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Show f - I TH NOTICE OF FINAL PROOFS v SENTINEL VO'i ij )( VS'OIl j . run. County, Utah. I). H unuv. ion. Lomu: JJIE TWO ny , i.ik-- I Olid: Fuji pp, mh, Lauu Oiiiee at I"-?"- . L-'- l' GODS. S-F- arc odit.t.U but jmpari-orua UlilM.lllnri wKcil r:S- tw u.s on Hun- niii'. hitch iUU d t!.cui'tlLI.n-t- , disw !o IN to m while them to a iI with a tuning Jay MainMrut.Saltl.aki City. ,, riptioiK of tw Gads, hmu h of sae!iiuii at. d a buttle r inure pmpeily .'peako g on of whisky. and send them out ouse. fiTanti unch r.ur.-xid aic.! .. uuneiuhy fjalmed to ahead oft st ige, as a unch ouse. ihiuitti he a Cod, which " re fo widely persuasive to tin' horsed and W. K. Barton Kleniw l! tat v.ji ej.;M iajt fur-- , diivcr o mat line to make a , to llid'oofeeMini a i .erp.insun. Has lately ai1iid-little fa Iio he jr t tiiiK Sojiply nf lt'- Stui-arv a ith ou. hh Wi svii.ii.tthiz Dim: tie ait Aioons iogliaS.luag , n w it h vnii. I. nsi.l the Ca'i oii Apostle H. J. iihii-ike. ii" li .lit Lis remaiks gave a U IhiOIll to hid c let cri j t ion o the God of Wh dont much like being t L it Saints, giving his called a liar by the San Pete lllid lie all he id' a of a ( iyd with Si. .Vi; e yic rustle tip is pre red to icli i ug Use body nar:s and passions, a literal n h a ;r oi i( neigidiorliood men hid fellow of void' lie compared a in-- editor awoke tu the st'.tdhiii; liy Serving palatahle LunchI i.ii m. nil v. nunt these attributes to to this fa el 7. ed at all limir-i- and no terms. Give the Lunch House hut lied ! it dnliit We bout is wheels, bed, say they Ungun a call. , new-to was the statement Maul!. tungueyi ny of its eoinji.one.nt that Main Street, the p upie hcteabuut, but if the p rD. ish to Use In lire e'.ening we listened to patgents adi.seuii'se by the llev. T. F. such ha rd ueguage we shall offer V To the People of San Pete, p Day, of the i'lesl.yteriaji ULvnh. no ojijef tioliS. i in which be cave a discription of pliO!(jgn,.J sy tie Sectarian God. Mr, Day The 1ioehe ii ):(! says that Vi Vouli fur bis text part of .the 14th of all the to the United jo7iov d Cope it uni) ? !i rih P.J ti asdejs Te . di-tin- ct i . lif-ird- . - 'Vmi-atlu.- , I ' I iii-- Pre ua. isos i -- I i O-- b-- , u-- i di-p- i e! t , ; i r , ! nalloiy I erse, Chapter 1st of the (iuspel icenrding to St John, And the wind urn. made flesh, ami dwelt .vilh While exjxjunding on his text he referred to God as a being (?) without body, parts or passions, nature or substances, a Ik lug that was uot a being as it Was nothing at all. lie said that the Trinity were one, but Christ, our Lord and Savior, was the only one of the J'iio who luid a Substance, a nature, in other words like Apostle (irants wagon, Christ was like the Fat! u rin his spiritual being, but afkr lie bad taken upon hini-- 11 a fu.rn,be was no longer like the Father, although he was pait d the Father. I low can the Lev. gentleman reconcile the following? 1st llow our Heavenly lnfent to Jacob and others of appear "the amients without a body, a substance? 2mlWo abut read in li scriptures of (hid speaking to indiiduals fuiw to face which proves that he has a face We also read of or a part. Him breathing into hii nostrils the breath of life, hence a month ami breathing organs and breath; lie walked with some, which repaired feet and legs. He wrestled with others which shows He has arms, ill fact we read of Him putting all'parts f :l l,,dy His body to use which proves to scripture renders that He them, that he had pnrts. ot the commandments says he is a jealous Cod, and as jealousy is one of the passions .he also has We are not a seripluriaii hut we know that the FOripturOs proto an unprejudiced believtri that Cod h'ia body, parts, and passions, nature and subitanees. The sermon of llev. Air, Day reminded us very much t'f u sermon delivered several years ugo at Frisco, by the Rev, Mr. II iff of Salt Lake City, The Reverend gentleman had made startling anouneemenl through posters and the, press that he Hvould tell the people Why they Should believe in Christ. The lime came, and the house was Crowded to its fullest capacity. After delivering a two hours sermon the Right Ret. IlifHold tho people they should believe in Christ, because they should believe inT.im. Yes just cause and that w:N the sum tnul of all his rcasuit for us .believing in Christ. The youth of tho Mormon people ore taught a religion fcf States Scnit'orship fiom Nevada, not one is a resident, of that State. u- -. . pos-se--e- sulv-stane- -- e larging is done by Utah Artist. Keep .weir money at si $' Home by patronizing' house falent and get hetter work foij fJr less money thanean Oe had jl M J Vest. hy sending Las: I liave photos of the Manti Temple, TAYLOR P.ROTHERS, MANTI y ii't lire frames, Albums, ami? views fur Sale. wn. e. A X I) E R S 0 N, B - "Aji . - -- s o Manufuetim . A i - monuments SI ; .0 li Headstones, Tablets, WatertahUs, Sills, Caps, Arches, Corners, Heart h- stones, etc., also dealers in the celebrated Han Pete bite Oolite Hton' P. 0. Box 8. . UTAH. n j j RF tt rser i 0 , lor'-.tli- ; Hiv-e- , o: : ATM J- - Darke A Co. Attvs Yor 34 Han Pete ,cud Ducks, Selesia's, ToWlings fable Covers, Shawls, Gloves, x Sevier Counties that he will make several trips during- the .coming winter and - Cotton and Carpet Yarns, Hats and Caps, Notions, Etc. Manti, it 11 0: ) LAXD If XT. :o the Land Office Build- .Uv Wm. A.T iluioicuuiamljitrgon. It Eli AIM CITY, UTAH. ' Ofliee at Dr fig .Store. Nurgeon of the .Safi I!Cte Val- $4.00 per terh a Mt. TLEASANT BROY.N, at 1 . ns w, ylamxg hills, I am prepared to do ail kinds t nuiediately north of Eiist NavKHuil custom work in the line of Wmpi.Ijlra Provo City lank, Planing, temi to all kinds of legal l.usi'nessVn Moulding and Sawing ou the shortall the counties of the est possible notice, and on reasonable Territory. terms Also all kindi of Lumber, I lckets, MouMiugs,and used lor house finishing. everythin.1 0 F F I C E tIie c.ollection ai"l nianngemeut Of tUVE ilE A TRIAL. Nextihxirto United States Land .!Aat'Rj9 and biheritam-esAttend land entries, final Ulh re, salt Lake City, Utah. proofs, eontest- 0', A oU'.ni PvhUc in UiHrC f()dffle"tr,les. and a11 kinds of Iinud Main st rieasaS San pile bus4Hss, County, U Olliei Bird &. Lowe ii. . 1 all Dash pnehases of $ 1.00 an tV. T. REID, J. II. WODHlvUtV, Secretary, II. OLSTEN, M. D., Uon.-ultatio- ATTOKT K'tS & COl'XsEI.O'.iS Oils vua! paint), $ Medic, men ing, Salt Lake City, Utah. iev Uajhvat. at Railroad Ofliee, Moroni, every Monday, Bum 12 m. to 4 p.m BOOTH patent Five per cent. iMtdimnt on T. C. Bailey, AGE Office CHESTER -- Utah retresextixu - . UlNSorrqp.. ' - v. 'A Etc-- Stod uj Gltssivxre, C.atlrip '1 - fc 1 I 1r vlt r A3 bed-roc- k WILL SELL COAL Al w Denims, a m e e pRl i e r c e Of Juab Wishes to announce to the People of ' - oo o lftfay rf Depot. Books Sbitiohery, Magazines, IeriodiOUs Priil Newspapers of all kinds. The Best Supply House south of Halt Lake City. Orders bv mail solicited 1 CENTRE ST.. PROVO. V . "I" IEI2IS 1'H'ittl NeWs . , Claimant. COAL FELT BROTHERS. 31.J88o. October will he prepared to repair Chairs and other Furniture with wire in SALT LAKE cm', VTaH. such a haauner that they look 20, 2, S well aud ever ive 9 DANIEL HARRINGTON. A ever satve if way I Xoti rj V ul! ie. m, Try onwgnd you will have your All Notafy work carefully attenwhole Sekpahed. Work done ded to. at Resilience and at Oilice at Sextixel ofliee, Manti. f,2,22. prices Ahni, inli Utah. J. H. IIOUGAARD. Count i Surveyor and Land Ayt, i- In Tx No. 2122. H. AY. ttr series 41'. (t Land Other at Salt Lake City, s EVucra, Xew York, T. Smith, Proprietors. - - J.-LY- 7 , -- IV-t- Five Hundred Acres ef Fruit and ornamental Trees, Roses, ' Shrubs, Etc,, Etc. J. .1. (vhhIIhu, (,en. UeWp'i of giu-ikj- Notice'is h( rely given that the following-i-V-me- d settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final procf in support of his claim, and that said .proof will Ecve constantly' on hand a full stock of Generali he made before theProhate Judge dise, consisting of or Clerk of Sevier County, Utah, at Richfield, on. December I4th, .vA 188."). viz 1 01uJ Anderson, II. E. Cashmeres, No. GO: 12 for Hie H. F. H. E. Afohairs, Sec. 11. H. 4 S. W. Hec. 12 Tp. 24 H. lL,3 W. Satisfaction guaranteed. PicAlpaca Lustres, tures tnlarged and sent to any He names the' following witaddress by mail, without frame, nesses to prove lii-- continuous Ginghams, on receipt of ptice, $LoO. residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz : Wm. F. Young, ' Michael Chh'iots, Faimiew City. Nielsen, Chas.J. Bjorkman, Peter y SanPcte county, Utah. E. Jens M. Jensen, Chcks, all of Richfield. Tickings, H. McMat'eh, Register. Established lSItk Tfencva Ifene va i 4 . , fieeom-jianyin- 1-- J School-houses- War In a lW HEA0QU&R1ER3, Maun City, Co. Sail , CotDesigns for Stahles, Porches, tages, llarn--Corn ices. Interior Decoration. a ml Renmdeling of Old Iloti-e- s, furnished on short notice. Pleas remember that all Pictand spei iiieatio'ns Special atten- ures sent to me to btj enlarged plans tion given to the ventilation of will receive careful attention Plans furnished by I will deliver them to any buddings. mail. Correspondence solicited. house in San Pete County in due time, for the small sum of $2.20 including extra nice frame, all complete. No pay required until pictures ai'e delivered. d a. Ail my en- gMwaBgaaaaBBCaBSM drd--On- e pa-sion- 2- -,;' iug-iiame- -l s I No. Land oilice at Salt Lukei No.'cmiwr lltn, Notice id l:n, httlebv s iven that the City Utah Ter. OcL I'Jth, 18.' has follow settler in flaw filyii Notice is hereby given that the inUnlLni to make lmat uotiee of liis iuteun i' notice following named settler has riled T.icf inuj3 si'isrt of h. claim, aud proof in sui.ppnr of notice of his intention to make that siid woof will he made heforfe said proof will final proof iii support of his the J uii or in tiis alisenee, before tlie Probated u.l?,. ,jr(. y at claim and secure limj entry Die t'ler' of theoulounty court,Dee County, at'i;ieiifu.ji j Saturday, Nviz: William' Fillmorw.Utah, lie will thereof and said projt of Xo4L)b forUhe s v ' Puli, Hi, viz: John Williams. tor Probate the Judge iSeipio, tah, II. K. No. fsil, s El 4 j.u made before 14; 11. R 4 W. Ter. lo Utah u1P S., 27, See. y. Tp. Pete of San h y 1.4, County, lie in his absence tlje County Cleikj-names the following w itnee. to prove his eontilm.;' of said County on Wednesday the to Move Lis continuous residence upon, and Cultivg,; ,n 18th day of November 18.). cultivation of, said viz: Gideon A. MurJ I and upo. John Charles C. Lundebcrg, Home-ste- d land-Bz- : Andrew Wuiger, Mark Gitl'ord, Wells all of .Joseph C. S. and Entry No. 0IG0 for the w. Orgill.rparlus Orgill, and E. 1 x. w. j see. l'J. Nielf email of Seipio, Millard S. W. DarkeII.& C'q. ,jc x. e. 1 hv. and names the Co., Uta Tp. 18 s. k. NOTICE FOUldjji to prove his witnesses following K McMaptf.r, Reg-ite- r. No. 2H and continuous residence upon T. C. Bailyv.tty for Applicant. Land Ofliee at S U cultivation of said land viz : October 18b?j. 22, Edward Reid, Edward S. Reid Notice is hereby y. John J.Nugeli andRobeit Hodge following-name- d forvuelIi-ationNotice "suv all of Fayette, Han Pete County 214 notice his of intent1 Utah Ter. tan! Ohio- it Salt f.i ,. Oitv. Utah, Oct final proof in sup And at the tame time and 7. Xitue-.claim, ami that k.I place before the County Clerk of named settler has tiled nut,. ,,,,Ptus f,.ll,nvinv; mtentrnn be nuule befor- tliep Han Pete Countv U.T. Carl F. tn make linal iirnoll m suc,,rl ,lt ),iN dln). and that said prunf will belnre tln- or Clerk,ofHeviertg. x. x. k. for ct the . C.erk k. Countv j j JuabCn ayephl Vtahon Bcrglund sec.7 and x.w. x.w.j eec. 8 Tp.20 Matunmv Dec. 12 lNviz: rh'ina-Fac- e field, uii DeecnilH. S. HSil S E Jacob Jacob.-en-, Sul, s.n. 1 E and names A he following ;a X. W I).g and Lot t. See. i3. i witnesses to prove his continuou hisHemmis ihe Ml!owin w.tij,ses to Prne Jacobsen, II. E. yCi ewntnmous residence , N. W. Section 20 T residence upon and cultivation ot ot, said i.md. via: Aimauinn. .14 nitivatuni TJioina: E. t A iiailes Carter Victor A. Mod- - ail of Jr., Utah. ldrews, Sanyel XNilkey J said land viz: Xejihi, He names the g 11. Me Muster Kioisier J. Pickett, Peter Anderson, son, nesses to prove ,ir e. T. Daily, utti. Axel Einerson of Gnnnison. Han residence upon, anr Pete County, Utah Territory. said of, viz: P; land, time intcre Also at the same Wm. K. llKID, B. harH Lars den, Co. En of Clerk the County vry wood; Joseph jv. ATTORNEV--L- W U. T. in the absence 'W the Christum Peter-ea- , Probate Judge bf said Ctunty. Cu., lh MeMA'r Hunt!, . llah. Sanpete Hamuel Killpack Homesiead H. W. Darke & 4 x. e. Oifice at Court House Entry No. 41)87 for the k. lainianL sec. 18, Tp. 20. E. is. and8 E. ands. names the following ju, E. witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation S of said land viz : Warr D S. L. J. PcaCock, Beach, Killpack and II. C. Hansen of Ferrfcn, Emery Co.. Utah. II. McMasteu, Register, Wv.t.Reid, .At tv. for Applicants ill NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. !' Manti, Fan at ait UlQ Y PUBLICATION r v v .r rfns . trwk JVrtiT |