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Show N CHILDREN IN FLATS WHAT THE WOMEN WORE, Of Course the Story Teller Didnt Really Mean Just That ONE REASON WHY THEY ARE NOT MORE WELCOME. Fractious Horse six-roo- bn ul i b mij easagh to Manage if ys fittk lUI, a little patieac., solid, kanesa. Tb karats U skill ar patieac. mpb essftial tkaa Hava yes mr tried aar Make? We in ytaad af aar Uaiaess Line. Tea caa get batker eat af aM skaes aad anay saddles, kat Bet ear kiad af leatker. Tke kest leatker isat a skade toe gaed far as. Writs er tall. Satisfactory terau aad prices. acT-fiT- tb kar-ae- ss Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company Leadiag bapleeeat Dealers Utak aad Idake George T. Odell, Geaeral Manager Hovjaj at Salt Lake. Ojden, Loan, Idaho Fattj and Montpelier. ANEW TRIUMPH IN DIP MAKING DOUBLE LOW COST, BTBKNQTH, LCBB FRtlOMT to-da- d Absolutely free from any crude substance. Contains no tar oils. Infallible In curative effect. No injury to sheep or wool. Requires no addition besides water. No sediment. No stirring. Mixes with cold water whether hard, brackish, alkali or salty. M USE f EBMITTED In all OFFICIAL DIPPINGS CUBE! IMNCE and LICE Oil CATTLE OB H06S MUCH CHEAPEB 1HH TOBACCO ANOCBUDE LIQUID PIPE HO OEABEB THAH LIME ANO SULPHOB ' ;al. makes 120 gels, for Scab, official strength or 200 gals, for licks, lice, etc. al Can 1.72,0 gal Caa &.50, 10 gaL brl. 71.00 WILLM. COOPER A HEPHEWt ITT Illinois SL, Chicago ORDER OF YOUR MERCHANT OR WRITE Dr. S. D.CILLETT, General Agent 715 SIXTH AYE., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. qi When you get married, get the knot tied tight. You need a good Wedding Bing, and we would call attention to ours. They are the best made in the world. 170 MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Collections Merchants and Business Men who have outstanding accounts should send them to us. We can get the money. Address P. 0. Box SUES' A Clever Book. S Remedies for Afflictions. dissipation of mind and length of time are remedies to which the greatest part of mankind trust in their afflictions. But the first of these works a temporary, the second a slow, effect and such are unworthy of a wise man. Are we to fly from ourselves that we may fly from our misfortunes, and only to Imagine that the disease is cured because we find means to get some moments of respite from pain? Or shall we expect from time, the physician of brutes, a lingering and uncertain deliverance? Shall we wait to be happy till we can forget that we are miserable, and owe to the weakness of our faculties a tranquillity which ought to be the efTect of their strength? Far otherwise. Let us set all our past and present afflictions at once before our eyes. Let us resolve to overcome them, instead of flying from them, or wearing out the sense of them by long and ignominious patience. Instead of pallial-inremedies, let us use the incisive knife and the caustic, search the wound to the bottom, and work an Immediate and radical cure. Lord Bollngbroke A Different Loaf. exclaimed little Johnny, Why, when he heard his father telling about somebody who was looking after the loaves and fishes, thats just what mamma says about Uncle Henry! Says about Uncle Henry? repeatWhat ed his father, in astonishment do you mean? Why, pa, dont you know, said mamma says Uncle Henry Johnny, only loafs and fishes." ' Due Process of Law. At the time of the famous Eastman trial In Cambridge, Mass., two Irishmen, standing on a street corner, were overheard discussing the trial. One of them was trying to enlighten the other concerning a jury. Bedad! he explained. "Youre Thin if ye gets th shmartest lawyer, yere innicint; but if th other man gets th best lawyer, yere guilty. Life. BAD DREAMS g (1678-1761- Frequently Due to Coffee Drinking. Familiar Sound Cause of Young Mans Bad Break. John Detroit, at the New York convention of the International Society of Hotel and Restaurant Employes a convention notable for its condemnation of the tipping system said to a reporter: The public thinks that we waiters get rich off our tips. The public is very ignorant In this .matter. When I think of its dense ignorance I am reminded of a political meeting I attended last April. There was a chap at this meeting who knew nothing of parliamentary procedure, and, besides that, he was half full. Well, in the course of the meeting there was a lot of excitement and shouting. It grew worse and worse. The chairman, in the end, had to hammer on the table and yell: Order! Order! Beer for me, said the Ignorant young man." C. Risley of VERY BAD FORM OF ECZEMA. Suffered Three Years No Good Physicians Did Perfectly Well After Using Cuticura Remedies. I take great pleasure in Informing that I was a sufferer of eczema in a very bad form for the past three years. I consulted and treated with a number of physicians in Chicago, but to no avail. I commenced using the you Cuticura Remedies, consisting of Cuti- cura Soap, Ointment and Pills, three months ago, and I am perfectly well, the disease having left me entirely. I cannot recommend the Cuticura Remedies too highly to anyone suffering with the disease that I have PUT IT IN GOOD LIGHT. Ons Comforting Thought In ths Death of the Chickens. ' M lady who had recently moved to the suburbs was very fond of her first brood of chickens. Going out one afternoon she left the household In boy. Becharge of her fore ber return a thunderstorm came up. The youngster forgot the chicks during the storm, and was dismayed after it passed to find that half of them had been drowned. Though fearing the wrath to come, be thought best to make a clean breast of the calamity, ratber than leave It to be discovered. Mamma," he said, contritely, when his mother had returned, mamma, bIx of the chickens are dead. Dead!" cried his mother. Six! How did they die? The boy saw his chance. I think I think they died happy, he Bald. Harper's Weekly. A eight-year-ol- d The Revised Psalm. The fathers peroration was superb. 'And departing, leave behind you, " he concluded, " footprints on the sands of But here the son rudely interrupted. Footprints?" he sneered. "Who wants to leave footprints? Then what would you leave, my boy? the old man Inquired. Tracks," said the youth, haughtily. "Tracks of my 90horBe power racer, to be sure. Am I a dog or a workingman that I should leave mero the fact that he has substituted something else for white lead in his paint but when the substitution is discovered he defends the adulteration as an improvement. There is no mystery about good paint Send for our handsome booklet It will tell you why our Ture White Lead (look for the Dutch Boy Painter on the keg) makes the best paint and will also give you a number of practical painting hints. For goto by tint date daatan NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY to-da- y had. Mrs. Florence E. Atwood, 18 Crilly Place, Chicago, III, October 2. 1905. Witness: L. S. Berger." President Castros Conceit Many stories have been told of Cipriano Castro, president of Venezuela, and of his monumental conceit. war the During the fall of Port Arthur was being explained to him. Pshaw! he exclaimed. With E0Q Venezuelans I could have taken it in four days. With a thousand. In one day, your excellency, said the diplomatic representative of a European power. Castro was so pleased at what was intended to be sarcasm that, it is said, the diplomat succeeded next day in securing satisfaction of a claim that his government had been vainly pressing for years. Russo-Japanes- ; i e Punctured His Eloquence, A lawyer In Johnstown, N. Y., while defending a little boy who had been apprehended in the act of making & surreptitious entrance under the fair grounds fence, drew for the Jury a .Most pathetic picture of the prisoners "poor old widowed mother with the tears streaming down her face and her gray head bowed In sorrow at the thought of her little boy being incarcerated." The youthful offender cut in at this point with Please, sir, Mr. Lawyer, my mother aint a widow. Shut up, darn you, said the lawyer. Im trying this case, not you. Law Notes. i Impudence of Hoi Polio!. A noted English artist was standing at the edge of the road, waiting for his horse, and he was dressed In his usual peculiar style mustard-coloreriding suit, vivid waistcoat and bright red tie. A man, who had evidently been reveling, happened to lurch round tho corner of the street. He stared at the famous artist or a minute In silence, then he touched his cap and asked in a tone of deep commiseration, Beg pardon, guvnor, was you In mournin for anybody?" New York. Boston. Buffalo, Cleveland, Si Louul Cincmnati, Chicago, Philadelphia (John i Lewis ft Bros. Cd-Pittsburgh (National Lead ft Oil Co.) Important to Moth ora. Examine carefully every bottle of C ASTORIA, a eafe end sure remedy for infante end children, and eee that tt Bean the Signature SICK HEADACHE at In Bee For Over 80 Yean. Positively cored by these Little Pills j The Kind Yon Have Alwaye Bought Sacred Deer of Japan. Deer are relatively plenty in various parts of Japan, and in such show places as Maru and Mlyajlma are held as sacred, becoming so tame as to eat from the hands of visitors. They are generally smaller In size than the American deer. It Cures While You Walk. Altons Foot Kin-- is a cot tain cure for hot, Sweating, cnlloun, anT swollen, aching feet. Sold by all I)t tigged a. Price 25c. Dont accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. They also relieve Dto trees from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Uearty Eating. A perfect rein) edy for Dlzzlneae, Nair nea, Drowsiness Bad Xante In the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVEK. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE; Genuine Must Bear e Fac-Simi- le Signature Address "Allen S, Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y, No impulse Is too splendid for the simplest task; no task is too for the most splendid impulse. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Blmple Phil- lips Brooks. Our character Is but the stamp of the free choices of good and evil we make through life. Geikie. Nrik Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teethlug, softens the gums, reduces to fleminetlontmUsyipeliigCares wludcoilu. ftc shuttle. If a girl is as good as pie she doesnt always take the cake. , I (S0K)dtf ;) d Natures Gift Wasted. A Scotchman who recently took the street car trip on the gorge route, the New York side of Niagara river, was much disgusted with' the hawkers of views and Teddy bears, who make the afternoon hideous and do their best to spoil nature's grandeur. As he alighted from the car he looked angrily at the shouting venders and then at the Whirlpool .rapids. Whats the use of having a big river like that, he asked, if you dont drown those fellows In It? One of the common symptoms of coffee poisoning is the bad dreams that Of the Cabbage Patch. spoil what should be restful sleep. A man who found the reason says: Cigar Maker Heres a new cigar Formerly I was a slave to coffee. I Ive just been putting up and I havent was like a morphine fiend, could not any name for it Suppose you suggest sleep at night would roll and toss in one. Friend (after smoking it) Theyre my bed and when I did get to sleep was disturbed by dreams and hobgobnaming a good many after characters lins, would wake up wjth headaches in fiction now. Why don't you call and feel bad all day, so nervous I this Mrs. Wlggs? could not attend to business. My writNew Yorke Growth. ing looked like bird tracks, I had sour In New York city Invest Builders from the stomach, indigesbelchings tion, heartburn and palpitation of the $500,000 each day in land and new heart constipation, irregularity of the houses for apartment dwellers. kidneys, etc. Indeed, I began to feel I bad all the troubles that human flesh could suffer, but when a friend advised me to leave off coffee I felt as if he had Insulted me. I could not bear the idea, it had The horse can draw the such a hold on me and I refused to load without help, if you believe it the cause. But it turned out that no advice was reduce friction to almost ever given at a more needed time for nothing by applying I finally consented to try Postum and with the going of coffee and the coming of Postum all my troubles have gone and health has returned. I eat -and sleep well now, nerves steadied down and I write a fair hand (as you to the wheels. can see), can attend to business again No other lubriand rejoice that I am free from the Benjamin Franklins Poor Richard has found a worthy successor In the A anonymous modern humorist who is The Ingenue So our sterling young responsible for "Poor Richard, Jrs. leading man, Mr. Hogstage, Is going eh? Almanack, published by the Henry to wed a For Altemus company, Philadelphia. The Comedian Not exactly. I hear the past few years more than half a that the prominent young society womillion people have every week been man, who will soon bear his name, laughing at this authors wit and has been divorced twice, lost her jewprofiting by his pithy advice as it ap- els more than once, been reported enpeared on the. editorial page of The gaged to four different titles, owns a under the French bulldog, has written a tooth Saturday Evening Post PhilosJrs. Richard "Poor powder testimonial, and is devoted to caption: Now, by means of what is a simple home life and her books! ophy. evidently a rigorous process of selec- Puck, tion, the cream of these magazine utterances has been skimmed and put Keeping Husband at Home. into book form, and it is a book that Mrs. Jones I wish I could think of is well worth the reading, being a something to keep my husband at storehouse of wit and wisdom and home in the evenings. Mrs. Smithson Buy him a motor quaint sayings, calculated to banish the "blue devils from the immediate :ar, dear. vicinity of the fortunate reader. Mrs. Jones Hed be out more than if I did that. ?ver Dog Is Good Advertisement. Smithson No, indeed! Mrs. My A dog used in advertising a certain Husband bought one last week, and considbrand of tobacco is attracting he wont be out for doctor erable attention in Fitchburg. The the weeks. says tix wears of a suit animal is attired in red, ,a "stove pipe hat, and carries a cob An Expensive Compliment. pipe in his mouth like a veteran Excuse me, sir, but this is the sixth monster coffee. smoker. time that you have gone away without Ten days trial of Postum in place of Real Wealth Is in the Heart paying. coffee will bring sound, restful, reto on outward when a bring things Relying Oh, my dear young lady, freshing sleep. Theres a Reason. nan sees you he forgets everything Read you happiness is indeed a big misThe Road to Wellville, in pkgs. take. Earths real wealth lies in the lse. Translated for Transatlantic Some call it a little health physicians useis heart and there alone and it .'ales from Fliegende Blatter. classic. less to seek it esawhjre. l. WAS FIRST THOUGHT, " A gentleman recently returned from that quiet little Maryland . resort. Ocean City, has a tale to tell of conditions that are really sensational Hard to Make Them Understand ths And the worst of it was that he did Necessity for Quiet Tone of not know they were sensational at all Voice Ons Womans HuHe was out calling the other evening, morous Experience. and the conversation started with the shirtwaist man, who, the returned "I, for one, can understand why chil- wanderer said, was to be found In dren are not more welcome as great quantities at the summer resort sighed a weary working Then he told about the habit every-- , woman. "A boy of five or thereabouts body down there had contracted of will more than fill a apartgoing without hats. This is the way ment I once occupied a room, rented he told it to an Interested company: from a widow, who, beside myself, had You see everybody down there for lodgers a widower and his little going about just the same. The men son. The oldest daughter of the wid- never wear coats; they go about In ow, a girl of 20, was the boys pros- just their shirts and trousers, and the pective stepmother, and so upon her women are just like them. devolved the duty of putting him in Deaths from his little bed at night in a room adThe death of Dr. Weigel, a surgeon joining mine. Now, it 'was quite useless to try to impress it upon this of Rochester, from a disease due to makes youngster that he should lower his the constant use of the voice on account of the thinness of the the fourth who has lost his life from wall between him and his neighbor; this cause, says the Chistlan Advoand as it was only natural that his cate. The others were an assistant of future mamma in the course of argument should raise her voice in propor- Thomas Edison, a Boston physician tion to his, I innocently eavesdropped. and a woman of San Francisco named In the case of Dr. WeiFor instance: Oh, dont make such a Fleischman. noise, child, with your yelps and gel since 1904, when his right hand groans! You will disturb the lady in and all but the thumb and a finger of the left hand were removed, there the next room. Huh! If she had the stomach ache had been four operations in trying to save his life. The first removed that Ive got,shed holler too. a part of the right shoulder; then a . When the child was free from aches of the muscles .covering the right inpart more and pains he was none the clined to go quietly to sleep. No mat- breast. Mystery completely envelops the ter how he might have been stretching and yawning in the parlor, where his cause of death, the disease being unknown to medical science, though It papa and his papas fiancee had been is believed to involve some great prinplaying bezique, once in bed, he was Inclined to be wakeful and argu- ciple of life. Dr. Weigel was president of the Rochester Academy of mentative, especially when rebuked. and the American OrthoI hope, remarked his guardian one Medicine paedic society. to before sleep you go night, that you will think of what a bad boy you Puzzled. are. It grieves your father, I can tell The bard from the city had sold sufy that the ficient verses to you. He said to me spend a week . in a thought of it fairly took away his ap- rural boarding house. Waving off the petite. After ordering his breakfast swarms of June bugs and mosquitoes, at a restaurant this morning, he began the bard sat penning his lines by the thinking about the way you behave, yellow light of a kerosene lamp. and, when the food was brought, he How I love this madrigal! he found himself unable to eat. mused to himself. .And what did he do then? asked The horny-handefarmer, who sat the bad boy with some interest. his boots, looked up In surgreasing went out." Paid for it and I think prise. Well, remarked Frank, Gracious! he drawled. Where is he was pretty foolish to go and order she? a breakfast and pay for it when he Who? asked the astonished bard. couldnt eat. I dont believe it was Why, the gal yeou Just said yeou I me that took away bis appetite. loved." know that sometimes I have been just An Inherited Tendency. as sorry as I could be about someA Cleveland society woman gave a thing, and I could eat lots and men party to nine friends of her young son, are just like boys, only bigger. Oh, stop your talk! The lady in aged six. To add to the pleasure of the next room will hear you, remon- the occasion she had the ices frozen in the form of a hen and ten chickens. strated the mamma (to be). Each child was allowed to select his Is she married? chicken as it was served. Finally she No. came to the son of a prominent poliWhy Isnt she married? Cant find anyone good enough for tician. "Which chicky will you have, Berher, I suppose. Do you think she will ever get mar- tie? she asked. If you please, Mrs. H., I think Ill ried? This was too much for feminine pa- take the mamma hen, was the polite reply. Lippincotts. tience. The gas was turned out. s! A THIRST j Dont Push JVliSfrSxh Grea.se cant ever made wears so long and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axle Grease. Standard Oil Co. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 35, 1907. W. L. DOUGLAS & $3.50 SHOES THEWOm.D $3.00 BS"8HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICE8. IV.L ( MVomwAocanprov. flflfl JDougtaa doaa not maka A moll nor flsii's S3 ft S3SO f Aom M )ithan any oHiei manufacturer nuVVMf THE REASON W . L Douglas shoos are worn by more people In all walks of life than any other make, is because of their and superior wearing qualties. excellent style, The selection of the leathers ami other materials for each part of the shoe, and ever? detail of the making is looked after by the most eompleteorgamzation of superintendent, foremen and killed shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid In the hoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot he excelled. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton. Maas., and show you how carefully W. u !oug1as shoes are made, you would then understand why the? hold their shftpe, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other make. and $3 Gold Bond Shomm emnnol bo atfuallmd ml any pohtOm My $4 Gift Vm CAUTION The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and price stamped on bottom, lake Ask No Substitute. your dealer for W. L. iKmglas shoes. If he cannot supply you, send direct to factory. Shoes sent everywhere by malt Catalog free. WLDoug!as, Brockton. Mass easy-fittin- 1 BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. . Sold by all Druggists |