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Show EDITORIALS This paper Is on file at the American Mining Congress, Denver, Colorado, THE SUPREME JUDGESHIP. On the 20th of September, the Ree publican state convention will In Salt Lake City for the purpose u janung a candidate for the Supreme court of the state and a member of Of the two, the former is congress. the most important to the state. A judge of the Supreme court is one of three men to whom as final arbiters must come all legal questions. They are the final interpreters of the law, as well as the sworn defenders of the constitution of the commonwealth. The man who occupies this position should be one of sound judgment and unspotted Integrity, as well as a lawyer of the profoundest learning. He should be a man who in his position Is superior to all partisanship; in a word, a man who Is the greatest of all, an upright Judge. Two names have so far been prominently mentioned for the supreme Judgship. These are Judge Morse of the Third Judicial district bench and Judge Frick, the Benior member of the law firm of Frick A Edwards of Salt Lake City. Roth of these gentlemen are men who would lend honor to the Both are lawyers of proposition. found learning, both are of the judicial turn of mind, both are grand specimens of American' citizenship, both are men of ripe judgment. Either of them would make a superb justice of the Supreme court. Judge Morse has still two years of his term on the district bench to fill out, and though his friends urge him for the higher position, there Is not wanting many who urge that his place Is on the bench to which he was elected. He has filled the position with credit to himself and to the state, and though his place no doubt could be filled, yet as wasjmld before, many would like him to complete his term. Aa for Judge Frick, there la no question as to his qualification for the He is a man In the full position. con-iren- power of life, with age enough to ripen his judgment. The Republican party would make no mistake by making him its candidate. He also Is a stalwart Republican, and richly deserves the honor of the nomination. He is a Republican of no faction a man that every wing of the pasty could support without causing any bickerings or strife. He la superior to any ring and Is not nor cannot be made amenable to any machine. Both gentlemen mentioned are personally safe men, as was said before. Both would make superb Supreme Judges. Barring the fact that Judge Morse already has a position In which he Is needed, a choice would be hard to make. HAMMOND, CHAIRMAN. . The Republican State committee on Tuesday last chose Hon. James T. Hsmmond as chairman with power to It was select his own secretary. greatly against the gentlemans wish, but on learning that he was not compromised In any way and that acceptance would Involve no change of attitude or views on his part, he decided to accept. A more Judicious, diplomatic proceeding could not have been taken. There is not a more upright, independent, earnest man in the Republican party, or any other, than Mr. Hammond. He desires, and has all along desired, above all merely selfish consideration, the furtherance of Republican principles and the prosperity in of the Republican organization, which Important respects he i so much at variance with those who have been In control for some time that it was hardly believed so sensible, so proper a thing as his appointment was possible If even probable, and It fell upon us like the proverbial shaft of lightning out of the traditional unclouded sky. No matter; It came and is just as welcome as if It had been expected. Hammonds appointment means a concession to the great mass of Republicans which in turn means a change of front and esprit du corps which the ranks have long unknown. her Hope, withering, had poised drooping wings for flight and the gaunt spectre of defeat beckoned the tattered remnant on to its last rally. Not even the stimulation afforded by cheering words reached the ears of what was still entitled to be considered a wing of the grand army. Ah, well. It is different now. How different. we dont know, but it certainly Is the difference between the execution of a sentence and the granting of a new trial the difference between a chance for life and the certainty of death. Depend upon it that the most will ba made of the opportunity, that the vantage ground gained will be held and no steps backward will be taken. Ik is not a proper thing to Introduce a skeleton at a banquet, or dwell upon a gloomy retrospection when a change for the better has taken place. Still, a word by way of review at this point may have a good effect, even this point have a good effect even though it may here and there be placed before unwilling eyes. From Its Inception nearly a year ago this little paper in a spirit of friendliness and with an unselfish desire to promote the welfare of the Republican party urged that steps be taken, that concessions be made, that means of conciliation be adopted, whereby the Utah department of the great organization could be unified, or at least its entities be lees antagonized than was the case. These efforts attracted attention and received notice; one element, realizing the correctness and aptness of our position, were rejoiced that even in this humble and restricted way the true political gospel found a voice; the other and controlling element had no use for such chatter, and no words but those of contempt for the medium which gave it expression. . Even that, adding as it did the discouragement of shrunken patronage to the discomfiture of slighting treatment from those who personally had always been regarded and treated as friends, did not crush the struggling production nor squeeze Its audacious conductors out of the field. They stayed. They are here yet, doing business at the old stand. But the other people have moved at last and praises to Allah! moved In the right direction. Those responsible for the imported journal conducted at a ruinous loss, brought on to obscure and set aside all local talent In showing the denizens of the wild and woolly wilderness how Republican newspapers should be conducted, have met up with a Jostle like unto the collision of ROMNEY A RYAN, LI NOTYPERS. All Kinds of Linotype Composition Skilfully and Promptly Done. P. O. Box 1141.241 S. W. Temple St, Salt Lake City Phone, Bell, 3117. Richter estate. A. 14 West First South, Salt Lake City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1893. 4 A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you ever thought of getting Into business? For instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant, or, in fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to he money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department. A, RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. a freight train with a sand bank. And this is enough on that subject. Now for a long pull, a strong pull and a pull altogether In which performance this paper will be on hand to contribute its mite, as it has ever done. THE COMING CONTEST. Registration for the coming election has already begun and will be continued intermittently until just before the voting time arrives. If the number registered were taken as an indication of the political trend. It would not be a very encouraging situation, for most of the registrars on the opening day Monday last had little to do, some nothing at all. But such a state of things is by no means a criterion, as the time when registration will be made effective is some distance ahead, and it is quite impossible to work up much interest iu contests so remote .as that of November next. Those who are entitled to have their names on the voting list and have not yet availed themselves of the privilege can and in nearly every case will do so before the fateful time arrives. The proportion as to new arrivals here and those m our midst who have just reached, their majority is not known, but there will probably not be a great deal of difference, and unless they or much the greater part of them should go one way in the matter of voting a wholly improbable proposition the general result will not be much changed from what it would have been without them. Both the great parties here are divided against themselves, the Republicans being by far the greater sufferers from that condition, and this circumstance sets aside the means by which computations have previously been made. Besides, the Socialists are a factor to be reckoned with, especially if the trades unions should make common cause with them. In such latter event their vote in this county should be 6000 and might possibly reach 6000, which would likely take them from the foot of the class and make them at least third In the race; and this suggests the possibil ity of the election being a mixed one. Well, worse things than that might happen. The choice of supreme court judge, representative to congress and the legislature are the only features of the contest in which the state at large participates, and undoubtedly there will be a lively scrimmage over all these, with the chances favoring the Republicans, for outside of Salt Lake County the splitting propersity is not engaged in so extensively, in most counties not at all. They have nearly half the state senate to begin with, and this is a pretty good start for a majority of the legislative bodjl; but this is by no means conclusive. Strange things may happen between now and the ides of November. . JUDGE BARTCH.' On October 1 Chief Justice George W. Bartch will sever his connection with, the bench which he has occupied in Utah for fourteen consecutive years, and will return to practice at the bar. He will have as a partner General Bagley of Idaho, and the firm will be a strong one. In parting company with Judge Bartch as an official we do but voice s of those the feelings of who know him when we say that, in the midst of a more or less tortuous condition of things, his way has been straight, his actions regular and his achievements replete with wise and No more incorlasting provisions. ruptible, . impartial or industrious judge ever occupied the bench anywhere, and his departure from it here, while It will no doubt be a gain to him, will not be one to the state. Personally he is one of the most unassuming and approachable of men;, not gifted with much of the worlds goods, his purse has ever been open to the call of meritorious need, and, without being a candidate or in a position where he could justly be levied responded to upon, has unfailingly calls for aid by the Republican party, to which he has ever given an unselfish allegiance. It has remained for a few small souls to place him in a position where he seemed to be opposed to a mere faction, but jn reality nine-tenth- i DEAR. READER! Will You Assist the Business Men of Sn.lt Ln.ke City in A for Boosting Help BuildGreater Utah? up GREATER SALT LAKE CITY! DON'T USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From el UTAH DEALER! THIS IS THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER UTAH. If, in this List of Bnsiness Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. MEEKS A LYNCH, 315 A 316 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Vacant lots, modern homes )uslnes8 investments. Money to Loan. Nineteen years in Real Estat in Salt Lake City. s 8ALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. I Now is the time to advance is Certain. Choice building lots all parts of city, 9100 to 500, 7.50 per month, 7 per 912.60 cash, cent. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO; 78 West 2d So. St invest. A rapid and Busl-les- s OUR MOTTO: this was purely imaginary, even In the mlfist of the most unscrupulous Quick Sales in Real Estate. misrepresentation. record Bartchs If you want to buy or sell Real As a citizen, Judge and standing are without a blemish. Estate, list your property with us for In private life as in public he will quick sales. We have the buyers. always be found upright and on the square, and we are glad to have him Anderaon Real Estate Investment Co. fV A, s V Vf t. 4 e . BOOST! v- - 4?0 v & V in our midst. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Hornet on Installment Plan a Spe- EDITORIAL NOTES. fcven if the Tammany tiger refuses big Buffalo following. office-holdin- v,e 4- cialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade. Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Exchanged. Scientists now assert that whisky Room 8 OMeara Block. Sure. No. 63V W. Second South Street will kill the typhoid germ. Whisky properly applied, will kill any- Salt Lake City. thing alive. Frank Y. Taylor. Moaea W. Taylor. So far as Mr. Bryan is aware, there TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. is no unwritten law against a man beTel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt ing a candidate for the presidency Lake City, Utah. any number of times. Salt Lake Real Estate the best InChicain vestment in the world. Utah ComThat job of bank looting go could only have been made more mercial and Mining Stocks the safest complete by getting away with the in the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Minbuilding and office fixtures. ing Exchange. The Detroit man who fasted forty-nin- e health. BUY a LOT or a HOME before days to improve his Just got to the point where he could prices advance. We advise you re garding localities and make your inlive without eating when he died. terests ours. It Is difficult to understand why MARINGElt INVESTMENT CO., President Stensland of that Chicago 40 East Second South. hank, failed to take that last 31,000. Manager Seeing Salt Lake City tills. bank in the found 000 which was Cara." week those Georgia This is the last to mittee will will have a chance politicians have a chance to throw moke men believe every candidate for the harpoon good and deep into Tom offiffiffict4e in the state is a liar and his tainted Taggart by returning horse-thief- . coin when he sends in a dollar for the campaign fund. What a large and impresive thing the Bryan boom looked to be, before Another eminent financier who was lbs sponsors had begun asking the horrified at the rascally dopeople to send in money to boost this virtually of Banker ing Dougherty of Peoria, good thing along. was Banker Stensland of Chicago. Charley Towne Is willing to be the Dougherty only got $75,000 when candi- Stensland got 12,000,000. Democratic date on either a conservative or radi A New York newspaper points out cal platform, just; as the convention that a balloon cannot land without may happen to think at the time. being a trespasser. Still, most far-er- s would be willing to have their When Mr. Bryan says that there potato patch mussed up for the local .are other things in life besides he runs the risk of getting fame it would give them. Into an argument with the men who haev grown gray at the public crib.- A Deleware woman was drowned The Democratic congressional com- last week in Silver lake; in Califor- - t ytS Vo vs4 e V S real estate. J. HALLORAN, Real Estate and Loans. If you want to insure, sell, buy, Established 1887. Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, build, or borrow, let us know. Salt Lake City, Utah. 3350.00 buys very choice Main St 49 S. Main St., e Lots. egAn, W. Hooper-Eldredg- Nice Jiomes on easy payments. Farm scope himself against the ramparts Cheap lots any part of city. of inevitable fate. loans. a? C. J. BOWMAN A CO., The pictures of Mr. Bryan wearing Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle BIk., a silk hat, we are assured, have not Salt Lake City, Utah. affected his popularity one way or his popularity one way or the other. His managers ought to try the GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, effect of a picture of Mr. Bryan wearing a muzzle. Real Estate and Loans. We fail to see the reason for the Investment, Securities, Trades and Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. dispute between the N. Y. lawyers, as to who shall defend Harry Thaw. 41 West Second So. SL, Certainly there are enough of the Salt Lake City, Utah. Thaw millions to satisfy several sets of legal counsel, even at New Yerk HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. rates. The rule of who saw it first rot to be applied to the pluckHomes for rent and sale. Lowest ought ing of the Thaw estate. h Easiest terms., prices. 251 Main St., Salt Lake City. We have all kinds of investments in real estate and we write all kinds of insurance. 'm'SSSSSSSSSSSSS . YOUNG . YOUNG, V Jf a 5 S S k Jf i f We $re anxious to have every Republican in close touch, and working in harmony with the Republican national congressional committee in favor of the election of a Republican congress. The congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party, and, that being so, Theodore Roosevelts personality must be & central figure and his achievements a central thought in the campaign. We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscriptions of One Dollar each from Republicans. v To each subscriber we will send the Republican National Cam-oaig- n Text Book and all documents issued by the committee. Help us achieve a great victory. JAMES S. SHERMAN, Chairman. P. O. Box 2063, New York. Manufactured by John General Insurance, Real Estate and Leant, 202 Whltingham Blk Salt Reeves Co., Salt Lake, and Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. indorsed by the M. & M. Assn of Utah. Ask your FOR REAL ESTATE Grocer. See Peterson Real Estate ment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. and Old reliable OM er broken Disc or Cylinder rooorde taken 'as part I tm agency." Correspond or call. 330 So. Nsw Ones. Main St. Salt Lake City. Utah. FREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. Tbs new IKi model of tbs COLUMBIA QRAPHOTBOWBi looks as though Westward ho, la the talking masMM embody all sf the latest improvement rerld and are the etandard of perfection. makes its way. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT Richard Croker has summoned AnIn exchange for the latest lypea, and dont forget that CLIFT HOUSE. drew Fredman to visit him in Ireland Third A WRITTEN GUARANTEE South and Main Streets, Salt and lays plans for the defeat of Wm. Lake City. , Backed by the Lergert TfcUflrtg Machine Company in the TfssM R. Hearst. A conference, a meeting s Goe Witk the Mach.ne. All New But the Name. of twin statesmen of majestic mold. This centrally located and well COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., GENL. The empire state halts breathless, known hotel has been thoroughly retXTSU So. Main St. Betk Phone. SALT LA KB CITY. while its fate is decided by these novated and refurnished throughout. HISTORIC WORCESTER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE See the On the Labels. THE TO REPUBLICANS. pay s. n master craftsmen. nla a man ha3 just lost his life on Silver mountain, and the Democratic party Is acting as if it is getting ready to go to pieces once more on the silve Issue. Under the new management reasonable rates and first class accommodaWith the two baseball teams clingWinston Churchill, the novelist, tions will prevail. is officefflffiffiffiffifflffiffiffl; ing to the bottom of their respective is running for Can be reached by street cars from for office New in Hamprunning to accept Hearsts lead, he still has a shire on a strong plat- all depots the and National the in leagues, lists form. Later on, no doubt Winston MRS. A. L. MASON. two Chicago teams at the top, it really will strike an open switch and tele- Prop. anti-railroa- d |