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Show METHOD IN HIS SOLICITUDE. Willie's Intereet In Playmates Health Explained. Deep This story is well In keeping with the spirit of the age, says the New York Tribune. A Bronx man tells It about his little boy. The neighbors young hopeful was very 111, and Willie and the other youngsters In the block had been aBked not to make any noise In the streets. The neighbor's bell rang one day and she opened It to find Willie standing bashfully on her front steps. How Is he ? iME he Inquired In a shy whisper. lies better, thank you, dear, and wbat a thoughtful child you are to Uy DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIRS. Author o THFCXiSZUr ysar iv cantijvyo aaas-?zzE&z- . come and ask. CHAPTER XIV Continued. Willie stood a moment on one foot She gazed at me without flinching. and then burst forth again, "Im orful ''And I suppose, she said satirically, sorry Jimmy's sick. you wonder why I why you are reThe mother was profoundly touched. pellent to me. Havent yon learned She could find no further words to that, though I may have been made Insay, but simply kissed him. Made still to a moral coward. Im not a physical bolder by the caress, Willie began to coward? Dont bully and threaten. back down the steps, repeating at In- Its useless." . , tervals his sorrow for his playmates I put my band strongly on her Illness. At the bottom step he halted shoulder taunts and Jeers do not and looked up. If Jimmy should die, turn me aside. What did you he asked, kin I have his drum? 1 repeated. mean? Take your hand oft me, she comENDS. FOR SELFISH manded. , I repeated What did you mean? The Efforts Being Made by the AmeriDon't be afraid to answer. sternly. can Medical Association. She was very young sq the taunt I was about to tell you, stung her. The Political activity of the Amerisaid she, when you began to make can Medical Association has become It impossible. so pronounced as to cause comment I took advantage of this to extriin political circles especially as the cate myself from the awkward pothe avowed purpose of the Doctors of sition in abich she had put me I the Regular or Allopathic school, of took my hand from her shoulder. which the Association is chiefly comI am going to leave, she anposed, is to secure the passage of such nounced. laws as will not only prevent the You forgot that you are my wife, Patent medicines, sale of aid I. I am not your wife, was her anbut will restrict the practice of medicine and healing to the schools now swer, and If Bhe had t ot looked so recognized. This in many states would childlike, there In the moonlight all prevent the growing practice of Os- In white, I could not have held myself teopathy, and In nearly every state In check, so insolent was the tone and would prevent the healers of the so helpless of ever being able to win Christian Science and mental science her did she make me feel. You are my wife and you will stay belief from practicing those sciences In which the faith of so many intellihere with me, I reiterated, my brain on fire. gent people Is so firmly rooted. I am my own, and I shall go where The American Medical Association I. please, and do what I please, was has a "Committee on Legislation, and the committee has correspond- her contemptuous retort. Why wont ents in practically every township you be .reasonable? Why wont you acme 16,000 .correspondents In all. see how utterly unsulted we are? I This committee at the last session ot dont ask you to be a gentleman but the American Medical Association just a man, and be ashamed even to held In June of this year expressed a wish to detain a woman against her will. hope that a larger number of physiI drew up a chair so close to her cians than heretofore will offer themselves as candidates for Congress at that to retreat, she was forced to sit Then I the first opportunity. In its annual In the broad window-seat- . seated all let By means, myself. To Bald: meet Committee this report the growing demands of the move- us be reasonable, said I. Now, let ment, however, particularly If the me explala my position. I have heard work of active participation In State you and your friends discussing the a larger views of marriage youve just been legislation is undertaken, expressing. Their views may be clerical force must be employed. This is almost the rst time In the right, maybe more civilized, more 'advanced' than mine. "iNo matter. history of the United States that any are not mine. I hold by the They organized class has frankly avowed the purpose of capturing legislatures old standards and you are my wife mine. Do you understand? All and dominating legislation la their Mils as tranquilly as if we were disown selfish interests. And you will The American Medical Association cussing fair weather. has about 65,000 members of whbm live up to the obligation which the marriage service has put upon you." 27,000 are fully constituted memShe might have been a marble statse bers and the rest are members ue pedestaled in that window seat. of their affiliation with state or "You married me of your owu free local societies. The Association owns will for you could have protested to 1 real estate in Chicago valued at the preacher and he would have susand its total assets are You Its liabilities, at the time of tained you. our tacitly putI certain conon ditions assented to marriage. the annual report which was made at 1 them. I have respected them. the June meeting, amounted to only shall continue to respect them. But The excess of assets over $21,906. when you married mfc, you didnt liabilities is increasing at the rate of dude chattering marry about $30,000 a year, and the purpose advanceda, dawdling Ideas' with his head full of the organization is to dominate of libertinism. You married a man. the field of medicine, and by crushing And that man Is husband. your all competitions by securing the pasI waited, but she made no comment of sage prohibitive legislation, compel not even by gesture or movement. all of the people of the United States She simply sat, her hands Interlaced to pay a doctor's fee every time the In her lap, her eyes straight upon most simple remedy Is needed. ' mine. 1 You say let us bo reasonable, Patron Saint of Lawyers. This story is told at the expense pt went on. Well, let us be reasonable. There may come a time when woman Francis H. T. Maxwell, a The members of the Taunton, can be free and Independent, , but lawyer. Mass., Bar association thought they that time Is a long way oft yet. The ought to have a patron saint, but after world Is organized on the balsis" of much wrangling they could not hit up- every womans having a protector of every decent womans having a on any particular saint a Finally committee, of which Mr. husband, unless she remains in the home of some ot her Maxwell was a member, was appoint-to make a selection. They made There may be women strong enough a trip to New York, and there visited to set the world at defiance.' But you a gallery where most of the saints were are not one of them and you know it. carved in marble. It was decided to You have shown it to yourself again hours. leave the selection to Mr. Maxwell, and again In the lastfforty-elgh- t has kept you a child and after making the rounds he placed Your bringing-uhis hand on one in a group of two, in real knowledge of real life, as This one will do, he said. He had distinguished from life in that fashhis hand on the devil, whom St Mi- ionable hothouse. If you tried to assert your independence, you chael was driving before him. would be the easy prey of a scoundrel or scoundrels. When I, who have No Peace Conference. lived In the thick of the fight all my Are you going to strike, ma? asked the little boy, as he tremblingly life, who have learned by many a surprise and defeat never to sleep exgazed upon the uplifted shingle. Thats Just what Im going to do. cept with the sword and gun In hand, Cant we arbitrate, ma, before you and one eye open when I have been trapped as Roebuck and Langdon strike? I am Just going to arbitrate, she have Just trapped me what chance said, as the shingle descended and would a woman like you have?. She did not answer or change exraised a cloud of dust from the seat of a pair of pantaloons "I am Just pression. Is what I say reasonable or ungoing to arbitrate, my son, and this reasonable?" I asked gently. shingle is the board of arbitration. "Reasonable from your standPlaces of Interest Neglected. point, she said. Two of the most attractive places She out into the moonlight, for instruction In New York city are up Intogazed the sky. And at the look In Museum of Art and her. face, the the Metropolitan primeval savage in me the American Museum of Natural His- strained to close round that slender tory, yet there are thousands of resiwhite throat of hers and crush and dents of New York who have never crush until it had killed in her the been In them, and more than half of thought of that other man which was their daily visitors are strangers In transforming her from marble to flesh the city. that glowed and blood that surged. I pushed back my chair with a sudden Few Runaways in New York. 1 by the way she - trembled noise; Although New York is a hitching how tense nerves must her gaged be. postless city there are fewer runa1 rose and In a fairly calm tone, said: way horses in its streets than in the IVe understand each other?" average city cf cue tenth of its z. Yes, she answered. As before." I ignored this. Think it over, Anita, I urged she seemed to me so lige a sweet, spoiled child again. I longed to go straight at her about that other man. 1 stood for a moment with Tom Langdons name on my lips, but I could not trust myself. I went away to my own rooms. I thrust thoughts of her from my mind. I spent the night gnawing upon the ropes with which Mowbray Langdon and Roebuck had bound me, hand and foot. I now say they were ropes of steel and It had long been broad day before I found that weak strand which is in every rope of human make. XXV. THE WEAK. STRAND. No sane creature, not even a sane bulldog, will fight simply from love of fighting. When a man is attacked, he may be sure he has excited either fear or cupidity, or both. As far as I could see, it was absurd 'that cupidity was inciting Langdon and Roe buck against me. I hadnt enough to I have asked Alva to stop with me here for a few days, she said formally. Alva!" said I, much surprised. She bad not asked one of her own friends; she had asked a girl she had met less than two days before, and that girl my partners daughter. She was here yesterday morning, Anita explained. And I now Wondered how much Alva there was in Anitas firm stand against her parents. Why dont you take her down to our place on Long Island?" said I, most carefully concealing my delight for Alva near her meant a friend of mine and an advocate and example Everyof real womanhood near her. things ready for you there and Im going to be busy the next few days busy day and night She reflected. Very well, she assented presently. And she gave me a puzzled glance she thought I did not se as if she were wondering whether th enemy was not hiding new and deeper guile under an apparently harmless suggestion. Then Ill not see you again for several days," said I, most businesslike. If you want anything, there will be Monspn out at the stables where he cant annoy you. Or you can get me Good on the long distance. Good-by- . luck. And I nodded carelessly and friend-lilto her, and went away, enjoying the pleasure ot having startled her into visible astonishment "Theres a better game than icy hostility, you very young, young lady, said I to myself, and that game is friendly indifference." Alva would be with her. So she was secure for the present and my mind was free for finance. At that time the two most powerful men in finance were Galloway and Roebuck. In Spain I once saw a fight between a bull and a tiger or. y be-cau- 9. blood-relation- d p N Pfow Coprrlsht L1AII-A-L- br Th IMS, UtLOtSa Co. Is M An Excellent Remedy for Constipation There are many ailments directly dependent upon con- stipation, such as biliousness, discolored and pimpled skin, inactive liver, dyspepsia, overworked kidneys and headache. war-pat- Remove KSAN-A-LI- I constipation and ailments dis- thus all of appear. can be relied upon X ta produce a gen(le action of the bowels, making pills and drastic cathartics entirely unnecessary. A dose or two of n Is advisable In slight febrile attacks, la grippe, colds and Influenza. Man-a-ll- "Naturally, said I, unruffled, apparWhat can we do about It?" ently. We must do something! ha ex. claimed. THE MAN-A-LI- N CO., For Yes, we must I admitted. COLUMBUS, OHIO, U. S. A. . instance, we must keep cool, especially when two or three dozen people are watching us. Also, you must attend to your usual routine. What are you going to do?- - he Bobbin Boys Wages. cried. For Gods sake, Matt, dont John B. Lennon, treasurer of the keep me In suspense! American Federation of Labor, delivGo to your desk, I commanded. ered recently an address on strikes. And he quieted down and went. 1 Turning to the amusing features of hadnt been schooling him in the tire the strike question, Mr. Lennon said: drill for fifteen years in vain. I remember a strike of bobbin I went up the street and into the boys, a just strike, and one that sucgreat banking and brokerage house of ceeded. These boys conducted their Galloway and Company. I made my fight well, even brilliantly. Thus the ' way through the small army of guards, day they turned out they posted in behind which the old beast of prey the spinning room of their employers-mil- l was intrenched, and into his private a great placard inscribed with den. There he sat, at a small, plain the words: ' table, in the middle of the room withThe wages of sin is death, but the out any article of furniture in it but wages of the bobbin boys is worse.' his table and his chair. On the table was a small inkstand, perfectly clean, Stopped Seeing Things. a steel pen equally clean, on the rest Enthusiastic Nature Lover (to Re- - ' formed Tramp) Ah, my friend, how attached to it And that was all not a letter, not a scrap of paper, not well you must know the face of na- a sign of work or of intention to ture, and know it in all its moods. . work. It might have been the desk Have you ever seen the sun sinking of a man who did nothing; in fact, in such a glare of glory that it swal- it was the desk of a man who had so lows up the whole horizon with its much to do that his only nope of es- passionate fire? Have you seen the cape from being overwhelmed was mist gliding like a specter down the to despatch and clear away each mat- shrinking hillside, or the pale moon ter the Instant it was presented to struggling to shake off the grip of the , ' him. Many things could be read from ragged storm cloud? the powerful form, bolt upright in that Reformed Tramp No, sir; not stiff chair, and from the cynical, mas- since I signed the pledge. terful old face. But to me the chief Horrible Example. quality there revealed was that qualsaid Mrs. Strongmind, I My decision of the dear, great, qualities, ity; est power a man can have, except want you to accompany me to the evening. only courage. And old James Gallo- town hall What for? queried the meek and way had both. He pierced me with his blue eyes, lowly other half of the combine. T am to lecture on the Dark Side keen as a youths, though his face was of Married Life, seamed with scars of seventy tumulexplained Mrs. S., tuous years. He extended toward me "and 1 want you to sit on the platover the table his broad, stnbby white form and pose as one ot the illustrahand the hand of a builder, of a con- tions. How are .you. structive genius. Black lock? said he. What can I do for you? He just touched my hand before dropping it, and resumed that idol-lik- e pose. But although f there was only repose and deliberi tion in his manner, and not a suggestion of haste, I, like every one who came Into that room and that presence, had a sense of an interminable procession behind me, a procession of men who must he seen by this master-move- r that they might submit important and pressing affairs to him for decision. It was unnecessary for to see what a good "staying him to tell any one to be brief and breakfast can be made without pointed. I shall have to go to the wall today, said I, taking a paper from my pocket, unless you save me. Here is a statement of my assets and liabilities. I call to your attention my Coal holdings. I was one of the TRY eight men whom Roebuck got round A Little Fruit. him for the new combine it is a se, cret, hut I assume you know all about A Dish of Grape-Nuand Cream, it. A He laid the paper before him, put Egg, on his noseglasses and looked at 1L Some Nice, Crisp Toast, (To be Continued.) -- $111,-781.9- well-know- n MAN-A-LI- . . $291,-667.8- nopollzlng the cW, despite RDe)ncks earnest assurances, to Galloway that the combine was purely defensive, and was really concerned only with the labor question, Galloway, a great manufacturer, or, rather, a huge levier of the taxes of dividends and interest upon manufacturing enterprises, could not hut be uneasy. Before I rose that morning 1 had a tentative plan for stirring him to action. I was elaborating it on the way down town in my electric. It shows how badly Anita was crippling my brain, that not until I was almost at That my office did it occur to me: was a tremendous luxury Roebuck indulged his conscience In last night. It Isnt like him, to forewarn a man, even when hes 'sure he cant escape. Though his prayers wefe hot in his mouth, still, Its strange he didnt try to fool me. In fact, its suspicious. In fact Suspicious? The instant the Ides was fairly before my mind, I knew I bad let his canting fool me once more. I entered my offices, feeling that the blow had already fallen; and I was surprised, but not relieved, when I found everything calm. But fall it will within an hour or so before I can move to avert it, said I to myself. And fall It did. At eleven .oclock, just as I was setting out to make my first move toward heating old GalloJoe came ways heels for the In with the news: A general, lockouts declared in the coal regions. The operators have stolen a march on the men who, so they allege, were secretly getting ready to strike. By night every coal road will be tied up and every mine shut down. Joe knew our coal interests were heavy, but he did not dream his news meant that before the day was over we would be bankrupt and not able to pay fifteen cents on the dollar. However, he knew enough to throw him into a fever of fright He watched my calmness with terror. "Coal stocks are dropping like a thermometer in a cold wave, he said, like a fireman at a sleeper in a burning house. THE PRIMEVAL SAVAGE IN ME STRAINED TO CLOSE ROUND THAT SLENDER WHITE THROAT AND CRUSH AND CRUSH. I them. was forced to the beginning of a fight They rather Thus, tempt conclude that I must possess a were released into a huge Iron cage. strength of which I was unaware, and After circling it several times in the which stirred even Roebucks fears . But what could it be? Besides Langdon and Roebuck and me there were six principals in the proposed Coal combine, three of them richer and more influential in finance than even Langdon, all of them except possibly Dykeman, the lawyer, or navigating officer of the combine, more formidable figures than I. Yet none of these men was being assailed. Why am I singled out? I asked myself, and I felt that if I could answer, I should find I had the means wholly or partly to defeat them. But I could not explain to my satisfaction even Langdons activities against me. I felt that Anita was somehow, in part at least, the cause; but, even so, how had he succeeded in convincing Roebuck that I must be clipped and plucked into a groundling? It must have something to do with I decided. the Manasquale mines, I thought I had given over my control of them, but somehow I must still have a control that makes me too powerful for Roebuck to be at ease so long as I am afoot and arm 'd. And 1 resolved to take my lawjeis and search the whole Manasquale transaction to explore it from attic to underneath the cellar flooring. Well ga through It. said I, Kke ferrets through a ships hold. As 1 was finishing breakfast, Anita came In. She had evidently slept; well, and I regarded that as ominous. At her age. a crisis means little sleep until a decision has been .reached. I rose, but her manner warned me not to advance and try to shake hands with her same direction, searching for a way out, they came face to face. The bull tossed the tiger; the tiger clawed the bull. The bull roared; the tiger screamed. Each retreated to his own side of the cage. The bull pawed and snorted as. if he could hardly wait to get at the tiger; the tiger crouched and quivered and glared murderously, as if he were going instantly to spring upon the bull. But the bull did not rush, neither did the tiger spring. That was the Roebuck-Gallowa- y sit- uation. How to bait Tiger Galloway to attack Bull Roebuck that was the problem I must solve, and solv straightbeway. If I could bring about-wa- r tween the giants, spreading confusion over the whole field of finance and filling all men with dread and fear, there was a chance, that in the confusion 1 might bear oft part of my fortune. Certainly, conditions would result in which I could more easily get myself intrenched again ; then, too, there would be a by no means small satisfaction in seeing Roebuck clawed and bitten in punishment, for having plotted against me. Mutual fear had kept these two at peace for five years, and most considerate and polite about each others "rights. But while our countrys industrial territory Is vast, the Interests of the few great controllers who determine wages .and prices for all are equally vast, and each plutocrat is tormented incessantly by jealousy and suspicion; not a day passes without conflicts of Interest that adroit diplomacy couud turn Into ferocious warfare. And in this matter of mo- - Its a Good Time now high-price- d Meat ts Soft-Boil- Didnt Hurt. "The ladies of our congregation. said the minister's little boy, are very fond o me. A good many of em gave pa some slippers on his birth. day I thought your pa always used p slipper to spank you with. Thats just it. The slippers the ladies gave him are the soft kind thats made out o wool. Zebra Would Be Useful. Of all wild animals the zebra would be most useful to man If domesticated. It is not liable to horse fevw or tsetse fy. ' - Cup of Postum Food Coffee. Thats all, and all very easy of digec-tio- n and full to the brim with nourishment and strength. REPEAT FOR LUNCHEON OR SUP-PE- and have a meat and vegetable dinner either at noon or evening, as you prefer. ; We predict for you au increase la physical and mental power. Theres a Reason. Read the little The he-jlt- WelKilSe, iu pkga. Rol t k |