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Show Vol. I. Marysvale, Utah, Saturday, September The Piute Courant. Published Every Saturday. Office of Publication 'Pines" Hotel, Marysvale, Piute County, Utah. Subscription: One year, $1.00; six months, 75 cts: three months, 50 cts. The above prices are cash in advance and do not apply to subscription due prior to July 14, 1906. JAS. T. JAKEMAN, Managing Editor. MRS. S. M. F. DECKER LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE. PIUTE COUNTY OFFICERS. Commissioners: Chas. Skougaard, E. C. Bagley, J. E. Peterson. District Judge: John F. Chldester. County Clerk: Horace Morrill. County Attorney: E. E. Sprague. Treasurer: R. A. Allan. Sheriff: Charles Morrill. Recorder: Lura J. Stark. Assessor: Charles J. Heinhold. Surveyor: George T. Henry. Attention! Students, Young University Monday, September for catalogue. The Brigham at Provo 10, 1906. opens Send Thursday, Aug. 23 Silver, 66 lead, $5.75; copper, 18. lead, Friday, 24 Silver, 66 $5.75; copper, 18. lead, Saturday, 25 Silver, 66 $5.75; copper, 18. Monday, Aug. 27: Silver, 66 lead, $5.75; copper, 18c. lead, Tuesday, 28: Silver, 66 $5.75; copper, 18. 29: 66 Silver, Wednesday, lead, $5.75; copper, 18. 3-- 7-- 7-- 5-- 3-- 3-- SUNDRY SOUTHERN UTAH SHORT STOPS. Suit was filed in the district court on tne 20th by R. M. Johnson vs. the Jennie Gold Mining company to quiet title to tne Comstock No. 3 lode mining claim, in Sttaeline mining district, upon which a contest is pend-Jn- g in the United States land office. j .4 Monday, the 27th, two cars of ore from Mercur, two from Alta, four from Stockton, one from Milford, and one from American Fork, were released by the samplers. Tuesday one car of Mercur ore, three from Alta, two from Stockton and one from Milford were released from the samplers. Wednesday two cars of Alta ore were reand two leased from the samplers cars, from Stockton. J Fine assays have been received on some samples of ore from the propel ties of the Utah Mining, Milling and Transportation company of Beaver county. Mr. Birtchart writes to local Interests that this ore came from the fourth ore body encountered during 'the past three or four months work, and within a very short time he would begin shipping to market ore of similar value. The assays show that the ore contains 71.4 ounces silver, 5 per cent lead. 24.4 per cent copper and some gold. je 4 ,! Monday, the 27th, 600 shares of Columbus Con. sold at 66 cents a share, 3,200 at 67, 1,100 at 68, 200 at 69, 1,500 and 2,200 at 71 cents; 200 shares of Columbus Con. sold at $7.20, 500 at $7.25, 600 at $7.30, 200 at $7.60 and 100 at $7.55. Tuesday, 1,600 shares of South Columbus sold at 66 cents a share, 600 at 67 and 40 Oat 68: 16 shares of Columbus Con. sold at $7.50, at 70 25 at $7.60, 200 at $7.65, 100 at $7.75, D50 at $7.80, 500 at $7.85 and 200 at $7.95; 500 shares of Sacramento sold at 11 cents a share. Wednesday 100 shares of South Columbus sold at 66 cents a share; 50 shares of Columbus Con at $7.65 a share, 200 at $7.70, 1,100 at $7.75 and 500 at $7.85. The Progressive Mining company is the name of a new Beaver county cor- poration recently organized In Beaver county. The property comprising this latest mining enterprise consists of two full mining claims, situated between the well known St Mary and Monitor mines, and near to the Moscow mine in Star mining district. In fact, the great Moscow vein runs tnrough the property from north to south, its entire length. The property is owned, officered and financed by well known Salt Lake and Beaver Cris-mon county men. Frank Nicols of & Nichols, the well known is secretary and treasurer, and the offices of the company are at their place of Dusiness on West Tem- ple street. Preparations No. 46. duction of debits from credits may be authorized:! Provided, further, that the porperty of the United States, of the Slate, "counties, cities, towns, school districts, municipal corporations and public libraries, lots with the o This storm has made good whisky MERCUR LOCALS. buildings thereon used exclusively for weather. Send in your orders to either religious worship or charitable Miss Kate Calfey is visiting in Salt purposes, and places of burial not held RIEGER & LINDLEY, Lake for a week. ; or used for The Whiskey Merchants." private or corporate beneJ J Salt Lake City. fit. shall be exempt from taxation. Mrs. Collett made a flying trip to Ditches, canals, reservoirs, pipes and IN MEMORY OF MARY ROSEABELL Mercur this week. flumes owned and used by individuals or corporations for irrigating lands (Original.) Mrs. George A. Cullinan is visiting owned by such individuals or corpora, her parents in Ogden. A little jewel, rare and fair. tions, or the individual members Came to our peaceful home. thereof, shall not be separately taxed as long as they shall be owned and Oh, with what joy we welcomed her, RESOLUTION. , So glad that she had come! used exclusively for such purpose: Proposing an amendment to Section Provided, further, that mortgages upon With bright anticipations 2, 'Article 10, of the Constitution Re- both real and personal property shall utm BtooiNGnrc coi I watched my prize with care, THE OWL ' Public School be exempt from taxation; Provided, lating to Education, With a mothers loving patience further, that the taxes of the indigent System, Maintenance. DRUG As I smoothed her flaxen hair. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGIS- poor may be remitted or abated at LATURE OF THE STATE OF such time and in such manner as may be provided by law. And my plannings for the future, UTAH: (The buyers 12. (Stamp, income, license, franSo bright and fair were they. Section 1. The following proposiis locatfriend) tion to amend the Constitution of the chise, or mortgage tax ' permissible.) But they vanished like a vapor, ed next door Like the morning dew of May. State of Utah is hereby submitted to Nothing in this Constitution shall be north of the postofflce, in the city of the qualified electors of the State of construed to prevent the Legislature and we do Owl drug opportunities, from providing a stamp tax, or a tax Cherished hopes, how soon they Utah for their approval or disapbusiness. on based licenses leave us, SALT income, LAKE CITY occupation, proval, namely: UTAH. All earths castles fade away, That Section 2, Article 10, of the or franchises. J. M. THOMAS 2. Section The Secretary of State Constitution of the State of Utah, And our hopes return to grieve us is hereby ordered to cause these propAttorney-at-Labe amended to read as follows: As they pass us in decay. The Public School system shall in- ositions to be published in at least one Salt Lake City, Utah. clude kindergarten schools, common newspaper in every county of the state Oh, my darling, how I loved her, Offices, 11 and 12 Eagle Block. As I pressed her to my breast! Inventions schools, consisting of primary and where a newspaper is published, for Trade patented. two months immediately preceding the But God has called her home to glory. grammar grades, high schools, an agmarks secured direct with Washricultural college, a university, and next general election. It may be, ne loved her best ington. Section 3. These propositions shall such other schools as the Legislature be to electors the of submitted, her! I this miss The common schools Oh, my darling, how may establish. PETERSONS DETECTIVE SERVICE shall be free. The other departments state at the next general election, for Yes, I miss her all the time; of the system shall be supported as their approval or disapproval. All ofBut Itt not murmur in my anguish. COMPANY, For shes gone with Christ to reign. provided by law.' Provided, that high ficial ballots used at such election 328-32D. F. Walker Bldg, shall have or written printed thereon, schools may be maintained free in all Salt Lake City, Utah. As I cast my eyes around me. cities of the first and second class now the words, "For the amendments to Section 3, Article XIII, of the ConstiSee her playthings everywhere; constituting school districts and in SALT We are THATS ALL SALT prepared to undertake all Here I find her tops and dollies, ' such other cities and districts as may tution, as amended November 6, 1900, proper detective business intrusted to and Secto amendment the Against chair. see her be designated by the Legislature. But empty There I us for corporations and Individuals. ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND where the prooprtion of school mon- tion 12, Article XIII, of the Constitu Consultation and advice free. Call or with tion, such other title together As I wander on In silence, ies apportioned or accruing to any write. Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-Y- . such as Manufactured designating may amendmqW See the footprints of her love; or not only be by district shall sufficient city SdTd ballots INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., to maintain all the free schools ill be provided by law. Here her bed of snowy whiteness, above. laid With the pillow such city or district, the high school shall be received and said votes shall N. W. Clayton, Manager, REMEMBER. shall be supported by local taxation be taken, counted," canvassed and reSalt Lake City, Utah. turns tnereof in be made same the If your local merchant does not Where her little head was resting, Provided, that when any cities or dis- manner and in all respects as is procarry in stock Temple Brand GarAs she took her last long sleep. tricts shall establish high schools, the vided law in the case of the elecments, Ranms Head Sweaters, Se-gAh, some day I sure will meet her. Legislature may authorize the use pf tion ofbythe state officers. THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT Lily Underwear, send your ord state school funds- to assist in supSitting at our Saviors feet. Section 4. These amendments, it 8TONE CO. erg to the sole manufacturers, Salt such funds said schools, being porting at said election, shall take efLake Knitting Works. But the cross my Savior gave me apportioned to the cities or districts adopted fect and be in force from and after CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANI will bear with His great love, Edconcerned, by the State Board of UFACTURERS. the first day of January, A. D. 1907. Teach my little ones that story V ucation. of Utah, Office of the Secretary Of the Christ that reigns above. SOLE AGENTS FOR Section 2. The Secretary of Stas- State State. The Pierpont School located at Mrs. G. H. Caldwell, Toledo, O. is hereby ordered to cause this propoi of ''1, 37 East North Temple, Salt Lake, -- brwva of Concrete Block Machines. Secretary Want to ' opens its fifth year, September 177 sition to be publisheOrTarieast one State of the Statetinge of Utah, do hereby establish a plant in every city, town STOCKTON SUNDRIES. 1906. This school offers as thornewspaper in every county of the certify that the foregoing is a full, and village in Utah. state where a newspaper is published, true ough and excellent work In Its lines a and correct of resolution copy Block machines from $100 upward. as can be had In the finest eastManager J. J. Trenam of the New for two months immediately preceding proposing amendments to Section 3, Start a small plant and become inern colleges. Its courses Include Stockton company spent Saturday at the next general election. XIII of tbe Constitution of the dependent Article Section 3. This proposition shall be State of Utah as amended November Stockton. Elocution, Voice and Physical CulCorrespondence solicited, submitted to the electors of this state 6, 1900, and Section 12 of Bald Article ture, Public Speaking, Theatricals, jt P. O. Box 1131, Sait Lake City. W. R. Mordock, superintendent of at the next general election for their XIII Write English and Shakespeare. relating to uniform tax and exInd Phone 3806-7- . for circulars. All official the Honorine properties at Stockton, approval or disapproval. and of therefrom, emptions authority was in Salt Lake looking after busi- jallots used at such election shall the to provide for a stamp THE KEELEY CURE. ness matters at that end of the line, have printed or written thereon the tax legislature SMOKE THE BEST. or tax based on income, occupaDrunkenness Cured. words. For the amendment to Section tion, licenses or franchises, during the week. passed at BLUE A positive and permanent curs and the Sixth 2, Article 10, of the Constitution, ,4 jt POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Session of the LegRegular for drunkenness and the opium disMost favorable reports continue to Against the amendment to Section 2, islature of this state Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W. toeases. There is no publicity, no come from the Katherine of Stockton. Article 10 of the Constitution, In testimony whereof, I have heresickness. Ladies treated as priIt has ten inches of first class and six gether with such other title designat- unto set my hand and affixed the 3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. feet of milling ore that will find its ing such amendment as may be pro- Great Seal of the State of Utah, at vately as at their own homes. The vided by law. Said ballots shall be re- Salt Lake Keeley Institute. 334 W- - So. Temway to the furnaces sof the valley. City, this 23rd day of Augvotes ceived and said be shall ple, Salt Lake City, Utah. taken, WASH IT AWAY. jt j ust, A. D. 1906. The Pioneer sampler on Thursday, counted, canvassed and the returns C. S. TINGEY, j Lead and uremic poisoning cured the 23rd. released three cars each of thereon be made in the same manner Secretary of State. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the Stockton and Alta ore. Friday the and in all respects as Is provided by (Seal.) TRUNKS, TRUNKS. work. Rheumatism vanishes at its samplers released three cars from law in tne case ot the election of H. touch. to rates For C. on state apply officers. the two from and and Stockton Alta, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 222 Room Southworth, 1 nis amendment, if Section 4. Manager, Saturday, Alta three and Stockton two. Commercial Club building, Salt Lake No. 5805. adopted at said election, shall take effect and be in lorce from and after Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. City. AMONG THE ALPS OF UTAH. the first day of January, A. D. 1907. August 7th, 1906. 155 Main St., Salt Lake. Never State of Utah, Office of Secretary of Notice is hereby given that the folloProsperity reigns at Alta. State. wing-named settler has filed notice before have things looked brighter. PlleSf Sores For Burns, i, Charles S. Tingey, Secretary of ot his intention to make final proof .4 the State of Utah, do hereby in support of his claim, and that said Saturday 600 shares of South Co- State otthat the foregoing is a full, proof will be made before the clerk of lumbus sold at 68 cents a share, 450 certify shares of Columbus Con. at $7.40 and true and correct copy of a resolution the District Court at Loa, Wayne Co., proposing an amendment to Section 2, Utah, on September 21st, 1906, viz: 100 at $7.50. Article 10, of the Constitution of the Robert Peden, for H. E. No. 14,186, Jt Jt State of Utah, relating to Education, Lot 3. N. E. S. W. 4 and W. Mr. Jacobson reports developments Public SchoAl , System, Maintenance, S. E. Sec. 7, Tp. 29 S, R. 5 E.S. L, progressing steadily on both the Columbus Extension and South Colum- passed at the Sixth Regular Session M. He names the following witnesses bus, with the condition at each favor- of the Legisclature of this State. In testimony whereof, I have here- to prove his continuous residence upable to early results. unto set my hand and affixed the on and cultivation of, said lond, viz: J Jonathan W. Cameron, John Han-cacWilliam J. Craig and Alex Colbath Great Seal of the utate of Utah at have made another payment on the Al- Salt Lake City, this 23rd day of AugGeorge D. Morrill, Charles W. A. D. 1906. Lee, all of Lorrey, Utah. pha group in southern California, and ust, (Seal.) The University of Utah includes the School of Arts and Sciences, the FRANK D. HOBBS, on which they are carrying forward C. S. TINGEY, f developRegister, an energetic campaign State Normal School, and the State School of Mines. Secretary of State. First publication, Aug. 18, 1906. ment. STATE SCHOOL OF MINES. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Last publication, Sept. 15, 1906. O Jt M. W. Mansfield, Attorney. RESOLUTION. Great interest is being taken in dry of offers The Mines School The School of Arts and Sciences offarms this summer. There is scarcely amendments to Section courses In: fers courses in: a plot of ground left in Cedar valley, 3, Proposing Men and women to learn barber trade Article XIII, of the Constitution as everything being located. This shows amended November 1. General Science. 1. Mining Engineering. Sec6, and 1900, 8 Weeks. Wages paid every night in In the great prosperity and interest tion said of Article 12, XIII to 2. Arts. Liberal relating 2. Electrical Engineering. future of Utah. uniform tax and exemptions therefrom Graduates earn $15 to $25 per weel .4 Jt 3. Commerce and Industry. 3. Civil Engineering. Cat. us. Mohler and free. of Write the to System atuhority Legislature Friday 200 shares of Columbus Con. provide a for tax or a of 4. 62 Salt tax, Administration. stamp South Government E. First and 4. St., Colleges, 100 Mechanical Engineering. 300 at $7.40, sold at $7.35 a share, on income, occupation, licenses iake at $7.45 and 100 at $7.50. 3500 shares based Utah. City, 5. Journalism. 5. Chemical Engineering. or franchises. of South Columbus sold at 67 cents Be it resolved and enacted by the 6. Teachers Course. Study mining tin a mining country. and 200 at 68. 2500 shares of SacraWINDSOR. Legislature of the State of Utah, cents. mento at 10 7. Medicine (first two years). of all members thereof conEUROPEAN HOTEL. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. J J Lake City. , Salt therein:' curring STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. On Thursday, the 23rd, 500 shares . .Located in the heart of the city. A Preparatory School is maintained Section 1. following proposiof South Columbus sold at 63 cents a tion to amend The The Normal School offers: Rates Reasonable. the Constitution of the which gives preparation for the 62. 100 100 at at 60, share, 1,000 at 65, State of Utah is hereby submitted to Light, airy; clean rooms, First-clas- s 1. A Five-yea- r Normal Course. courses in General Science, Liberal and 100 at 63. 100 Columbus Con. at the in Elecevery respect. Steam, heat, qualified elctors of the state for $7.30, 100 at $7.45, 2200 at $7.50, 400 their Arts, Engineering, Medicine, Business, 2. Advanced Normal Courses. tric Lights. approval or disapproval, nameat $7.55, and 200 at $7.60. etc. ly: 3. Kindergarten Courses. GLADSTONE HOTEL. That Section 3, Article XIII, of the ConsoliThe mill of the Columbus One year of high school work is necGraduates from the eight grades of Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. Constitution of the state of Utah as dated at Alta is now operating with amended November 6, 1900, and Sec119 South Main St., Salt Lake City. the public schools are admitted to the essary for admission to the Preparar two shifts and putting out tion 12 of said Article XIII be and the Neatly furnished rooms by the day, Normal School. School. tory concentrates of carload a daily. same are nearly Week or Month. amended to read as The primary officers of the First follows: hereby Rates. 50 cents to $1.50 per day, The shops and laboratories a.e unsurpassed in the completeness of ward of Lehi will give an ice cream Special rates by the day, week or their Section 3. The Legislature shall equipment. The proximity of great mines, reduction works of various festival at the city pavilion Tuesday, provide by law a uniform and equal month. August 28. The proceeds are for the rate of assessment and taxation on all kinds, and power houses for the generation of electricity afford excellent benefit of ward expenses. WITHOUT PILES REMOVED property in the state, according to its for thorough and practical work In all the engineering courses. advantages value in money, and shall prescribe jt j KNIFE. The management of the Columbus by general law such regulations as Registration of students, September 14th and 15th. Instruction begins Consolidated of Alta will undoubtedly shall secure a just valuation for taxDR. JOHNSON, an of ore month September 17th. Students are assisted in finding suitable boarding places. close the upon output ation of all property, so that every Specialist in all Rectal Diseases, the valuation of which will bd not less person and corporation shall pay a tax The Catalog is sent free upon req uest than $75,000, said President Tony Ja- in proportion to the value of his, her 2584 South Main street, Salt Lake cobson on his reappearance at the gen- - or its property; Provided that a deAddress: UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, Salt Lake City, Utah. City. some hoisting machinery on the way to the properties and expects to make a fine showing before the end of the year. The manager says the Paymaster is sure a good mine. eral offices, after a sojourn in the diggings, and that it is not permitted to exceed this is simply that present facilities for transporting the ores will You buy fresh Eggs, w Why not insist on HEWLETTS are 1 ROASTED COFFEES. 9 o large amoun. of rain has fallen here recently, with some flood, but nothing of a serious character. The weather is now pleasant and dry. A J 1906. FRESH METAL MARKET. - I, being made to begin active development work, in the performance of which no waste or unnecessary work is conTne physical condition of templated. the property is Buch that none need be done to reach the ore at great depth. Adjoining it is the Paymaster group cf mines now operated by Samuel Newhouse of Salt Lake City, F. A. of - Schirmer of Boston and others as L. Samuel Jr., Adams, with Utah, manager. Manager Adams is doing a work and openlarge amount of good ing up some very fine ore. He has j Oliver R. Meredith, Trunk Manufactur-- i DolVItts 1-- 4 1-- 1-- j k, two-thir- 1-- 2 ten-hou- t Salvo er. University of Utah. |