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Show ! f E Burnham 271 N 2 West - y O o E VOL II. pv o, '( MARYSVALE, UTAH, SEPTEMBER 7, 1907. The Piute Courant. Wifle has a hard time now half cents an hour; almost two cents ! An advertisement in the locl piet a minute. Think of it, poor men often brings 100 fold in results. home for money. Published Every Saturday at and poor women who are compelled to The Courant Printing and Publishing use nothing but brains and who get but dollars a week-th- ree - ' Company, v twenty or twenty-fiv, or four dollars a day. Just think Dr. F. J. Lyon, R. A." HAtBROUCK, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Marysvale, of the glorious possibilities held out Piute County, Utah. ' a plumber. by being contemplating PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, FhyaWaa and Gurgeen, Offices of publication. Room 14, Of course the ordinary layman knows Offie 10 Oetaaertial Bloak. Eagle Block, Salt Lake City.4 and what are and what they plumbers Marysvale, Utah. :johnson Bros. Store, Main Street, get. Although Lake City, Utah. Salt simthey have never Marysvale, Piute Co., Utah. 14M-K- . 14U-- 2 3 Fhoaee to matter down mered a of the basis Subscription : dollars and householder who the cents, 'One year, $1.00; six months, 75 cts; has had contact w ith the Mll plumber, ha3 esj' felt that he was paying about matter Feb- always Entered as second-clas- s for a nine dollars minute the help 8, at at office the post 1907, ruary by the plumber. What man is CYRUS G. GATRELL Sait Lake City, Utah, under the Act affordedwho owns & house and lot who there of Congress of March 3, 1879. has run counter to a plumber but has Attorney A Counaelorv LIONEL H. GRAY. Manager. been compelled to wonder at the aweJ. A. BELL .... LOCAL MANAGER inspiring gall that inspired the knight lift D. F. Walker BulMla of the solder to tinker about thirteen Balt Lake City. seconds at a job and then put in a bill TO THE COURANT READERS. that makes an electric light account t look like a two spot in a stud Any one of the readers of the game? who receives the American Far Everybody has had something to do mer will please understand that it is with the plumber and everybody has vent to them as a compliment from this wanted to do something to the plum3 GEO. W. PARKS, paper. Our friends are welcome to ber. Called to your house on a job, Land Attorney, the little sheet, although we have the weary plumber comes straggling j ' not In any case held it out as a prem- along about noon. He looks so weary 3 Auerbach Building, ium for their patronage. and woebegone that .your heart beats 8alt Lake City. S in sympathy with him. Sitting lanPIUTE COUNTY OFFICERS. guidly down he calls his helper and bids the boy light his pipe. Then he County Seat, Junction, Piute County. mildly surveys the job in hand, states he has not material there for such Clerk E. E. Sprague. a complicated affair, then retires. That Treasurer Lorin Fullmer. is the last you see of him, for some Recorder L. T. Stark. time; until the first of the month, to Sheriff Charles Morrill. be exact. On that date comes a bill r Assessor C. J. Heinhold. for dollars and eleven cents for repairing that joe. You expostuAttorney James Walton. Surveyor J. F. Neville. late; you say the job is not yet comCommissioners E. Cv Bagley and H. pleted. The boss of the Bhop mediD. Willey. tates says; Pshaw, is that so? Well A boy comes well. Ill attend to it. Or. around that afternoon with a bottle SPEAKING GENERALLY. JL of resin and a little dingus, turns Anti-Pai-n Speaking of matters iru general a couple of screws, applies a little hot about the ML Baldy belt, 'we'fifve ev- solder, and in fifteen minutes the thing ery reason to feel that this seCfloo is is done. Then you pay the bill. If destined to become great somgFijay plumbers will keep their charges down Every natural product lends- - ItsgV.to to nine dollars a day, we may yet be Alnc: Izitratly and leave no bad effect future greatness and th only thing happy. Rye lacking is proper, development nlisve every other pain, Neural They Subscribe for your local paper. a time is coming when development will come; a time when the hills will gia, ',enn2.tic Pain, Sciatica, Backache be covered with mines and when the StoK ;h Ague Pains, Pains from in sun will be almost obscured by the down pains, Indigestion, Dia smoke rising from the mills and hoists. Newsjjfl" Miess and Sleeplessness. Speed the day! We are working and ' watching for such condition and when that time comes, though alost wearied StocKJon Sentinel Daw? Thomas hauled a load of gro- by waiting, yet we can sigh with relief for we will know that our labors and eerieSuj? to Dry canyon for Mr. .er ft, tTTnaaiiiiirT nrtnu Wri waiting have not been In. vain S6nie flesClon the goo3 faith of nesday. those who are always seeking to J boost this ' section. They claim it Mayor Brown has put a lid on the comes about either from a personal in- saloons as far as minors are conterest, a desire to spout hot air or cerned. Good. else from a hope to lure the unwary J j Kelly and Shelton are leasing on the capitalist to a barren field. Such assumptions are not true, neither as to mill tailing pond and expect to make a one or the other. Those who are shipment soon. J trying to upbuild this section are doAll-Ach- es The stork visited the home of Roing so honestly and conscientiously. They have been spending money and bert Marks and family and left a boy. & - . one or two Dr.' Miles Anti-Pai- n they have spent a great deal of time. All doing well and Robert is all taking By their own deeds and works have smiles now. Take one! Pula when you feel an attack coming on. J they striven to show that underneath You not only avoid suffering, but the weaktheir words of faith lay a deep feeling Marshal Donalson and Sheriff A. O. of anxiety to do something to show the Evens arrested Richard Becked, a ening influence of pain upon the system. If world that their faith was not mis- sheepman, in Soldier canyon, last nervous, irritable and cannot sleep taka a week for bedding his sheep on the placed. tablet on retiring or when you awaken. The time is coming which will show water that supplies this city. This soothing influence upon the nerves that their faith is not misplaced. Dis& 'brings refreshing sleep. tricts .and sections without Masherino Magill, a young sport of Never sold in bulk. 5 doses, 25 cents the showing this part of the state of this town, having failed making love Utah has got are now surging to the to rhe Tooele central girls, h .s taken front, digging and pouring forth a to whitewashing and is prepared to stream of precious metals; places that make love to, or whitewash any young cannot boast of a part of the indica make love to, or whitewash, any young tions that the Mt. Baldy section can, girl that may call. are building every day growing greato er and larger each twenty-fou- r hours. A' SL Louis boodler, recently reAnd the time will soon come when leased from the penitentiary, has every camp along the Mt. Baldy belt made his debut in vaudeville, says can say the same thing. The day is the Chicago Examiner. This thing Smoke Baltimore union made not far distant when there will be doz- may result in the next convicted ens of camps: when there will be boodler being sent up for life. For sale everywhere. cigars. mines from one end of it to the other; o when miners will be numbered by the A Texas man has raised a lemon as thousands and homes by the thou- big as an egg plant. He must have a large and enthusiastic grudge sands. This is not a dream, but an against some on of his neighbors. NO. 40 Wife of German Ambassador tJ e . ul -- , . Cour-an- ptwE , asggg'- forty-fou- v Miles Pills Headache , r - t Utah State - Prevent one-hal- f & - o based on a solid foundation of fact. If it is true that where there We shudder to think of the probable is smoke there is fire, it must equally dimensions of Jawjaws forthcoming be true that where the indications of Christmas jag. o mineral wealth are as great as they are here there must be mineral wealth. And there is, and some day the world Is going to learn it. Send Your Suits, .skirts, jackets, hats, gloves, portieres, piano covers, ostrich plumeBA or anything that has become soiled orj faded, to us and we will I A NEW FAD. Our young people who indulge in the dizzy waltz, says the Sheridan EnCLEAN, DYE OR RE it so that It will be almost' as good as' terprise, will hear with interest that PAIR new. the heads of New York society have pay particular attention to work declared that sitting out a waltz Htro out of the city and on jobs of will be more fashionable from now on or over we prepay the express Wages 25c per hour than dancing. The sitting out emxhcharges, bodies the same position as dancing the only difference is that you sit, Main office, 112 Is 2nd So. SL instead of dance. The mans right arm (Opp. Grand Theatre is around the girls waist, while his W 1st So. St, Salt Lake" City Works, 338-4- 0 is holds Het her right. left left hand placed on his shoulder, while her head Equipped with Plank Wagons rests lovingly on his bosom, and all for Grading Work, to to is to do have sit listen and they High Grade Saddles and the music. Now, that is something I Ore Mall Bags Feed Bagr Bags Riding Equipment. like" it. We have always regarded it WAGES $4.50 FOR EIGHT HOURS. as quite a nuisance to gallop a mile or two to get a hug or two. A room full STEADY EMPLOYMENT of people sitting around on sofas hugManufacturer and Dealer to our music is notion. to ging morj REAL LEATHER GOODS A NOVEL-TIEThis will give the old rhumaticky a MOHAN P. IV brethren a good chance to waltz. Most men waltz, not for the dance but for LEATHER, NOT RUBBER. vtys the position, and while many a man Salt Lake City Hand Carved Leather Goods. Utah for he his lose may dancing, apetite Ladies Hand Bags, Purses, Belts, Etc. haB to get powerful old before he looses his appetite for hugging a pretty Sportsmen's Leather and Canvas Supplies. girl. Dog Collars, Buggy Whips. .T NINE DOLLARS A DAY. Dr. F. J. Lyon, Real Leather Is made of skins of Stockton Sentinel. animals. PHYSICIAN AND afSURGEON, of Nev., The plumbers Goldfield, Imitation Leather skins the publlo. ter a short but strenuous strike have Marysvalo, Utah. won and will now receive nine dollars 21 East Third South 8treot a day as their wage scale. Nine dollars I DYrrMMIMWJiaiMf oneIndependent Telephone No. 2401. and TOSXMftaSiafttglfl twelve One a day! dollar, THE UTAH ROOSEVELT SADDLE 8ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 50 LABORERS ft 2 Templeton Cleaning Co., TEAMS tern J. V, Jl i.. K IIP for the delectation of his fellow lodgIn the Bowery caravansary. The Inventor Was formerly In the cigar business and he also manufactured & hair restorer. IS LIKE HEN ers FARMER GETS IDEA FOR FLYING DEVICE FROM ROOSTER. Movement of Chanticleer Balancing on Thumb Illustrates Principle on Which Ingenious Machine Is Modeled by Him. New York Ho.v doesa roobter balance himself on a mans thumb? He sticks out his head, shifts and extends his wings, which are lateral aeroplanes, and then elevates or depresses his tall. By causing his favorite Chanticleer on his farm, near Fort Plain, to go through vsiIoub experiments on this phalangeal roost, William Morgan has evolved a flying machine which he now hopes to send through the air. He has a small model, which he sends hither and thither, and It has the movement of a surprised chicken just shooed from Its perch. The small model, which he has patented, can be made to fly at any time by simply winding up the rubber bands which form the motive power of the two propellers In front. Of the big air ship Its Inventor said, when seen at the Victoria Hotel, a Bowery lodging-house- : I would have It merely skim along. It would, of course, have abundant space to clear the propellers from the earth. It does not need a gas bag. There are two large propellers In front and the machine can be steered by varying their number of revolutions. It is kept up by the motion of the propellers, and when they cease to move the aeroplanes take such a position thst the machine cannot come down hard, but will settle gradually." Mr. Morgan flew his small model 20-fo- OUR GUNNERS GOOD AS ANY. Recent Practice on British Ship calls American Performances. Re- For several years the Washington navy department has not regarded It as good policy to acquaint foreign nations VUtn the performances - of the-Aerica n naval gunners. It was'felt that the publication of a good record made by onr men would only serve to stimulate the gunners of other nations to better their own performances. J But the publication recently of the fact that during target practice on the British channel fleet In the presence cf King Edward one gun made nine teen hits in twenty-on- e shots, thereby earning a decoration from the klngr has naturally touched the pride of some of the American naval officers, but they find no reason to fear a com parison with the gunners of any other navy. ( Taking some of the six inch guns in the Atlantic fleet, one gunner on the armored cruiser Maryland made eleven shots and eleven hits In one minute. A gun on the battleship Ohio was fired with a perfect score at the rate of 10 81 a minute. A six inch gun on the battlqshlp Maine has a record of a perfect score at the rate of 10 41 a minute, and the battleship Missouris best record was 10 30 shots a minute, each lodged In a target. But In the way of small guns these six inch records become insignificant. A three pounder on the battleship Virginia made 20 shots and hits in 75 seconds. and another gun made 10 shots and 10 hits (n 2214 seconds, a remarkable average of 26 67 shots and hits a minute. . A MILITARY, ROAD TO YUKON WANTED 200 before her marriage to the Baron Speck Von 8ternberg, Embaseador from Germany, the Baronese wae a noted Kentucky belle; ehe le regarded ae the noet beautiful woman In official life at Washington. iU? HERSCHEL B. LYMAN, And the purpose of It is because one Canada Is Building 1,600 Mile Trail to of Canadas richest treasure houses, Back Door of Gold Region. the golden Klondike, lies cooped up An important beyond the great mountains. The Edmonton, B. C. work that is being carried on by the two front doors to this country lie In Dominion government in the Canadian the United States territory of Alaska one opening in from Skagway by north west, concerning which people in general know but little, is the build- means of the White pa3s and Yukon ing of a military road from this city railway, the other further north, the to the Yukon territory. For two years estuary of the Yukon river at St. the construction has been underRvay Michael. 1l charge of the royal northwest Something Substantial. mounted police. Did you ever try egg soup. No? From Edmonton the road stretches 70 miles away to Fort St. John on the Then you have lived In vain. Beat Peace river, and then takes an almost thoroughly six strictly fresh eggs. direct course over the Rocky moun- Add one quart of good cream and tains for 200 miles to Fort Graham, In season with butter, pepper and salt. British Columbia, and thence In a Simmer. When thick enough, serve northwesterly direction for 700 miles with grlslni broken In short bits, or, more to Atlin. This long trail of 1,600 if you can not get the stick bread, miles lies through a region but little with toasted dice made of yesterdays civilized, and where nature t times bread. You can not imagine anything more palatable or nourishing in this opposes her sterile barriers. It is not a wide road only eight weather or in any other weather. feet and at regular intervals of 20 Plans Monument to Chicken. miles small log houses are erected Bloomington, 111. A monument is as baiting places. The principal work so far has been from the eastern side planned for a chicken belonging to of tbe Rocky mountains, and last fall O. L. McCord of Vermilion County. the construction party, under the com- It has just died, aged 12 years. It mand of Capt Camies, reached Fort was claimed to be the champion of Graham, where they have wintered champions, having won first prize at This summer, another party of work- eight successive state fairs and also Exposition. The men, under Inspector McDonald of at the Whitehorse, will push the work from fowl was valued at a high figure and Atlin until the two forces meet, which was considered to be one of the finest blooded chickens In the country. they hope to do before winter. n k m |