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Show Tub Piute Pioneer eAXUJVDT, 2nd. TlmaBlmuCauglu THEV E&ED now 1896 ENt , lINO'fif tl.e Country. $t6ry OF, the chase and Iates. ot ADyERT?s?NQ ' . ; Vale,-Josep- CAPTURE. I Last Thursday night while all hushj ed and still theWorld id alum her .jay, ancltlte people i?T M arrival Rui v let were ei-- j yin,theChristmas festivities, sotiie am, op' ones, enferfd the house fdi'AinlreW Sargent about six miles' south ol town, aud stole money, cheese, I ufver, potatoes, sqjp, pants, TtSlE. ty Double column nils harmed double abiVe addition.!). Local notices jou per hue ticver type (sevin . words to line). Twelve line of this (nonpareil) type to an inch. rates on .Special application. Vbituai ic charged ftr sptpeasrocal notices. 1 District court mt porgtut to adjournment on the ?lsf, wjth 4u?ffe McCarty on th henoli and 'all members of the' court prSent. d ttys Frew and A- Harris Pave from th l. (f Sfoti'fOe kr'l Beebe of Junction were Ue.ouly legal ights that put (n an arpearauce at this term. The followCOjlMjtllw imih KUS,,liT7.d. 1500. 1600,' ing butinpia wa transacted J. M. . Ulicar feet resiecti ety t E Mount, passed fof taneviF. mud as s own .11 'He ui tlipfaivt term. Ifarry A.Duusbee ysfejguson oifjeisi plats pi't? o the claim aufi til. d w ,th ai'rt Frew, passed for'lhe term.- - Ay. P diiamn at iimlerti, Htjnt, being Survey No, Mountain .Milling lsn ' 8nd 81,uu'11 Scr'gings vg 8. F. Mount and trlct, Iu 1lutcl'oi ptj .state of Vtah, and dcaerlDcd iia asked atCy p.(J. Fiew, iJalutiffby n the flcl.l note . nd ofHcj.il (Mat on t le In this he be alIo' u to enter upon, and offl. e a follow-- ., ' v i t!o the jrfsessmeiit if Willi 13 variations ni'ignetln f','!Jo,Wr, dg. 30 oj tf tie mi'rt. to ideor'IiS min. east as i"g unjiig ola tns on' of, Aliueral gp execull'in levied bv (,the. pljf cateG in the field Commeunng at in jh (tbove action, the,, Vandcfcook, Survey Ifo t tflf., Mount, Flam,leau and the Jones,- Up"'1 w No. 1 or the u fhe Ohio Mining District. D., H. lode, hioh corner is south 72deg. Sfitg' ( IN BIGHT, ANp'XRJEDTOGEroUTOfc' Fapfr of the County, OjfCdai yp. -l- (33r Vnited States ljimt Office, Salt aket'ltv, vtah. IWember it, lifti. Notice s liiTvl.y leu that the Bald Mountain Minins .'on.an,, a VUh ('orixviatlou, a hose address is t'asUeOate, I lah, by B. F. ('affc. Its tul at,turlfed agnit, ha ytade Jor & Vti list State Talent fur tAe Chief SettaturHteaart, t Milan, Annie Iain iWvora, Bojal lltairge, National, H. S, & S., Ovet'and, ud Minnie Maud milling claims consolidated, heinm-iari- d aud other invilou met-Jtl- JVCTIOX JOTTIVGH. TOOK EVERY THING VJF;JEyHEfcUt.'. i Not ice., ( A house, 1 APPLICATION FOR PATENT, OUR NEIGHBORS. rttes ami 25 per cent I h - c,i 'jt M u.-- e which poiut of discovery is on the PROFESSIONAL northerly etid line of said Chief The Royal George, north 83 deg. J6 min; west J246 8 feet and eouf b 89 deg. 36 tnlu. east 253.2 feet from pojut of discovery. The National, north I deg. 45 mlu. west 1305 9 feet from point of discovery, whipb point of discovery is on' the sou'hcrty end' line of said National. The IJ. 8. A B.1, lioftll 0 deg. I Junction 46 min. west 863 feet from pfut of dis- cuvery wblcjl point of discovery 1g'6ii end ll.ie of II. 8. '$$the souther) The Overland, ilorth 0 deg. 33 mill, fust 1025 3 feet and south Odeg 33 min, west Ifiji-- feet from point of discovery The Minnie Maud, south 12 deg. U min. eH 439 6 feet point of discovery, thenoe south h Peg 40. mlu. west S22 feet; said poiut of discovery being on tlje ipiftuerly end 1'm,C,q , jajtf MitHlV taud. Eaob of the lodes composing said consolidated ilaim is of record in the office of tlm niming recorder f the Gold fountain Mining Distiiot, at J.x 'fown Oevie County, Uah; and the deeds and relating to said claim a i of record in ibe office of the .jCity' county r order of Piute (2txnty, at' Junction, Utah. Tlie nearest kmoqu locations are the Red Bird and the Glue Bird, (both unsurveyeijb, , Idpent that this notire be gublhibed ill ti at Marysvale I tab. im Pjoaigilt puhlislit-ra rnottc. ftah. - of a first sary to tne estnblishm olass, cro,s roadSj pounty cjercharnuise tore. As a result, three foot padp g their names aa Ei Hsirt, djhnny Announcements ot tnairiages, births aud publiphxd fiee.. Thomas aud Geofgu YVifson are lying In theppunty Jail'af fhiSjplace, wntr SUHSCRIPTIQN TERMS. One cop, ope ... "2 0 Wfiyeytiou of a court of Justipej f ct feet from U, etalys W. H- Lyon etal, min. easf " 1 0 when six mcnlhs will be weighed in the they Mineral J Monument No. 1; and running coutinued for the terms. Milee Durkee ' 6 'three ilia'll ths .v ud most likely be fouucf wqt; north M tbnoe Elsie to dig. 12 min. ptst 550.6 pi ajjrs Taylor, defnar,rer rates made know iron' Lake Utah, Ye! to oorner No. 2 of saiii Senator jiug. Hi. Jr '.were captured iu Grass cross complaint over, ruled, rulingex aj'piicatiun, t" . Creek, last Monday cepted to by' C. W. Valley w r is Jonqs. r.'PfaUitlfT 8tewrt, hich identical wRb Corns ftptered at tbs pest office at. iMArvswue.'Utah, TnOjniug, ; by Afpuday 5 f the NaBonal;, fiteucs norths by gl veu ,t;P , days to file morning as s matter. aji apbwr li S'. jgjja, Andrew Batgept, the man whose hoise I deg. 59 min. est551 6 feet- - to defendant dcmurrerof pross complaint. they robbediaHd.Tbomas Callaway Bp. sufetaiupd. In f the Niti-qii- ; thsuoe north th estate No. thep'atter LOtiAt LACONICS, CHaSE. nd guardianship of the persous of L. de(j. 55 min. east 469.1 feet to1' cbi The story of fie capturetaa fold, to j tbenewspuia-- published nearest the said iarkiaiid.DiMxHiarki Burk..,. PloNEEft repriwmftuJv ja as folowa j. ftHOKT ITEMS OF IK'feBEST TO THtl 48 iiiln claim, for a peilod of ten week pilning dpB. tiRlnbiraide Sale Western property On arriving'b6Hh ahj 'learning of Ihe BYRON GLOO I said National, which Is itlen PEOPLE HEKEABUUT. Co. aud T- D. Huff confirmed andj Ube Aft, Hargent souldugery Ibewi Register gva ordered that A deed be executed ft'r ftfoafwlih oornei; fifo.Thf the Overland Wlim 'Antes froth Salt 'Eake, alarm and the " First publDtt th f Uowing day. lp, .gnU land corner No. 2 of the II. 8 &S attorney. ;V e same. fa now in tjtla' dutrict looking isfter Tfiomaa and dofin Callaway set opt ti rTti? boys Isave all got race horses; tbepca south 0t) d3g. 31 miii. erst 600 the Alm mine in which hplx G. PAJIEY. large td the tracks, which they did BRi jn(J we ought tc pave some raoeg, but feet to 'corner,. No. 2 of the Overland; lock bolder. i' r n.in. Lite fulluwed fiieuie hllli 6 south 38 .i( groea mlu. est 886 6 Land and Mining Attorney. deg. ' 3pe Is afraid, art f be other dassent.w Miss Turn Stark will return (a feet to corner No. C of sui I Overland, east uf town iep 'northeasterly td k Chit. Merrill returned home fro All buenees promptly attended to. Lee a raucb pleasant to ichol next Monday.'1 Vacant llbuke pn " the Coital-min- e last week, aud will lliende south fctj deg. 44 min. west 161.2 f'lF09,year , , Tij prUvo irt nlf the uou:r1 feet Io,oor'de.r'b4o. saM pf1 mffea northeast When of h'ere'until Marysvalb OVerlund; af remain The daupe given at Buiitha hall on holidays. ltooln J 3iW MissBusia Barton, our efficient thence soqtli Hdeg. 47 miu. west the 26tli w 8 a oomph te auccees.' 'The arriving at this rphfksvoiw, Wfitlnglmtp JluJIilJng M i feet to corner No. 5 of said Overland; se ' Hlb U(f stayed pbemteet school left for her last week of feature pmcsfcj teas maam, 'the which, All crowuiug Lake. fliofPrompt Aiteullmi Qven 89 deg. 3l min. west 3 fi hat no one left t(;e bouse, aud hom'd lil'jSGfriingJ Sanpete CmThere ,heoe exc. lleni supper grveii nl the Afapyt-ValMSB HOT ion ooev M MW VHk. (TV Business Entrusted. U. lot her two c it tne over to ro'wll', corner 8aid Overland, hol'leptd she will remain for the "Merry Xmii hotel, of which J y conplft OFFlbe dAflTilDE J(iOK80ff a posse of men and went bao ami cj.' dhd llapny IJv' Year greetings of Gience south 10 deg. 54 min. etyai nf.7 ' No 8104 u"" feet to corner No 3of theMim.leMaud'. f the house, only te fuufit vapat relatrvcs'ana friends.' 8everal Mryvlelte attended court as NOTICE"FOR PUBLICATION. thence 14 south 48 uiln. west 779.7 g pen ly made grave. Upon further nd dig. df a A, peacock Kingston, p. it Juuotiou WediH'ida.v tot. ,1 leet to corner No. 4 of said Miuule Maud; ttw as found that the spie .N Mprray Renlerof the Vale havq taken Waited to huy a pilirti cow; must be trapes led1 duly easf oyt,(the tnountaiil oqt a. retail liquot lioeuse tberehy thence aouih 77 deg 55 min. west 388.7 4 rt til broke fil'Wilk. Terms ti and Ye Jbl lowing day, Btieriff fea'rgetit adding 50 00 lo Pieces revenue. feet Iq oorner N 5idsnhl Miripe MeuJL Xntlee Is AyllmvInR named 1 men office and prevJSnqUTffc'ast the fiin'nlbm to make iCoiistabp Hardy settler lias Tim ioys are established p pjfplevig which is Identical with aoYner No. lis IjUrcftaseVfash. In final bis of proof eliiiip, amt that snppnit 11 tllJ s mtli V,,ni(J ei thence JuprilCallaway ill edited, except a iously to. Aud "fire the Irurie; water deg said pi oof will' dispense tfm , Goods going.at cptiat.Itcinhcmeis ute ' tracked young meq of 56 min. east 819.1 feet to corner No. 4 of of "square sboulfjered this applies onlydo Dry Foods, - boots Siarttd in jipt pursuit APd circum.iMiiuary said Annie Lvwrie, which is Identical for ihe.HWi Sec', them all nay,- At night fall, that pluCg hoes, and hats. 'jevjh Ho names follmuitfe wHiiesses to pr stances necessitated the Sheriff's and home "'Ith corner No. 2 of the Chief Devore; Ills eontlnnons the the Junction wild enltlvAt pight Minfly iHus Disonbee, ail old iHne Matye-val- e CouBlabies t,t fVuitgf. TU Blieflff TbowtW t'.Hinttb, William . eset. 150C of, aidlikiit!ftK',.ei of ibenoe south 1 trollp'11 entertained JGuln. BULLION AVF. the people III. on Steven Wilson, M.umer, of stock deafer, was shaking binds uake the Junutiou with the famous draru, The f8'1 Ifi Porper Jo. ig V the said' Chief t'lielovlilc Utnn. dttoutiped bfplhvf Llsr tO( W'ithhia ojd friends, .last week. K ' ' til.' tFCTCLWkj ACCOM'1"" t fit M, arrest, cd the two above 'mentioned', Fruit if his Folly aufi conclptfei wjtp P8vfira'thenoe south 85 deg. 12 mlh. unle'rf.neSW'.'Ati f eg 3 Dec. v 4 6tb. , 1st feet V8t 'Alien fun bee of Baliua Is aronud turned homeward, while the other No. comer to pub. Y !I 9; ? (,t able fatoe, The MlscbevloUl oj spid r W picking up the niafkttsble, caRle in twp(aU was gening da,k) made Nlggcp. The players donp themselves Chief Deyprathenge north 1 dfg 19 min' ' ' 3 oorner !o No. of 8097. the 88fi3 No. vicloily. Reports f:om all cattle camp for the night without food at jphillipp D. Schosb.T, C. E. ys(t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Royal George; thence north 89 deg. 36 buyen U tu the effect Uja cattle 'ar e blapkeip. ' UVR. p, Mlnrrl Hijr'iy" TaikI Office min. weel 100 feet to coruer Jjjd. 4 of ..... capture. 'booking up.1 Our 'jocaj fauc'nars Year to the 1. t'lalA IjikeFltyj cnt aid Royal George; thence north 1 deg Xhe two pieidkmuext.iHulug COUNTY eURVAY Nuvt'ii, becuShould fskv iiolice of tldi ,i'jb. u PK staff (rum the levll down. Riven' that Oil 'follow Noth J8 min west COO feet to 0 rner No. 1 of breal'of day and ftllowed iH8 .Ifkpk hereby BEX. settler lias tiled notice of his Intention to Store and building for aalejwill sell on out imp Grass Valley, and at the said Royal George; thence south 89 deg make filial i oof In support of his elalin, mid said that proof will be made before the Comity goods and rem SAVrepr,8eIUxt. ; Jfrat'uouse.on RX Creek, two of thp minf)e8t 1500 feet, to corner No. 2 of Clerk o' Wayne Co, Utah, at Loa, I'tali, on t fitli, 1S'I7, viz: Joseph E Mangnm for corpri'siwere sgjd Royal George; thence north 1 dvg. Jamiaiy Enquire of, Man-ti- Reiuheiiuer. epiej. v Mr. Sargeut de tfa Legal palters carefully aud an KKWWI He the g 3iKlit. ' , Maryayale ma tided tbclr aqrrvfider and.they regd f 19, miip wpst 13 5 feel, to corner and wltueSAc his name the of bi. prove I fuijowlnK smvejs ' nroinutly executed. Jo, e Hlul ' . euitivatlon Oontliuiou residence mnju. nf, ." ' il- OBITUARY. acquiesced. TVie third, accomplice viz" 3 lujlii.i Baker, Xlioiims H. ORllQR lr tjbiefciipvorA,'- - wLuh Is Identical Utah. fysrr... At the bopi of Wm. Jpowes Br. I8' was fp,vpd nearby, just ip the With cprifac ijo 3 ofdAiS Attpiu Laurie; Baker, (MCrue W. Sti liiKHin lira olH- - CuUltid Utah. limber, Jr., ol k tilgufie hitfth 6 deg. Moliday night i Mr. David Giles, an old kindling, w $t Ip reparation' for their BYRON OROO," miii. west 1477.3 IteKister. time prospector and miner, passed morning'-SI, W. Mansfield, ebast. Several of thfc plUs Keeps on nului aiddll line of' feet to oorner No. I of said Annie Laurie H. VAN nAFt1 6 lit pub. Dee. 6tli, Attorney SUtu of tbeuiiknoWii.siuse ing artiolet wve fiund on their 'per which is identical with oorner No, 4 of ! ' kesrt fnUure. Deoeaa4, was one of sonp, wliioh gu.b.utkn Hated the belie the Lillian; thence nortl 6 deg. 26 mlu. 9 Uu first meu to airike the caaip $ud that that there W88 h naiataKe iu the No 3117 east 4Qk: 3 feet to coroer Nu- I of said y Leual papers prooiji1' Was active pi the development of (be victims. They were PUBLICATION. FOR NOTICE which Is'ldeutionMvilb corner Lillian, lakeutpfba Poeda, prepared, V U.S. IjiikI Ofifleft, Skme for (pautr'Vears. NoIfe was father. house of a Mr. AUlerod and gltu of !be Senator Btcwarlp thence "Rrcin RVinrfo tu. JS lit Uke City, Utah. Claims, Leant--, Quit b&. to Frank Dalton of Dalton mine breakfast, add frtipj there bosses were VXiaill, XJiaii OHUI I 1404 9 J3 aeg. 33 ruin, west feet to nr,h Djiflitubyr pth, WHS, diH i ti, nn Power of Attorney feme. Many tlie coruer No. of lift Senator-Etsurviving' relatlver jobtalned and party . Reaped. ftr wart, the Notice hereby given oftl.at taken. settler has filed notice his Intention to make ranch Tuesed her tft'iUrn bis loa. in of all place they Matysvtflei' brginningi cnnlaMiiig a final proof in support of his claim, and that said General Real Estati in : M 133.532 acres, 8a id consulida ted dal m proof will be made before the County Cleik of ' POULSEN. Mr. DeWilt gave a Xmaalinner and day flight dtufy, carawthtf'aiKgHatiy i" m trankHoied ANDREW JUtpayBAOE Is on unsurveyed ldnd, anti Wort Id be Wityne County at,I,of y;alj,,pn Jan- 25th, 1897 Hart is a man hirin'! tMl'y ears birthday patty at hfs home 'on Xmas fatigued. litl bears the of iu township 27 South, Ranges West viz John O. Jacobs H E No. 8763 Dated Mpy 29th ty pb Spanish agtrof y. OnlySfefatives invited. Bee road t, ? $ of the Salt Lake Met idian, of the public 1890 for the NV, of NKVt & 8 EH of NEH t the gjjipearane of an t t 14 & 8W of NW4 of Hec 13Tp 29 8 ti 4 E ii L M Martin lVnljtelmer drove over to man. The other two ara ncere boys Mkti: laud surveys extended. Corner 'No 1 Utah M namea (the io Monroe last i 88 be said with horde'' be CAntiUho their a f at ia tbe Senator Stewart goqtb 7$ deg. following w(uaes to prove his ami jhnnld tit tend an Iriafi wake. and cultivation of, said land, viz: 56 mothers instead of out on thp road. min. east S442.7 feet from U. 8. AT 7 diaries Know. Walter J.Colo nan.luidolpli Naser ATTORNEY reVnen a 1. Mineral No. Monumeot Ipterviewed by PiQUgptt No. Corner his Go to Reinh'-ioier'and price Thomas H. Klcliardsoil, of Teavlale, Utah. porter Thursday night they egid they nods before vou purchase' elsewhere. of the Lillian Is south 61 deg. 50 min BYRON OROO, Advot'afe f i 9 i were all fightjj moolh as silk apd had east 326 3 feet from U. 8. Mineral Register. T, C. Baiey, MINING, NOTES. MoinibdiitNo 1. Corner No. 1 of the . had a gor'd liw. The boys were pjakn 12th t n t 1st puli heer jRICHFIELD, l 7 Attuitupy, 14.1. be,. have and Reub.e y.me DeWilt Annie Laurie is south 53 deg. 431-- 3 rain j ,K thAr Way to 81 Georg, hut express of H.i i t' 3Coliuty Seat gun wori pit the Boulder'plaiih With a east 6I2.7 feet from U. 8. Mineral sur6 etoppi1tg In Mar'ysvkK as nf No. 8113 p, u ) of opening up tbe prqp rt i to . on the Corner No. 1 of the Monument No. hpy ar "stuck rltejf iuy PUBLICATION. FOR NOTICE j.. v Criditabltf sowfiog. 'Tire LtUer ' has climate! ( U S.Ijind Office. ' Chhf Devora is sotlih 45 dtfe. 42 mlo 4 Sait iJike Ity.t'tHh. 'valuable a of Indication ill U- 8. Mineral being east feet from 793.l t December 7, 1S90, ., A grand Christmas tree was held alldw It to an and apojjrate No.1 1. Corner No. Iof the Mpqrfni'eo't property, Notice is liereby given that the Plitilsert ballon thei've of, Dec! worth tbal'ilie work is tu the I ton'll, settler has filed notice ot tils Intention 40 make 36 deg. 0 -3 AT LAW qeorge tjdeaof its trii made ones 24' h, where the little werj iii suypqrt of bis clalminil'tbat said min. east 6898 1 feet front tf. 8.' Mineral dual proof jiow going to be done. Bt. who Clerk f Die of Nlojc, wilt be made before thriComity appearance by 1 Win. ITikl s working a Jrce nf four deaitout MonumenYlfo. 1. tjorhef No. 1 of the proof WiU practlce-fall the Cum - s'.tt, uup Piute County.utah, at Junction i tah.on January ttmj mirth joy tolheyouug mYh. m his famous starts aspcoi ur. i National is south 73 (leg. f8 -2 roil piine g mies to the older ones. ao, 1897, viz Georjfe T. Henry H E No. 9276 for the 31 fr 3 W Be i' fourth 8E Dl MonTp east 8WJ4 hi 8W!4 assei-nf from p. 8. Mineral 8Eq 90g yor'b town, q get U W. MARY8VA1-UTAH. iss Littura ument iiti. 1. Corner no. Jof tjie H H. & EH NW fourth Sec. 6 Tp 28 8 3 voik done binio fie avi p pf 'te new 'pite is $gaio at He names the following witnesses to prove Ids rear. 4 la sou h 67 deg. 33 raid, east, 466 3 con,im;ous tesldenee upon and cultivation of Bejknay. Fask Eecpr feet from p 3 Mineral Monument no.L said land.viz: Jeremiah J)ennls, Chris kottke, A Hilend been 44. has Mrs jf. SNYi): very sick Corner go.' 1 of the 0erland la south Edward Foisy, IJ. A. Beckstead ot Mjrryfvale 4jag employes are taking a iolia the pact week, but Is how nearly AT LAW. ATTORNEYS 9 (leg. 4 min. east 6726 1 feet from Utah. yHcntloD.duribg fblob lime tjie hoist GROO s being rppalrecl aud enrgefi. It is R(YR0N U 8. Sfitteral no, poper ajo'jument Miss Luri Htar entertained a party Dec. 12. Register be resitmea on No of the Jjinnie Mauij jp south pi First pub. fxprottd that work Mr. Jennings baspraotjoea twenty vc,r, ia ou at her lew ofyoungTrieuds buqe the Supreme Courts of the State .u d l nited jlaiurdsy. deg 4 min. east 6613 feet from U. 0. NPTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAJ.F. Yeaistve. States. He willattend ,'l be Dit.icl Mine'al jipmumpnr no. A rich strike has just h?fn made in The disouy-rrtf y, P 8COOOINOS FLVP V8 8, f. MftUNT AND Courts, held In each fp;ify otih's d ,t Tbe young ladies of the II. II. comh Mammoth, assays hpw jug 227 ox locations 0 poioUd eaph qfsaiij q.;i k Monarch mininocompanv jkkkndant, n gold. Jt Is impossible qt this tjme Society gave a aqc.itt) Lst night, prising a ti l pnigoijdAted cliiitn ape Under and by virtue ol a levy and a seizure o ascertai fh plat posted on Ute claim fpade by me under an execution Issued out of the U TAIL tth'iyi" thp amoqut of tjijs rich ore H. Vu Martin has tnQved bl( law Sixth Judicial District Courf, State of Utah, in, RICHFIELD, and Hied with le application In sight. fop office to R.mlseus hall. aud for Piute Count- in the abqvp entitled case The vein ip the bottom of the patent; am are also Indicated Ifi thp dated Dec. 12th, 1896, 1 will, at the front door o! a Edna AMl)EL L PA'jLi Miss lag! I.yqu gave fin l' Win, presumed cqqrses of veins. the party tOprt house, In Junction, Piute County, Utah, shaft lias widened out to ten feet Wednesday night. 12 The prsutued general course of di- on the 20th day of January, 1897, at oclock hut the ore Is hardly rich enough for for sale for cash tn hand the following derection of the veius, lodes or deposit A'6' C-'A55oaKS-Editor the Pioreeb:that is shipment, ft ahtiRipated scribed property to certain mining as are :followsTheSeoatorStewart Deo of issue Iu your elaims situated in Vin will non begin to contract and Mining District, Piute north 13 deg. 22 miu. west 404 feet County, Utah, and thpOhio the statement ia made that tbe known a tha Vandereook, ii'e valued the ora he Increased. MaliVSVALi:, from the mint of diseovery( wblplt ,M, K Mount, Flambeau, and Jones mines, and Horn mine has a vein of ore 8 feet The brick foundation for the roaebin Big and interest of tbe said w ids that assays 00 iu gold and point of discovery Is on the souyierly all the estate, right, title, of them thereto, together bty st the new Mammoth hoist is being from 400 to 500 ox. $50 end line ot'ssld Senator 8iewit. Tiie defendant or either The facts in silver. with all .ppurtenances thereon: . belonging laid and the task tf elevating the Lillian, north t deg. 24 miu. east 1017 8 Tbe said mining claim being eldl meu and seized tbe Big Horn has a shaft that are, the iron and stone parts up heavy feet from the poln I of diw-o- ery.M l,lch as the proiMiityOf the Said defendants, S.F.Mont down 35 feet showing a vein 8 (bet wide SHOULD nd the Monarch Mining Company. tramway to the shaft houae will anon The ore point of discovery Is on the southerly you mention occurs iu bunches Witness my baud t! Il the 20th day of Dec. 1896. begin. Tbe donkey engine now in use ei.d line of said Lilian. The Annie to the l J. U. Sargent, Carpenter and Pnikis bnly of sufficient power to elevate through the vein all the way north 6drg. 2't min. west 515.4 lstpub.Jan.2nd Sheriff of Piute Cojn'y Laurie, make Pleaae bottom shaft. ot the two tons ai d as some of the lieces eet ui d south 6 deg. 20 min. east 061 6 Estimates taken ou all k'nd i.i' 7, this correction as 1 do not wish to be Weigh over six tonait will benecesaary feet frem point of discovery. The Wb ean think accused of being a millionaire whin to use extra pulleys. ftlmplft Idea of (lifttOpfttftQt? T Chief Devora, south 1 deg. 19 min. east Wanted-- An worth three hundred thouTC I am iis-$- 2! r vAarysvale, ball in aud see the fine line of cloth-in- sand. only i500feet from tbe poiut cf discovery, j Metks. Joseph D. 0 for thslr prlgft oliuf Bfty. Washington, hats, and gloves at ReinbeimerA and ut ot Iwo hundred lurenUoaS wai. aL 1 jv-in- indl-not- es I I Senator-Stewar- - n - i 8-- 11 I I . . fit-Bo- I second-clas- I Salt ' Dr. E. Smith, 1 i eonsol-tlate- I K Notf - RielifloklC Utali. . ii.YA,IARTLN'- T. - the-NM- LAWYEF t 111 t-- . 4 , , -' b exVerfj-ppe- f . 4 . - ' ! Salt e OUID v- I p'ai-took- ; V 11 " , .I'tah, Marygy,-.- (4-3- req.-arp- I I HOlliL'' BULLION' ' if h.LvrV 1 - 1 Wuro ifml ICitijf, - I d. I v - y1 1 I - tis , ,he I I or - I O d 1 Seviot Cstiiiftt, l , . I1 'c MILL Pp. I rod uce 1 u th. ! l- - ? 1 lour! Meat, Larfl. Qroin hi-Ja- w , ' r f - ! ctie-full- 1 - Middlings 1 a foitqInH-name- d - y HUI aH-rnp- : Uoiin ... 0 4 7, 111 - 7 v 111IH.T , , 11 P.WUOL 1 - I following-name- d AJORNEY 1- . n ? 8 1- ! r t E, M 4 w I i 111 1 inix-rsi- y u"-- I - Bun-bea- m 1 26-h- INHi A wit:-Tho- Utah , PIONEER j.S. HILEND Ce in lie iionieH ,oi All. - 3- -t s k! $1,8UC |