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Show w'il'I count-- . tb'U'l . re ;.b r'gnr, d u n. he uion--, to .vnm.--sure, acb km or, t t.ci a M.uite hrth tion, l,e pt'opla bb'.o 1. lye a o ,,.d e of the G? n'.s wli'n h v-- G The. ti tiMCli 1 1 til t s mm 1 u-- L they pi Aim-mi- 'i J - ; -c c i"t i I ; J II. d" ktiVC ( I (or kant that he might have the .s e t n t r- f th, .guilts ..t:. im- - ar n i fiitii and prayt 1 win 10 t in order th. t he as veil a- - the dece- - to p .1 Iv ; i hu- - : mt e mutually micdit audience r i i i1'1'. puM. ; , .nmr A i w heimiited c speakerthe always the senator i into abowoy t i'j Ihiimd safe whbO.d of 1t coegms-- ; to be hi- -, the Stati i are no ani m- - to and lead him to take a proper (Iv p ofl'.'l tii' 1 cr- course. To illu-t- r. te ; If a pemon ddre-- r thM pint upon themes Ihn ar net '';r' nbd by the Bhle and this v. ntte-- uorl Lu will in l that '.he jumpleq through ( d.-ir.- d i 1 i- i" dc-irt-- of dy-d'e- pio-pori- s be n n lu-iir- cd Kj V ''c' Foe f' i I t rie too It a purs n SXTf k.ivs In-- ca'inoi climb a nm. main ho wilt nevi c reach it- - summit, tEOUN but it he 'n s, I will ascend to ea-i- fi J t -- L TONEf ton, lie wil' .uncee h mallei a hut little to a saint CUiOK whit 'he world think-- . d him. If he A pur at head he can well Resnenser" Tiiere affor t t men t calumny. e a saint to Eqoallad ty Few for is but oi.o cour-it- - 1 take path a. .d that of date. After tii - imanimioo- spirit, wdl a prie-thoo- i- the - to follow Acknowledged . FOR BEST that annoc.'.icemcu.t anSS!. f by bo one of tin T1IE LEj, d - 1 di-md- se to have to mv returi on a warm time Wiibhingt m, hut p rsonally, I feel no (line od ligament. I fuel like me king tio i3 ve a hatever lc in iy h. Wo should not however, willingly relinquish our rights as American citizens. We h .ve fail inalienable rights which can nut and should not The he tak n from us. of our country is an indruinent and guran- amli-u- i oi have been ebtablthef'', meeting would be liaveajyaari.doubt him and bis t:Trts will in h Id in the evening, and singing TEE WESTERN CQITJ3E h- meeting was And tins by the hoir, a pun-- e be sta jgeri d. MliXDOTA, IH : brand-ley- . V.,T. by I; none i o' in tb'1'o i$ f' vm yp'U o ask of us that noufl wr-( fax.'.) one our chiklren to carry a load that is to heavy for them, IFillTATI TheCo-op- . Furniture (Jo. of Salt wu. fier.ee tannog expect the things Lake City, are doing a rushing people to ci try thu lei urn do stand business, the pub je taking not wide!) they and which is upulsive to their ige w urchigmai reduction U oy have- just in pri es. live d mere car loads of furbo some There m ly prisons wlio think they e.m live niture of all kinds and they' are tht, fi w of God without suffering, making and will continue to but poisons who really live the make war on the high prie s of 4 w Vrtl ltf Will u n1 more or less trouble and covinced. T above are facts their clime iii it '"' :iW L o-- OF - po-sib- au-va- nt .ro-cei- vi ly K- those who jllow is injunction : and fa ts aie stubborn things. fhepo'M'iu excite n cut agitates The speaker read from the our cause to such n extent that cwffai.igssBBarKEJSgaBs sag:it will her, Id n d carry our Doct. and Cov. showing that the who waited to be ordered prim ipics to the re nohest corners person to 'i he fact that preform his duties in all things o the world, is slothful. The Lord expec.s some of our peop' have gone to r o ! I.H la the officers and ghen themseves p rsons to be in the alert and v 'H to perform their duty and rrp is an evidence oUhcir fidelity ready s 2 c dpi o 7? i too o' without continual urging K w w to principle and i is almost that 2 oI al hs o A j r4 tw w to the relative details and all hist ory.. without a paralh in People are very, often in The speaker was pleased to have the good reports relative erioi. by thinking that the calling to edifeaition, Personally the in of elders to adminster to their 2 S 8 5 8 S . the speaker felt a great interest 'children will be efficacious if in this subject. The idea of a they, themselves, are living accentral, or graded school for cording to Gods commands. each county is a very good one. The great m y of G d warlivery county should have a rants them and the ministering eldofs in avkipg, byt.it stands to good central school. reason of that the blessings, will It is the duty every person to become free not only as a not bo as manifold as they citizen, but every person should should he and that for the reabe free so far as beb.g a .saint is son that they have not filled the concerned. The weak pojnts of conditions upon which these our natures mnst be overcome, blessings arp predicated. 'The We mu&t be vigilant in tlijs. speaker showed that God never The strong points will take care places premium on idleness, of themselves, but the weak consequently $he Latter-dahe to will lead Saints should know that it is invery likely points us into error. Wo should bo cumbent that alp persons must wise in our conduct and in our work lor persons who do' not' alk. Too nngih speculation labor are not to be trusted. Ac- haid-ship- s. i - Fs mi-nuti- i (D The HousekoraV .(90 ASK AriDTAFCENOt Sold a. by tbfi mw fin r i.j. Inn JK' Ik c L M r n r J V r : n lt ; i i , tt j r' v : h I. t m f 'i !., i i H TO t t v. J It - ,i jein . t V m 1 Ttr bo tn trr Grocery In: ' ffit- C . hA 'illI?aPSa y POB, . V COISklffi The advertieer having been pr Of that dread disease, Consnm- tetnedy, is anxious to make bio sufferers the means of cure- - T011 he will send a copy of the preeenpW with the directions for prepare? same which they wilt find a Coughs, Colds, Consumer Parties n. Bronchitis, tion, will j)leae addreas, Her Pam St. WUiliairirhnrrhj X Njb--- -' |