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Show 36 Ihe Lunacy of Simon Lane A positive and permanent cnra for drunkenness and the opium d' ases. There Is no publicity, no aickness. Ladies treated as priThe vately as at their own homes. TemKeeley Institute, 334 W So. ple, Salt Lake City, Utah. J. E. Crow, Formerly of CROW BROTHERS, Has opened up at 13 W g Sooth Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Where he will be pleased to . Customers. See Old Friends kinds of All Harness WorK Done on Shortest Notice and Lowest Prices. Fifteen assays or analyses for 3. circu-a- r Madam'Snyder. Gold. Silver, Lead, Copper. .Iroa, Issued by (third edition), just The Palmist, Psychic and gifted and Calcium ManganSilica, Zinc, our national he useful forest service, advice on all afCard Reader, gives ese. disorests cover 147,948,685 acres, all Diseases. life. of fairs Diagnoses for Write particulars. tributed as follows: unto to draw how Tells yourself all CHEML HANSON HENRY THE Acres. State Thought CAL RESEARCH CO... things for good through CaU 21,849,171 California and Force. Consultation free., Chemand Consulting Analytical 20,528,263 Montana see her. 54 Railroad Building, ists, 20,336,427 Idaho Upstairs, Room 16, Sanitarium HoDenver, Colo., U. 8. A. 16,463,535 Oregon Salt Lake City. tel. 15,748,772 Colorado Independent Phone 3402. 12,065,500 Washington BETTLES, MATHEZ & CO., 9,463,275 Arizona (Copyright, by Daily Story Pub. Co.) 9,020,475 WASH IT AWAY. Wyoming Chemical and Metallurgical 7,119,472 Aaaay, You are all in Utah It was a busy day In the department dont believe you. Lead and uremic poisoning cored. Laboratory. 7,007,644 store ot Marburg & Co. Simon Lane, some plot to ruin me! and Simon, New Mexico Castilla Hot Springs Water does the 4,909,880 158 South West Temple Street, head clerk of the fur department, was Instead of trying to be cool and ration- Alaska aork. Rheumatism vanishes at lte Nevada 1,391,999 even more than usually officious. al, grew more excited, more confused South Dakota Balt Lake City, Utah. touch. For rate apply to C. - H. 1,263,720 W. J. KING, MANAGER. The occasion for Simons especial and more violent In his resistance. At Nebraska . . . . 2Z2 Room 8oui 556,072 Manager, good nature was a new and lavish cus- last he was forced down a corridor tansas Commercial Club building. Salt Lake 97,280 tomer. She was a handsome, richly and placed In a solitary cell, where he orto Rico . . , 65,950 UtRRRRRRRRRRRRRStatRKttltltaUtRIt City. dressed woman of about 30 years, with passed a sleepless night. 60,800 )klahoma ... MAXHELD VINEGAR CO, On the afternoon of the next day j a frank, pleasant smile and a Total 147,948,685 air of condescension, which Dr. Cheslea, head of the Cheslea SaniManufacturers 2 of o made Simon more than usually servile tarium, sat reading la his private ofOF UTAH. UNIVERSITY over the front jj PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. in his attentions. She appeared much fice. As his eye moved R Interested in the display of selected page of the "Herald" It was attracted 720 Instruction South Factory: Second West A begins Monday, Sept, furs. There was a subtle flattery In by the following item: of students, Sep16th. Telephone 979-- s "Faithful Clerk Absconds from the tember Registration the manner in which she sought 13th and 14th. Entrance examfor Simon Store. Lane, Simons opinion on the various goods, Marburg inations, September 11th, 12th and VlltRlWRRiMtltRRItlWRStltltSWSWItRe but her own remarks showed her to ten years a trusted employer of Mar- 13th. and be a connoisseur. - After much delib- burg and Company disappeared from College, engineering, normal Men and women to learn barber trade eration she selected some handsome the city yesterday taking with him a preparatory courses are offered. In 8 weeks. Wages paid every night Tho catalogue which outlines all the seal skins, with careless Indifference check for S 1,100 dollars paid him by the news of his Catalog work, No College customer. Preparatory Graduates a earn 15 to 25 per week. wealthy to their price, and a set of sables, the which describes the preparatory and C&L free. Write us. Mohler obtained." been has whereabount She fur of the System display. Marburg pride y work, the Item with two years of Dr. Cheslea gave a little sigh of weariness as she an illustrated booklet of the Schoql of Colleges, 62 E. First South SL. Balt or sat for then concluded her buying and unclasped a puzzled expression; of Mines, will be sent free on applicaak City. Utah. several moments staring before him tion to her purse. sudden on If As In silence. thought, THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT I should like greatly to take my UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, from STONE CO. Salt Lake City, Utah. purchases with me, she said, I wish he then picked up a directory It hurCONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANo to have the furs for this evening. If his desk and looked through , UFACTURERS. An eastern paper telegraphed E. H. It wont trouble you too much, will riedly. Then taking down the receiv-SOLE AGENTS FOR a as statement a Harriman for he called the his desk er of request I once telephone and THE you have them packed at to the accuracy of an interview in Concrete Block Machines. Want to shall take them In my carriage. What number of Marburg's private office. town a In establish was as every "all he which city, plant quoted saying Hello, a little excitedly, ,I want Is the amount?" She took a roll of the railroads of the United States and village In Utah. CURIOUS bills from her purse and counted them to talk with, Mr. Marburg at once.' would be his if he could Block machines from (100 upward. of Is Marburg right here," re"This Inbecome small s and Start slowly. and received the following replant turned a gruff voice, "what can I do them, You can "Eleven hundred dollars, maam, D deny absolutely that 1 dependent ply: Correspondence solicited, made any such statement as desiring said Simon, after a somewhat lengthy for you? P. O. Box 1131, Sait Lake City. This Is Dr. Cheslea of the Cheslea to own all of the railroads, nor did I calculation. Curious Compound Capsules comInd Phone 3806-7- . I read of the disappears ay anything about managing the A faint flush had begun to color the Sanitarium. bine the vlrtuee of Big G, Pabet O. K., I do not for the government. woman's features. She uttered a slight ance of your clerk, Simon Lane, and Santal Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 a or talk wlsh-think Is the that at here he way that to consay but startled exclamation. "I must box. Mail orders promptly attended o sanitarium. He was placed here yesfess that I have exceeded by purse, to. Doull Drug Co., Distributors, 338 CYRUS G. GATRELL EAST. SEPTEMBER EXCURSIONS Main St, Salt Lake City. she said, blushlngly, I havent that terday at the request of his wife and None genuine without the trade amount with me. However, I must at the advice of his physician. Attorney A Counselor Colorado Via the Midland, greatly His wife? Simon Lane, my clerk, reduced mark the Curious D. have those furs and I can't wait until 4th and 6th, rates, September You must be mistaken. Walker BuUdia May I speak with your had no wife! Ticket office 77 W. 2nd South, Tel Dr. Cheslea saw In a flash the depth 678. hesiasked a she L. moment?" H.HARDING, Balt Lake City. employer of his deception. He dropped the teleGeneral Agent tatingly, blushing a deep crimson from on his a button and o John C. Cutler Jr., pressed embarrassment. "I think I see a way phone desk. BETTER PRESENTED. INVESTMENT BANKER. THAN out of the difficulty. "Go, he said, calmly to the attendEstablUhed 1893. Simon led the way to the grated To Whom It May Concern. I desire BONDS. SUGAR STOCKS. BANK STOCKS. GEO. W. PARKS, window of old Marburgs office and ant who appeared, "and show Mr. And Other' Lane to my office Mr. Lane, the, gen- to state that having read a great deal briefly related the situation. Grade Investments Bought Land High Attorney, includin about California, Grldley, 97. In number "You would greatly oblige ,me, the tleman a Sold. Auerbach Building, As Simon Lane, dejected and woe- the Grldley Herald, published there, 36 Main St,. Salt Lako City, woman hastened to conclude, if you I was impressed very favorably with Both Phone, 127. , 8a!t Lake Clty.jJ would allow your clerk here to accom- begone, appeared In the doorway of the opportunities set forth for the meet arose to Dr. office Cheslea the office. husband's My to me coun If the my pany hameseeker, ' hue doubted lilWiWsWIalitrtntMDile hlirf him warmly by the try was as good as represented In carriage Is waiting outside. I shall hand. and shook the literature sent out by the Califorprocure a check for my purchase, "Mr. Lane," he said, "this Institu- nia Irrigated Land Company, adverwhich I shall return to you through As tising that pectlon. Recently I visited your clerk. You will do me a great tion has done you a great wrong. ,1 am responsihead Institution of this Grldley, and spent several days in besides "and you service, she added, the conditions Investigating will release me from a very embar- ble for It and I offer,1 most humble apol: fully ogy. It is plain hat we both have there.' I was very agreeably surprised situation." rassing to find an extremely fertile section of On the shrewd countenance of old been much deceived. with abundant water for irriThe two talked earnestly together country, land could be had at a Marburg a frown gathered for a mowhore gation, midst of the ment. a frown of distrust; then, at the for ten minutes. In the price within the reach of those of a drove cab discussion up hurriedly In fact, the half moderate means. thought of losing a new and evidently the drive. Old Marburg alighted and has not been told regarding the many The World Needs Strong, Manly Men, Full of Health & wealthy customer, his face cleared. WeaK-lin- g No favor whatever, madam; Mr. hastily mounted the steps and entered natural advantages to be found in that Purpose. There Is No Placejfor the locality, where I purchased land and Lane here shall accompany you and the office. Rear. "Simon! he cried, halting between hope to be able In the near future to Except return with the check." And old Marstatements clerk establish home. In The' his confidence his old time my burg turned again to his desk. contained in the Grldley Herald and WOMANLY WOMEN, FITTED FOR ,THE DUTIES OF HOME AND SOthem at the and his new, suddenly grounded sus- the literature A carriage awaited sent out by the CaliCIETY, ARE NEEDED TODAY MORE THAN EVER. curb. Simon followed sat down oppo- picion. fornia Irrigated Land Company in 'refDr. Mr. Cheslei, said Marburg, site her, and the carriage rolled away. The age of research and invention is tor will give more medicine the first section are very conserbe seated. I am afraid, all uncon- erence to that In my opinion can be re- making rapid strides toward perfec- year than in the next three; he will' Simon was charmed by the engaging and vative, to one lied upon. conversation of his companion. Still sciously, we have been parties tion, and disease, the mighty foe ot give more the fifth year than in the of tricks of cleverest the swindling as of the human race, has found its master next ten. The better doctor heI bePETER ALLEN, reserve, exhibiting a slight air A woman I supheard. ever which have La Grande, Oregon. In the drugless treatment administet comes the less he gives, and might well become a society leader called here at we we become office the day before if treatment doctors, Fuelmy The pose Dr. perfect H. to Farnsworth. W. For ed write by a delicate particulars such situation, thrown Into none. one would or two medicine with Build209 give Ecclea without cures gentlemen, yesterday drugs, ing, general- agent, she conversed entertainingly on those If Dr. Flint was living today and inof whom she Introduced as her broth- ing, Ogden, Utah. knife. It establishes the freedom of topics of the day that might Interest or of whom bore the card vestigated the drugless method of curaction of all the fluids, forces, gases a clerk. Aa they talked, the carriage er, the other Bide a ing diseases, he would say, I preof a north doctor, prominent was speeding along, out through the dicted this form of treatment years I have the greatcrowded streets of the business dis- gentleman for whom ago. I knew drugs and medicine were whom but est esteem professionally, trict to the quiet of the suburbs not the proper treatment, but at that I never met. had This Simon was beginning to experience unfortunately, time the power of nature was not unwoman stated that her husband was The drngless derstood as it Is now. a slight feeling of uneasiness, when to which fact the two gentletreatment courts investigation. the horses slowed down to a walk and Insane, men testified. She declared that his EXAMINATION FREE. ' he felt that their destination was near Insane hobby was selling furs, and It matters not what alls you. COME at hand. he Imagined himself a clerk In I dont care how many doctors have A hasty glance through the carriage that of Marburg and Company. the employ tried to make you well and failea. window told him that they were on She spoke of him In terms of great COME. the grounds of . the Cheslea Private affection If you are discouraged and despondand seemed much moved. Sanitarium. He Immediately conclud- I ent and have about made up your expressed the hope that we might ed that the womau opposite him was mind to the worst. COME. I want to be able to benefit him by a few the wife of some official of the estab- months sit down and talk with you about yourtreatment then She explaininHe was more strongly lishment. and how you can be cured withself, was ed he and that very suspicious trenched In this belief when the caror medicine. out drugs wary, also that he was very violent riage drew up at the main doorway. when crossed la his wishes or otherDont fear that you are too far gone The woman arose and spoke with a or too weak to undertake the treatwise disturbed In temper, but that You get a heaping ment. It is a system which adapt.. ravishing smile., "Won't you please she would try, under some pretence, You will be glad and understand from step up Into the waiting room while I to bring him quietly to the office here, pound of the. pure I'll be gone but itself to the old as well as the young, see Dr. Cheslea? es where we, might take him In charge. t . the very first time you call. Won , just a moment ARIOSA be necessary to wait four to ' six Simon was only too happy to obey Well, as you see, she brought Mr. who answered exactly to her months for results. You will feel betand followed her Into a cosy little Lane, Coffee, that took and who, you will pardon ter from the very first, by sending description waiting, room, where she left him. me, sir, DR. FARNSWORTH. rich red blood coursing through your certainly did exhibit tho care of the nerves and digestion Two attendants In uniforms were she mentioned. veins and arteries. It will put the With the Utah Drugless Institute. of your grandparents, and his lounging in the apartment and Simon symptoms "Where is this woman now? cried sparkle of health into your leaden saw that they were watching him of coffee been the the leading substances pertaining to life. Tho eyes; It will bestow the springy walk old Marburg, very red and excited, woman was but The gone closely. Source of all health is within us, not of youth to your sodden feet. It will world for 37 years. his seat. a few moments when she returned. starting from Nature's chemicals, not med-icin- straighten the without crooked shoulders, the But even best detective city have never Youll She had a kerchief to her eyes and to be the prime factor in mend the weak spine and give grace should quit answer to his failed question. was weeping. She stepped quickly to all cures. t to the carriage. I want you to cast draJdnArbuddes Dr. Flint was in his time regarded aside prejudice and COME. Do not his side and. before he realized what Reared by a Cat. Squirrels she had done, she had kissed him imDont let any man switch you as the head of the medical' profession. put off until tomorrow what you can Among the interesting things shown On one occasion in an address to a do today. You will find Dr. Farnspulsively on the forehead and rushed at a recent meeting of the Zoological over to coffee mat pays him big graduating class of medical students worth with the Utah Drugless Instifrom the room sobbing loudly. The society were two young specimens of he made this remark: Young doc tute, 210 Auerbach Bldg., Salt Lake suddenness, the strangeness ot It all the English squirrel, which had al- profits at the expense of your tors give too much medlcine. A doc City. took Simon completely by surprise, most entirely changed in color from heart, stomach and nerves. but in a moment he recollected him- the usual chestnut-brow. to a Cqapfcf with Q requimnenU cl Am Naboad Pure light self and started after her. Ere he drab, the ears and feet only Food Lew, Guarantee Na 204 , (led t Waehmgloe. showing reached the doOr an attendant seized traces of the original color. It was him by either arm. stated that the animals had been "What does this mean?" cried Si- taken from a nest when very young, mon, almost stunned at these unlook- and put In charge of a cat, which TRANS-MEDIUed for proceedings. and successfulacted as foster-mothe"Be quiet, sir. Calm yourself, said READING DAILY ly raised them. It was suggested that one of the men. speaking in a sooth- thla fact Sunday and Thurs might have caused the color TEST MEETINGS days at 8 Oclock. ing voice, as if to a child. "You must change. St. James Gazette. Admission 10 Cents. stay here for a while, sir, and enjoy 267 S. W. Temple St, Her Best Recollection. a little vacation. Natural Hot Sulphur Water is Mrs. Lapsling was explaining the What kind of a plot Is this, gentleBrought Right to the very men? I am a clerk in the employ of nature of the Injury sustained by CRISMON & NICHOLS. Johnny when he fell off the back Marburg & Company. Let me go! Heart ol the City. he cried, beginning to struggle help- porch. Chemlati. and Assayed "Its a wonder he ever went through lessly. & Office and Laboratory, 229 S. W. "Softly, sir, we know all about you. It alive," she said. "The doctor says Mr. Marburg has asked that you be he came mighty near fracturing his Temple Street, W. LAKE You know thats the given this little vacation. Your wife juxtaposition. CITY. LAKE SALT bone next to the Medulllon obligato. asked It for you. Chicago Tribune. My wife! But I have no wife! I On April 1, 1907, according to THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. . Horse Goods dkcEJtoh normal-preparator- Call and 8ee Me. -- vcirDO A Purely the Great Blood Q Nerve Tonic. Vegetable Compound. Tested by Years of Experience. Positive Cure for Constipation, Kidney and Stomach .Troubles. 1 Testimonials furnished on reques. Carbo Medical -- rail-oad- for Rheumatism. A Sure Relief get-contr- ol Company, ' 56 W. 1st South Street, fllhr. Salt Lake City. AGENTS WANTED. Tansy FrenchLiroyi Dr. An acTahlats. witn quaintance these tablets will result In a pleasant surprise to uffortng women The ladles safeIn casee guard. of painful or menstrua- tlon THEY SUCCEED. Price, (2.00 per box. At all drug etoree or by mall, eeourely sealed. . Doull Drug Co., Sits Main, Salt Lake City, Utah. REMEMBER. If your local merchant doee not carry In stock Temple Brand Garments, Ranms Head Sweaters, Be-g-o Lily Underwear, send your orders to the sole manufacturers, Balt Lake Knitting Works. tMtRKRRRKRKRt J at the . m M To women for collecting names and selling out we give big novelties, premiums send your name today foi our new plan of big profits with little work. Write today. Address C. T. MOSELEY, Premium Department, 33 E. 23rd Street, New York City. POO wU UNION ASSAY OFFICE. - Chemlste and Aesayers. k(. B. ,P. O. J. V. Sadler Hanauer, ' 152 West Temple. Box 1446. Salt Lake City, Utah Analytical Work a Specialty. FRANK A. BIRD. CHAS 8. COWAN. ASSAYER3. Analytical Chemists. 160 South West Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah. L. H. Land GRAY, 4- Attorney. Attend to all business before United States Land Office, U. S. 4- Surveyor-General- , 4 State Land Board, State Engineer. 4 Salt Lake City, Utah. 444444 . 26 TRAINS Ar-buckl- ed 4 y 4 t 4 44 DAILY SflLTflIR q, n 1 TIME TABLE Second South, Depot: Third and Fourth West Leave. 30-0- 2:ud 2:45 3:30 4:15 5:00 5:45 6:30 7:15 3:00 8.45 9:30 10:15 a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. between Mrs. H. Fontijn, ft St ft The Train. Arrive. 1:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:45 p.m 11:30 p.m Sanitarium Baths Swimming Pool si Turkish Berths! Private Baths! . PEN DAY I I 5254 NICHT. 3rdS. St, SALT CITY. s |