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Show Emperor William Is Battling Against a Dangerous Heredity. Emperor Williams father died of cancer of the throat. Emperor William himself had infantile paralysis, and has had to struggle with How COULD NOT KEEP ll Eroken Down, Like Many Awnf Woman, with Exhausting Kidney Troubles. many infirmities. has been whispered that he himself troubled with the same malady which IT 13 80 HARD TO UNDERSTAND earned off his father. Koval blood is unfortunately most generally deteriorated WOMAN. blood. Emperor W llliam knows this as well as an laxly, and la doing his best to Gad, you cant understand a worn eradicate the bad blood from himself and his family by the adoption of simple life an. he said, disgustedly. "Its no principles. use trying. Through the visit of a countryman of his to liattle Creek, Michigan, while in Whats happened now?" this country, visiting the Worlds Fair in I met that pretty Miss Swift In 1893, Emperor William became dark hallway and kissed her. I didnt Chicago m with the Battle Creek idea of acquainted think shed mind, you know. simple living and has to large extent "And she did mind? adopted the methods in his family. His live children the simple me and "Well she pretended to be very an- wife and take Battle Creek light baths. Their gry, so I thought Id smooth thing) uncle. King Edward, also has these bath down by telling her that It was all a installed in hia Windsor and Buckingham mistake that I thought she was Palaces for the use of himself and Queen Alexandra. somebody else. Among other things GOOD HEALTH, And then? the oldest health journal in the world, Why, then she really was very an tells about the Battle Creek idea and the simple life. Every number is brimful of gry." Judge. ideas. Sample copy 10 cents. One dollar a year. Judging by Looks. If vou will eut this out and send to Bacon She says she is 23 year GOOb HEALTH PUBLISHING CO., old. Battle Creek, Mich., with a quarter you Egbert Well, she looks as if she will receive a trial three months subscription to this handsome illustrated monthly would say she was about that old. health magazine. Write Yonkers Statesman. Mrs. A. Taylor, of Wharton, N. I had kidney trouble in its most painful and severe form, and the It is No man too poor to us Bain Wagons No man wealthy enough A Necessary Preliminary. Aim high' You'll hit the mark of fame. As man, men you know did; But there's no use In taking aim Unless your gun Is loaded. -- Life. 'Wheel Are "Headflear." to buy bolter. Your grandf.ihcr v at (amil'ar with the good qua! tics of The Bain, end your granch ldrrn will be. Don't be msiedi there is only one Best in farm wagons, and expert' cnce proclaims Bain, always Bain. When needing Implements, Ve hides or Stores, write us We sart you money, give you good goods and good treatment. Implement Dealers Utah and Idaho Le&dintf to-da- Consolidated Wagon and Machine Old 8tory. He couldn't read his title clear To mansions In the skies. In fact, he had none anywhere He didn't advertise. Chicago Company GEO. T. ODELL, Gen. Mfr. Houecs at Salt Lake, Ogden, Lag ms, Idaho Falls and Montpelier wa OLoaa aATUftoava t p, m. at The Modern Machinery We have lately Installed In onr Jewelry Shot makes It possible for us to bsndls difficult work promptly and very reasonably. Tom Twenty dollars for that ska-pi-e fall hat? You must be crazy! Clara Well, I must say Its going to my head. Chicago Chronlcla. ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Union Assay Office a. NANauaa. o. M. I. V. aaoian. aosia.e salt tana ouv, UTAH Scattered Subjects. The king of England has in Asia more than 300,000,000 subjects; in America, 7,500,000; in Africa, about 43,000,000; In Australasia, over 5,000,- 000, and In Europe, over 42,000,000. Classifying them broadly by religions, there are 208,000,000 Hindus, 94,000,-b0- 0 Mohammedans, 58,000,000 Christians, 12,000,000 Buddhists and 23,000,-00- 0 of of various pagan or religions. n We Make Travel Easy. Five trains dally via the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, Colorado to Kansas City, St. Joe, Chicago, Galveston, El Paso, City of Mexico. Ask me about reduced rates. C. F. Warren, O. A., A. T. & S. F. Ry.. 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. a Pinch, Use ALLENS FOOT-EASA powder. It cures painful, smart-Ing, nervous fset and Ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery o$ the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet 30,000 testimonials of cures. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. In IV the Wee Hours. What wan that noise in the parlor last night? Why, Bender came home from the club and started to make that l experiment. What electrical experiment? Why, rubbing a black cat on the back to see If he could see any sparks. And did he see any sparks? No; but he saw a myriad of stars. The cat clawed him, and he fell ovet the piano. Chicago Daily News. Gussle Yes; while I was talking to Miss Rose she had a A Sure Cure. pleased look In her eyes. was Miss Sharp Perhaps she thinking that you were far away. Chicago Dally News. eleo-trlca- far-awa- Good Taste. Its bite may lead to marriage But I can tell you this That 1 don't blame a microbe For lurking In a kies. Houston Post. An Elegant Sufficiency. Mrs. Sllmdlet T.ave some more of the mackerel, Mr. Boarder. Mr. Boarder No, thank you; hut Ill take a bucket of water. If you please, N. Y. Weekly. i The Novelist I am troubled with Insomnia. I He awake at night thinking about my novels. The Critic Why dont you get uj and read one of them? Brooklyt Eagle. Insurance Journals. No buslnes Is so well supplied with trade Journals as that of insurance there being over 70 of these weeklies In the country, It is said. They depend largely on the advertising of the o! companies, and the withdrawal much of the patronage of the three bis; life companies of New York as a re suit of the investigation is causing them some tronlie Send Check. His wife Is at the seashore. And every days a gay day; His daughter Is with mamma. And every day's a wade day; But they write lovely letters He gets one every pay day. Clarence I told the minister he Houston Post might kiss you. Glass tiate Drills. Settling. Cordelia And what did he say? The apstranger Mercury tempering is used for drills Clarence He thanked me, and said which are to be employed in perforat- that under the circumstances he proached the Questions and Answers ing glass plates. The drill Is heated would forego the usual fee. Illus- editor. to a white heat and plunged Into the trated Bits. May I have your assistance," hs asked, in settling a wager? mercury, which makes It extremely Human Nature. Certainly, sir. hard. The drill Is kept moist with a The path of duty leads, tls said. Youre sure Itll he no Jlouble to saturated solution of camphor and oil To But you? of turpentine. The process requires A lot of people strive each day None at all. Im perfectly willing considerable care and labor to produce To And a shorter cut to help you." Chicago Dally News. good results. Let me have $10, then, I lost That Was All. When Booms Stop. Cleveland Leader. Effie Jack and I fished for four Easterner I understand the great hours yesterday. Hairy Persiflage. colland boom at Dugout City has Elsie Catch anything? Barber Hair cut or shave, sir? lapsed. Effie Customer Eh? Oh, merely eut, (coyly) Only Jack. Royal Westerner Yes; no use keeping It thank you. Magazine. going any longer. All the land Is now owned by outsiders. N. Y. Weekly. Yea, Indeed. A Layman's Impression. she thought it was perfect said She that I said the small boy, what "Father," Her Innocent Occupation. bliss "I wonder where Sue is? I haint To go out for a cow on a day like this; Is a scientist? A scientist, my son. Is a man who But her arms were bare, and I see with eeen her this hour an a half. can tell you things you already know She aint fur, replied the old man. That sorrow. tobliss will mean blisters In such unfamiliar language that you "Last time I seen her she wuz killin morrow! Leader. regard It as something brand new." Cleveland a couple o rattlesnakes, to git rattles Washington Star. to to to a wear make necklace enough on the Programme. Not Atlanta Constitution. the party! Of course, she said, "ycd've seen Dear! the cake walk, professor? Alicia Oh, that poem of yours la Popular Pastime. The er the cake, madam? No, Just the dearest thing! As a revival of the old English cusBut I unAlphonso I should say It Is. Ive tom of shooting at the butts after returned the professor. spent $20 worth of stamps sending It Divine worship, the Amberley (Eng.) der a strong lens, you understand have seen the cheese mobilize. to magazine Ceve'md leader. miniature rifle club Is open on Sun Is and very afternoons, popular. tay seedy-lookin- to-d- g ran Maclarens Successor. The Rev. Alexander Connell, who succeeds to Ian Maclarens pulpit at! Sefton Park, Liverpool, has Wren pastor of Regent Square Presbyterian church, London, since 1893. He was born In the Scotch Highlands just 40 years ago. Poison In Yolk of Eggs. has arrived at the somewhat startling conclusion that the yolk of the eggs of fowls and ducks, as well as these of the tortoise, oontalns poisonous substances. When Isolated and lnjectedlnto the veins of rabbits or other animals these promptly cause death. The phenomena produced are those of acute Intoxication of the central nervous system. M. Q. Loisel In aca-flem- mis-lion- s, Great Post's Letters. Twenty years ago a German publisher began to Issue a complete collection of Goethes letters. Thirty-fou- r volumes are now in type, and it is that the rest of the letters, which will fill 15 more volumes, will appear within four years. Glory. I want to be an ice man. And with the Ice man stand. An auto at the sidewalk. A bank book In my hand. Milwaukee Sentinel. Mission Contribution. report of the Student Volunteer movement shows that $83,430 was con trlbuted for missions In the last year In the Institutions for higher learning In the United States Increase of $10,540 year. Of this amount 126,192 was for city and home snd $57,238 for foreign missions, $30,150 contributed by faculties and friends, and $53,271 by students. Rule of Golf. Knew What Ho Wanted. Young Gent Um er do you ever take back goods and return the money? Jeweler No, sir; but if you have an engagement ring. I'll melt It up for Clara Can you always tell a beyou and pay for the gold. N. Y. ginner on the links? Weekly. Claude Well, as a rule, you cant tell him much. Cincinnati Enquirer. Embarrassing. A Canada an jand ster the previous The PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color more goods, brighter colors, with leas work than others. Record-Heral- Rose Life. The night sent down a dewdrep ' To where a red roes slept; The red rose opened wide Its arms. And In the dewdrop crept. The sun came softly stealing Above the hilltop's crest. And made the dewdrop sparkle Upon the rose's breast. The south wind came and kissed And made It dip and nod Its flaming petals, falling. Made rainbows on the sod. Milwaukee Sentinel. 170 About the only way you can arouse a mean mans conscience Is to catch him at It The Cd, Transmission of Facial Characteristics Ik would appear that the transmission of facial traits subordinate to a definite law, that Is to say, that facial expression and appear ance are more often than not trams-mlttethrough the female members of the family, who generally do not exhibit the same characteristics to the male offspring, and that tha younger generations show, as a rule, all the facial conditions and signs which were present In a remote ancestor. North American Review. Butlers Stolen Fee. The late Hon. Joseph Q. Hoyt, formerly of Boston, when a lad attended a circus and his silver watch was stolen. The supposed thief was arrested, and was defended by Benjamin F. Butler, who proved he did not take the watch, and never was at the circus. During the civil war Hoyt was Introduced to Butler at a dinner at the Astor house, in New York, and the This Is the first latter remarked: time I have had the pleasure of meeting you. Oh, no! said Hoyt, who then related the circus Incident "Was that you, Hoyt? asked Butler, and, being answered In the affirmative, Butler laughed and said: That was an awful good watch,, Hoyt That is all I got for defending' the thief. MORE THAN MONEY. A Minister Talks About Grape-Nut- s. My first stomach tfbuble began back In 1S95, writes a minister in Nebr., resulting from hasty eating and eating too much. I found no relief from medicine and grew so bad that all food gave me great distress. It was that sore, gnawing, hungry feeling In my stomach that was so distressing and I became a sick man Grape-Nut- s was recommended as a food that could be easily digested. Leaving the old diet that had given me so much trouble, I began to eat Grape-Nut- s with a little cream and sugar. The change effected In 24 hours was truly remarkable, and In a few weeks I was back to health again. My work as a minister callb me away from home a great deal, and recently I drifted back to fat meat and indigestible foods, which put me again on the sick list So I went back to Grape-Nut- s and cream and in four days I was put right again. The old dull headaches are gbne, stomach comfortable, head clear, and it Is a delight to pursue my studies and work. Grape-Nut- s food is worth more than money to me, and I hope this may Induce some sufferer to follow the same course I have." Name given by Postum Co, Battle Creek, Mich. Theres a reason. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville in pkgs. J, says: The Harvest torture I went through now seems to have been almost unbearable. I bad pains in the side and loins, dizzy spells and hot, feverish headaches. There Once ebbed a sapphire sea by vagrant breezes stirred, stubble bristles drear where reapers blades have whirred. No-- back-ach- d The ripened, fields have yielded up their gold; The yeomen In their bins the garnered bushels hold. The seasons wealth is in; 'the scales have sun-kisse- were made their test The harvest sun, of red, has settled In the West! The harvest year is done! What treasure didst thou gain? What said the scales In pounds when weighing out thy grain? How planted thee? And what? And how beneath the sun Didst thou thy daily vigils keep With work begun? Didst toll a faithful day oer healthy planted seed Or didst thou, careless, tarry whilst the grass and weed Crept in and left tbeir suckers on thy harvest field? For by that record did thy gammed harvest yield! Ah! by thy dally tending Shalt Llfea harvest be, of bushels or a bursting sight to see! The harvest field of Life yields what thyself hath sown, And what thou garnereth is all thy very own! Then on the field of Life it pays with care to tend Thy dally duty to the harvest's golden end. Sow only wholesome wheat In kernels sound and strong Pluck out the stifling growth the weeds and tares of wrong! e, bearing-dow- n pains, and the kidney secretions passed too frequently, and with a burning sensation. They showed sediment I became discouraged, weak, languid and depressed, so sick and Weak that I could not keep up. As doctors did not cure me I decided to try Doans Kidney Pills, and with such success that my troubles were all gone after using eight boxes, and my strength, ambition and general health Is fine. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milbu- Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Suffered for White Lie. Is a white lie ever justified? That at least some people believe it has ao excuse is proved by the following tale: An ancient rabbi came to a city where all the people were truthful, married one of the Inhabitants, had two children and prospered. One day a neighbor called when the rabbis wife was washing her head, and the rabbi, going to the door, wps seised by false modesty and said that she had gone out Thereupon both of his children died, and, as no one died in that city before reaching old age, the neighbors made inquiries, the rabbi confessed what he had done, and was ordered to leave the city Immediately a sapphire sea by vagrant breezes stirred, Now stubble bristles drear where reapers' Considered the Proprietle. blades have whirred A man In Dallas county tried te What gleanest thou? A harvest from a shuffle off this mortal coil by hanging laden field Or shrunken grain? What Is the record himself with a blind bridle. His wife of thy yield? found him suspended from a rafte in the barn. He was wroth at her lrn If you had let Thoughts in My Den. terpositlon, saying: Nature abhors the old, who love her me alone a few minutes more I woulq His wife ro most have been In heaven. have look( would and Yes, you plied: i A man with a boil on his neck finds ed nice running around over heaven no joy In with a blind bridle on, wouldnt you-?buildings. Thockmorton (Tex.) Times. Any fool can ask questions, but it takes a wise man to stop him. Once ebbed y The older we get the more we lze the limits of our abilities. real He who does his level best seldom finds it necessary to do other people. Absence makes the husbands heart grow fonder after the dishes are all dirty. amm (BOOK)? H It takes seeds to raise flowers, but some men can raise caln without half trying. No one knows what is in him until he gets down to hard work and mines the claim. Too many men who have not the ability to build a dog bouse try their hand at erecting palaces. Some men who think they are regular devils are merely innocent lambs with abnormal Imaginations. It Is almost worth being away from home to find, upon returning, how much she has missed yon. The goose stands on one leg and holds up the other but for the life of me I never could tell why. Some men abhor vice, but rent their buildings to harlots. The love of money covers a multitude of sins. Some married couples are about as Illy mated as a dachshund and a greyhound and still they wonder why they dont get on together. There is no city so attractive to the traveler as the little home back We see not alone with our yonder. eyes, but with our heart as well. The bill collector always appears sordid and grasping to the man who has just returned from communing with nature on his summer tacation. What shall I do with all the days and hours that must be counted ere I see thy face? writes a Kansas man to his inamorata. How would It do to suck cider through a straw or try filling a straight from the top sidd? see thee In my dreams, and yet I cannot reach thee! writes a Chicago man on his vacation to his best girl. Ill bet that fellow would hug a girl in the park vhile a labor day parade was I sweat-hear- t, The ambitionless man Is frequently happier than is he of restless ambition. Progress is built by men scourging themselves to great deeds. The contented man seldom builds castles. The revolution is on In Russia. Despite his wishes, the horoscope suggests that Czar Nicholas must soon say with Richard II: "I give this heavy weight from oft nij head And this unwieldy eceptro from my hand. The pride of kingly sway from out my heart. gently smear the face with C cura Ointment, the Great Cure, but do not rub. Wash the Ointment in five minutes Cuticura Soap and hot water, bathe freely for some minu Repeat morning and evening, other times use Cuticura Soap bathing the face as often as ag able. No other Skin Soap so pi so sweet, so speedily effect Cttttev tent 9oap combines dslieate medicinal and popartiaa dariwad from Cnticurm, tha Cnrawiththa purest of elcaaalnff iBfredianvnaai ai adore Two Soaps in one a tv DO YOU WANT A JOB? oemant crowd tha railroad yards and wharves of Ban Francisco, The banks ara orsrloadst with tha money of tho people Tha toenooast eazlesa to pat U Into bnlldlofft. kind af labor aonmanda from t3 71 toll a day; ear wears pat from tttotladay; brick layer end pin Crare from II toliOa day. If yon want tha&. faotedireot a lattartotha Bubbau or Publicity. 14, Union , lea Franauco, end at fmU perUeaieiai Inal |