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Show I MISS LEOPOLD , SECY LIEtiERKRANZ, -- Three Years Ago My System Writes : n Was In. a Condition. I Oue to My Pestoraiion to Health and Strength THE OTHER CAPTAIN Pun-Dow- Pe-ru-- na TENNANT BY LOUIS TRACY. (Copyrtpht, 1906. by Joseph B. Bowles.) A hausom darted out of the station, and the occupants, two men, stamped with the cavalry seal, each clutched at a window-re- st and exchanged smiles of quick understanding. Great Scott! cried the major, its good to be back in God's country after two and a half years in the PhilipLock at the girls in muslin! pines! Jimmy, lets charter the hansom for the afternoon and go round and see things! His excitement met with no response. Glancing at his companion, he suddenly checked the further outburst on hlsi lips. Whats up, Jimmy? No bad news, I hope? Bad news! I have had none at all. Faith! there's plenty of good fish in the sea. Believe me, Jimmy, there is safety in numbers. I have run after women all my life and never caught one yet, so I have had all the sport and none of the worry. Tennant agreed with him. He was in no mood for discussion, nor did his friends cynical badinage appeal to him-asun-tann- ' JVTlSS EICKA LEOPOLD, 137 Main street, Menasha, Wis., Secy Lied-erkran- z, writes : the moment Three years ago my system was in At last, when the major had a terrible condition and I was broken out all over my body. 1 began gone off to a club Tennant stood irto be worried about my condition and I resolutely in the foyer of his hotel was glad to try anything which would whilst pride and common sense wresrelieve me. Peruna was recommended to me as tled for supremacy. Pride said: Why trouble your soul fine blood remedy and tonic, and I soon found that it was worthy of praise. about a woman who has utterly igA few bottles changed my condition nored you for six long months, and materially and in a short time I was now treats your homecoming wltn abv all over my trouble. solute indifference? Give her no farI owe to Peruna my restoration to ther heed. health a) id strength. I am glad to enBut common sense whispered: Find dorse out the truth before you decide. You Restores Strength. would have trusted Elsie Stapleton Mrs. Hettie Green, R. R. 6, Iuka, TIL, with your life, your future, your honor. writes : I had catarrh and feltmisera-blcondemn her unheard. I began the use of Peruna and DoHenotwasnow a hard man and an obstinate to in every way. My began improve head does not hurt me so much, my one. Not readily, nor yet In stinted 1 am gaining in measure had he bestowed his love, and is and good appetite flesh and strength. the causeless, merciless abandonment run-dow- n if Pe-ru-- e. GA8 USED UNDER LIME KILNS. Innovation by Connecticut Is a Succesa. Company The New England Lime company, of Winstead, Conn., asserts that it is the first to introduce gas as fuel foi lime burning. The method is pro nounced an entire success. The growing scarcity of wood fuel led to the discovery of gas as a substitute for wood, and the company no longer considers the gas method an experiment The efficacy and reliability of gas have been demonstrated beyond a doubt. Had it been Impossible to find a substitute for wood, said a member of the company, it would have meant the restriction and perhaps the total Gas abandonment of the business. fires are absolutely clean at all times no clinkers and no cinders and the lime produced is much whiter than that burned by wood. Gas also produces a more Intense heat, and consequently increases the capacity of the kilns. The dally output at the companys kilns is increased from 80 barrels per kiln to 100 barrels, or a total of 700 barrels dally. ' Switzerlands Silk Production. Few people probably , suspect the xtent to which Switzerland figures countries of among the the world, which, so far as Europe is concerned, have always been supposed to be France and Italy. But Switzerland exports annually silk to the value pt about $20,000,000, nearly all going to European countries. Iceland's First Theater. Icelands first theater was founded only in 1897 and there is only one in the Island at Reykajavik but it has taken firm root. The dramatic sear son opens in October and closes at the end of April, when a large part of the inhabitants go fishing. SALLOW FACES Good Colors for Houses. is not generally known not even tints and among painters why certain colors wear much better than others on houses, and the knowledge of just what tint are best to use is, therefore, rather ha.v. One writer on paints, in a rccentbook, says that experiments seem to show that those colors which resist or turn back the heat rays of the sun, will protect a house better than those which allow these ravs to pass through the him. Thu red is a good color because it turns back, or reflects the red rays, and the red rays are the hot rays. In general, therefore, the warm tones are good and t tie cold tones are poor, so far as wear is concerned. In choosing the color of paint for your house, select reds, browns, grays and olives, which, considering the various tones these tints will produce, will give a wide range from which to choose. Avoid the harsh tints, such as cold yellows (like lemonl, cold greens (like grass green, etc.), and the blues. It must lie understood that no virtue is claimed for tints in themselves, irrespective of the materials used in the paint. Any color will fade, and the paint will scale off, if adulterated white lead or canned paint is used, but if one is careful to ue the best white lead some brand of a reliable manufacturer and genuine linseed oil, the warm tints mentioned above will outwear the same material tinted with tlie cold colors. It to which he had been subjected had seared his heart. Nevertheless, pride went under in the struggle, and he started forth to ascertain from the lady herself why he no longer found favor in her sight. When he reached the ladys house, she was not there; indeed no one knew where she was. Her father had given up the house eight months ago, and in New York, where no man knows his next door neighbor, the interval opposed a blank wall against further Inquiry. It struck him as a small coincidence that at the period of this change of residence he was in the wildest part of the Philippines and temporarily incapacitated from writing home. Letters from Elsie, breathing love and hope, continued to reach him by devious routes for some weeks. Then silence! Being a determined man, he interviewed local tradesmen, policemen, post office officials, and finally a doctor. Here he found a clew. Yes, exactly eight months ago, Miss Elsie Stapleton, suddenly became very 11,1 received a shock, he believed, by unexpected news concerning a friend in the Philippines, and was taken abroad The girl was dangerby her father. ously ill. , Ablaze with uncertainty, Tennant went back to his hotel. A man awaited his arrival, an army officer, like himself, and it was sufficiently amazing to read on the strangers card: W. Tennant been chasing you round the he explained. My business is Capt J. I hare world, Can we have a quiet talk somewhere? Jimmie led his namesake to a sitting-room. Here the other Capt Tennant seated himself, lit a cigarette, and produced an envelope. "Do you recognize the handwriting? he said. Jimmie required no second glance It was Elsies. ' How the deuce did this come into your possession? be demanded, fierce- important , ly. am almost in the divorce court for demanding even an envelope, he tried, .uy wife sieeps on them, and reads them twice day whenever she thinks I am wneedling her a bit Now, if you feel equal to it, come with me to my hotel and try all you know to persuade her that Elsie belongs to you, and not to me. The persuasion look a form that the rich and elderly Mrs. Tqnnant was not accustomed to. It astounded and gratihusband to fied her happy-go-lucsee the way in which she quailed before Jimmys wrath. The latter walked straight into her palatial suite and thrust some ola and frayed letters ber eyes. You have some of my correspondence in your possession, he said, with an intensity of passion that cowed her instantly. They are letters written to me by a Miss Elsie Stapleton. You Will will recognize her handwriting. you give them to me quietly, or must I take them by force? John! she shrieked, protect me! "Darling, said her better half, I am helpless. This is the other Capt. J. W. Tennant. You refused to believe me, ducky, when 1 assured I bo-fo- re you Do you hear, woman? growled Your miserable jealousy haa Jimmy. entangled, perhaps wrecked, the happiness of two people who never imagined that Buch a creature as you could come between them. Give me my letters, or by the bones of your martyred first husband, I will That was enough. She produced a crumpled packet from the bosom of her dress. Without a word of apology or further comment, Jimmy stood where he was and read the blurred lines, for the lady had wept hot tears over them, and the paper was almost in tatters. The silly mistake which might yet have a tragic ending was quickly revealed. Elsie had indeed seen in a newspaper an account of the marriage, and her lovers prolonged silence at that unhappy juncture forced her to the conclusion that he had jilted her. Her last little note of farewell wrung his' heart in agony. It was a long and difficult search for ten days. Jimmys chief difficulty was that the only persons who knew th Stapletons whereabouts regarded him as aa unprincipled scoundrel, and to see him. Then he found the ra-fus- es love-letter- well-writt- WIMiainiHi, For Infants and Children. JFT'th y. AS3 Iff; A! S I ANfcgetable Preparationfor As- similating IttcFoodandRcgula-tin- g the Stomachs and Dowels of ("i The Kind You Have Always Dcught Bears the ftn ft fcNvl I IJSMVrtatV Promotes Digestion.CheerPul-nes- s and Resl.Contains neither Opium.Morpltine of norimcxaL Not Narcotic. jfat vou&siKKiPtrcimi Sent' Am ALxSmna JLatkdU SmUt jtmseSmd Another Dig at Power. A few days ago Gov. of Cobb, and Hon. W. R. Pattangall, Maine, prominent in politics in the same state, were together on a train. Mr. Pattangall is a lawyer and an editor, the writer of tha humorous Meddy-bemp- s Letters appearing in his paper, tha Machlas Union. Ia the course of conversation, Gov. Cobb marked to Mr. Pattangall: I dont see why you and Llwellyn Powers should be so extremely antagonistic to each other. Neither of you ever falls to give, the other a rap when there is opportunity. At this point an interested listener in the car leaned toward their chairs and asked: Is It really true that ex Gov. Powers is of Indian descent? Well, the Indians deny it, Mr. Pattangall answered, in his inimitable manner. DOCTOR frtsnmnt -- i'juthNietbdLlA ii M'mft Srrd -- ftnhd Mufiir Pimrm IfioAwp'WM A perfect Remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPT or WRAPPER. SALESMEN WANTED. CURED OF ECZEMA. Maryland Physician Cures Himself Dr. Fisher Says: Cuticura Remedies Possess True Merit Food Products My face was afflicted with eczema In the year 1897. I used the Cuticura Remedies, and was entirely cured. I am a practicing physician, and very often prescribe Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Soap In cases of eczema, and they have cured where other formulas have failed. I am not in the habit of endorsing patent medicines, but when I find remedies possessing true merit such as the Cuticura Rem edies do, I am broad-mindeenough to proclaim their virtues to the world. I have been practicing medicine for sixteen years, and must say I find your Remedies A No. 1. You are at liberty to publish this letter. G. M. Fisher, M. D., Big Pool, Md., May 24, d aaabl you to oijof your areal without having to spend half your lima batwaaa thorn ova a hot cook-itovAll th cooking it don kitchra o kitchen a dean and naat aa yaur own, and iheeaa nothing for yoa to do but enjoy tha remit. Libby a Product are (elected Meat, cooked by cook who know haw, and only tha good parts packed. For a quick and deltciou, hutch tint a, m doan or out, try Libbys foao Pate with Libby a Camp Sauce. Booklet frra, How Ip Make Good Tlwsi to Eel.' Will. Gen. Mercier In England. Gen. Mercier, who has fled Libby, McNeill H Libby, Chicago W A NTEDVore View Salesmen. Buslnes pars IBP fl per month, Farmers' sods, studeuie aud elerbn preferred, butndurd geenie Co, Katun Uhjr. Mfe MIMCRLLANEOU8. HOWARD E. BURTON, a8c8hVm,"?.nd Specimen prices: Gold. Silver. Lead, II; ttoid, 8U ver.75o; Gold, 60c; Zmoor Copper. !. Cyanide teste. Mailing envelopes ana full price list sontoaapplion Control and Umpire work solicited. Lead Colo. KelHreuoe. Carbonate NaUoaniBiu& ,li. LAND SCRIPS Approved Forest Reserve and Railroad Scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered or prairie landf approved United States Military Bounty Land Warrants; Recertified Soldiers Additional Script all kinds of Land Scrip bought and sold. H. M,' HAMILTON. Tbe Portland. Portland. Oregon. BUCHANS from SILVER FLEECE DIP Paris to England, where he hasnt been enthusiastically received, once delivered in the French senate an elaborate speech on the feasibility of invading England. Mrs. oomplvfng with InsuraDoerelM Tq ueb a man we will give eiolusive sale rigM fciM not gold in guarantee to refund money If foods TbeBtanaart days. Furiherpartionlarsonreciuest. Olileu Light Co., IWtt N. Halted Sk, Cblongo, I klibb,. 1905. 60 Bus. Winter Wheat Per Acre That' the Yield of Rilnr'i Red Cron Hybrid Winter tie o . - .. .. . irlei, Treca.eto, for fall planting Timothy, Wntlowt Soothing SyTop. Fsr children teething, softeua the gum, reduces sllsji pain, cures wind colic. 35c s bottle. ireeri Is unquestionably the beat sheep dip on the market. It cures the worst cases of SC AH without injuring the wool. Instantly soluble in water at any temperature. Non poisonous sa fe. If your dealer hasnt it in stock, write the CARBOLIC SOAP CO. NEW YORK CITY t..K.UOroiM,IVI. Learn the frefk about btfor applying for patsnt it may save you money and disappointment. Write torpai Oculars. TUk FA'I KMT &IUK1U CO., UASHIMtirUk, l. 6. Thompsons Eye Water W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 34, 1906, Ora', la2CKMECltU.i When the average man does you favor he never lets you forget iL Rex INVENTORS proceed right. The Laxative Known Quality -- . SOMEHOW, SOBBED THE GIRL, NEVER REALLY DOUBTED YOU. girls aunt, and the woman knew that this story was true. She told him that Elsie, who had been near to death, was slowly recovering her healtn in Florida. , He went there by the next steamer, and wltn him traveled Mr. and Mrs. Tennant the latter most unwill ingly, but snamed now into subjection to her lord and master. With a soldiers strategy the leader of mount ed infantry first ct.ptured Elsies father and made him listen to reason. Then it was thought advisable that the dame should be forced to go and veil her story to Elsie, and thus prepare her for the coming of her lover. She played her part honestly, but with whimpers. She happened, too. to hear what Elsie said when Jimmy too her in his arms. "Somehow, sobbed the girl, T never really doubted you. I read a description of this woman and saw her phO' tograph and then I thought that fever or hardship Lad affected your bram. By succeeding mails from the Philip y.Ines came batches of Jimmys correspondence, returned through the dead letter office, and Elsie enjoyed read' ing them, now that thejr were married, a great deal more than if he were still in the far east. The two Tennants occasionally play bridge together at the same club, but the two Mrs. Tennants will never be real friends, though they meet at times. Hold on! This affair may have caused you some trouble, but not halt How many persons realize that cof- so much as it has given me. Now, just name happens fee so disturbs digestion that it pro-luc- sit still and listen. My Watson Tennant to be John My wife, a muddy, yellow complexion? A ten days trial of Postum Food whom I recently married, and who was a millionaire's widow, happens to be Coffee has proven a means. In thouShe collects my sands of cases, of clearing up bad extremely jealous. I dont mind, as I correspondence. complexions. A Washn. young lady tells her expe- thought all the letters would be from s, duns. I didnt count on receiving rience: -ones und devilish Ail of us father, mother, sister and brother had used tea and coffee at that from a young lady named she make ir for many years until finally we all Elsie. By Jove! didn't a word Never did she let iae? for hot less. or more had stomach troubles We were all sallow and troubleo on, thoi.gh, for I should have discovered the mistake at once. To her there with pimples, breath bad, disagree able taste in the mouth, and all of us was only one J. W. Tennant in existence, and she did not believe me when simply so many bundles of nerves. I showed her your name in the army was coffee "We didnt realize that the cause of the trouble until one day list I must admit that the last letter we ran out of coffee and went to bor- appeared to Justify her suspicions. The last letter! row some from a neighbor. She gave Yes. I am awfully sorry for you, us some Postum and told us to try old man, but I couldnt help it. Miss that Although we started to make it, Elsie evidently saw an account of my we all felt sure we would be sick if marriage in some papers and thought A Point in Favor. we missed our strong coffee, hut we it was yours, as you had not written cars Si Medders Trolley were forced to try Postum and were to her for some weeks. Then the fat was In the fire with my wife, I mean. great blessln, Josb. surprised to find it delicious. Josh Kornkrib They be theL They We read the statements on the Since that document reached her ahi life a misery, comDsned be th only things around here thet pkg., got more and In a month and a has made my half you wouldnt have known us. me to leave the service, pays ail the an automobile is afraid of. Judge, We were all able to digest our food bills, never gives me a red cent, and without any trouble, each ones skin alternately ties me to her apron string What the Wild Waves Say, became clear, tongues cleaned off and and threatens divorce proceedings. This is the story . . . letters! me Give my never gasped W nerves in fine condition. The deep ocean tells; Ten yards of board bills usC anything now but Postum. There Jimmy. The other man laughed One trunk of shells! Name given by is nothing like it Atlanta Constitution. Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, The Road to Theres q reason. ITellville. Often Caused by Coffee Drinking. ,:grm"y There are two classes of remedies; those of known quality and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, In harmony with nature, when nature needs assistance ; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo- rarily, but injuriously, a3 a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to contribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanso the system gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming constipation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active principles and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as "well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers; those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy aud the reasons for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial c.Tects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations of the Genuine-Syru- p 1 of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrnp Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrnp Co. plainly printed on the front of package. Price, 50c. per bottle. One size only. d |