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Show HOME-MAD- i SIC k'XESS. E e.9it not that the human restitution ha.- an enduring - To Clean-- (im.n Ornaments.-.- . Dissolve u little sal ammoniac in spirit,? of wine, and wash the gold hi it ; or, try the folicwtii method: Mix some jeweltj's a little salad cil. and rogeawith tooth-brusmb tbe ornawith ment till perfectly clean.- Then wash it in warm soap and water witli a clean brushy and dry it JONH LOWRY quality, the atmosphere of the average city horn- - in cold weather would make the city lively Importers and Dealers in all kingp ,f A, with funeral pruce-sionvisitor nettN merely to pass front doors of most houses, lo discover oders that do not seem traceable to any par. icular article, yet which have an oppressive effect upon re.-some T uneb IT ouse. times a siniila- c i;v experiHanti Jjunch 11 i enced where no ode is perceptible. Occasional!; he n sidents W. K. Barton from of a house, The Woven Wire Mattresses at 1(1.00. church, theatre of narky notice lias lately addded io i4 coinfection this peculiarity or the atmosPICTURE FRAMES MADE TO 0IIDER, ary Stock a fine Supply of Canned Beef, phere, and promptly, say all sorts of bad thi'ig about the (.'aimed Fruit and the' CASH PAID FOR X7OOL, HIDES, jJpEI.TS, like. He Lmiuiited. plumber, who probably deserves a new Dining them all, hut no one seems to iV .Boom to his .1. .1 ST R IJ E T think' that air of the house should be cln.nge once in a an thus he while during fie winter. 'Pie U.TAI is prepared to air of an unoceueh d house, will', dispel the aching no connection r void-- ' of his follow men with by serving palatable Luneh; the sewers or oih.T sources of 11- os at all hours, ami on, reasona-Li- e disease, - utterly unlit to breathe, Lunch House terms. Give the for it is contfnuai N ciiig robbed V. Uckermann, Proprietor, a call. of its oxygen by carpet?, furniManti. One and a half blocks east of Main St., Kphr..,., Utah' Main Street, ture, floors, wails and everything Planing and Sawing done to order. .4 full line of Pick else that is suspectible to docav. Lath in stock. What, then, must, he the .condi Horn Made Coffins in crery style constantly on hnnil. tion ot the atrnosplsre of a hous, 1 firilitie for chopping all kinds of grain. Pend Hi where lialt a do.cn peojdc and and Oatnicill alienor on hand. an equal number of gas burners or lamps are daily assisting at the work of deoxygenating the air and loading it with impuii-ties- ? 331 There are many houses in which people who are cold would' b' nariHa quick ny leaving a window open fo. two minutes than by lmggs: g the fire, for m iinpuie air greater lessens physical warmth ( ntinuous venti! lation is n 'vei t hough: of bv mure than qia b fil ler in a hundred, so bu: f y people can' hope a. way.-- to bivitho pure air iu. loot's in cold weather. ' An O') occas onal of doors or' windows throughout T0 the day; however, the wo being done' 'T? most thorough; Manufacturers of Q just 'before Co 3 bedtime, would put an end to 3 thous tnds of as s of sickness MONUMENTS and debility that tome from no 3 "o cau-- e but air. impure u, h s. te f p - f C ar ai is si a by r - so' J t Afn t I (1 V Lai Cv 1 1 IP I r e m isos T 0;li MNTI, what-oeve- Fh L , y i- T Tin . aho-hav- Give Me A Call! & ta otl - 13 d cd p r oje-niiij- " two-third- s CO hymisirnu's, Tablets, Watertables, Sills. Caps, Arche-- , C i -i, ; n If gents ..hi Lowe iLa T3 P. O. Box 8. - I Per all i eft --..- Provo New s Depot, a o th f PC ten 4 P. c :2' Spi 4 iH o UTAH. rrooks. Stationery, Magazines, Periodicals and. Newspapers of Attorneys all kinds. iu The Beth Supply IIou,c .south 0 F F I C E ; Next door to United states Land, Ojf Salt Lake City. Office, Salt Lake City, Utrji.' ' Orders hy mail solicited.-CENTRzsS" .ntnry Pnlihr in Ollier.: ST . PROVO. TU s e3 in the eelebrati ! ,an TVte, White Oolite Stone. Biul. Bird and o rs ' U in. O 2 urner-cIlr-u- e. a, also, MAXTf o;i; & C I Is II Cakes. Cold boiled codfish, either fresh or sc.lt ; remove the bones and mince the meat; take as much warm mashed potatoes as fish, add a little butter and sufficient beaten eggs or milk to make the whole into a smooth pasjt, season with pepper, make into cakes, about ail inch thick ; sprinkle them with flour and fry brown in bW ter. il F n Q P m G c. .1 Lei Thi - Ait r .. y 'P SS?3B Olh |