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Show CO. TIME TABLE. SALT LAKE & LOS ANGELES RAILWAY TIME TABLE. In Effect May 31, 1906. Ar. Salt Lake. Leave Salt L. 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m 3:30 p.m. 2:00 a.m 4:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Effective December 10, 1905. THE LAGOON ROAD." M. WHITLOCK, Dealer in and horse Harness NISHINGS. SALT LAKE & "Westbound. fur-- 3 MERCUR RAIROAD Eastbound. No. 2 . Stations. Leaves. Mercur 1:45 p. m. Summit . ... .1:55 p. m. Manning ....2:35 p.m. Fairfield ....2:13 p.m. Arrives. No. 1 Arrives. 11:15 a.m 11:00 a. m 10:30 &.m 10:05a.m.... Leaves. Salt Lake and Ogdeh Railway. Time Table In Effect May 30, 1906. Salt Lake Leave 6:00, 9:00, 11:00 a. m.; 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 p. nt. First sis trains run through to Kays-vill- e. L. H. GRAY, Attend to all business before United States Land Office, U. S. Surveyor-GeneraState Land Board, l, State Engineer. f rltWttWttFWttRRWWWWMt a CYRU8 GATRELL Attorney A Counselor. til Walker Building, Salt Lake City. D. F. .' ClOOl'C t$SfaQxsxxtfi mKRrRRRRFFRFRR 8 ' g 8 -- TRAINS DAILY EAST This is a new system of telegraphing without a connection between the stations by wires. Have you heard about it? Do you believe that this can be done? If not, it is to your interest to investigate it. Remember that there has been wonderful things done in the scientific world within the past few years. A certain number of people have always said it cant be done, and with that assurance in their minds, have allowed great opportunities to pass by, and felt very foolish later, that they did not investigate at the time, as stocks bought in the promotion days of the great inventions, have, almost without exception made fortunes for the holders. Only a few of these cases are, Bell Telephone, the commercial success of which was laughed at by apparently wise peo-pl- r, the Westinghouse Air Brake, which was ridiculed by the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system of ti egraphy that had a v.ery hard time selling enough of its stock to put up an experimental line, the Electric Light and numerous other great and grand achievements, all of which had a hard sf ruggle in getting started, yet have made fortunes for the ones who were wise enough to assist in the promotion, by buying a little of their stock. Wireless telegraphy may be very mysterious to the reader, but like all others it has its scientific principle, which upon investigation, is easily understood. The best proof, however, is that we are doing it. Over land and sea, the DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company have their stations established, and are daily 'transacting successful commercial business, of which we have abundant proof. If you will think what the telegraph business of the world means, and then carefully consider the results of saving 95 per cent of the cost, you must admit that it is the greatest money earning power in the world. Let us send you by mail, testimonials and statements in proof of the success of wireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country. Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview you. Get some of our stock in the original parent company and enjoy your share pf the great profits to be derived from the future operation of wireless. For further information, call on or write to 300-30- S Lagoon Leave 7:00, 10:00, 12:00 a. m.; 3:00,6:00, 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 p. m. (Sunday, 9:30.) Sundays and holidays special through trains to Lagoon at 3:00 and 5:00 p. m. SIMON BAMBERGER, President and General Manager. WIRELESS! Land Attorney. Land scrip bought and sold. 1 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 3 GEO. W. PARKS, 3 Land Attorney, 3 Auerbach Building, Salt Lake City.jJ ILASitONE Mre, A. M. Martha I, Projh ioaCi Mala Street Salt Uke Ct& P ftumahed Rooms by the Dih Week or Month. Rates, 50 cents to 1.50 per Say. Special rates by the day, week or Wq Month. H- - A- - VIA This includes the famous OVERLAND LIMITED and the new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vesti-buleElectric Lighted Steam Heated Trains operating Pullman Palace Sleepers; incomparable Observation Library and Diping Cars of the very latest manufacture. ONLY 17 MUSIC, lioWoftSilSi1 ma am Stations. Westbound. pm. A. M. Lv. Ar. F. Salt Lake City t:U Murray Lv 1:10 Bingham Junotloa IM Riverton IrU Labi 1:67 American fork 0:11 Provo (too 1:11 tiOO l:M 1:16 4:64 6:64 :M l:tt MO ' AR. 1:41 0.-0-0 6:7 tm 1.10 6J7 I144 0:04 141 IdS 4d0 400 0:00 Bpringvlll nr TRENHDLM. ' HOURS, SALT LAKE TO CHICAGO. 0:17 Eureka rrvrstii Mantl, Lv. irar 106 01 Richfield 4:77 Maryerala, Ar. 111 6:16 1:46 1:10 Ar. Stiver City 0:00 m. tsiut m. a 1:44 trough U: A m. Thletle J6:C6 A m. Leave Provo Leaves American Fork ..........13:44 a m. 11:17 a m. Leaves Lehl Idl p. m. Leave Bingham Junotloa . Idr p. m. Arrive Balt lake City bAUOSST AmJse LnmrJrblS6iaii A. M. P. M. A. M. P. If. MdO 6:40 0:10 140 Balt Lake City 4:17 S3 8: idl Bingham Junette 14:17 60:40 1:64 1:44 6:41 Revere 1:44 l: Lead Mine 6:30 0:40 Bingham West Second South Street, PIANOS,. 42 City Ticket Office, 201 Main SL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. GENERAL AG3NT. Leave SALT SAKE CITY. Organs And All Musical Instruments, Beesley Music Co., 46 10:00 p. Extra Lagoon to Kaysville, m. (Sunday, 8:30 p. m.) South Main Street, Salt Lake City, 1 ...... L A. BENTON. Oen. AsL. Pane, J)ept- - Utah. 1 00.0000:000 !i THIS II I i MH"H"H BEAUTIFUL W-- H ORGAN 1 Through Service ST. LOUIS EAST AND THE VIA Missouri Pacific "W RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO MISSOURI PULLMAN Farther Notice $ To piovt to the a filleted the unparalleled eneeaes of Dr. Shorea New Treatment, Dra. Shores will treat an Catarrhal Diseases, Including Deafnui, Aithma, Hay Fever and Lung Troubles, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE for the low fee of f 1 per treatment, or 1 16 for treatment until CURED, all Medicine! tree. By means ef Dre. Shares WONDERFUL NEW TREATMENT they are enabled to cure many mild or rseent easel in a very few treatment even the old and ehroio eatea may bs cured for 015. Why suffer from Catarrh when you can be CURED for 1 a trsatmentf Apply today and ba convinced. Dra. Bhoree also treat and sure aQ eurabla Nervous, Qhronle and Private Disease! of Men, Women and Children et every name end nature. Coniultatlon end Advice Free and Confidential for any dliaaea. Call er writ. SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric lights, electric Fans, chair cars reclining (icars rate). . day Coaches. Tickets, F aiders, Until $1 KANSAS Fir lertbs. etc., address Dra. Shorea have a Special Department exclusively for the treatment and cure of ell Private Dlaeaaee of Man, whether eanaed by lgnorenee, excesses er contagion. Ton may eoneult Dra. Shores about the moat delicate or embarraaatng private trouble, with the aisuranee that you will be given honest advice and eklilfnl treatment, and every-thin- g will be STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Toung men who have men who have gone to excesses old been led astray by bad companions middle-age- d men who flnfi their texual vigor gone unfortunate! who havs contracted disease. the vletlms of Biood Pol eon ana all othsri who need the counsel and aid of experienced and kindly physicians, cordially invited to consult this department and ba advised FREE OF OHAROB. So sure la the ear under DRS. SHORES MODERN METHODS In all Private Discuss, that yon may amng to pay tha fas for a cur In email weekly or monthly inthe enr progresses, or you may PAY WHEN CURED. No matter what stallments, your trouble Is, or who ha failed to cure you, eoneult these Master Specialists, free of charts, and learn how yon can yet be eared. CALL OR WRITE. H. C. TOWNSEND, 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE u HOME CURES BY MAIL. U Trade Marks Designs 4c. Copyrights And m.Y A sketch description Anyone sending onr whether An opinion freeCommunJca-Moonfckly uoertain inventinn ta orobftblT paldnt&bld. HANDBOOK on Patents confident!!. ttrirtly for eecurmgjtatenta. tent free. Oldest agency Patent, taken throoeh Mann a Co. receive medal notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsome- )- Illustrated weekly. Ivest Hr-- srfaassni!B4iJ5aSf New York g co.,B'-Waahtnatou. HUM OffloaTfiX F Bt, completed ar- D. C. IF TOU LIVE OUT OF TOW. WRITE DBS. SHORES A 8H0BBS for their Mew Symptom List, and get their advio FRRR. m. to OFFICE HOURS! Dally, ings, T to S. Sundays and holidays, 16 a I f f 4 f 4 4 4 4 36-4- 4 4- -' 4 4 3 Trains Daily 3 TO COLORADO KANSAS CITY GALVESTON 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ST. JOE, CHICAGO EL PA80, 4 4 4 4 CITY OF MEXICO. Aek Me About Reduced RateA portunity. tC.F.Warren GA.A.T&S.F4 ' Railway. p. m. Evenm. to IS. a Drs. Shores & Shores, EXPERT SPECIALISTS- been known as FACTORY COST. This is an arrangement that should be Investigated thoroughly before you look elsewhere, as wo ar sure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER we save you from $36 to 376.06 on one organ. This Is certainly worth saving. EASY TERMS. You can send us $2.60 to per month, to suit your convenience. "WE PAY THE FREIGHT. We will deliver on of these organs at any R. R. station in Utah or Idaho without any additional charge to you whatever. Do not imagine that it Is Impossible for us to do as w say. Our system of handling our outside bustnees Is so perfeot that we can without any trouble whatever make de-1 livery to the smallest tews this western sect lorn "WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS and ar thus enabled t make the ridiculously low do. TOU GET TAGS OF THIS. Writ ns at one if tnterostsd. If not, see that your friend hoar of this great money saving op- tWe Make Travel Easy: A Special Department far Men. h44g have Jurt rangement with the largest manufacturer of Organa In the world, whereby we can now offer to our many patrons here an Instrument delivered at your own station for whst has ordinarily - HOUSTON BLOCK, SIS SOUTH MAIN STREET, SALT LAKH CZTT, UTAH. fHt KEELS? CURB. Drunkenneee Cured. positive sad permanent sure W drank eon eM and the opium dlsaaMB. That la oo publicity, no sickness. 1 files treated aa privately as at owntexnsA The Keeley ImtltotA 24 XB Bo. Ttomnla Rail Lake CSSS, UtO A QA v .o o o o&crcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcicijai. J. D. REDFORD, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Marysvale, Utah. : REMEMBER we hav bleu In business here for FIFTY TEARS the oldest house In tk State. OUR GUARANTEE on an Is abeolwtaly good. W fully warrant everything we sell. If you doubt enr financial rat-ta- g look us up. W safer you t any Banker or Commercial agency In this State. j Clayton Music Co., J Leading Muete Dealera. Main Street, Lake City, Utah. I03-U-- 11 w-H-- i m , Bedt ii X |