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Show STATE The Piute Pioneer. - ATURDAY,; si J w rr P1UTF COUNTY Coi CluT, Mt U t Ih f oi 1 f ui mr 1 I J) O u i, p, n o ' i ' U I V it li II Puullc VN t li ! ii . c nii In nen in gem r ft n'enfiid to ir of i i i i n d 1 oi "if ' i i ii ) rul tu In ' i" in i . i i east 1022 3 fort and south pdeg 33 rrm. west 15 7 fn t frpm point i f rv. The Minnie ?Jr, ud, smith 12 deg, 1.8 min eat 130 o fei t point of ilieeaviry, Ilience south i d g 4.3 min. wist S2 point o t being o:i the nortnerly Ptiilluip of sail linnie 'tntid. Each i f the lodes composing said const'!; I Hi ! claim is t f iccord in .he office of Hie mining recoidi r i f Hie ( ild Mountain 'titi'ng DisHicl, at J e Town Sevier Coiiitiy, U'i.Ii; aid Hie deeds atid transfers - relating to mid Claim are cf record in Hie fflee ff the county r cordi r f Piute County, at JO" In it iui f rg n"it, Im Fig Survey ii-.c.i., t om .id M nmi ncidl Jl .to rii.tcroiiMvA.ae'iM tab ami ilevrineil i' I g ! i n l in, i - n,!( s i i I ( -' cuiifl- F (in' iw ii v ir I .1 i . 1 1: i . i , i Tl. - , N, i ' A i -- ili.-cov- -- 3. I M I I Jh utHont,itive to f iiiri VWO ( hi:tv s i I. I V . I 'li.ierai Monument No. I; und running heHC north 85 ih g. 12 min. east 35G 6 f et to corner .No. 2 of said Senator Hiewrrt, which is identical with corner No. u,of the ITatioiial; tliencj norths deg. 59 min. oast 351 G fet to corner No. 1 of the National; thence north 77 deg. 5" min. east IG9.1 feet to corner No. 2 of said NaUunai; thence south 1 deg. 49 min. east 1305.9 feet to cornir No. 3 of said National, which is Identical witli corner No. 1 of the Ovei land and comer No. 2 of the II. S AS; thence south 6 deg. Cl mlu, east, 00 felt to c.rnir No. 2vf the Overland; ilience south Od g. 38 rain, west feSO 0 feet to cortu r No. 3 of said Overland, thence south fw dfg I4.niiu.awest 104.2 fuet to corner No. 4 of said Overland; hence south 17 deg. 47 min. west 04 feet to corner No. 5 of said Overland; din etlon and made their piedietioiin irdiogly, Wiiat in the remili? Hank i Whm after fao-- t hunk Iui1 failed; factory Mi)N Hi h.iids M it iltlitoi, has or clos'd down redUcdl .ry wages; UUHllHH uni si,iio M itinno tionouP, l; ioi prop' ity Is still depreciating, and mil fi'lni H Iii.K sot Piihlic InMith loll om f men are still Idle and stiff s i lr.n ywn ring u l.uf.T stipii me Judges. fn the necessaries of life. Infact.what v t Judge fot Sixth t t, is now dubbed hs the McKinley booin ih ,MMiatoi for lrii !i t John lu li r is ste di'y spica lug, and eastirn papers M ilt Keim'M'hTnlkc.H.iit miifMl'i Mo nl asc at their wits end to explain the r ARRIVAL AND DEPART L Ch Tf'r M L 3 lift rt t.cc between the act ual condition A If 11 am die jiro'iihed and prediclrd Hi nml Fastcrn mall '1 oo a m ' . 0 ji in Had tin f .dure of lie National nrmi.Ts, Hank of Illinois, with Its risulting o i nv Nor ill mil r.tstcrn tnail (tiiu iiior, ,V Sim H of Stdtt, J I ) H "M i M I M , I fr I ( ( -i ' I it m , I C . 4 ) j. pros-peiil- I tt'id a ti So lltllTIi ill. til ll D.iih FxeojTt SnndnV ilwhittli i ojMMt fi om jO i tn.toO mji m ( 'n HiimiI.in fiom l2ot) in to i ii HVtiI t .not Money (i,, I, i U j ti li,n ir o; n Itotn 'i Hl 4 III to ,00 10 v 'I JOM of i 1 J ii- I to t li o rui'l i h y r repo "Hi 'll p'lli'M f lid i" imr t lif pi ( -, I , ! n r if j 1 i IC O'i IIU w, I I . M I STATE , lih, ! ith I Constiil I . U iih r. f . . t i ll . s 1 he people ll'll'MIlil litlllk i "liti-- "if flebl nub t noil nTt il plat oil (lie in this ,nl ilo ,r w ti . 'ii il ii v i r in follow d g. 20 wi-i- l n In (I liy ti in J ii By ll.it f mie VHii magnetic variations 36 13 indi- ns east to win. 1" "Hill h V "ll i, .ii. deg. Viieates. wild Vill l.'niii i di iff li nt mice li ."'into net imihI In t lie field notes of Mineral at i'Mi?2)7. Commencin of r' nmi'ii' wli.el i n .M w i u i ' i '.Ic I.. om, ca li rn er.', o of the Senator .Stewart . which corner is fOtitli 7lfdeg. iG1, it lilono vtllh profit p ip. - p vie. They saw prosperity in ( c ry mi I. east 5112.7 feet feet from IL '8 ili ti Ws t Hi il i of .s . M If linen, ' li o inct JiwtUc. in A V i h Nt u ics ii - r- ii J " ' i ' fi: mf 'i I ViKi Sihoo1', ll W 'ii i' in 1 1. still, u,t I i ; I !i mv ' I' in i -t Ull- . li i point, of. ah), the northerly end tine i f said Chief Devora The Royal Ceorge, north S3 dg. 33 min. wet 2 8 feet and houh 99 deg 30 min. cant 253 2 Lit from poiut of discovery. T!i Natioual, north 1 deg. 48 min. west 1395 9 fuet fiom point cf discovery, which point of ipscovery is on the soil herly end line of said yviijtJi i a nj - Hi ii I I i , nil, JJl 'f oO I Mu f eh (oilier, AiSsSnuI 4 ' ' O'l ll h i If i I. FOE PATRNT. itc Tjw1 office, it I no ( it , i itali. 3 . M". dimer 1, o lipn li m n tliet tic F,all Mutin' a n i t i ili ( i.ru rHiou, wli.se ii it. i in "r'l i .Ml s O.itc, Dt ill, by K F "'ili'H ie in i,t, has made ap- '1 I r lit' i IMtdit for t' " o il" ,n, i.ric ( lit. f N iimn.il, H. 8 X. . i n il i. to ii National. 1 lp IF. S. A B., north 0 deg. M ni'l il M ll 'I I, Ik. 40 mining c! !. min, wtst 83 feit fn to feint of diss n il' I, ' . 'i 4 g"l lyil't otli'T Jitd Ions ins mi. .x, 077 a, ron, ram s. ciiisisti ,, of covery w Inch point of discovery is on C linear f "i v. nr uni t rcjid to. 0 the southerly cud Hue of H S & S. i.i.f inii n ' ic c irt'ininl as "hewn mi tl The Overland; north 0 d,Tg 31 mm. il pt. s jmstcil on tlic i l'uiii and filcil nub 1 from ExcTanges. OFFICIAL niRrGTOR''. r l'LI CATION N.iliee No. 2109. Notes Extracted Nevv'sy IV i A SCISSOR TNGS rsi's, occurred before election, SDCTIIEEN TAH of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Linoleum' Pictures mid Frame?, Bedroom Sets and Baby ail kinds of Hardware from Also Cari'infcs. O a carpeitack to a steel range. Also Paints - Oils, "Windows and Doors. Prices to suit the tines. Come CHA. nml see us Prrpi ietor, ELSTIORU. iJTAII Steel tiJ I direct that this notice be jmJ uvlied In the IF PlONFKJi yutdhhed at M.irjsvale- - i tali, the newspanyi liuhlihlied nearest the said eonsol-ulatit mining i latm, for a pei aid of ten vv eeks. Ill BYRON GROO JumtiBt'uvlKsefet Willing Co. t rfanges, Largest and the Lowest in Price in Richfield. Fiist pnlidiee.Ci.th NpXICli OF SHERIFFS SAI.E." .!. W linnA-es- s Our Stock Is 4he Itegister Attorney. ... Cooking & Heating Stoves v Ih ree, r . Dave just received a carload of all kind- - cf Junction, Utah. The nrrest known locations are tli JJed Biul and the Blue Bird, (both unsurveyed Frank ' BOLITHO & LEWIS Bolitho' & Lewis 1 I 1 ' FURNITURE AND HARDWARE CO. Keep on hand tho largest stock of all kinds Hold Mining and under and by viitac of a levy and lmeimtue hy nir under au ext entmit fiom tl.e Nth and dal Court, in, and for, 1iiito Coiinty. i tah. oi the above.cntltU'd ease, dated Nov. 23rd x'lfi I will, at tlictiont door of the court house at the town of junction, county of Flute, on the ?ot b dov of January, 1st)?, at U o eLe k 31 offer fur t Ilience north 83 deg 31 min. west G2 5 ale for cash, the following piopi itv, to in Mountain (told situated eluliii mining feet to corner No Oof said Overltnd, omily, and Known as the thence snitli 10 dt g. 51 min. easi 177.7 Mining Dlstih t, FluteiDim ajul seized as the SilwrKing mining f. et toe truer No 3 of the Minnie Ifaud; ))io)iertyof the ili fondant Ilesi let (t. 51. & Witness nij hand tills thr2Hd ila of Dee thence smith 1 1 deg. 49 min. west 779 7 Wallace $ Frown. J. v. Sargent, fee! toeoruerNo.4ofsaid Minnie Maud; 13'Kl. . AMuinejs 81lir,if tin ncu south 77 55 368 rv ( astern sound money editor and oi itor would have declared that Ityran-1-11anarchy and i piniutlon V. as t tie dneet can e. It will now Ih lutt resting (o see flow these papers that exfia-iia- ti s persistently upon the beauties jf MeLinley and cinlldenoe lestoied, a ill i x phi i n this 1 ca ly in arch of de-p- r. cl.'tti in and fnnue, espial, as t n re is plenty nt money in t lie inks, tin goal irioi vc is intact mid copfldenifc is fn'ly ii'htorcd. A n imp irlant chn to the murder d J.ime Jacolison, v. ho vv.w shot and kill, il hy holdups ut Muiriy on the nigh of Nov. 19, lias been sidtlted hy Sin i iff Hanly ofS.duLake county .who hlnks he lias oneof the mm dems in i vi . i C .y 1 7 deg. min. west feet tocotnerXo.Sof said Minnie Maud, -- SEALERS IN- - Merchandise'. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALF. hit li is Identical with corner No. 3 of F o'li.ivo i'i.'fp va S. F. Mount and A the tmie L uirie; thence smith ljdeg. Mon men mimnoiowfanv df.i fndant 50 min. east 619 1 feet to coiner No. 4of iiik I rnler anil by utueol a levy and a selme aid Annie Ltwrie, which is identical made by me under an execution Issued out of the eii'lod y. with corner No. 2 of Hie Chief Devorn; Sivth Judicial Distmt Opmt, State ot Vtuh, in, id a nt for Flute (omit j, in the above entitled ease v y sli.ingacrmon In s , . ECAltitV A FlU. LINF. OI' i'rpiition thence siuth 1 deg. 19 miu. cast I30u and I wifi, at the fiont door of dated Dee. Uth, 1 u was 1 to Let 3 No. of coiner the said Cluet the com t house, in Junction, looiipi.al preaehid Count Flute n j ,1tah, ! by Hev. 1 r. Ilrown of Salt I.ake, Hevma; tl enoe south 85 deg. 12 min-wis- t on the 2ith day of Januarv, 18i7, at 12 o'clock M iu'i no ill Hi di t, on in s 20 h. A meeting Was hell 9 feet t corner No. 4 of said olTei fur sale for cash in hand the folbjwing 599 Mu M mH ,o wit 'liaise' Certain mining d ixs, - - . ' liy the i n igt. g itlon rfter fits' esn ies, Chief Dev oi , ) iv Hi AND A LARGE STOCK; O Fi a;thence north 1 deg 19 tnin Claims situated Intothi.Olno W W the shoi y In In 1! out h lo o Mining Distrlif.Fiute a unanimous mid Jiiftrte, 3 No? was", weal of Let toconer the County, Utah, and know u as the Vandereook, 1 t tl n i am mil ih to s dt l, " Meals and s riqwst Grcceri&s ! t Ini! tlie .1m ti tins M tl! fio n MtU I sei'nion lie puhlislytd, and it R, lyal Gemge; thence north 69 deg. .36 VI, K., Mount, Flamheau, and Jones mines, and ik'( il' md lil i , ()in ili ro, st Hi tic Ijnniiot to appaitd iii the next morning's papers, min', west lnV) feet to corner No. 4 of all flic estate, right, title, and Interest of the said 5SSpeciil at fen t ion givtn fo the Mining Trade auil'Orders by j unis .ml til 1 lUti J M. itwH, ( a1 n t p n i ois Du,1 , a, . Loyd M.Uetne, Elwaid Corh ss said Iliyal George; thence north I deg. defei daub or either of them thereto, together III opt it nil nil appurtenances thereunto belonging. 10 I. Us, infmm I'loip ctf ? , at p! to t'RMit, and O. M. Frazer, were vhlon d by 19 min yvest 030 feet to c truer No. I of 7 he aid mining claim being churned and seized piHxinp l week-Al( )i thedtato Hoard pflLirdons' last ot S. II , said Royul George; Ilience South 69 deg as I lie piopeityof the said defendants, S.F.Molit 1. 'hr ,1 in w"' ton u4 14.111 '4 t y were yotlng men who had 30 min. east'loOO fefetto comer No.2 of and the Mo)iaivh Milling Company I I St rt H, t ttUHll iotli day of Dee. 190. rorne'good reputalions and sal' R iyal Gemge; ilience north l.fHg. j tv ipu'sx'iny hand thisJ.the V. Sat gent, ' for mil) r hr Inti s. Ill min. west 13 5'feet to corner No, fof were convicted ',v)k they MARYSVALE MARKTTRSP"ORT. iff of Fiute County. t 2nd gbei tt.j'ub.J'in -INb-e A hsi.clkeichief nud a rd DEALERS ( the Chii f Uevoia, "w liich is idetitieal We elve li, low 111 Um il iVIiimnuiU) fill cs i note, indicating suicide, ttuis wiili corner No. 5 of iho Ahufe Latiriv; J. tvo. 1'imiI 11, m nii m iitroi i,nurh on,'l 11, out. 3002. i v fin iihi. il .it Hie ilme if tu.MivA liy mil' local f mi on the hanks of the Ogden river. tlience north fideg. 20 miii. west ll'to. ' notice ton ri BLI CATION. ! 'i li vtuot.ilUins lire for no leh tut. ,ti il .1U1 Ail exnniisilre search vn made for feet to corner No. I of sai I Annie Laujje . LAN1' Oufii K. At S i T T. vkf Ci rv Ut vh, ' .di November is, !ssh;. t. , the hody of the supposed suicide by the which Is identical wi'li corner No. 4 of - . - ',4 .. police, but they fiiltd to Hull it. the Lillian; thence uorthOdeg. 20 min. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN no (r to t) iN V n r settlor lias filed X l that the follow A contract to construct a To Wiu eust 1021 3 feet to corner No. 1 of said jmthe li.isVl , , , of lus intention to make final pi oof in s ik f canal and a Urge reservoir for the Lillian, w hlch is identical will) corner supiMiit of lus elann, and that Said piotg will lie made befoiethe county i leek-o- f lie county '! t Ft, ("tun it d iMM 4,i Hurt on .latmai v till, 1s!i7, Viz: . Mning Vo. o Elko, Nevada, No. 4 of the Senator Stewart; thenee llah, l.oa, I t.ih, l , Novem-he- r lit ht Ntuu.ilt d K No. dated it. Mels liMi, Johnson, lias been received by Corey lus. of um th 13 deg. 33 miu. west 1401 9 fut to see it, nvv M. nw s Mi .iiiMn ''I r0 u loth, 1 son, for the w s L2, anil lie L lie L sie tp 2J, r 6 e, b. Ogden. I'll corner No. of the Senator Stewart, t'he L. Msee 2), ''f I tah. Cotton-WooCh eo d wUne-wiPul 's to pmve hi fi..U( h) George Walters of South fuilowifig place of beginning, containing in all , lie names the ' t resuleme 11)1011 ami ei Itivation of liJ (ft .it was fill mt dead Ly' tho roadside 13,3.532 acres. ' Said consolidated cluitn eonlhunms said viz: land, T M ( . u s illiam w Itlnn a short distance of Ids Due VI ( li llan, Alls it Stevens, home is oil unsurveyed l.ind, and would he ) pv J on ' ' Ilford Face, all of I oa. Wavne eouu-t- v 'I 11V 1IOV he diet iihtnl left Murtay la township 27 Siuth, Range 5 Wist l.islwttk. 1 , I tail. (.FIX), Register I V4 A a "T. C. FvVjyT, Attv. Dt pubN'ov. 31 DC UH.IiailWliH. Ill - MBumM.' Saturday night riding one poise qud of the Sait Lake Meii Ran, of the puulic Wb can think Mi "Mis Atdiew Snyeiitniiil Tlims. hading another, and was mahr Hie hum mu vCy s extendi d. Corner No 1 Wanled-- An of nie simple w found inllnenee He was of patent? tii'aj to lusUey. 72 is of s south the Senator Stewart rvleo in deg. Protect yonr l(1ea(: thev niiy bring u wealth. Calloway Si., did ciidilstde cor-odim! ami xt JO US WfcliDEKrlRN ft CO , ViMt the the Write in 7 5442 I east morning feet min. S. fiom Mood last 6(ilj iv. for their 1. dijilniiig tho bmelars prise offer rs jmy d cnlid lhat iltalh was Mineral MouumentNo. f. Cornci No. aud listWaKl)iugU)i, of two hunurosi liiventums wa nl. X very sinking eon.rast to Unit of onr cius d hy the l.ulse falling down wiili 1 of the Lillian is south 01 deg, 50 mm comity 8'teiiiraud iireolnet e mlablo, THAT the dectasid and intlicting itijmles east p270 3 feet from U. 8. Minentl, . SELL- w ho had t fust leturn tlie inght, a it produced tli the of 1.' 1 of the MouumentNo w o me told, 011 the otensdde hemuitirage Corner No. of dta bruin. ll ! i' If II had C lid ' Annie Laurie is south 53 deg. 431-- 3 miu Vt.r.I.ur Pratt, Salt Lakes deposed cast 6721 7 f.et from U. S. Minirul DRY. GOOD: GROCERIES, BOOTSvSHOES, . . Ii the riu:;i.r.it iioijm uppear railier chief of police, Aus asked Hie State Su- Monument No. 1. Corner No. 1 of tin) ' c t to annul the action of Hi e i.viHo tin nn me mi thy lids wieli, ptia-- e Cliitf Devora Is south 45 deg. 42a miu . Clothing. Wagons nd Machinery retl.'e 'Lee mission and p in his ctmi F. Illol , tm 00 h is h ell l ll J i',ed nt east 7798.1 feet ftoin U. S. Mineral Cheaper Ilian any other store in the county. Also good hotel accommodation? 111, IV i , 1110 the p wt'i'k.nn h s nei i Monument No. 1. Corner No. 1 of the un-are so mew out i i mij ' u n Milh 'litn TioxtiKB ackuow ledges the Royal George is south 36 drg. 50 -3 i celpt ot a beau.iful, fluely tiuled 97 min. east 608 1 feet from fi. S. 5f ineral salt. Ijke ilia iM .V lender from the Atuerieau Book Monument No. 1. Corner No. 1 of the I, G. 1 ity u ti I Hu. tm Hick liae National is south 78 deg. 18 12 min. just iftuinc fioni a tup lot.) Gold Uoinpan; . Thank you sirs. XL il itaiu i . east 5905 Let from U. S. Mineral e ti lid . Bdi'e in y tnc, I no. 1. Coruer no. I of the II 8, New ton I 'in!, i i il . y i o .Holy , a oil & S. Is south 07 deg. 33 miu. east 6106 3 I hey ai e t 1. Ini i -' e o 1' I he fill in m look feet from U. S. ajiueral Mouumeut No.l. Hi s twin n y , and of mill in th.y nr. Coruer no. 1 of, the Overland issouih w ltl.i )i 'iiMlheh iu a shot liijt :o:69 deg. 4 min. east 6720 1 feet fmm Uni o dh ol !e ilislricts. w il limit U S. Mini ral Monument no, 1 Corner o i lo "i.l a- - pi oi lie ni duei i - ol tin Mauufjclurea ei dh if g !d N. 1 of the Minnie Maud is south 61' pu i'.ous mt tal nn and Moulding. I.i I in Gild M dis Tie' In .1 . deg 4 miu. tast 6904.3 feet from lT S. j, el , e .9 i , .Mincial Monumeut No. 1. The dic,.v. p n l w ii .1 lu i n, nmt iiludi pi o of each said location of Un y niuli hi ix'itum ilioti t fyn ,iu.-- l n. ity points said consolidated claim ire g o I propel .i, - w ,ih the intention il 'XO . WAITLYG FOR ORDERS AT , MILL. shown on tile pla posted on llie ilaun Inn ing ,f the vvi u bi u'lo' v. u ,d 't Hie O and find Address with I ; P, vi id uiyt lake tin oi . application I l,e i W i mu of tl.e r.'iihoutl mail long decide on tin- m indicated also - ; , hi mck Ihev hro ight ,. i aud Uie ate P mil , a patent; e o i r the V, estirn finm Salt.... , I 1 )i. . lu, k w lilt Ih. in ill he made In tin- - in l Uiiap on the 11th ultimo will be follow ius presumed coutses ot v ,t,s. of I'ti. Gi Id ,M HI itaiu ilstllet is the i gr-u- t improvement on the present The presumed general cottrsa H. VAN, LOCAL AflENT;Marysvale. t of the veins, lodes or'iL; lioine of the Se let mine, the Gulden tage sy t m from Salma lo all points ck aud others, a ml in "nu i h. '1 lie peopleof II clitt lwilltlien are as follows:- - : TheSeuatorSie ' 5rt Star,! he But It a, of thee imp Mr, Hardy stated reiu i e tin h letters at nine oclock in nor tli 13 deg. 22 mini, wist 14'H w1 ofHie h from discovery that in lus oplu on some woudeifully the evening aud can answer them point rich minis would be f mud theie, as u'Xt mm uing in time for return mail point of dincovery is on the siuti ily e tliere w us no doubt hat the mother lode at ten. Jui jdi w Id have u. daily in- end line of said Seuator Stew.ut. 24 miu east lLi 9 of that toutiiern o jUotiy Cut thtoiigh stead of a service anil Lillian, uortii 5 deg, feet from the polut of discovery .which the district, audit was a laigs and rich Marysville w ill it f i liy a day ahead. one. The woik heiifgdnne uldi The above is taken from the Rich- poiut of discovery is on the' southerly tut time hi the development of .he field Advocate. We think brother Mi tLd line of said Lillian. The Annie claims prove beyoud questiou the size teer hos beeu misinformed regarding Laurie, north 6 deg. 20 min. west 515.4 2QUR AIM IS TO PLEASE Y00.: of the deposits aud the permanency of the change In the mail route, as our feet aud south 6 dig. 20 miu. east 901.9 Mrs. O. the ore body, and another encouraging l'ost master hag received olllclal feet.fiom toint of discovery. The 1 deg, 19 miu. east feature was the fact that t tie country south Chief Devora, that the mail will come of discovery, as full of quartz hdges that Catiied from Esiuure by sla6e to Ibis p.uee 1500 feet from the poiut til iu gold. as m the past. General w . ini MINERS SUPPLIES,. 1 ls, -- Boots, Shoes, Hats and Dry. Goods ) O-- i, e v , 1,1 1 . o i i t i i Fruits! Mait.i Freslr I I ( I -- m . . - MAGLEBY & JOHNSON, jreV-lousl- I . yon-tninin- Furniture, and :v Lumber 1 1 -- 1 e , , I VV i t i i UtaVi lYlonvoc i . i , llieh-ardso- VV i f Idea Attor-Dev- ut C THE PIONEER Everybody' Knows OSTLUND & CO. J. ; it 1- 1 OF 1 3SLsIii0i0i 1 Mou-ume- -- I i ut Southern Utah . t Tropic 'Lumber. Company. The largest capacity , th any State. -- 1 p . . I Lumbr lath 2rOrders by mail carelully. attended to, I ff. mm-prisi- . , fr 1 -u v 'bl Co, 'IVopic-- ' 'TJfivli. MARTIN. -- r-- it - stiui-vveek- HOTEL STEWART ly e,i.. Oflicinl Pnpev of Fiutei Hr.J o m d Garfield CoV, STEWART, Proprietress, Marysvale, Utah 4 4 I rl T s x.. |