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Show 310 1, 3v CONFERENCE Conference. tliou-- A 7? NUMBER, , that it was good for Be. Ol$o in lep.otiivg the ban-to come as often as possi- Mayfield ward, felt pleased in will ble as the people were anxious to being identified with the Latter- - to ht then get, acquainted SATURDAY FORENOON. with them and The principle of justice yet actuate and come home the hearts and minds of hus-da- y hands and wives 'and thev will thus work mutually for the fur-sahereum? of prope family gov-fieThis higher law cerning the marital i elutions of the children of men is designed to develop a higher principle of government and discipline It . ill make men more pure and women more chaste, saints, and with inference to his ward he could truthfully Pursuant to adjournment the that C. the people of the May- N. 1p. Do.kii s n reporting e uiPete Stake Quarterly ward were striving to was held at the Manti the South Ward of Ephraim said that his according to on report of this ward commencing the law God. of He would he very similar to what was con- arday, the 13th inst. at 10. scious of the fact that we should Hoik. Apostles John II. Smith laf been said of the stake. As a rule guar the carefully the course of our 1' Ilebcr J. Grant, Hon. Jno. people are doing their ' and duties faithfully. The ward has boys young men. Of the Caine, the Presidency of the , the Piiinarv as- organization--seeral persons Members of the High po forming wLsicms. dhg variqy.s eociation is in the lead and incil, a majority, p. tin Bish-- 3 tire most largely attended. of the stake and others societies are organized and are AFTERNOON. jicd the stand. The audi- - Performing their duties energetio-wa- s - By request Elder A. he motual improvement rc'atl Lie statistical called to order by Pres. Meeting called to order at 2. report of the soieLes of both waids of Eph- - Stake for the qua iter. P. M. by Pres. Peterson. Sing-Th- e 'Bujy and the Conference was ned by smgmg by the choir . raam Lave been organized with statistical report of the ng by the choir. Prayer by one f Sabbath officers Schools of the Stake Lies. J- B. Maiben. Singing Ipy. corPs as Elder it is Jas. Wareprayer by that better the choir. thought results are i. obtained by this method than by L , Hox. Jxo. T. Caine By a socia f nr s a no c riv n m o in , jp for eaen ward. movement ia v., f t laic p g ir having an opportunity of meet- having ihTSO'ppui.ii.iny rtf red to the cqndition of the on foot to improve the district Pete. San of ing with the people of tliis Stake, inyuitnthe people a as said and school is Ho schools and a graded generally time since I I, apprehended thgt the people, It has been a long the health of the people was nowr in order. of the section this visited .have working during the interval, which, had not been good. Ahhgpgb, a,t Mt The Manti South Ward was initervencd since the lat-- t confer- - country, in fact I have .ant of late there has been Utah s Bp Hans ence, had s' riven to improve here since I have been sickness and Gunni--om- e favorably reported by , little and fora long, time Jenson. Like other wards, how- - themselves. The people are con- - delegate, time back had also e, as a people, there are some dissatisfied tinuallv taught the principles of before that. A ever, somewhat afflicted. believe im.pjicity in the spirit, of persons who are a drawback to truth, hence it is but rajiyal to County. Academy. Oil High the progress and unity of the suppose that they should im- - God aiding us in discouisesand fltool is an institution which The speaker wished to prove. That there has been and our meetings togetlor. Lence e Stake needs and the near people. of tlie condition of is a necessity for improvement, the speaker hoped that he might iture may develop something speak plainly his ward, hem e lie thought the is evident to those who arc bless-- , that line. Ephraim, otyffig people mjght improve in their c( with the spirit of God Tlie fits, cun nal kreauon, would at meeting ; the Relief various quorums are being attendance be the best place for also imp.ove in thoroughly purged of iniquity And justly Societies might jph an institution. forming their duties the mem- - and this work will continue jxople of Manti could not pei of the Elders Quoigm could til we reach a higher standard, to this as it is feC proper to also in qro ve by- meeting more The Saints have neglected ' in a yide these public enterprises and not have them all located at regularly ip q quorupi capacity, groat degree the privileges the political status of the people, liaVe should offices which they Bp. Bartholomew of Fayette je place. The Bishops and maintained. The Saints in many of Utah the speaker stated that jriouspither officers are usually stated that a great majority while he had been' chosen as a the people of his ward were striv- - instances have begn unwise, jrkmg earnestly in their delegate to the National co gress. duties, though of Same of the brethren have not he had found that almost all at-- , and call lies. The mg to been as honorable , they should jvsare pretty thoroughly or- - course there are some exceptions have been in intercede far the rights discharging their tempts to le. this Owing to the A and me. beim presided were futile. Oi of the smallness of numbers the Priest- - paternal and family duties, and his first people f by Bishop except in one cnterancc into congress umvi.-- e in Je where, the councilors are liood meetings are generally held wives also have been he had labored, assiduously ta conduct toward their hus-hu- p jd ling in thq absgncg the in connection yith quoxums of their Amendment e feat Hoar the a hi,s who is absent on a other towns. The Y. M. society band.1- and their cend-ur-to state, as and hen Bill, entaile much trouble, whereas that the hill didpleased but rece-tlfsipn. The has lnen not was orgrnized pass the speaker Used that ye we'e favored with the young ladies society does rot they should carefully seek to House. hold up the hands of their 1ms- Jlto-People in the cast and quite a from, Salt, Lake, and seem to be doing as well. listen to their counsels. Qon--nc- live'-crnmen- , i, - . - 1 ly un-be- rs - 1 -- vari-offic- es 'h-th- eir a-- - t 1 i y kl |