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Show ,CS ncainna i; Cb. a J I - ill-1- ICtt-- 5 Mb .nr . - S 1V' County, Utah mi A. , i ; , ! i, -- Lon . mami, 'I AV, . r, G A !TAn AND C. w. j Washington City has a greet - t;ij if, y i pr, ap 1 ERONZE, .Vn.ar nu Varum tj 1 FoRTCNESIN STONE Hair. t'M iX L; 4i Li in rtua ''ft?1 FI3ISS j x-. -! j LlVl$ (' the ko::z "Jof ssinraa .t r, -- Emerson JiOCK SATr 7k &BJ , m ' EphrmiriLOo -- qpnmt JF. Rtmm0ns . Staym-r- Stayucr & Simmer.?. !dof . raonpj invesju.J in statu- r . ! .vt, i,n;. I l--i &nd ,ht! some of it may he ary, i ' V 'Ti i Or iVr Uy looked upon as a ) mighty poor r PO'Ieil U, l" Emil- -' investment, tireenotigha naked 'lj,i'.,,li p.allf '"V1"1 1 V lU' :U I Aj ;t V 1 Aftmt-- . Maikova K'';i sin. etatue of Vrahington co-- t ?4ri, f, 4 J Ad.-. fta.iu-- . Ineorj i (j. i Gunn n.ii. and tho J Ftatue tW, of v Liheity (d fjjh CK8 Kr ' I" !, 1 ( TG-TTawny uj there on the Capitci s' ' s.,1 . ,vt1 U. v7 Ciarl; iMifc, jr. dome cost , fcy Fra WSS$ci pii'v.-u;--the reulptor, received great snriio hi irmn !. L. IL HV t. tiiongh j Rl), - ll L Co hit, I . Lend Oihee. IfuT SOKEJ I yV-- died romparativoiv por. Fiftv wjjy bu.. ,y m I, .. thouri.in.l doihira aa the Um$Vitiirers oi S 1 i- "'I! h l..iku 1iuufiM, Eoih t buy. cin, t ;f fur Andr'A Jul.r, j), rt, & A pud l,i;;; K,.hih f Jutno weeji r.r;r Ir..;i ('listing? n ho hits ijj'iMi ,i rarifiv n r !" til in. lUax (pf. d.'icueAy Vr COHSS KSiiSi ('I'l-n?' :V'r.-'en U. lit", MiO Work, ' h, v bit H,,1 se B r ir.it: V on, v ,r JiiiJd, Erirf.,--; ojipu-ite L ;,n lie tP i ; vej wmith.'r Hi1 i ii,ri(Jnis i Ki .11,000 f, r .)g n:,(j Sn h Ina T- Irian MatmVWiohnn t;f t'm, 'for Enb ,, e'p:c. et V m I'shinpiun f.iw, (I'nit, Mn.inj-nn- d AND ;n ,'m i:, Crdde. I11 !! luii'Ji cf Am.tuer Snlh pui up to (nJ-.-- hj, , ,e ' v, n iit d. , t,.. AI ikT3 tht of General Thumissir(e31i p.nn Thomas Cirrle. and n mu.A s vVprfuimt.d ft Corhu I, M nnd r I? . Q's. maivo the taxp.ner t!,t (i ti of i,, A o i .dhMrts. i.rm.-rll.aj py rr Le R , lown r d ' looV.R tVte voun-'.to run OiulJ II Ildli. Oi( tint in r, io t! . Uu,t t -- ,'l'oyiSfc. Cong .(a- - pain $2 A.Ri'y f,r ti, i. o. nox 2.;. Erovu.ir; .f j.m'darl!', in. W HI U:vd llpedestal, and that tlm far , ht'ijii'M j,, ss n:nl Ss'l Sijpt. bronre I.Va .fef IUi v as u ;1S ,,n t lamp posts mound tie 1! U U Cl t r urso ( oat h d ,( K K itp ecu. Awrv iffI ' j. off to the eaS of the r p in capital ' Lincoln Square three yri,i.r.ni. huvu!h , pounde of hi.iRR repro-M- it I-M.NTI CiTV. IT Ml Lint o;n giving froetl ,rn to 1 i tlie ThoMatua e,.stli7, negro. . ttii 0 .o Erotv. 0, hut it ivaa jmid from Tl,n1 n( S( Ei. - 121) to .s.;n made fiend-meLv tho up j.,. of tbo South. Ueimral Si v. t ;, ,t , Green Htands in a paA ,u t, v o? northeat-oftlie Capit.,1 flt be EXLVJLI: IEC3J cost of r( l, (.UO, sml in s. ol: 'jUgET So H5rafitBr,r j7rpfc 1E,VER a i.lO (ijyv t ) !: Circle, Genreal Winfie-IHcott Oti auJ nfUr Ahjut IsS5 has l.een Tii r T,fv,f embodied in bronze tT Vi Eioirsr v! i'V4!ViT "' infJV "V. '1l,I. 1ji uaiiv vv. Vinnio Reaus o i ' 'J i , Jsiid ft c ArfuliriH Ci' th UAHiu. Furragaut cost Tho i'(i.n. .!; j,, i, Ptatne of MePhernon, toget1 .,r ee, with the pedestal, cctt d oet f t rc Bnrlnjr-tlpldGufo, $f0,000, and down in Rawliiu 9 F5irBofs iiis the ,5js Jw --v m' ha w .kn r. js a Square, eouthvvcst of the White Is OJJR AEATIX8 & BOGSS MOTTOS Ilonso there is a bronze tftafuo The; only lim If ISO a jSuir J.ivloof General Rawlins which lnook fuij IS nvf'r witfioot THE OF just ae well, at a coat of tii,HK' BOSS wwfn. V A V s. In addition to these thr.ro is the Vl JiOHlfl, WlfanMu mil OMVMmww oo Pylw, from statue of Professor 3o. g!3lo Tbo only Jit. bfttvueii Henry in the LvaieXtdJ H.J atl 1:5,1 i . ',k , A 4 mj.icj Smithsonian grounds, which lb)' hurt' u 12 uni ClitcRtfo n'iit cost a small fortune, tha of Ad0?? E- Vhaec.Htmu il 12:15 t( Li vhti-i- i miral Dupont, oppopke PLuhos ,t(J,u )i' ,w ( which represents times on Cong" 1:10 n.m. Il'Cr' i IlO I HO OjllV . liC'r., ft ressmans salary. and tho hern-tifu- l Am re t wim .,; ,i,tf .;ltM s,:;.;:: bronze statue of Martin Lrtm . rM.Fim T hi 'Wumj ,NU, Ilirmif;!) S.tb ( 'if v Luther in front of the Lutheian J ,(A) Memorial Church, which cost lifter mi tv til ClttAtr Meui! i i i ll 1 & B opias-itatei;uFn-;but $5,000, and is a a fine a piece pa h t.J Sti.t I) t, ,al je,,;, r 0ja I'LF.hViXC s Ah of statuary as you will find this HARDWARE, GLASSWARE j);,,,,,' ut Alnn- On FULLBEtJ side of tho wat, r, Carp , nt T I N W A if E. V A U I? . O 1) K Cleveland Leader, R, Mamger. lp'nio On; v Jdp.t fnni Jl S. 3v n .SlBfllE BED rt h, i'.Jt ' Agt. m Etc, Etc, s'ki Etc, Elc. ('!ir or f!; U( f JIOW TO DETERMINE GOOD CHILDS BEDo ()PW, ( -- 47 A 47 East sfSEL.SEN -Salt Luke City. ys?em-r'- s Temple Stroct. biding COWS. ENSEN w t. 4M TODB Z$cxv ;C" v j - N !lll'll,( ; v' , ! - m-ig , . (.i-.t- - Psj h jw) , :,; I I-- - guvi-in'oe- : I r , "'"CJr l ilf. 3 're - nrcf;3q 1 i C,-H- ;ls'3JBi! ; I j , m , n.-- a - 3rj..-hin.r- A'a-hii.- saddles g WROVTti ,; : V. TOnfetno, J '-- 1 1 . - !'F!il-'A!- J 9ei Ti - ') vs,-- 1 SAN uvZ';y: n j Cl, n, railway Couxpaixs'. ( t $h e Valiev V' y t -- 1 1 ! jlllM &otSi , J- B0fl re ir-- r 4 - loiiM-ivHil- ;$pMryK$E pie$siire , Beats , icsTi -- J A 'g J nwu, 78!'S'" thi ( f i - M. Olson, Superintendent. m. . 1 ill MI 1 I ! ! . f S iark, Eidrea'gs I :o .,-- if,; -- t , a 1 i asa 00 ceq'ckeh Lr-u,fl- J r !iThu)u-;lii;i(.l!.,,- BXB nv liiy ynl ir.,,t S w . 1a-hv'- S CL rmamTHBo BEWARE . i( I.IlKcf fialh Ht M i 'j'y r iiiiiik , u.isi am I), iivor foi hcti j (JS. " ) 1 y ( 2,1 4 knsjsn Every owner of a herd of cows L R )T, M tOE, .i nd UAH NESS should know what, they arc indiXAKh'lS I( vidually worth to him. Very few ii pm hi,, herds can he found in the country JLipc S.id ii but will , lle-qH.- ja W vv itiiii nil cii'iM j. v,j , 'i'it'1 ithciriu Express A.iv.m !4I s .!l I ,;ii,f 'ii 4:v v t hi :!' p. in, a,Mf f at kIO p. m. mai.iu vgirn turn uiih 1 k O liUai iujfv tu? iih BARNES & DAVIS d nesS-II.i- contain cows that not w janr?aRBea n;i; U hip-- , Evidlcp ' do Wholesale and Retail not only yi&ld any profit to PooktoM. m, 1J AbJes, Mtc Drv their owners, but ars Bootf, and Iioix; Hari'Vr; Gniwc Goods; GrtiCorics; kept at a lose, which losseveiy pieiiipfly att, nth J to, must b iicj'Mi.ii.g and ristoltEtc. udi'oi i.3 Liat lier. made up by the profitable cows H Still at, leu viior Many ii ft it 1 tit, Xt i , I cows will give a good 'd'"-ruth pi, hf!, quantity of milk wl file fresh hut LmjiJ f K A fi will hold so poorly rs ,o ho unIirvt Sait JijjJto ('ity as J?i . ; CEST UAL profitable in the end. 7v ow , ft HE s lm Vi'Ud, Ftu idjigh.iin.tutJ Alta ft CUE ;m , giving a ciAaller i; v quantity per :i i i. . . . . Rptiomi Attention Paid t Mail Orders but holding out nine day mmtlnj f'n i ig U;i i tit o ; j j ti I dim A Ksnd 1uvi lei, AhtAn a year, will often High Kiplut-lthe1 pj,77 W b'.iVt ArriAn ut SaJt Ltik,- - t ET 111 f ; i wdcr. more m;njbu ty li !ij niii of cow. ifury the profitable Amin, F ra,u III Ut!i, JH'w July ami Av cowgiving a AIR, JuiigLam it m-.of ndA,! u large OgJ,.n ;,t Ri ;;,u iu but of poor quality, m.n- not op i BA'U'jaIB m Idr hM j,oii t jjj i; M i;Ti worth her keep, J, s' . A.i 0$livlut? hut-';1al , . f)4, 4.JH Nhpid espeeiabif c,nn iaii k b!!i;i is the chi. cf - Ther pm elutsob at fLil' i) i dice ami City 'i'jrM i (are many points to rottih-'.'.J ui if South t 2 Lip.,,,. mte II. .use Corner, Sait j determining miic, the rolne of the North 11 ;45 a ni. LriitoUtr. cow; the quantity of milk given ; S'. kj If. Et ( , p ,s in a year Its vuluo "forthe'pur- Vriv s.ts ,!f L: it i :. p t4, TS! (1. P. A 1. for ivhich the tow in tiose Apt. aejt,l . II. Lan'ccof r. Receiver-- . the amou-required to keep! J. )V s her disposition, her, mc of 'P'r Trains PEOPLES IHlUtrSTOpF La:ct' Gio 'or rYifir:; dudy, etc. is m It North, milking, attention I. A ,Wt tu-- n that I eut'hpoirits ufilofton m pi Hoceekceiab Efmd. u a losing businesa i.ro s pavns Drugs. Jhemicnls, Toifft. one. ASIC 015. jlute in these times cf low j Articles Viiiue and Li,p.oru h1 g! and ' b small prices TAKE flQ OTI usm"s profit, t (kx ftir mcdioimil q !V. W!$eM3! , FURHITCBE Etuigr.oMt Dg.Icn ini-- Bi SiT-i.ii- lim Atli:rli( ExpiMu-4 flilEST CUT , ir' TUBS DSAXiEG , y, NT FUEJfl- - i Co. OF IKJITATIORJS 1 Nom-Icig- . 1 ( PRODUCE of all Kinds Taken and the . i 7-- - , U-'- , - v ?, 31 - u s , - i. 'L-m- 1 A - ter-maki- . . . r ? T -- t J - -M 0 tt? Prescriptions nurpo v kiiii-ppunde- HRHItALM.San IVu ththr't ! mad ,,i kmaal t0 promptly. t'd.-.)'T.- .4 if hi - 1 1lte If C1 I , ( ercim-utKi- ' u Cunr ret Vli:.J ti.i : rr.yif agriculturist m th.ideparunenth mint not iUlI LNJIC'O': .. . v A v;; kk, " V tiVhnuLJ toe iiim.. Cnv Vo i'.Tr-.p- o'orkt the rc.t 2af,i'hi T. t 1 j, ;j n, if of; .. .n j m, ir.-- t ( ! liien ilturU J.'ave t.--- rf'f'oTvi li i iT- - o,i i .... Ir. t TJt , - -- l,w M ii-- s f ;,n we-- J f SEWING mM si. , U , t cyj ;?( 0 r 'TE'E'"" 777 ' ! . ,i a " $' , - a-- ,a; - , O.uiitv mpr. fimi.o them cut '!V, j A-,- to:o..-- Ci-ufra- . - . . gt t st&n , - - end is pi pared to Mqit jhe Elchin1-- on imwnabi t nns ' l, -- ,.;ir for. ; ( ' v,t Osu.ee: i- -: - 8 Cef'dbrled While 1 . - u L:d J , jibe Hr.i tlio m.t.ir.d Ttcilj La , whlj f--i W ' defwx, ivoO, 16 e,,re R;I ! , ail-alr- 'lUwultnim, . Ao .hAi! y of all classes, leaks, and use in V" jj Vj"f H nor utilize everything. MauuMctu.-- i a, :i. l a Sii' l muth )r tu tu ;i. p. ing interest which a K" . KnU yielded a large on priil lAXcj Corn (hr r. . iiiiizing ul.nt tin,. n i'i-j,r it a i Wl men aconiaie,-- TT ..TTTT hi Id; ir, |