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Show January 2nd S6 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. : SATURDAY,; t 7 from Exchanges. PIUTE COUNTY OFFICIALS County CletlV- - llbnUF Molten ii i ii ,1 t Bun Jm John Recmder, Asseksof ainTC C- . - t .. I 1 ire asm er, tijt of SdiooN, fBrbsrcuting AtOl fir. n, ouaty P S nit I turn u n o0i M 11 t iV teim ByiamMir, anurchy and repudia I - F Stlectmen, Pieclnct Justices, J 111 111 yll 1 RltAV, (H ; II, Nr ii I Vis Mamif. 1 Mu is,iiMtn, , -, John Lj STATE OFFICIALS. United States Senators d Lvov h r ii. (IIkiif j y HANK Ml j 4 McKinleys promise to rWote confl-m) and open the mill-- . E stein I'lp'r-- i and campaign riat rs meet 'Uteili f pietuilng the gLiwing benuifs il JltiTSvale -- vale Iff H Ivo8, Wan VJva VVn,iTitFi-,- t iulrMll IR lino m Sn, kmisli in in votanes Pumic, Pieclnct Constabh s, Hon, and in favor of sound uroney and r 'IAV III Sil ,H-- ' '1 in J V.tl Jl 11 V si It VI IP - ' ( I, f) V ' - K f AK'iji i? i, n Bitov ( , h Ai Repiesentative to Congrtss, lfn , Lnvemor, Hfiifr 'I Mfiis -- Jsa letai v of Jvvi-- r Hammonii State, Mute Auditoi, Moigan Kichauls State lieasmer, J "lies t bifiiimii , Attorney Genem!, i, C Wsilop John R Park Supt Public lusttuction Chanes S Zane Mr. W Kartell Supreme Judges. I -i , Last month a ni: j nityof the people o!ed agTiust v h it ihe atioual bank fchatks, pianag.rs of trusts, combines and tliiev ingi jngs in general pleased to Ktur-do- Sheriff, ( v Jti Pfv V. APPLICATIDJST FDR PATEKT Kotice Ko. 2489. STATE SCISSORINGS Newsy Notes Extracted Tuff Piute Pioneer. , United Stites T and Office, Salt Lake City, 1 tali ( December , 11, IS ib Notice Is heicby (.hen tli it the Bald Mountain Milliner Company, a Utah C01 poietlon, Mh.,se post office addu s is Castle Gate, Utah, by B Callev, Its duly anthoiized lgent, Ins made a UnUed Ftites Tatent for tlie Si nator stewait, Lillian, Annie .Laurie, Chief Deiom, Rnjsl Get.rge, National, IX 8 & b Ox ei land, and Winnie Maud mining claim, silidated, beadng got IjuploUier precious met as, consisting ofttot, ions, U77 3, isoo, 1500, I . r9, 8 si, 78 and 1201 6 linear fcit respectively t1 ereol, and suj fare ground as shown on the o '!( pi its posted ou the claim and filed w ith t anplication for p itent,belne Survey No. "207, a. 1 situ tted iu Jlie Gbld s.ouutain Mining Dismnl itescrloed til t,.m I'lnte Cciontv,Siam oft m field notes and official plat on. file in this oMpe as follows With magnetic Variations 15 dtg. 80 of the 1 ill ei and aha hi nntiz ng the fo inev.. They ad (heir uv a v and silver was d iu ned hy a rn j i ity that made 1110 sound money ad voeates. Mild With n.iu, to 15 deg. 88 niin. east as the field notes of Mineral di light, a ml tm y at Oice began to sre atr wh.cb Ihitvey No. 8207. Commencing signs of re' uining w i itu a viri table boom, eastern cotnerH0 3 of the Senator Stewart gi it along Mtth great lmie which corner m south 72 deg. p pet, p ..east 5442.7 feet feet from D. 8 They saw prospeiity in every vigoi diiection and made thetB' piedietions Mineral Monument No. J; and running nccordingly. Wtiatis tberesull? Bank iliencc north 85 deg 12 min. east 556 6 1 discovery's mith.e.. wi)jihpftUit-o- L jndi-cited- in , northerly end line of said Chief Devora file Royal George, noitb 89 deg. 0 min. we9t 1240 8 feet and t nth 89 deg 80 rain, east 273 2 feet from point of disooveiy. The National, noith$deg. 48 min. west 1305 9 feet from, poiut of discovery, which point of chscovery is on the souhorly end line of said National. The H. R & R., north 0 deg. 40 min, Mest 883 feet fn ra point of discovery which point of discovery is on thesoutheriy gud hue of II S & S. The Overlandrtiortb 0 dBg 3 nun. east 1022 3 feet aud south ,0deg 33 PTin. west 135 7 feet ftvm point f The Minnie Mr.nd, south 32 deg. 13 min east 439 0 feet point of diecavefy, thence soutii i, d g 40 , min. west 892 being on feet; said poiht of the norlnerly end lne of said Minnie Maud. Each f ihe' lodes composing in said oonsol.djtt J claim is ( f iccol-nfilCe f ",e m,um eC"U,cr f ihe Mountam wmmg D,s ucl, at Joe Town gjevier County, Uab; aid Ihe deeds afid transfeis' refuting to said Claim are of record in the (fllce of tje county recorder of Piute County, at Jurction, Utah. The unrest Lnowh locations are the JLel Ibid and the ' Blue Bird, (both uuaurvfeykd) Ifiliecttiiattliisnot.ee lie jmbflsliefi in the Piute Pionefk published at Marysvale- - Utah, 'BfAHsss iSSflTfiBSN FURNITURE AND' HARDWARE CQ. Keep on hand the largest stock of all kinds of Furniture Carpets, Wall Paper, Linoleum Pictures and Frames,, Bedroom Sets and Baby Carriages. Also all kinds of Hardware from a carpelf'taekto a steel range. Also Paints X , I T - Oils, Ayindows and Doors. i y chasakwisor Prices io suit the times.' Colne and see t . f k ; Proprietor, ELSIfJORE, iJTAIt us- - . , & LEWIS BOLITHO Have , just receiv ed R cai'load of - all kinds' of u. fact to corner 'No. 2 of said Senator J , Stewart, which is identical with corner No. 5ofthe National; tlrenca north 3 deg. 59 min. east 354 6 fet lo corner No. 1 of the National; ttience north 77 . AlmI A Pntiiit Judge for Sixth Disti lit, W i V ..OfM tv 55 miu. east 469.1 feet - to corner deg. State senator for lentil Pisi t , Jolm ( No. .of said National; thence south I the new spony-- i published neai est the said consolbtatellepiesenmne, Piute Co i itj rC Ii i, vionil of ten weeks. a ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAIL3. deg. 48 min. east 1305 9 feet to corner idated mining' dann, for peuod Our Stock is Ihe bySongrgo No. 3 of said National, which Is iden, ARPIYFS J . Frank Pierce, 1 of the Oveiland Register ooruer No. tical with Noitli and Eastern mall , pubI)ec.2Gth Fust Attorney Southern mail and coiner No. 2 of the H. S & S; DEPAtlTS, thence south 89 deg. 31 min. eas gOQ North aud Eastern jnail - NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE? feet to cornet , No. 2Yf the Overland; Southern mail w Jari'fetvs thODu-sere-t (lo'd Mining and xeeTt 38 j 0 r thence south deg. Daily Sunday min, west 8S6 6 IWillhtg Co. urnlei and hy virtue of a levy and a Postofticeopen fiomsiOOa Hi, to 0,03 f jm On t n feet to corner No. 3 of said Ovetlqndy seizuiemaoe hy nie under an execution fiom the Sunday fionri2on ni'toi 'Kip. in A , Regwtiyand Money Oulei .ikpaitmeilt open and foi, liute County, thence south 86 dgg 4minwest 164.2 Sixth judicial Court, in, from a in to o.ooji m Utah ia the abQve.auflUfid case, dated Nov. 23rd V.r L JOSES P M feet lo corner No. 4 of said Ovej-landdooi of tire eouit house' 1S9G, I will, at thence south 17 deg. 47 min. west at the town of Junction, county of Flute, on the feet to corner No. 5 of said Overland; 20tb day of January, 1897, at 12 oclock NI, offgt foy thence north 89 deg 1 mm. west 62 5 sale for cash, the following piopei ty.'io wit feet to corner No 6 of said Overl md , lliat nmiing claim situated in Gold Mountain Di stiiit, Flute County, and known os the thrnce sjuthlO deg. 54 mm. east 177.7 Mining Silvei King mining cDnn apd seized as the bet toe nner No Sof the Minnie piopeilyof the defendant Destiet G. M A Witness my hand tills the 23i d day of Dee thence south 14 deg. 48 min. Mest 779.7 Co e, Brown. Wallace feet to corner No. 4 of said Minnie Maud," 1896 j. u. Sargent, -- DEALERS IN- t .. Attorneys Sherjif thence south 77 deg 55 mfn. west 388 7 feet to corner No. 5 of said Minnie Maud, Time Taue NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALF, . which is identical with ooruer No. 3 of (In effi ot No-,. W. f ftcolGINOSTLFP VS S. F. MOUNT AND the Annie thence G Laurie; deg. soqth Annes at IiilCTTp, I.njrPg o company deffndant. ' ' mi Monarch in the d n Salt I uc (, it , 1; ;n r" 56 mhi. east 819 1 feet to corner No. 4 of Under and by virtue ol a levy and a seizuie mtei mi di tie points, - said Anuie L iwrie, which is identical made hy tne under an execution issued opt of the 5 L'aves IMs mi fnr Silt I ike it v au,l ..It iut i w ith corner No. 2 of the Chief Devora; Sixth Judicial Distnct Couit, State ot Utah, in, lnedi ite points, .No 21 Vrrivrs P Pa llinfiivfr hu.O P.sr A i1r- ) sermon in apportion tflence south 1 deg. 19 miu.' east J30p and for Piute County, in the above entitled case i. strong s. veiy scarry a fcij, line tie and Intel mid ite plants dated Dee 12th, 1896, 1 will, at the front door of was to on Miiiifiavs, " WodniJa, j 3 No. of fiet the said Chief coiner tooupiiul preached puniahment Piute the in couit County, Utah,, house, Junction, and 1 ud Its, - - - - - , ! De'vorn; ti euoq. south 85 deg. 12 'min- - on the 2Gth day of January, 1897, at 12 oclock M by Rev. Dr. Brown of Salt Lake, futilNo 231 eavesBil ,nn, fori Jimth-- . mil D-- c vtas A 20 in h. held for luteiniedntenolnts, oiiIihh-- ' hand the cash folUju ing meeting said offer for sale ity s ml Sams ' dais, lhitibd . . T. . ; a r,."iftiii iiy the eo !gi gallon sflyr t'tt3V ce(i;ces, property to wit - Those' teertain ruining Nn a'laBGE STOCK OFSS min dais, T, t Piute theOhio The II ( Wais the shnilglnn (ijui'ltll Sout'i District, clmfns.sftuatcdin Mining nud a unanimous request was7atie, west 880 5 feet toeoi nor No? 3 of the fasU.ru Utah to Salt Like City is I tell p its Comity, Utah, and known as the Vanderoook, Heats knd Print's ' ' ' rlittt the sei'mon he published, y 1st 89 deg. 36 M, K., Mount, Flambeau, and Jones mines, and FresVGrocerifesf. R di north Geoigefjlieuce yal , Two turns daily fio n Salt Lake City uidThls appoared ill the next mornings pipers, rain. Mes I I5fl0 feet to corner if0. 4 of all file estate, right, title, and inteiest of the said feaSpec iil tbttentiqu given to the Mining tie IjiiKtion to JVi vei , (Ini Ui i, (Imago, ,st Trada Sud'Oders by Malt " 1 I Louis and all pails of, the defendants or either of them thereto, together t t v r 1. . States, a .Luitid sni'd EJvvaid Corhss 1 a Loyd s north suGetiie, Royal fnu and ope deg. For ratis, infoimation. fNtpplyto agent, undo. M. Pruz'gr, here,. ?yleejJ d by J9 min 4west 630 feet to c irner No. 1 of M ah all' appurtenances thereunto belonging claim being claimed and seized Hi' J" The , thk State Board 9? ParJolis'TaSt1' vvfeek said Royal George; thence south 89 deg as thesaldmimiig Donor-S Kr. of the said defendants, 8 F.Mont pioperty . at lleneil D magi r lptliy Jj inager All were y oilrig men who had'"pjeV-iousl- y 36 min, eustflSQO feet'lb coiner No.2of afid the Monarch Mining Company, ' I, A W xu ui.il, U8iiM.fl J'assehgi cjAgent i (witness my band this the 20th day of Dec. 1896, borne g'iiod repuUtUons aud Sid'1 Riyal Geoige; thence north I.d-iga I J-Sargent, IVllM S' Iff min -- west 13 5 reel to corner, No, fol it- convicted for mlq(ir 'erhrii iff of Piute County. d J 2a ghei svale Marketer SP'Ott.' JheyAWere I1 JiYJil' a, -- DEALERS IN' a, 'tetj, r handkerchief nud a c.y'd yon ihe Chief beYofa, ,Jw hiefi ; is iilehtical k give below the local (M,uysvale prices Was m ith corner No. 5 of the Ajnnfe'Laurli; note, suicide, i; 7 indicating Jtaininga No.30&2. cm lent, based upo l itimi fcoutteoasly , , ' hti lushed at tb6 dose etiueweiA. byoui local foqnd on the banks of the Ogden river. thence north 6 deg. 20 miu. west ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. meicliJnfs a'id dialers.' The quotations are for An exhaustive search vva$ tnttdb for feet tucornerNo. lofsard Annie Laurje . Office .CeSvi.t I,akf City Utah, I J 1 bash i November 18, 1896 r. r the body of the supposed suicide. by the which is identical wi'hcorner No, 4 of V. JlUJ - ct..OTICE IS "HEREBY GIVEN .. - a, . . Carpets, , Lath, police, but they failed to find it. , " $100 s the Lillian; thence nortb6deg. 26 miu. 0 its CP 100 air) T J 11' filed settler i i has follow that the A contract to construct a N lie 1. east 1021 3 feet to corner No. 1 of said notice of his intention to make filial proof in ?r J bushel) , s , ,i . ,,, 70 Bajiy Carriages, Shingles, . . canal and a large reservoir for the Lillian, which is identical with corner suppoit of his ctann, and that saidW proof will be J.IVF Stock , a lie epuuty, of tlie deck, nude county Bed-roo(1 Doors andA ' lie f.ntt!i; ft, estuinti v.t).. 1,(15 3 Eureka Mining Go. o Elko, Nevada, No, 4 of the Senator Stewart; thence Utah, Loa, Utah, on J mtuu V 4lli', 1897, viz . ets, . Hogs (fl B, estimated weight) Jolinson, H. E No 1251 1, dated Novemhas been received by Corey Brea, of north 13 deg. 35 min. west 1404 9 feet to berNiels . . 18th, 1896, for tlie w lo s H Sec 14, nw H nw Si 50 Shuip if headi sec and ne hi lie U see 22, tp 29, s r 6 e, S. 23, ' , Ogden, corner No. of the Senator Stewart, f life H, rnmisTONS , ; , X, M , Utah. ' I5iit.er (ranch) . . . . .... 20 Walters of Cotton South names He the following witnesses to piove his George place of beginning, containing fit nil , resilience upon and cultivation of 22 . . i reaHiU! Wood was fjund dead hy' roadside 133.532 acres. Said consolidated claim continuous said land, viz 20 . rggsitido2enl .7 . L1111 a Mi lellan. Due Albeit Stevens, William home wH his distance of short is on uustirveyed bind, and would be S' 10 Jl icon av ne coun, M llfonl Pace, all of Loa, 1 deceased last he left BN week. RON 1 lour (1100 Eft,),.. Hurray GKOO, . 5 27 I in Sdk & West ty, till, ltegistei .1. South, Range township T C B.VJWFY, Attv ' s i5t (uibXoy. 21 W Saturday night tiding one horse gnd of the Salt Lake Meridian, of the public can think auother, and wTaa under Ihe laud surveys exteudid. Corner No, 1 Wanted An Idea ;me simple Messer Andrew S'aigetit and Tlims. leading a) to patent? wus found influence He of whiskey. 72 Senator of is the Stewart south deg Protect your Idea?. the may bring xou wealth. (Jalloway Sr., did crediULle sertlco iu next dead the and the Write JOHN WEDDEKBbRN ft CO . Pr.ert Attor 7 5442 east 56 min. feet morning U. 8. fiotn the last builara Mondiy, capturing Washington, D C., for their $1 800 prise offer dicidtd lhat death Mas Mineral Mouument No. 1. Corner No. nevs, ttnd list of two hunared Inventions wai ed. very s(nkingconirast.to that of our causid by the horse falling down whh 1 of the Lillian is south 61 deg, 50 mm , county Sheriff aud Dreeiuet e nstuble, w ho had to return the fiist ""jiight, as the. deceastd aud inflicting ifijuiies east (J276 3 feet from U. S, Mineral of je Mdnume.it No 1.' Corner No. 1 of the Me are told, on the oteusible pha of that produced hemuiorage ' ' brain, Annie Laurie is south 53 deg. 43 -3 min bod cold a hating Aur.hur Pratt, Salt Lakes deposed east 67217 Let from U. 8. Mineral SOOp- :- GROOERISS, BOOTS,- 5P0ES. -of police, das asked the State Sa 1 If the rtoEER lletyis appear raider chief Cornet No. of thg MonumentNo.l. ' ureme c urt to annul the actiou of th e Chief Devora is south 45 deg. 42 miu huky this Miek, piease eKiUse the . . Clothing. Wagons and , bis In re east 7793.1 feet fire and police commission Editor, as netiW bren engngdd at fiom U. S. Mineral lhaD any other store in the coufity. Also good hotel accommodation; Cheaper d. Mouument No. 1. Corner No. 4 of the ptst week, and h's nerves piov . the jire somewnat nnstiung ps a nsulL . George is south 36 deg. 50 13 Royal The Pioneer acknowledges$ rt ceipt of a beautiful, fluely tinted 97 miu. east 6 08.1 feet from y. 8. Miherul Salt Lake Her ild 1 L O. Hrrdy and Il.i.im lieck liaye cajemler from the American Book Monument No. 1. Corner No7 1 of the National is south 78 deg. S -2 rain, Just relume fium a tup lulu Gold CompaiD . Tliauk you sirs. east 5905 Let from U. 8. Mineral MonJloii.itnm efsUiet, 111 Pih'e ro(i,iiy,npd At MhuIi the 22rd inst, Louis A. ument no; J. Corner no. 1 of the H S, Kewtou lid lot, luJWver mainly, and Ediiorof iheManti Messenger & S. is south 67 deg. 33 min. cast 6466 3 the)-armtliusi islic oei thefjiun Lauber, ut took f ir this cuimlry, apd tiny ure was J ilmd iu holy wedlock to oue Miss feet from U. S ifineral Monument Ko.l. mill - . capacity, of w Mary A. Bench. Ttie PIONEER ex fli in 1?i Ihe hi lief Uiat u Ithtll ti hliliti Corner no. 1 of. the Overland is south im HI :o: "(-b tends its 69 si. deg. 4 min. east 67261, feet Yrnm cuitie innejbuth oj (In tje liislneU. U 8. Mineral Monument no, 1 Corufer to llie fiotil as prolillo piuduet ra of the MauufiCturea tjExPLCrnyt rradets woiijtr wha no. 1 of the Minnie Maud g jsowlh 61" i ii(tlous metals and p oi.ltv of gold Lst Fio miIi t.ie titaltvr weeks 4 'a? 4 min. Vast 69043 feet fumy .U. 8. and Mouldings LmLerr In the G ld Mt. dis fie Iu ir ..1 jecli ,e inis r it ctrN.inlv iQofcedasifa deg xu r 1. Mineial No. The disc.v Monument was M Tow Jo liloh p.ice 11, near p ini ;ycloulnd sUuek It. But it wasouly try poiutsol'each of said locutions g .to,,ihej madeunex" miiialiontfpt piusuig, i In- Rs-ylof a iliii) Christmas, so th-said Consolidated claiAl 'me t .1,1 ' with the intention if " " propei cxcim r" r v WAGING' FOB 'ORDERS' .AT,: MILL. shown on the plat posted ou the claim '" iui mg 'f ihe wew sail.f tcioiy, a id it (fleae -- :o:: filed Vvith and m ill fur the l O Address lake them long to deeideoa this The ixUi gi.iu of the rntiroacf indicated aud also the ate in pnmt,ii assav sof iheipck they brought it t vice ov tr the Western from S.rlina patent; back with tin m will he ma'deln this it Belknap 0.1 the llth ultimo will be following presumed courses' of veins. The presumed general course of didfstilet is ihe a great impiovetuent ou the present city . Goid'M iu H. LOCAL AdENT; Marysvale. MARTIN, of the veins, lodes- - or depAit rection 7, home of the Seviei mine, tlie Golden stage systt m from Raima lo all poiuts , j Yt, :TheSeuatorStevvirt ptar.tlieButler-Bc- k aud others. ami in sou ih. 1 hepeopleofli chflel will then are as follows13 dpg. 22 miu,. west 140 fcit speaking oftheeampMr.Hardy stated reoiive tbi ir letters at nine oclock xu nor th inch fiom the in' his opluioti some wonderfully the evening and can answer them that point ticii mines would be found there, as next morning m time for return mad' poiut of discovery Is on the soutimty there wus no doubt 'hat the mm her lode at ten. Josi ph will haveTi. daily in- end line of said Senator Rtewuit. . 1 he s v ' Mt , 24 mm. east 1017 8 & , i s of that southern country Cut thtough stead of a ; service aud Lillian, north deg, feet from the point of discovery, which the district, aud it was a large and rich Marysvale will he f illy a day ahead. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELIHG oue. The work beiifgd.me ul'tlie pns The above is taken from the Rich- point of discovery is on the" southerly euttimein the development' of the field Advocate. Wethiuk brother Mi end line of said Lillian. The Annie claims prove beyond questiou the size teer lios been misinformed regarding Laurie, north 6 deg. 20 mm. west 515.4 DOUR AIM IS TO PLEASE YO0.S I- V f the deposits and the pertnauency of. the change iu the mad route, as our feet and south 6 deg. 20 miu. east 961.9 The Hf--i Mrs. O. the ore body, and another encouraging postmaster has received voiiielnl an feet. f font loint f discove-Proprietress, Marysvale, " 3 r I . , feature was the fact that the country mainrement that the mail will come Chief Devora, south 1 deg, 19 min. feast fras full of quartz lodges that carried from E.smore by atu6e to this p.aoe 1500 feet from the paint of discovery, 4 ell in gold. as m the past , ) luiti-sfr- after bank has failed; factory iif'er factory hns clos'd down or redhead wages; propuly is still depreciating, and mill-- i ns of men are still idle and Buff ring for the necessaries of life. In fact, what is now dubbed as the McKinley boom is steadi'yeprea liug.and eastern papers ase at their wits end to explain the difference beweeu (.head ual condition aud Ihe promised and predicted prosperity, Had thefidureoftheXationa) Bank of Illinois, with its resulting train of evis, occurred before election, every eastern sound money editor and orator would have declared that liyran-ism- , aunichy and repudiation Mas the dnectcau e. It will now he interesting to see flow these papers chat exfia' Hated so persistently upon the(beauties of McLmley and confidence testored, will explain this steady march of and faiiute, especially as tm re is plenty of money iu the banks, the gold teserve isiutactaud copfideute is fuly testored. An imp irtant clue to the murder f Jame Jacobson, who was shot. aud killed by holdups at Muirty 011 the titgh nf Kov. 19, has been sedufed by Siimff Hardy of S cowtyjWho hi 'iks he has oueof the murderers in Si eel Ganges': Cast Ranges, Cooking & Heating Stoves Largest and the Lowest in Price'iiiRichfield. Bolitho' & Lewis ; the-fio- F. J. LYON &J CO. General 'MercbaxidisbW e SUPPLIES,.., ,wd MINERS y. orsh, & ; j s ats and. Dry.' Goods Boots; Shoes, 1 . f 1 i t . , ,0c m-neg- , MAGLEBY & JOHNSON; 1 4 s 3- -t ""I InJ-n- i','.- - Hibef I Furniture and -- m Utul'v HOMOCj NA Everybody'..''.. Knows:' J. 0STLUND THE PIONEER & C0. k 1 1- M, : Itctunery,.; The Paper - UEisiny-- OF irtaii. s 1- 1 Southern Utah! . t'ropic 'iaiimber.- Company The largest inh any State. -- ! . e-- latk f-'- IOrclcrs corn-piism- - t by mail earelully, "attended - s Topic, 'i d Garfiold van; 1 'Coi;, TJtn.li. -- HOTEL STEWART. semi-week- ly MEN.! -- Official v PiuJei Paper of 3 airfield. t, , .,8 ' V c pud Cos. STEWART, "i- Utah X |