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Show i T To KU1 D.seaae Germs, Smoking is a preventative of disease, according to a celebrated Viennese pro fessor of chemistry. He estimates that the chances of a smoker catching diph theria, cholera smallpox, or other IN WOMANS CORNER. BOMB CURF ENT READING FOR DAMES AND DAMSELS. con- tagious disease whose germs are inhaled through the throat and lungs, as comone in twenty-eight- . pared to the He asserts that smoking tends to check the development of bact&Ia and kill them. It is well known that smok lng is forbidden by physicians and em ployes in laboratories given over to the r, in Exceedingly Dressy Cape Ladies Gored Skirt Showing Ones Affections Notes About Stooping Shoulders CMnaware and Table Dressing. HE advanced model cultivation and propagation of germs of different diseases for experiments Smoke kills these minute organisms, and what apphes to a chemists workshop ap lies equally to the human body. here shown is an exceedingly dressy cape, made of tan Silk broadcloth. of a passementerie TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. darker shade trims Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c the seams of yoke and free edges of Mrs. Tiptii t ills extremely exclusive." Well, of course, she doesnt tjlsh to meet the cape. The 1 inwho remembers when her father anybody is of scarlet silk drove a dray. eilk taffeta, proWhen bilious or costive, eat 'a Cascaret candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. 10cr 25c vided with an interlining of lightweight crinoline. This garment, gracecities of 'over 10,000 Japan has forty-onfully rounded in the back and extendInhabitants. in ing slightly below the waist-lin- e front, is circular in shape, with center-bac- k seam, and is joined to the lower edge of the pointed yoke, to droop in Is a constitutional disease and requires a consti soft, rippling folds. The upper portion, tutional remedy like Hoods Sarsaparilla. Thi which includes the yoke and collar, is medicine purifies the blood and cures catarrh cut in eight sections, that are stitched together and carefully pressed. It can be finished in strictly tailor fashion or ornamented with braiding or passeg menterie The collar, at 0 the neck, roils back with a stylish .flare. .The closing is Invisible in center-front to the depth of the yoke only, e .(Data rp Inloodl close-fittin- Sarsaparilla ts the best in fact the One True Blood Purif er. easy to buy. easy to take, Hnnri d easy in effect. 25c. r- rT - are half a dozen vases of Italian faience, jn odd flower-lik- e shapes, resembling tulips, orchids, etc., and these when filled with delicate trailing vines look as If part of the luxuriant growth. Crystal, with delicately traced patterns in raised gold, have for the moment supplanted the heavy cut glass. Connoisseurs proclaim that wine from a thin glass tastes better than from a heavy one, be it ever so superbly cut; consequently the craze of the hour is for the exquisite Venetian' and Bohemian ware. collar has fans of lace on each side, and it closes at the shoulder. The mousquetaire sleeves are arranged over close-fitte- d linings, the fancy puff of striped etamine being stylishly draped at the shoulder. Lace frills fall from the wrists over the hands. The fashionable skirt is shaped with six gores, the center of each being cut straight with bias edges that meet in V style. The front and sides fit smoothly at the top, the fullness in back being laid in two with placket .closing in center. The mode will develop handsomely in various combinations of materials, and affords an excellent opportunity for the display of elegant fabrics and trimming. box-plai- ts Stooping Shoulders, Etc Argentine and Truly have been for some time troubled with a tendency to stoop. They declare that they try to sit up erect, put efforts are of no account, for they drop back at once into the objectionable form. They want to know some remedy, as they are threatened with shoulder braces and straight jackets if they do not stop the habit of stooping. Answer: Shoulder brafies and all kindred appliances are of I nit little value as aids to an erect position or an elegant carriage. It would be far better to take a course in physical training of some sort, or to row, or ride the wheel, provided the correct posture was maintained. It is often the case with young persons who grow rapidly that their muscles do not grow strong as fast as their size increases. They therefore feel weak and sometimes languid, and laok the spirit and elasticity that should j. characterize youth and .fairly good health. Corns and warts are said to be forms of disease at least are abnormal growths. There are many alleged cures for both, but a real, genuine, permanent cure .would make the fortune of its inventor. Showing Ones Affection. J. T. E. is evidently an attentive reader and has a good memory. He refers to a hit of correspondence pub- lished some time during last winter, in which Mercedes complained that her best young man bestowed tender glances on other young women, whereby her heart was made sorrowful. J. T. E. thinks Merecedes could not have given her said young man enough smiles and evidences of her affection for him, else he would not have sought them in A other directions. He continues: young man likes to have 3 young lady show some regard for him, if she cares for him at all. And if she fails to do this, she naturally must accuse herself of considerable selfishness in not evidences giving him these longed-fo- r of affection and regard, especially if he has given her evidence of his love. Pille Denver Directory. relaxed VIAVI Pn8Dd strengthens V IH V I Uterine Room 26 16d0 weakened Arapahoe st organs. Sisterly Discipline. Nellie K. S., seventeen years old, has a sister who is eight years old. Nellie STATEORE Hotel Block Denver. Pocket"? el eren ce book, valuable to ore shippers, mailed free instructs her small sister, but her patience is sometimes severely tried by the carelessness and inattention of Ler young pupil, and her mother, to whom she appeals, gives her permission to punish the delinquent. Thisehe does, but scarcely feels comfortable about, and writes to ask if she did right in punishing by using a school rule on the childs hands. Answer: Under ordinary circumstances, it is much better to leave all such punishment to the childs mother. There must not be two authorities in the house over one child. In case the elder sister is the only guardian and caretaker of the younger, it is well to insist upon obedience; but the less punishment the better, under any circumstances, and especially if there is more than one person to give 1 ' ' orders. STENCILS, Den. Novty wroncWit P O Box il of MINING PRINTING MAf.HI?IST Kepai etc. Pipe threading and cutting freight Elevators. Nock i amide, 1415-1- 7 lsih et - 40 Price list free flRflflFRIFQ etoBurners p??f? Wholesale House and Blake. Sugar, Gran 5c. All P'kg Coffee lbth 18c, CRINMNR Sa1? RD,d "U Un(1s of edge tools J?a ,rder 'pecH III attentionSt Bueiger Bros., Barbera' Supplies. Larlinor It 11FNVFR R R 1 1 Q H Eactorr 1731 Lawrence I A DnUOn Bnmshes of every des-ri- o uon Prices. qui'lty gmrntd Send forcatiln n Denver Public Sampling Works, k SMITH, ORES SOLD ON THE PUBLIC MARKET, PRESIDENT. .n j E. E. BURLINGAMES' . ASSAY OFFICE the best of health, but she is often asked if she is ill because her eyes look heavy and there are shadows beneath them. So much is said about this that she is somewhat disturbed, and asks if there is any remedy for If one this appearance. Answer: habitually has such shadows under the eyes it indicates nothing, and should Some persons excite no .comment. have these shadows all their lives. Under such circumstances there is so remedy. If they come from a tonic is sometimes benefloial. GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Melted end Allayed or Purchaied. Address. 1736 and 173 Lawrence St. COLOl DENVER, THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT common-sens- e new steel home whim Will pn their hoist 25 tons rock 8UU feet each shift. Is as safe ind reliableas an engine It can be packedjuet anywhere a jack can go. No cog wheels or clutches to oreak. 90 per cent is wrought iron and steel and will bend before breaking. Over 850 in use some running 6 years without one We make hore i dollars expense. fchoisie at prices, $25 60, 75 100 1J IS! 7r - li nd on ap Send for an Illustrated circular to THB WHIM CO.. 1222 Curtis St. Denver. Cola WINDSOR HOTEL, ' DENVER. leaving the lower part free, and thus affording an occasional glimpse of the or street wear when made in cloth or bright-hue- d lining. The cape is apn propriately adapted for whipcord and finished with machine stitching; the garment can also be utilized for more .dressy occasions in velvet, satin or seal plush, decorated with narrow, jetted bands. A cloth cape, with mink and jet decorations, is decidedly effective. Hotel in the City Centrally Located. Only First-Clas- s demi-seaso- (American Perfect Service. . Plan.) woman schemes In various ways Is a fact you need not doubt; She pays her calls on balmy days, When all other dames are out. , Table Unexcelled. to 83.50 per day. BATES: SS OU The only TURKISH BATHS in the state. The finest in the West, connected with thi Windsor. Send for illustrated book, fiee. J. A. WIGGIN, Manager. . Ladies Gored Skirts. This stunning costume is of pearl-gra- y and black fancy-stripe- d etamine And she cannot help being anxious. Answer; There are so many opinions on what should be the proper deportment of a young lady who is receiving the .attentions of one man that the idea will no doubt conflict with the belief of othens on this subject. In the first place, young men and women are usually on their company behavior when they are together, and, as a matter of fact, know very little of each other. Besides, there is an idea prevailing in the minds of some men that a woman should never show her feelings for him. .The moment she does so she loses her charm for him. Too little demonstration chills and disheartens. Too much wearies and disgusts. The sum and substance of the whole matter is that it depends a great deal upon the young persons themselves whether they can safely be demonstrative or not. 'Am I right or not? Notes About China Ware. Vases, fern dishes and table center-piecof ruby glass, with gilt orna- With Slashed Bblero. A charming model illustrated 'here, embraces the, latest novelty in bolero Glace jacket and full belted bodice. silk, was selected for the costume. The ground is of vivid green, showing stripes of deep red, or rather beet root a color very much in evidence fer the coming season. The bolero of velvet, in the same Tich tone, out in deep slashes, reveals glimpses of the bright hued silk beneath. The fanciful tabs falling over the sleeves are a continuation ot the jacket, which is outlined with applique and narrow edging of cream lace. .A crush belt, of the usual depth in front, encircles the waist, but gradually widens toward the center of back where it closes between tucked shirred edges and extends above the waist line. A standing collar is concealed by a crush stock of silk with a flaring collar of velvet tvhat people say when advised to take something to 1 1 CURED 0R M. ROWAN, N0 pay. Mn. a Milwaukee. Wn WHISKY Wk nnl M nPIIIM VrlUM vast Dr. B. B. WOOIAII, ATUNTA, B. combined with gray velvet, Thompsons Eye Water. Curod. Eat In 1871. Thousands flDIIIII cHabit ired. cure. and use Ul JUIYI 1 best Fbeb Trial, Cheapest State case. Dr. Marsh, Quincy, Micfi. FOR SURE CURE PILES st sure Protruding Itching ud Bund Dr. Bleeding or Piles yield to PILE REMEDY. Stops itch sent IW Price . Phll Circulars log, absorbs tumoro Apositlvecure Driitffieta or mail. DB. BOftAMCO. Wo. Chiffon and pal?-pin- k jet bands forming . the handsome decoration. The stylish basque Is one of the newest fall mades, and is adapted to the most dressy occasions, as well as for street or church wear. The back is fitted with seams k to the shoulder, and underarm gores that end in slightly pointed outline ju?t below the waist-linThe fronts close in center, the chiffon being arranged over satin in crosswise The corpuffs to below the bust-lin- e. selet front is included in the under-arseams in the left front under the band of jet. The full ripple basque of velvet is added in a crosswise seam just below the fronts flaring apart the waist-lin- e, Is graceful points. The close, standing side-bac- e. PI S 0S.CU OUKtb vvnlKb AIL R E FOR3 fcLSb FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. . ONSUMRTION m W.N. U. Denver. ,VoI. XIII. Nr 48 688 When writing to advertiser, please say that in this paper. you saw the advertls-mea- t I -- n Cure that cough. , Have you ever noticed - The Fastest Train In the West. Is the famous Union Pacific Overland Limited, running every day In the year, leaving Denver 6 30 p. m., arriving Ogden 1 40 p. m. and Salt Lake p. m. day, and San Francisco 8 45 p. m. following out of second Denver. This train carries throughdayPullman palace sleepers, Pullman dining cars (meals a la and the famous buffet library cars. carte) Quickest time, Denver to California, by over nine hours. Ask about it at the ticket office, 941 17th St., corner Curtis, It Is khameful that the states have to legislate about womens theater hats." Well, lit shows how little influWhy?" ence individual men have with their wives. that r the cough that goes away after 'awhile takes the cougher along ? And he doesn't come back I Ayers Cherry Pectoral Cures Coughs. Did Ton Ever Sec an Indian? Expect not, so send a stamp to the General Passenger Agent Colorado Midlaud railroad, Denver, and he will send you a fine colored picture of one. ' What makes all the girls dislike Beatrice so much? Why, you see she has naturally . curly halr.v two-ce- Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away, If you want to quit tobacco us.ng easily and forever, regain lost manhood, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and the wonder-worke- r vigor, take that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds In ten days. Over 400,000 cured. fiom your druggist, who Bay will guarantee a cure Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., ' Chicago or New York. There are fewer Roman Catholics, proportionately, in Sweden than In any other European country only 810 out of a population of 4,744,400. The Quickest Train to California. The famous Union Pacific Overland Limited. The finest, fastest and train out of Denver, carrying through sleepers, dining cars, and the elegantly appointed buffet library and smoking cars, all lighted with Pintsch light, and heated by steam. Call at Union Pacific ticket office, 941 17th St., corner Curtis, for information, rates, time tables, etc. . PATENTS, TRADE MARKS aa to Patentability of In Examination rention. Send for Inventors Guide, or How to Got Patent. OFAEBIIaASOH, Washington D. G FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or Just Dont Feel Well, , Foreigners complain that our railway stations are so far apart. Yes, thats what the governor of North Carolina said to the governor of South Carolina. Two bottles of Plsos Cure for Consumption cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Princeton. Ind.. March 26. 1895. are the One Thmg to use. ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. 8unples mailed 2 SC. at Drueguts free. Bosankn Med Co. Phila. Pa. The Acme Lamp Stove. tFtll warm your room at cost a- - of 3 cents per day and not affect the light. Delivered onteceiptaf Si. 4 ACME COnPANY - Boston; htass. 33 Wendell St. base-burne- r, birthday, Celebrating in 1897 its seventy-firs- t The Companion offers its readers many exceptionally brilliant features. The two hemispheres have been explored in search of attractive matter. ! TheMiulhs (ompanion w w - - r For the Whole Family , - Mrs. Burton ONE OF THE POPULAR Harrison, WRITERS FOR 180. i W W . staff writers fully In addition to twenty-fiv- e two hundred of the most famous men and- -' women of 'both the Did and the New World, including'l'the most popular writers of fictionand some.of the most ennneut statesmen, scienlists, travellers and musicians are contributors to The Companion. t M VI supply of fascinating Stories, Adventures, Serial Stories, Humorous and Travel Sketches, etc., are announced for the Volume for 1897. The timely Editorials, the Current Events, the Current Topics and Nature and Science Departments give much valuable information every week. . Send for Full Prospectus. A delightful $ ! W W W FREE to Jan. VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI' VI VI MACLAREN. RUDYARD KIPLING. J HALL CAINE. FRANK R. STOCKTON. HAROLD FREDERIC. MADAME LILLIAN NORDICA. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. . STEPHEN CRANE. HAMLIN GARLAND. MAX ORELL. ,,W. CLARK RUSSELL. , .ALICE LONGFELLOW. , '.HON., THOMAS B. REED, Beautiful .Calendar, M As a special offer The Youths Companion will be sent free, for the remainder of the year 1896, to all new subscribers. One of the most beautiful Calendars issued this year will also be It is given to each new subscriber. made up of Four Charming Pictures in color, beautifully Executed. Its size is 10 by 24 inches. The subjects are' delightfully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youths Companion and could not be sold in Art Store? for less than one dollar. VI VI 5 VI - 2 'vOlwr 2, calendar JJ: f VI VI VI VI VI i VI VI VI VI 52 Weeks for $1.75. VI end ejdresa and $1 75 (the enbecrtption price) will receive The Youth, s Companion every week from time subscription is re-ceived to January 1, 1897 S , z PREE Thanksgiving, ChrlBtmaa and New Yeare Double Numbers ; Z FREE Calendar for 1897 The most costly gift The Companion 87 of its kind ThL Companion has ever offered ; s And The Youths Companion 52 Weeks, a full year, to JanuAiy 1, 1898. FREE 2 2 2 VI SiiiiiiiitfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiimitiiiiiiifiiiiiitiimiiiiiiiiiiiiatiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK THE YOUTHS COMPANION, IN f VI VI rnpr p VI - JiiiiiiiiifiiitaaiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiMiRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib Z I 2 New Bubecribert who will cat oat thi s slip &nd tend it At once with niuno t Z Z VI VI 700 Large Pages in Each Volume. V VI - UN ;) z :S VI s Z j! z w Boston Mass eete eiumiiiiiioiMeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeettteee Important Notice ! ' f-- - The only genuine Bakers Chocolate, celebrated for more- than a century as a bevernutritious, and in Blue Wrappers and Yel- age, is put up low Labels. Be tsure 'that the Yellow! Trade-Mark are on every Label and our . package. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass, - de-licjb- us, flesh-formi- above. The skirt, with six gores, is of moderate fulness, smooth fitting at the top, but widening perceptibly toward the lower edge, where two bias folds of silk' and narrow lace edging form the decoration. Elaborately trimmed, the gown may be worn at a dinner, informal luncheon or tea, while developed in more subdued colors and leas expensive fabrics, it will he equally as appropriate for a street toilette. . , CUREC0HSTIPATI0H A Trying Occupation. First Tramp Sometimes I wish I wuz a bartender." Second Tramp Oh, I dunno. mus be kinder painful to be alius over liquor to other folks." It' pass-i- n' ng ABDY CATHABT(6 ie 10 1 25 50 ALL DRUGGISTS case of constipation. Cabarets are the Ideal Laxa (ITTIPltfTflfln t0 cnTe tire, never wrip or enne, bat ranse easy naturalresult Sam REMEDY STERLING Ad. Chicacro Montreal, Can., orftew York and free booklet tO pie gi? URSflT.TTTFI.Y f VI Distinguished Writers . 1897, with 1, V D&HSES LIVER PILLS "They have Invented a method of photoIs that so? graphing in colors, I see. Well, if rough on us people. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. I guess Well, are you ready for winter? and got back so; we've pawned the the es mentation, are attractive features in . .Bohemian glassware.. ... For the center of the table the round or oval mirror is now supported by a raised stand of old silver, which rests on delicately 'wrought claws, holding & crystal ball. The newest dinner sets are marvels of beatuy, both in decoration and shapes. Green brilliant grass green with heavy 'relief of gold, seems to be the favorite color, 'while the shapes are decidedly low and Irregular in out' line. - There is a revival of the beautiful Minton ware, and bouillon cups, game sets and pate cups are reproduced In all the exquisite shades and designs. Mounted In gold and decorated with medallions, they greatly resemble the famous Sevres ware. A novelty in cut glass is a mammoth cifear jar, in shape resembling a pickle jar, but with the distinguishing fea-tuof a large hollow space in the cut stopper, 'In which a moist sponge is plactd to keep the fragrant Havanas in just the proper condition. A novel ornament for the drawing room is a hanging flower jardiniere. Suspended from a wrought iron bracket away after awhile. Thats -- RFn.WFTTINR ilu It will go Bln, Winslows Sootning 8yrnp ' Forchildren teething, softensthegumg reduces inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. Good Health, T. P: is a young woman who enjoys LABORATOftY" V That - Established in Colorado 1866. Samples by mall or express will receive prompt and careiul attention RRnd, - ; j ' ' a J |