygan, WIs. Mrs. Fred Race. Auto the proprletoi in Killed Superior Two Builds Little, William Airahlps. Henry Secretly England BECAME HOMESICK. liams, living at Bear Point on Crooked ' Bribery Indictment. Denver, Colo. E. V. Dasey and W. of the Central hotel, in Ogden, while Aldershot. At last one military sec- Lake, near this city, was severely InSan Francisco. The motion made B. Felker were killed in the fifty-milsitting in a chair in the office of his son was Russian Mutineer Returns Home and ret has been well kept in England. It jured and her Patwas suddenly overeome and exrepresenting the at Overland attorneys race automobile hotel, by endurance it Executed. Is now learned for the first time that fatally hurt when a dynamite cap In tha Thornwell Mullally, rick Calhoun, Park Monday afternoon. Dasey was pired in about three minutes. At was for the past two yearn the construc- the boys hip pocket exploded while Qdessa. Matushanko. the Russian he E. was rtiicken E. Mr. William Little Abbott, time L. Jack Ford, in in Kirk the been Phil with Apperson officer who led the tion of a military airship has the mother was spanking him. The Schmitz. Abfaham Rent, Frank Drum, Rabbit" and roupding the turn wa' joking with a party of guests in the progress here, and it Is probable that boy had been watching his father using mutiny on the battleship Kniaz Potem and Martin John de Sabla, thrown out of the car. He fell on his hotel. within the next month, Aldershot will dynamite In blowing stumps and had klne and was In command of the vessel Eugene to set aside, dismiss and head and his. skull was crushed. He Glass, Louis The Instructions to the fish and see the first of the British aero fleet slipped one of the caps in his pocket. during the sensational ci uise about the quash the various bribery indictments died a few minutes later. Dasey was game warden to tear out the screens The Black sea In the summer of 1903, was against them, was denied on Tuesday floating over the parade grounds. It Mrs.- - Williams used a shingle. automobile local of a at the private fish ponds in the tribushop manager is believed that the new airship will first blow exploded the cap and tore a hanged Friday night at Sebastopol by Superior Judge Lawlor. was taries of the Ogden river, in accordchauffeur. Feller an and expert the vessel he fled Patrie, Each of the defendants excepted to killed on the twentieth lap. A tire on hole In the boys side. The After abandoning approx'mate the type of La will attorney be large New York, worked there two years the decision, and their counsel were his car broke and the machine tore ance with the opinion of theInto to the French military baloon. Itrecently-inspectesustained and effect two fingers mother lost general, will not be carried in which to prepare an iron factory, became homesick, in days thirty named for King Edward, who given Felket the into throwing battle in fence, a been has wouuds. until legal there other returned here, was detected, arrested, a bill of exceptions. it. against a post. the courts. to death sentenced and Parker Has No Desire For Office. In the Brown, Dixie and Wasatch Railroads of Minnesota Trying to ObRoosevelt Will Not Interfere With Treaty Will Open up Persia Great Actor Dead. national forests 40 acres In each for in Rate Cases. Portland, Me. In an interview Sun tain Strike. Injunction St. Petersburg. The deest , has been withdrawn from approNew London, Conn. Richard Mansday night, 'Judge Alton B. Parker St. Paul, Minn. Judge William Loch convention was signed Saturday. It Oyster Bay. It Is authoritatively-state- clared he has no desire ever again to field, the best known actor on tha and use of aH kinds under all ran, in the United States district court, regulates the respective interests of priationland laws, subject to prior valid that President Roosevelt will hold office, and In this respect American stage, passed away Friday on public public the arguTuesday began hearing: not interfere or take any part looking adverse claims, for use as administr.i have not changed since his morning at his summer residence, ment In the matter of the application the two powers in Tibet, Afghanistan to a settlement of the telegraphers his views and Persia. While the foreign offices tion sites by the forest service In said avenue. was Death Ocean the for Seven presidency. Oaks, defeat railroads of the nustockholders of the national forest. strike. Secretary Loeb said the here in concert with the British-e"I do not desire ever again to hold due to disease of the liver, aggravated in Minnesota for a temporary operating from giving any details refrain merous appeals to the president to C. H.'Calland, claim adjuster of the on A. bassy H. a Dr. Allen, from I state stated position my office. by complications. restraining the was learn Harriman injunction it at of the present, treaty take such action which have been re- publicsituation the last election In 1904, local In been who has lines, and who resided in charge attempting to enforce the commodity physician, that the most important feature ported in the newspapers have not and I have not changed my mind since Mr. Mansfields arrival here from rate contained in a law passed by the ed that of disappeared a few mysteriously Ogden, a clause opening the north t consists Y states that death N. been received at Oyster Bay, and that and the is Lake, Saranac and winter last being Interested sought for by ago of British days legislature always be and also the of Persia to the enterprise was not entirely unexpected, although no time since the beginning of the shall, however, rate of Harriman law, the officers the welfare to passenger special of Persia south the and public fact had not been made public. merchandise rates ordered by the rail- subjects strike has the president seen any" ne- in any question affecting the will he be called located and lines if view: of Russian subjects, the enterprise and I purpose to express my Mansfields wife, son and his brothe; road commission last year. cessity or reason why he should upon to explain a shortage in his acrestrictions. former abolishing desirable. seems it end. when re. . were with him at the counts said to amount to $3,000. Policeman Shot Down by Striker. Future. W. T. Juliff, formerly of Park City, on Hariman Bank Oregon Rob to H!S Messenger DOOM, ENTICED TO New Railroad to be Built From Denver Fut'le Attempt Another victim has Francisco was instantly killed by an elecSan Utah, aft H. E. was Ore. Harriman, A Portland, attempt to Seattle. daring New York. added to the list of fatalitiei er while working in a mine tric shock been Mur of several Magistrate a visit concluded Kentucky Former as ha bank messenger having car street of the Laramie, Wyo. Judge S. Kent, vice made to rob a the Juliff came In contact in Goldfield. beginning since dered in Cincinnati. length at Pelican Lake Lodge, with the the paying tellers window was latest tragedy occur- day the wires, which carried mens strike, president of the Denver, Laramie and of theleaving audeadly an with Klamath Ore., teller The near Falls, National Park bank. Cincinnati, O. R. F Singleton, a Policewhen while Northwestern railroad company, plancutting a hole in a morning, 6,600 volts, Tuesday libtomobile tour of central Oregon, Is had counted out $1,500 In cash and the former magistrate of Covington, Ky, ring Denver the trans shot was from a road which build to W. separated Edward McCartney partition man ning of Oregon and its former room from the engine room. boy was placing It in his who was found terribly beaten in a and killed at Twenty-fourtand Fol- eral In his praise through Fort Collins to Seattle, Wash., messenger a great future and a young man made Richmond street house in this city S. T. Vickery, & bachelor of Salt while engaged in quel- climate, state. -predicted stated Saturday afternoon, in an inter- wallet, when for the The robber failed to last Wednesday, died at the City hos som streets, Regarding the financial Lake, has for Tan-aemoney. s cerold a for grab could J. he John riot. say that view here, adopted an conditions in che East Mr. Harriman wa ling an incipient Is under arof the child Mr. get his hands on the. money and pital on Friday night Singleton mother The motorman, a baby. striking girl his esti in not serions are a tainty that the road will be built. womkn they to run. He managed to reach enticed to the house by the murder and has been iden- says Kent intimated the possibility of the turned mation, but that with the present an left the little one at Vickerys horns when the bank policeman known to tha police as Mrs. Walter rest for street, the PoliceLaramie. by to as slayer skirting By tified it. McCartneys line coming him. He was recognized by West Arriving there l.c was set upon man P. J. Mitchell, into whose armf tagonism toward corporations in view, I some time ago and has abandoned the to decided take the mountains and crossing the plains arrested new has to and hard men The Gertwo It capital get Vickery is alias extremely robbed polio and by Dloime, as fell. west of Laramie the distance would be the police ofHnry J responsibility of caring for the child to make investment. rincinnatt. have no trace of the men or tha the djing officer ald Meyers, less. rather than send it to the orphanage. w":an. ARE Of DEFEATED 8Y FRENCH ENGAGE IN LAGOR DAY FIGHT $90,000 -- non-unio- four-year-ol- d ' E - J - p-- non-unio- n semi-consciou- non-unio- a e seven-year-ol- d Ti-re- y d court-martiale- d Anglo-Russia- n d two-cen- h eight-month- |