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Show V '.. tSEM ENS. AM PERSONAL. SENTHIEL HOIS' XH3 John-o- J lly, Emt., returned Three companies are billed fur from Salt Luxe, Thursday. ", the Mi.vii ib iii. Bah Lake in the Manti, (.runty, lt ih. II S. Kerr of the S. P. V. U next twenty days. .1 WteV.j V: 1L w is a The double of. the Conference uthijirr. Jensen and i uttle. in the Iasi. Siml o.i iv ahJidg oi to tinI'etultH Hall-lasS ml,!: Wa rd ' San-1et- F d :( M. o vi-ito- ra' -- iiikv-if.-- L pleo iBgCuuiwie.'. tL.1- - S i iVtc and surrot.mi- Assembly Friday night was an enjoyable affair. t - (hear lingers, remained Mr. Monday night and was p reCue play. cent at vv strmsc'niP The North 11 ni. John T. Caine and Aposqi ,i. Suf lav '2S)Q Jno yoar, have The School Beit, Buy. in tle n. J. (I rant were present at 1.2.) Six mouths, uours" of preperatiun. They viP fart Sa'urday evening s per cVine before the public, for the '75 ance. Three months. of that school in a short J AdzertUing rati-- i on :ipjliition. Wc are pleased to see that tftao. M. Olson of the EphI All Communications intended Sii)t. Li It is rumorer that W.K. Ileid, , is again able to atfor this paper shou! 1 ha a Idross-e- d raim Esq., has been induced to take a tend to business. The Home Sentinel. parkin the forthcoming performJas. T. Jakeman, Del. Caine expects to go to ance of the Noith Ward AssocManager Washington via St. Louis and iation. The public will be pleased will reach that place before the to hear the announcement in fact instead of rumor. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. S ock Convention adjourns. One of Mantis esteemed lady Mrs. Eliga Lee, of Reaver, arEphraim is shipping cmsider- - rived in Manti Wednes lay last izena who has just returned ab:o grain. from Salt" Lake was spectajet A will several remain and months, . ; one f the recent productions of Ellen Mrs. her Exfor "Fanners the daughter, Look vifiting out i the Mikado in Salt Kakey '"She Jakeman. change next week. speaks very highly of the piece Mr. J. P. Mcilstrup, the pro- and the home talent that Snow fell. to the depth of d perinches in Fjllmqty. on, the Otli prietor 'of the Farmers Ex- formed it. liist. change" called on us Wednesd ly last. lie'- was visiting Manti The Actixo vs. Sc2NEt?v. i J. dkMyi 1$ tru pis general agent of The his with Slave British has play family. for tip? SUidybaker wagon in San together a run of passed just through Doctor Kenner with a party four Pete. nights. The playing was of liimrods has gone to' the fair, but the miserable Th? gruhbiiSg;and grading of tc try and bag some ments of the scenes arrangehas marred, thQ.Mti-gravbegun game. The boys are good shots yard what might sod .to. $ay . materially ve. arn-pleand we expect the Doctor to been the most successhave Th-j,'Manti .of trustees, bring homo some trophies of ful perforata. n:e o of the scui a:. furnished the, various ''district the' chase. In offering this critcisin we do Adliool ; with fhermohvneK'itnd not wish to cast relleetions on is of Mr. F. Fairview, Young, how' the .Iciuihhrs are required to relie any person ; the scenes themthe pictures j keiqf, their sclroolhoums in a delivering ceived orders for in the summer. selves were nicely gotten up for hioder.atc tempeiature. The pictures are giving general the occasion by Mr. St. John, who A trotting Match js spoken of satisfaction, and look as well as deserves credit for the amount of in the near future to take place some $18 work, .whereas they labor bestowed on them, but we most emphatically assert that at Nephk between a San Pete only cost $2,50 including a nice do the ' dropping the front curtain horse ami.a Nephi trotter, general frame and glass. and should have been limcould farmer: of the is favor in, Opinion Mr. D. Harrington cf thg ited to at least four times. The Mr. Turpine ofMt. Pleasant and ' force, has gone as one of manipulator of that scenery Mr.. Bryant. avid others Nephi from this county to should, for the benefit of a sufferthe delegates are making the necessry arrange-inen- tg the Stock Convention in St. ing audience, have received his Louis. Ha will probably go as salary before tiro hbjay comMr. N. W. xnderson of our far as New Orleans to the Ex- menced''" town rejoices at the new title of position before his. return. Bon lyhile our limited space will not permit of us taking up every papa, may lie continue to be Voyage. liappy when the young progeny, character we cannot help, in who is of the masculine gender., to a few, to givei them justice The arrest of Apostle Lorenzo' shall ujifeet Hue ink Bottle, tear Snow mention. The ladies' of special at Brigham City created the back from his pew Algebra, considerable the company alj de'serve credit", excitement and liise his ruler for a poker, etc. We in this'' play the character but" extend our fraternal paw, friend many were in favor of releasing represented by Miss Ida Lowry him irom the Marshals but Mr. d Will, and wish for you an In appearance Miss Snow objected and therefore sub just fit; c season of midnight have done credit to would Ida in He to was mitted go person. The processions. stage. pathetic scenes arraigned at Ogden before U. S. any 6f Mr. Hill the tears 6 brought It is to be hoped that in read- Commissioner, , Mr.; Black, and the the beys of and eyes many, report 'of'tiie' opening of gave bonds to appear when waiting the ihe ' Millard Stake Academy, ed. Miss. Nellie Celebrook,1 'of all declared that Carl will nh(ke wliicb appears iti the S nX - Salt. Lake City,-- was subpoenaed a star some day, if h perseveres. ' ' C ,1 Jvel. ' ScV--e t)f bur repiesenta-tiv- e do appear at Ogden at IB 'oclock TwdB Orphans. The The citizens hvjlj give the matter this moriiing, it is supposed she Springville Cbmpany in the attention arid inaugurate active is' wanted on the al?bve case. of The Two f Orphans steps towards supplying us with londay and Thesay last, maina similar institution. San Pete tained the good name which is the largest Stakg in the Ter: The road supervisor should came v ahead of them. They ritory without such an institu- repair (wo of the bridges betw'ega played to crowded houses add tion, and we have .capital-anEphraim, and Chester. '.They are .every one . of their hearers, we and should have bad, in a dangerous' condition. believe, were well pleased and ability here, the school. " ,i:" awarded them the cake. The ewer ro. ! wh:- li th- - ty uir-:bh- .1 . - J.-- proved' up on llie.r diHiii t them to b.; woilliv of the'pe iJ'pf Each one of the brothel reprinted two important elV'.r actors in tliu play and oia'1 in t Ej ' farcek :r d each icquiied an eh-- ' tifely different style of playing'" and the' hoys made so a rliange that Lot ooe j.rso:! j: the audience directed ev r the second ni-, aft'w the an cnee knew thi iaot,thu detection" was n'ut nuul,c, Ti,c. L.Jies of4, the company each her, role so wfH that to pick out any character and offer comment would be unjust to the fust. Several of the ladies, like the' gentlemen of the company, doubled on their characters and completely deceived the praise. ii-- Mi.-taiu- od Co-op- ... y GOAL AND OTHERWISE, -- Eggs are worth 25ctQts per doz. at Ephraim. Tiiere must' have be.cu vbout 1500 in attendance at Conference Sunday morning. ' jycw.js the weather that wood piles come ih god plan. Dont forget the printer - 5 . One thousand three hundred havft-otherwis- and eleven persons attended Con' fercnce on Sunday afternoon. 1 he Manti Co-oha taken dovrn their awning, which mean?-givus more sunshine and less . : 5 in Lt it " wa tl.-A.-i. iF-nef- ; Ri-- of ml : ! - - ikw. n the evening, p : ; ' shade. , While on our "way Rom Ches- ter to Ephraim we counted 18 teams carrying grain to Chester and "other points. " S$x--tine- OPEN FIRE if VENTILATOR . ' i ,5S Burn any kind ofFuell SOFT OR HARD COAL. keep the air in They a rooiu untajiy - Perfect SAVE THEY SECURE ' .4, Bjr Perfect J'entilatius. , Economy, .By Perfect Comoiietion, Ciicerliilntx, Open Fir. , tij Comfort, Uniform, Equable Warmth. " Xea.Hli ful n , - . , - 1 gjjEL than anp other hind of stove j GIVE NO CAS BUT BURN IT ALL ; - IN Keep fire longer para-.gori- pro-dqpti- Ventilation MORE THAU THEY COST abri-yiato- t- ' PATENTED. ; Bj aa from Fire. Worth more than the moat ooatlyi Ventilator Stove, with fire in it, before Bee an- Open-Fir- e ahow yen buying any tore. Aak your store dealer to pne ; if he haa noaa .end to na for catalogues and teeth .tmoniaia. A low a i prtoe m the oheapont Illumination open-Orat- e GOLDS HEATER LIFO. CO. 624.642 East 14th St., New Yorko ' |