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Show 0.0:0:0:0:0:0.00; CORRECT W.C. Clements. S30 Palm Are. Clements. 1056 4th SL CLEMENTS BROTHERS. Utah Salt Lake City Phone Bell 1289 ns. gPAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS AND DECORATORS. Muresco Tinting, Calcamlning, Wall Paper Cleaning. CLOTHES FOR MEN. : OUR ONLY ' COMFORTABLE SUMMER WEAR. competition PAUMIB BUUSIAN your wants 'In clothes or furnishings, we offer the newest Ideas Whatever , at most popular prices. SALT t P(KE CITY. South. U and OUTING SUITS Say to the Agent $12.50 to$40.00 WHEN YOU GO EAST SUMMER shirts, ties, belts, hose, Straw and Panama hats. tomxi (MhriUurMnt New york - W. Saaond want to go as far "1 in Headquarters for all Gasoline Lamps and Supplies. v Send Description of Goods Wanted and We Do the Rest I. E. REDMAN, Manager. 109 E. Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. BYBWKKS SUMMER SUITS MADf & . VT 8 BOCKSTIE, Practical T. W. u Gent's Ladies' TAILOR. il ao possible via the $1 1 Salts Made to Order $22.50 31 up, Pants $6 31 up. Altering, Repairing, Cleaning 31 Pressing. underwear, ROOMS 33 35 EAGLE BL0CICV 31 8 K w Poullorvtadserv()wen(k .IM-I- "WHERE THE CLOTHES FIT IJ Main Stree- t- Salt Lake City. IIWU. Main Street, Elegantly furnished. PLACE YOUR EYES- IN OUR HANDS. wiwwtimimiiitiiiiiK e Wa Are Here. If Times a Year SK 1 Stop Those aches. Q& Those Dizzy He; D. E. BVRLEY. G. P. A. Salt Lake City Room Single U EnSaite, With Private Bath. 5 1906 MODELS. . Prize, Paris, 1900; Double Grand, St. Louis, 1904. Send coupon below, flled out to our nearest dealer or to us and gel our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of, ?(L fer to responsible parties anywhere Dont delay In the United States. This is your opportunity to secure ah solutely the best Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be felt We accept old machines in pari payment. A written guarantee from the oldest, largest and most success of Talking Ma ful manufacturers chines In the entire world. - Columbia Phonograph Co GenI. Grand Co. Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlaa Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444 C30-31-3- 2 Mrs. L. B. McGrath, Prop. 137 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. SPENCER, A. G. P. A. D. S. Spell jj That Eys Strain AIoxander-DIbbl- e g The Raleigh! The 'argument is this: A SHORT ROVTE; GOOD ROAD BED; That ia EXCELLENT SERVICE; COVRTEOVS TREATMENT. everything in traveling, 9 9 For information and ratea see any Oregon Short Line Agent or address ii Strictly Madera, JJ M. R. 2 Columbia Phonograph Com 1 u,- -a Main St, Salt I pany, General 327-2- 9 I . Lake City, Utah. ana No. Please send me your Tree Trial and I Street ' Illustrated Offer with lit Easy Payment a erature. Idty Rates Reasonable. Centrally Located, Strictly Modern in all Appointments. 1 NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, y $& EUROPEAN. Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop, Befi" Phone." 3901-- 138 State K. Street, Salt LaKe City. a, SCENIC LINE OF JHE WORLD. CANYON panorama fOF WHEEL GAP. WAGON ALL GLNWOOD SPRINGS. THE WAY. CANYON Strains. SPRINGS. Leading Specialists First Class. Strictly - 4-- 'V 4 jj Mrs. Mary Marriott, Prop. 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 THE MIDLAND! NEATLY FURNISHED ' 4- - ROOMS BY - . Rates 50c, 75c, and $1.00 per Day. 44 West First South Bell Phone 5198 Red. . 4.4 4444444444444 44 44444-4444- 4 4 4 ... St, Salt Lake City. 4 4444444 4 LocKsley Hall. g 4 THE DAY, Week or Month. Hunnecutt. S U1NNLLK for businessatmenOclock. 1 432 South Main Street, Salt LaKe City. Bld LAKE SALT MEDICAL 159Va S. MAW ST Main St., Salt Lake City Jj INSTITUTE, ' Independent Phone 2776. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS By the Day or WeeK. ; conveniences. Over Leysons Jewelry Store, 234 South Main St., SALT LAKE CITY. Wwwwwwwwwwewwwwwwewwwwwwwiwwwwwwwwwwwmmwwwe i Wall-Pape- CO. Paints, Etc. r, Painting, Graining, Calcimining, Tinting, Sign Painting. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. d All figured papers trimmed unless otherwise ordered. 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. Paper-Hangin- I g, low-price- & UTAH DENTAL CO. BRANCH OrriCCSi PROVO. LOGAN. OGDEN. PARK CITY DR. ZIMMERMAN, Manager Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain Free With Other Work Set Teeth (beat red rubber .....15.00 H 50 to K 00 Gold Crown, li-50 to 5 00 best Work, ....13 Bridge k Goll FUllmrs All Other Fillings ROMNEY AND RYAN, LINOTYPERS. 841 SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY. The Largest Independent Linotype Plant Weat of Chicago. All Klnda of Type Setting from Agate to Plea Promptly and Skilfully Executed Special Editions, Tax Lists, Brief and Proapeetoa n Specialty. A Full Line of Machine Border Always on Hand. Write for En ms tea. Addrcaa P. O. Box 1141. Salt Lake City. Hell Phone 3117. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ..........II 00 ...60o, up 75o 12 YEARS GUARANTEE. FREE Examination and Advteo. Opes till I p. m. Sundays 10 to & 4 a HANGER v We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. Hours: I a. m. to I p. m.; evenings. to M0; Sundays, I a. m. to it noon. 234 W KNAPT0N, CURTIS Not only In Salt Lake City, but In the whole Pactflo West. The results of our professional work are bringing to our of- -, flee men from every state and Territory In the West. We use the mlscroscope to make our diagnosis. If you want a per-- 1 manent cure, consult us. Wo cure all forms of and Skin Diseases, Nervous Decline, Piles. Fistula, Kidney. Bladder and all Urinary Diseases due to Weakness and the result of specific diseases, and all Private Diseases of Men, OUR SYSTEM OF TREATING Is superior to any in this country, and our cures are the result of these methods. We never fall to effect a cure In ony oas? we take. If you suffer from neglect, from want of money or from unskilled practice here is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduate physician, with yeara of ripe experience In treating compUoated and special disorders of MEN ONLY, It will cost to talk to us, and may be th means of restoring you to health andnothing happiness. not Our offices call are very private. You see today? Why the doctor. Our fee being so low. It enables many who are, afflicted only to procure the highest 'Scientific medical assistance. Terms made to suit If necessary, so that anyone need not go without treatment x 1 OWNED BY Mrs. E. SCHOOL FOR B0Y8. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS. GYMNASIUM AND DRILL. WE ARE THE x ,4iVis)i)i33tM3a)iWMkia1slsiii)iaiiiMsMislsMM3)isaMMiisJi)i)iMiMM3M - BOARDING THE ROYAL GORGE. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. TO DENVER. ; For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address 4 ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D., Salt Lake City. 4 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Consultation Free. OF THE GODS. MANITOU THROUGH COLLEGE. No Pay Unless Cured of the GUNNISON. GARDEN (THREE ALL HALLOWS We Cure Men For of the GRANDE EAGLE RIVER CANYON. NATURAl State BRING THIS AD. WITH YOU AT EITHER OFFICE. STATE AGENTS Fox Visible and Blickensderfer Typewriters Special Prices on Used Type- writers of Ail Makes. UTAH TmWRITER 62 W. Second South Street, EXCHANGE Salt Lake Cil) inferno ' |