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Show V collar has fans of lace on each side, and it closes at the shoulder. The mousquetaire sleeves are arranged over linings, the fancy puff of SOME CURE ENT READING FOR close-fitte- d striped etamine being stylishly draped DAMES AND DAMSELS. at the shoulder. Lace frills fall from the wribts over the hands. The fashAn Esreedlng'y ape I.ndles ionable skirt Is shaped with six gores, Dre.uy Gored Hklrt Showing Ooe. A the center of each being cut straight - Notes About Stooping Stioul.I.-riwith bias edges that meet in V style. Chins Hare and Table Dressing. The front and sides fit smoothly at the top, the fullness in back being laid in with placket closing in model two IIEuclvancpi hero shown is an center. The mode will develop handin various combinations of maexccrdlngly dressy somely and affords an excellent opcaix made of Inn terials, for the display of elegant portunity Silk broadcloth. . of a fabrics and trimming. nterle passemt TO ClICK A COM) IN ONE HAT. shade trims darker Tako Laxative Hromo Qultunn Tablet. All the Fearus of yoke Druggists return! ttie money it ii fails to euro. c Khowing One'. Affection. J. T. E. is evidently an attentive anl free edges of Mrs. Tlptiit is exliemely exelustve " 'l the eajie. Tlie lin- -' reader and has a good memory. He reWell, Of eolirse, slie doesut Msli tu meet nmybody who ri'ineixlMT when her fathir of scarlet silk fers to a bit of correspondence publa drove a dray." silk taffeta, pro- lished some time during last winter, in When bilious or costive, eat a t'asearit which Mercedes complained that her vided with an Interlining of lightCaudy catharne cure guaranteed. Pie, ghe crinoline. This garment, grace- best young man bestowed tender glanweight Japan baa forty one elties of over 10,000 ces on other young women, whereby fully rounded in the back and extendInhabitants. in her heart was made sorrowful. J. T. E. ing slightly below tho waist-lin- e front, ia circular in shape, with center-hac- k thinks Merecedes could not have givseam, and Is Joined to the lower en her said young man enough smiles h edge of tho pointed yoke, to droop in and evidences of her affection for him, soft, rippling folds. The upper portion, else he would not have sought them iu Is a constitutional diseasonnd mpiirpaaconstt A which includes the yoke and collar, is other directions. He continues: '1 It, tutionalremedy likoIloodsHarxapnrilln. medicine purities the blood anil cures caturt cut in eight sections, that are stitched young man likes to have a young lady together and carefully pressed. It can show some regard for him, if she cares he finished In strictly tailor fashion for him at all. And If she fails to do or ornamented with braiding or passethis, she naturally must accuse herg menterie. The collar, at self of considerable selfishness in not evidences tho neck, rolla back with a stylish giving him these longed-fo- r Jlare. The closing is Invisible in center- of affection and regard, especially if -front to the depth of the yoke only, he has given her evidence of his love. To Kill I) Oonua, Smoking Is a prevontntive of disoasu Viennese pro according to a colclimtcd . fessar of rj-lie eMimutea tba t the chances of a smoker catching dlph tlieria, smallpox, elmler.i or other contagious dhease whose germs are inhaled through the throat and lungs, as com one In twenty pared to the eight. He assiris that smoking tends to Check the development of bacteria and kill them. It Is well known that smok lng Is forbidden by physicians and cm ployes In lutmrntorics given over to tin cultivation and propagation of g no-different diseases for experiments Smoke kills these minute organisms, and what applies to a chemist's workshop ap lies equally to the human laxly. CORNER. IN WOMANS r, . box-plai- ts of .aterr-l- IHloodTs close-fittin- Sarsaparilla ta th beat lo faot tho One True Blood Purifier. Hnnrla IJillc laid easy tohuv. rasvtotake, e,nV iiiefleet. C5c. Denver Directory. k! f IHl VI Tonoaand treiiffthmiR roliued weakened Otorimi ortfiin. Itooiii Jti H. Ai ajmlnm at I CTATn I M I 0 rn ( Un L lMk L U.U I v h un , SEALS, RUBBER f rhlppui, imule In STAMPS?-1- ":; ff. I u,t IMS 1 MUftiiu r O kt MACHINIST Bepalra nf MINIMI lltlMINil II Almhlnerx, eio. I'ipo Unendink and culling relght l.lexntnra. Nook A Oni.hlw. HI.VI7 Isili t oi k w A M PRflPPPIfQ UliUuLllluO and lilaka. ate, 40 page price list free M auniers ,, hi.looilo tnan6e. Sugar, All up, CntToe IHe, p'kg flRINHIMn l!,"or" onlnia1,11 kn'" f e,lge ioL ,pe0 at nllenllmi yillllUlllU bum gar Hi os., narhem Xminlleu I,rliner St rtory, 17,1 Lawrence ,: flFNUPR RPIIQU ULn VLII DnUCn Biuuijii(feveiyloHrt) turn lri i, iit ity urnr'iiT'l 8nd fm cntulo ma IH Denver Public Works, M. t Stooping Shoulders Etc. Argentine and Truly have been for some time troubled with a tendency to stoop. They declare that they try to sit up erect, jut efforts are of no account, for they drop back at once Into the objectionable form. They want to know some remedy, as they are threatened with shoulder braces and straight Jackets If they do not stop the habit of stooping. Answer: Shoulder braVes and all kindred appliances are of tut little value as aids to an erect position or an elegant carriage. It would be far better to take a course In physbial training of some sort, or to row, or ride the wheel, provided the correct posture was maintained. It Is often the case with young persons who grow rapidly that their muscles do not grow strong as fast as their size Increase. They therefore feel weak and sometimes languid, and lack the spirit and elasticity that should characterize youth and fairly good health. Coraa and warts are said to be forms of disease at least are Abnormal growths. There are many alleged cures for both, but a real, genuine, permanent cure would make the fortune of its Inventor. . Sisterly Discipline. Nellie K. S., seventeen years old, has a sister who is eight years old. Nellie instructs her small sister, but her patience Is sometimes severely tried by the carelessness and Inattention of ter young pupil, and her mother, to whom she appeals, gives her permission to punish the delinquent. This she does, but scarcely feels oomfortable about, and writes to ask if she did right In punishing by using a school rule on the child's hands. Answer: Under ordinary circumstances. It is much better to leave all such punishment to the childs mother. There must not be two authorities In the house over one child. In case the elder sister Is the only guardian and caretaker of the younger, it la well to Insist upon obedience; but the less punishment the better, under any circumstances, "and especially If there is more than one person to give ' ' orders. tork. Offl e Albany k, innvr. I'm kt r of Jiiot lo ro are half a dozen vases of Italian shapes, refaience, Jn odd flower-lik- e sembling tulips, orchids, etc., and these when filled with delicate trailing vines look as if part of the luxuriant growth. Crystal, with delicately traced patterns in raised gold, have for the moment supplanted the heavy cut glass. Connoisseurs proclaim that wine from a thin glass tastes better than from a heavy one, be It ever ao superbly cut; consequently the craze of the hour Is for the exquisite Venetian and Bohemian ware. SMITH, PntaiDKNT. That woman scheme In rarlon. ways Is a fact yon need not doubt; She pays her calls on balmy days. When all other dames are out. la Colorado, EutAbltehed LABORATORY the best of health, but she Is often asked If she Is ill because her eyes look heavy and there are shadowe beSo much is said about neath them. this that she Is Bomewhat disturbed, and asks If there Is any remedy for If one Answer: this appearance. habitually has such shadows under the eyes it indicates nothing, and should Some persons excite no comment. have these shadows all their lives. Under such circumstances there Is no remedy. If they come from a tonic Is sometimes beneficial. BnmploR by mall or 1IM6. expreot will receive prompt and cmolul attention GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Refined, Melted end Aiteyed or Purchased. Addreta. 1736 and 1738 Lawrence St.. DENVER. COLO, THE COMPANY PAY their On wmmoil-Mn- boiet 5tona Mid te new home whim. Will each Lift. It mat tin (u emune it can be pok4 ttvthtr No e jack can go. r cog wheel cluu he lo break. 90 per cnL ia wrought iron mid stent ami will bend before brsHkiiiu. (her M) in use some running 0 yura without one dollar' eipsnse. e make hm hoiHwe ut prices, $25, 60, io 100 $tl rtck 300 feet s( cm rUb)e aft THE FHClCHr i nd on np Send for no ilhutratad circular to THI WHIM CO. 1222 Curtis Denver, Loio. With Slashed Bolero-charming model illustrated here, embraces the latest novelty in bolero Glace jacket and full belted bodice. silk was selected for the costume. The BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS WITH FEATHERS. ground is of vivid green, showing stripes of deep red, or rather beet root a color very much In evidence leaxlng the lower part free, and thus And she cannot help being anxious. fer the coming season. The bolero of Answer: There affording an occasional glimpse of the Am I right or not? velvet, in the same rich tone, out In c.r street wear when made in cloth or are so many opinions on what should slashes, reveals glimpses of the be the proper deportment of a young deep brlght-hue- d lining. The cape Is aphued Bilk beneath. The fanbright u lady who is receiving the attentions of ciful tabs falling over the sleeves are adapted for propriately whipcord and finished with machine one man that the idea will no doubt a continuation of the jacket, which la stitching; the garment can also be conflict with the belief of others on outlined with applique and narrow utilized for more drossy occasions In this subject. In the first place, young edging of cream lace. A crush belt, velvet, satin or seal plush, decorated men and women are usually on their of the usual depth in front, encircles with narrow, jetted bands. A cloth company behavior when they are to- the waist, but gradually widens toward cope, with mink and jet decorations, gether, and, as a matter of fact, know the center of back where it closes beis decidedly effective. very little of each other. Desides, there tween tucked shirred edges and exIs an idea prevailing in the minds of tends above the waist line. A standsome men that a woman should never ing collar is concealed by a crush stock 1. adit's (iored Skirts. show her feelings for him. The mo- of silk with a flaring collar of velvet This stunning costume is of pearl-gra- y ment she does so she loses her charm and black fancy-stripe- d etamine for him. Too little demonstration Too much chills and disheartens. wearies and disgusts. Thp sum and substance of the whole matter is that it depends a great deal upon the young persons themselves whether they can safely be demonstrative or not. , WINDSOR HOTEL, DENVER. Hotel in the City Only First-Clas- s Centrally Located. demi-seaso- bi?i- - ''it' (America Tlan.) Perfect Service. Table Unexcelled. KATKS: OU to 3.SO per day. Tba only TI HK1S1I BATHS In tlia atat. The flnaat In the West, connected with tba Windsor. Seud for illustrated book, fiec. J. A. WKiltlN, Mamager. The Best Waterproof BTJfcSP Note inliu-tnc- WORLD I rp ii The FISH liKAND SLICKER Is warranted water proof, and will keep you dry in Uio hardesf storm. The new lMMLL HLK'KER is a perfect riding coat, and covers the enure sadd le. Beware oi imitations. EMi t buy a coat if the Fish Brand Is not on it. llliMra-te- d Cats kguetW. A. J. T(WFR, B.sbD, Ben WCTTIMR DtUllLI Hill) opiuM CURED 0R M. ROWAN. PAY. Mrs. 8 Milwaukee, Wis WHISKY FKKS. m4 r. ik 'Ha . WOOLLKT, Book soil ATUMA, (.A. If afflicted with i aora yea, usd Thompsons Eye Water. I II HaMt c ured. Kst lnm Thousands fl nil U I I U IV1 c red Cheaiwst and best our. Fbkb ruu state caMO. Ir. Marsh, uinev, Mich, 1 SURE CURE ItoblDC Dr. U(J b inti, (ug.absurbs tuiuur. to. Uiuixiiu er ihm Bt . FCR or Protru'hnf PILE S ll at my lo PILE REMEDY. MoptiuJi nt pswuhe vuro L iru at auL DU. UUAANkO. A mm Pkl rio Nl1 WfitSllrMUb 3lL UilST CouKh Syrup, T aatea (tixhL TJso In time. Sold hr driRgirs. fTIO Vol. XIII. Six 48 U83 N. U. Denver. When writing to .dvertisera, please say that you wtw tba advertls' aiant in tbli paper, V T combined with gray velvet, palt-pin- k chiffon and jet bands forming the handsome decoration. The stjlish basque is one of the newest fall mades, and is adapted to the most dressy occasions, as well as for street or church wear. The back is fl ted with seams k zo the shoulder, and underarm gores that end in slightly pointed outline just below the waist-linThe fronts close in center, the chiffon being arranged over sat.n in crosswise The corpuffs to below the bust-linselet front Is included iu the under-arearns In the loft front under the band of jet. The full ripple basque of velvet 1 added In a ciosswise team just below the fronts flaring apart the waist-linta graceful points. The close, standing M.'e-bac- e. m e, Cures Coughs. Did Ton Ever See an Indian? Expect not, so send a stamp to the General Passenger Agent Colorado Midland railroad, Denver, and he will send you a tine colored picture of one. two-ce- tfSaCaBaeaib5 What makes all the girl9 dislike Beatrice so much? Why, you see she has naturally . curly hair.. I Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Tonr Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco us.ng easily and forever, regain lost manhood, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and the wonder-worke- r vigor, take that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 480.000 cured. from your druggist, who Buy will guarantee a cure Booklet aud sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., or New York. Chicago The Quickest Train to California. The famous Union Pacific Overland Limited. The finest, fastest and train out of Deuver, carrying through sleeper. dining cars, and the elegantly appointed buffet library and smoking ears, all lighted wiln Pintseh light, aud heated by steam. Call at Union Pacific ticket office. 941 17th St., corner Curtis, for Information, rates, time tables, etc. What organ shall Ibuy? j Why not buy the' one which holds the worlds! record for largest sales- There are fewer Roman Catholics, proportionately, in Sweden than in any other European country only 810 out of a population of 4,744,400. Write foi'Illustrated Catalogue with prices, to Estey Organ Company, Bratiieboro, Vt. I PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Examination and Advice aa to Patentability of In ention. bend for Inventors' Guide, or How toGetft Patent.1 OtAKKLL & SON, Washing ton. D. & FCR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or just Dont Feel Well Foreigner complain that our railway stations are so far apart. Ye., thats what the governor of North Carolina said to the governor of South Carolina. Two bottles of lisos Cure for Consumption cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Priuepton. Ind.. March 28, 1895. LIVER DMSS are the Thing to use. PILLS One ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE, IruggJBtg Samples mailed 25c, atBosankn Med. Co. Phils. Pa. free. The Acme Lamp Store They have invented a method of photoIs that so? graphing in eolors, I see." YVell, lt rough ou us people. Just try a 10c box of Caacarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. I guess Well, are yon ready for winter? and got back so; weve pawned the the Will warm your room at a- cosl of 3 cents per day and not affect - the light. Delivered on receipt of $1. ACME COHPANY 33 Wendell St. Boston; Mass base-burne- - w birthday, Celebrating in 197 it seventy-firs- t many excepThe features. brilliant hemispheres tionally have been explored in search of attractive matter. VI The Companion offers its readers two VI VI VI Tiie'Vbuths (ompafitom VI VI VI VI VI For the Whole Family. Mrs. Burton ONt Of THE POPULAR Harrison, WRITERS FOR VI staff writers fully In addition to twenty-fiv- e two hundied of the most famous men and women of both the Did and the New World, including the most popular writers of fiction and some of the most eminent statesmen, scientists, travellers aud musicians, are contributors to The Companion. IBS. VI VI VI VI ,1; vl v! A delightful supply of fascinating Stories, Adventures, Serial . Stories, Humorous and Travel Sketches, etc., are announced for the Volume for 1897. The timely Editorials, the Current Events, the and Nature and Science Current Topics Departments give much valuable information every week. Send for Full Prospectus. VI VI VI W V! FREE W . S! SI a special offer The Youths Companion will be sent free, for the remainder of the year 1896, to all new One of the most beautiful suljscrtbers. Calendars issued this year will also be given to each new subscriber. It is made up of Four Charming Pictures in color, beautifully executed. Its size is 10 by 24 inches. The subjects are delightfully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youths Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than one dollar. As S! f SI SV SI SI SI SI SI SI SI VI UN MACL'AREN. RUDYARD KIPLING. HALL CAINE. FRANK R. STOCKTON. HAROLD FREDERIC. MADAME LILLIAN NORDICA. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. STEPHEN CRANE. HAMLIN GARLAND. VI VI VI VI VI VI MAX ORELL. W. CLARK RUSSELL. VI ALICE LONGFELLOW. HON., THOMAS B. REED. ANDREW CARNEGIE. LIEUT. R. E. PEARY, U. S. N. DR. CYRUS EDSON. DR. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT. And One Hundred Others. 700 Large Pages in Each Volume. SI VI Distinguished Writers to Jan. 1, 1897, with SI t Beautiful .Calendar, St ) V! VI VI VI VI VI 52 Weeks for $1.75. VI sitiitiiiiiitiiiiKiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiHtitmiiiminiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiitiiitk S Z Z :2 s New Subscribers who win cut out this slip I m , Laicnuar pnpp r S -Z Z FREE FEES FREE nd send It ut once with bubo ?id address and $1 7b (the subscription pnee) will receiveThe louth, e'Compaaion every week from time subscription Is ro ceived to January 1. 189T Thankeglving, Christmas and New Years Double Numbers: Calendar for 1897. The most costly gift The Coirpan on 87 of its kind The Companion has ever offered ; V) 5- - VI 8 5 VI .5 SI Z Z SI tiiiiMniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiHittiiiiiiiiiiiiittititiiiiimiiiitiiiiiiitir And The Youth's Companion 62 Weeks, a full year, to January 1, 1899. THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Boston, Mass. VI z VI S Important Notice ! About China Ware. Vases, fern dishes and table center-piece- s of ruby glass, with gilt ornamentation, are attractive features in .Bohemian glassware. For the center of the table the round or oval mirror is now supported by a raised stand of old silver, which rests on delicately wrought claws, holding a crystal ball. The newest dinner sets are marvels of beatuy, both in decoration and shapes. Green brilliant grass green with heavy relief of gold, seems to be the favorite color, while the shapes are decidedly low and Irregular in outline. There is a revival of the beautiful Minton ware, and bouillon cups, game sets and pate cups are reproduced in all the exquisite shades and designs. Mounted In gold and decorated with medallions, they greatly resemble the famous Sevres ware. A novelty in cut glass is a mammoth cifenr jar, in shape resembling a pickle jar, but with the distinguishing feature of a large holloV space ia the cut stopper, in which a moist sponge is placf d to keep the fragrant Havanas In just the proper condition A novel ernament for the drawing room is a hanging flower jardiniere. Suspended from a wrought iron bracket Ayers Cherry Pectoral ta Shameful that the states have to leg late about womens theater hat."e Well, It ahows how little Why?" individual men have with their wives. m in tlia cure that cough. Have you ever noticed that the cough that goes away after awhile takes the cougher along ? And he doesn't come back I It Coat ftsil x.'hat people say when advised to take something to Thats Th. Fastest Train In the West. Is the famous Union Pacific Overland Limited. running every day iu the year, leaving Denver 6 '30 p. in., arriving Ogden 1:40 p. m. and Salt Lake 8:10 p. m. following day, and San Francisco 8:43 p. m. second day out of Denver. This train carries through Pullman palace sleepers, Pullman dimug cars (meals a la and the famoua bullet library cars. carte) Quickest time, Denver to California, by over nine hours. Ask about It at the ticket office, 041 I7th St., corner Curtis. Good Health. T. P: Is a young woman who enjoys and CHEMICA.. away after awhile. Mrs. Hlgby, did yon get anything for Tommy's cough while you were out?" No; I dldn t have any money but a $5 bill, and I wouldnt break it for the world." BURLINGAME'S ASSAY OFFICE It will go Sirs. Winalaw'i SootAlnj Syrupmflam-nation- , Forchiluren loathing, softens the urns reduces allays pain, cures wind colie. 2S cents a bottle. The only genuine Bakers Chocolate, celebrated for more than a century as a debeverlicious, nutritious, and Yel- and in is Blue age, put up Wrappers low Labels. Be sure that the Yellow! are on every Label and our Trade-Mar- k package. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass, ; flesh-formi- ng above. The skirt, with six gores. Is of moderate fulness, smooth fitting at the top, but widening perceptibly toward the lower edge, where two bias folds of silk and narrow lace edging form the decoration. Elaborately trimmed, the gown may be worn at a dinner, informal luncheon or tea, while developed in more subdued colors and less expensive fabrics, it will be equally as appropriate for a street toilette. ! j ANDY CATHARTIC A Trying Occupation. First Tramp Sometimes I wish I wuz a bartender." It Second Tramp Oh, I dunno. mus be kinder painful to be alius phasin over llim to other folks." ; ID 25 0 IDQAT TTTFT 7 finiPnnTFTl t cnre anynwof co?tlria(ioi. Cavurets nr theMal Lax a i AUuU.jU iidlil UUflUttd 1 LLU tjr fiPTtr result, bem.i crip or rnnetnt mus nl tn! book! Id. FTEKLTOQ REMEDY ( 0., Chicaro 5iommL Ian., orew lork. tif j fr. |