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Show 4A4AA444444444AAAAAA444A44-,,...,,,- For a Nice WORK OF , READER Where First-clas- Hotel g! s i; i? the New Southern Hotel. u I Hot and cold running water and steam heat, electric lights and a J bell service in every room. Rooms under direct charge ol Mrs. Cand 2 land. Hotel centrally located at J NO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 5 jg P. H. CANDLAND. H. Balked. - dont care nothin about the, tariff Stuart Cumberland Easily Followed or that there gold and silver question," said the deacon, nor do I Mr. G'jdstonee Mind. myself with the question of the Stuart Cumberland, thought read- downtrodden hut dirty Philippines. Glad Mr. er," tells how he read em!" But, shrieked he, if them ding ol stones mind in the smoking room there trusts aint stopped blamed the house of commons. Mr. Gladstone be goin' Into horse undertook to think of some figures, quick theyll and where will the next, awappin and It was Cumberlands task to die cause of simple and honest agriculture cover and write them on a blackboard. be then, hey? New York Press. He wrote a 3. which was correct, then a 8, which was also correct, and then he began to write a 5. "At this moBrushes Made by Nature. ment I found that Mr. Gladstone had Curious natural brushes are producwas and thinking ed from one of the changed his mind palmetto species of a 6. I at once paused and begged on our southern coasts. The brishim to concentrate his thoughts enof the brush and the tles detirely on the exact figure he had thereof are all one. No comincided upon. He did so, and I unhesi- portion g-out complaint with those brisHe 6." 5 a Into tatingly turned the Scientific tles. American. asked Mr. Gladstone why he had at first thought of a 6 aad afterward changed it to a 6. Mr. Gladstone answered that he had at first thought of the number of days in a year, but In the middle of the experiment he recollected that that particular year was J' our I Prcnptly obtained or no fee. Write tor leap year, which caused him to change CONFIDENTIAL LETTER before! tor We I it worth ; la patent aoplyuig his figures to 366. obtain PATENTS THAT PAY.I "1 Room in a go to THOUGHT AAAAa'AAAaAAA Add NAAdkl'AklA'dkl'd II n con-Ber- gg MAXF1ELD ' () Tbto.wbrs VINEGAR CO Manufacturers of j PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. 720 South Factory: Telephone SALT LAKE CITY f Second West f9 S 979-- t T American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. DON'T MISS THE LARGE IITo7 MOBILE that runs to all points of Interest, with a good guide. Fare 11.00. Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autos., j 40 E 2nd 8o. S' European Plan, 50c up. HOTEL HALLS. I! ; Corner Third South and State Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. COCA-COL- WlNbSSIL IN BOTTLES. A Expenses very moderate. GEORGE B. SWEAZEY, Principal. SALT LAKE CITY. We have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and we want an agent In every town In Utah to handle It Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Coca-Col- a Bottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. EUROPEAN HOTEL, Salt Lake City. Located In the heart of the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. First-clas- s fee every respect Steam heat Electric Many bright boys and girls are making 35weekiya!ter"Bch(of working for us. If you want the same chance, send us your name and address and we will send you )2 worth of our quick-sellin- g When sold, Household Specialties. send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. You can do this In one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address. N. II. Groesbeck & Co. Sprlngville, Utah. i. Attorney-at-La- mining and mining law. Communications solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bell phone 590-Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN STATE ST LAKE CITY. 138 SOUTH SALT H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. men. i In India ink, Sapla, Colors h or Oil. stretchers. Pictures sent by mall are ns safe no If brought in person. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. UTAH ART CO., 55 West Second South, Salt Lake City. Mail Orders Solicited. Pictures en- larged, mounted on cardboard or our special' reduced prices. Set of teeth (b.it rod rubber). 36. Gold crowns, ., S3 SO to ta 00. Bride. work, boot, tt tO to S6.S0. Gold filling. SI and up. Other filling!, too to Tie. 8-k- TWELVE TEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. Open till 6 p. m., Sunday 10 to 3. Phonaa, Ind net; Boll, 17IS-DR. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. 234 Ma n St EXAMINATION FREE. . 0,-- rFF'i'FFFFrr:FFrrr.rrkFFFrFri'iMrriFrrrrFFFF W.Wj 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAA - Boost, OEIiOear NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. WE ARE SALT LAKERS. till City. by our aelMitlfic 'fWillsAtg'dddNVld'd'd'dVlkldlgktlfWklddA'd'dddddddAdd'dddddddd'd'd'Ndildd. RATES REASONABLE. Why trust your treasured pictures to strangers? Ours Is a Utah firm, managed by Utah You Mom In NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. 44 We Can fl Th. Moit R.ltibl. Dentist. Practice in both state and federal courts. Special attention given to S27-29-3- 1 ttttttttttM r without pain Teth .xtrctpd FrM with other work. method NEWEST HOTEL IN SALT LAKE UaIaIaIaUaIaIaIaIaIaI Utah Dental Co., 234 Main THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Iron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Eke. All kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Copper in all the Latest Finishes. Write for Prices. Salt Lake City State SL 1 Why Pay More? ia. Lights. j? KRRRM,.W.to''!'' BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. 605-60- 4--- t preparatory school for boarding and day pupils An academic course for four years, with a preparatory course of i one year, corresponding to the eighth grade. Music department, with pianos for practice. Excellent boarding department, with Christian home Influences. Small classes, with personal help from teachers when necessary. A thorough For catalogue and particulars address I and belp inventors to auooeea. Send model, photo or sketch, and we send I IMMEDIATE FREE REPORT ON PAT- - I ENTABILITV. 20 years' practice. Regis-tered Patent Lawyers. Write or come to I na at 7th St., WASHINGTON, 0. C. True Friendship. The essence of friendship is entire-ess- , a total magnanimity and trust It must not Burmlse or provide for Infirmity. It treats its object as a god, that it may defy both. Emerson. S. M. RIDDLE, Manager. ... 5 1 , ; PPPPPPPP dddd adddddddddddiddddd41 SALTKLAKECDLLEGI-- 1 ATE INSTITUTE. 11 solid-woo- d RtUMIDEtSJSWl S iReaderiiiiBoost!j BOOST Help to Build up a. i GREATER SALT LAKE CITY! $ THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH IS THIS: a UTAH DEALER!" DON'T USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From I this List of Business Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There . If, In RW,,,J; ..- 'VFy.yiMWF.r.r.n A44AA4'AAA'4'A''AlAAAA4AA4t'AA4'44AAA444AA4A4a44A''t vRomney & Ryan,V 1 The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) BELIEVES IN BEING The Best Line IBusy All the Time In Utah"! to 2 Southern California The object of the organization is to promote the twe of ALL UTAH-MADGOODS in all lines, in preference to E those manufactured Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Most Modern Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diner Md Free Reclining Chair Cars. Ail trains via Salt Lake City and Nevadas Mineral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Excursions or write to outside the State. Its Interest Is fi ifWide. State-!- ! THE MANUFACTURERS AND P. o. BOX 1584, Salt Lake City, Utah. - SLEEPERS TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CARS S3 S3 . Free Reclining Chtir Cars. Dining Onr Forvlce U earto on kll ihronvh train. For Folders, Dlastcsted Booklets, efe, sddrvaa l a. BEirroii, a. a. p. a ..... salt lake city, utio S SALT LAKE CITY - AND TOUTIT FROM CODER OR BALT LAKE MER-J- 3 CHANTS ASSOCIATION. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. PULLMAN THHOUGn k-- H The betterment of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, hamlet and district is its aim. For full particulars H. BURTNER, D. P. A. CHOICE OP nOUTEPL SS to S. SJ Western Goods for Western People: The New Road J. - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaa AAkA4AAA4AAA4AAAAAAAAA444''iA'4AAA4AAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAA4. .? 71 WwWVtAKWArjVr.AAAKMVW.wAAAAXkXVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.l Good .,Miwmgiimr,aitititititttitawtaawTOWiww Company Service-Goo- d 4 Good Meals. I That I, tha happy trinity th.ll makes happy travelers on Rock Isl-- . and through trains. Through Standard! Sleeper dally Salt Lake and Ogdsn toj Chicago without change. Arrives Ins Chicago in tha morning. Wo also run through tourist cars to Chicago and St Louis. Steamship tickets on saleX 2 to all points In the Old Country. Let us know where you want to go.S We will do the rest Nothing finer than the Rock Island Dinar. 5 X Both phones 245. S 5 5 N. L. DREW, General 800 17th Street Denver, Colo. or y k k k k k k k Salt Lake City, Utah. 2 44444-4-44-t-444--e----.-'- A 1' AAA44444AA44AAAAA 4444-44444444444-- - 4-4 44 44-- . 4444-44--44444444- Reputation. 2 j 44444-444444-44444- v j Under,the Direction of the Mari.t Fathers. Boarding and day school for boys. Situated In the heart of the Rocky Mountain district, nearly one mile above sea level, it enjoys an unsur- - V passed climate. Buildings modern, steam heated and electric lighted. Hot and cold baths. The Institution claims to give most thorough courses in classical. Scientific and Commercial branches, conferring degrees in the same. Inspection of Chemical nd Physical Laboratories invited. A fine Museum and Mineralogy department. Separate care of little boys V by competent master. Gymnasium of thhe best. Indoor games during the winter season. Compulsory military drill under the direction of an n army officer. Music of every kind, the band and orchestra being special X features of the College. Private training of desirable students, outside of regular school hours, in higher Mathematics, Chemistry, Assaying, and in Commercial J ?subjects. Terms moderate. Apply for full Year Book and other particulars to THE REV. PRESIDENT. 5 DRAKE, Diet Pass. Agent G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt,.q 100 West Second South St, X K AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA E- - Agent ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE, Salt Lake City. f An Enviable 4 t f 4-- 4-- On no railroad in America Is the system of discipline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher T degree than on the - t Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul t 4 t Railway 4 Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago via the Union Pa-- '' title and St. Paul line. Through sleepers and free reclining chair4 4 cars. 4 For tickets and information call on 4 C. S. Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 4 4 AAAAAA 44444444444444444-t44- 4444444444444 4 fr |