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Show The Piute Piqneer. which point of discovery is on the PROFESSIONAL. northerly end line of said Chief Devora 'w I United States Land I The Royal George, north 89 deg. 6 Office, SOW THEf ENTERED A Salt Utah. tnpTIO.V JOTTIVOS. min.' west 1246-- feet and south .89 deg. 204.1896 ' 14, 196. Dirfot court mt purgpant to ad- Notice Is I Iieoetnber : . . ; HOUSE, Kald Mountain tire 86 miu. east 253.2 feet from pout of iven that hereby TOOK S VERY THING IN SIGHT. journment on Ihe 21'tf, wjfh Judge Minin? Company, -- PFVHEtL. gai . , a Utah Corporation, whose discovery. The National, north 1 deg.' ANP'TRJED TO GE T OIJT Ob' ifcCqrty on tha benoli Slid' a II members postroffieg address Is Castle Gate, Utah, by B. F. 48 min, west 130.9 feet from point of At4 Law. Attorney Cfficidl Paper of the County, of the court jueSent.1 tl j s Frew and Oaffey, its duly authorised aggpt, has. piftde . Country. of is which J discovery Cft point I 'j United States Patent Jar the dispovery, Pave fronof IK Vajejoseph A Harris $T6Y pF T4E 0HA8E AND QAPTUtE. motto, Seji fttar Stewart, I llllan, Annie Laurie, Chief On" the 'sophcriy end' line of said Promptness and aCcurac; A im! of were Junction Beepe Decora, Royal George, National, H. S. & S., National. The H. 8: & 8.1, 0 East Thursday night while all bushj lioftb deg. 'Hah. Atiaouly legal Jights that pui in aq Overland, aud Minnie Maud mining claims cou' Junction, ,r ed the World In alqiqhef iay, 46 min. weet 863 feet from pfijut of dissolid mev bearing-goland other follow-nated, precious g at this term. The pacs andTlte people gf Mars Valle ftud vltfih. appearance U77.3. 1500. (50Q, covery whiefi point of discovery 1gV)ii butinpss wa transacted. J, M. als, eopsi3ting..ofl40h j were end line of II. S.4S. . U7ap5 I2S 6 ljiiear feet respectively the souther! festiv130,383, jtjr 1, ane vs F. E Mount, passed ff, tftf Bean b Inch, t rilispfarvd surface graund as s own rn the riorth 0 deg. 33 iniu-eas- t The ities, sariW diw; $' odes, en(er?4 the Overland, nlafe fift with A. official fll. term. Claim d and jldteif the eolump, Hrry Dunspee ys peigusoh ATTORNEYS house 6f I'AudreVr Sargent about six (022 3 feet and south Odeg 33 min, the apimeatioh.Iur patfint, being Survey N 0. S07, Vf. JfiUf column, T miles south ol towD, aod Stole money, ai'd Frew, passed foth from feet Diswest 16jL7 and situated in the Gofaionntain .Mining urn. point of discovery Buogings vs g. F1. Mount and M.M.J&. oheee,butver, potatoes- - sq-itrict, ii Flute C91 pty, State of Utah, and desciiDcd Ose column, i Minnie Maud,' south il deg. 13 The pants, asked J. Fieiy, Richfieh IfllutiCby hi atly n the field notes and official plat on tie in this Double column ads charged double dbiVa shots, and iu short, everything ueoes-sar- y min. eM439 6 feet point of disoovery .oat he be ailojyea to enter upon, aud office a follows '' fM9 and 25 per cent additioiiH). to tue estublishm mt of a fjrst f 40. south Ceg min. west 822 Ho life sessmeut ytor of 'With magnetic) variations (5 deg. 30 thence sevti olass, cro.s fojjo.Wr, !Xmtt Tv,3r said point of discovery Teing on feet; roadsj ppunty njercbtrridiss indi15 as east to 2 bla On min. mill, ms deg1 fejinjug there hud store. As a result, t hree foot padp jyl "g 'b northerly end I'm,4,q vsajd iliupV notes field in Miueral cated the of, eOij levied, hv execujion (tha pi Announcements ol ipairisiges, births and Ing their names as El ija'rt, . jUqtty in , ' t jfaud. Each of ihe lodes composing fjie ybove action, the,-- Vantlepook, Survey' Nof .HgT?. Commeuetug .TO . puthpli d fiee.,, so Thomas aud Gepfgp Wilson are iying said consolidated claim is of record in LAND AND MlHHKi - Stewart Seuatof1 No. of the coiner and Mount, Fjamjbeau the Jopes,-- i Iu the pptinty jail' af fblSjplace, the office of the mining recorder of the , SUBSCRIPTION TERMS, tj (T .' the Ohio Mining District. D-- . H. lode, whioh corner is south 72 deg. e Cor t Otic Copf, one year'..; ... Go)d fountain Mining District, at Jnc Twbrily five yu 0 (Jflfiveptiou of a court of justlpe' min. easl 5142.71901 feet from U, 8. farguson etalyg V. etal, six months,., Devie County, Utah; and the despondence So7' ', . Town 10 'whim they will be weighed in the continued for the term. . Miles Durkee Mineral Monument No. 1; and running deeds and V !' 'tfireettuftiths 6 most likely be fouuq wqqt; relating to said 556--pi ujjvs Elsie M, Taylor, demur.rer to thenpe north 85 deg. 12 min. e&st Advni islfiE ratfee made knownn' ingl a IP in of claim the office of the '.were ' fpcord captured iu Grass cross complaint over, ruled, " ..T.y ruling ex- feet to oorner No. 2 of 'said Senator county rtcorder of Piute J application, j( last Creek, Valley Pqpnty, at Monday cepted to by' C. W. Jonei. r.'Rfelii tiflr Stewart, which ia identical wif.fi corn? r Utah. The uearest Rptered at the post office at. tMArysVaie.-tlfoh- , Junction, knoq-py AJpuduy irodpiiug.rby No. 5 of the Naiional;fheuce north 3 morning ! as second-clas,teu .days to .flle matter, pg. locations are the Red Bird aud the Andrew 8aigept, ihe man whqse bopge given feet-to 6 59 min. deg. corner easl851 proas complaint, deni urrer of defendant Blue Bird, (both uLsurve.veq).a , they robbediapd, Thomas Callaway 8f. sustained. In the matter th estate No. 1 of the Nati-qiatlisnoe nortfi 77, Iduect that this notice be fiublfshed n the LfCOHlCS. . .'TIJECHa8E. to'co'rireV pnd guardianship of the persoue of L. defc. 55,miu. east 469.1 feet FioNimitr puhlistied at Marrsvale Utah, he itpry qf the capthreta toljJ, to 'No. Bof said Nathiiiul; itltence south 1, tlie newspapei published nearest the said consol.Htark..jj.g, Mr,Riarki i iaHkand,H7 8H0KT items OF IN'iCREST TO THU A HoNEEti jregetiikilvyd alt follows sale of properly toRloMride Western deg, 48, hit ri. eftjt 1305.9 feet to Corner idated p)il)ing claim, for a period of ten weeks. ' ' On arriviug'b6nb alul 'learning pf the ' BYRON GEO O EOPfcE JIEKEApoUT. Go. aud T- - D. Huff confirmed and No. 3of said National, which is c sculdugery Afc. Sargent gqva 4he ordered that a deed be executed ftir in rank blerefc; Overland . ffo.Tbf the Register oorriep hldp; WlllR AnSe. from Salt fcaVe, alarm and the flowing day. l(p, anil !' First pubiDtc.actU Attorney. .v and corner No. 2 of the II. Si &S; he same. ! now In this' district Jibing After Thomas and :J4m Callaway set oqt ti ' 31 miu. eist 600 Thq boys laave all got race horses; tfiece south 8fj d6g. tbe'Almamlae In whlghihpKa large find the JL G. BA)LEY.'. trecka, which they did gnd we ought tg qave some raQeg, but feet to cornerNo. 2 of the Overland; Aockhokler.' in. If. L lhe-ah!114 agroes the (net Land and Mining Attorney. me is afraid, and the other "dassenS.tj UieuCe south 6 deg. 38 mlu. west 886 6 Miss LuraStark wl(f return fo jf t. east of towi-ieChas. Merrill returned home from feet to oorner No. S of sai 1 Overland, northeasterly (q k All business attended tq. promptly to tbende sodth 6 dcg.44 min. west 164.2 vapantV'ouSe pp p,oii Lees rauch 21- - the pleasau t tohsoL nex tMondby.'1 CrjataLmine last week, aud will ' '25'year'$ exherieppe. Uijl ppifiipe in alf the q6ur- feet looofriey No. of safd OVerland; When mifesporllienst pf tfereunUl Merysvalb af hail remain The daiiqe giveu at Smith's on holidays. Booing 30s4jl J be 26tli .. 47 miu. west 88: phdwiue, Miss 8usie Barton, our efficient (hence soqth lVdeg. , tWfttinghaqiJJiitldjng. pits a comple te succee 'Tbe hrrfvipg Stayed mf 'ib plemiaes to pep school maam, left last week for her feet to porner No. 5 of said Overland;, Crowning, feat Are of 'which, ftas 'the Lg,ke. fiQpPrompt AUpntiou Qveu 1 Ail Ihenoe norih 89 deg. $1 min. west 3 that no oue left the house. and the hom4 iil'Hfbriingj 8anpete eicrllent supper grven at the MaFy Business Kntrusted. jot her two Cntoe over to ttoVlS, tollept4 she Will remain for the Merry Xmas feet to corner No 6 of said Overland, Vale Hotel, of WhJcli-amt'forty wnplft OFFICE A8T klDE JA0KSON ' a posse of met- hud weut bao(( and' dhd Happy JJew Year greetings of thence south 10deg. 54 miu. east 17.7 v" flat took: S104 No feet to corner No 3of the Minnie Maud;. the house, ouly la ftndfit vapajjt relatives arid friends.1' A tb, I Several Maryavleites attended court as q newly NOTICE "FOR PUBLICATION. made' grave. Upon further thence south 14 deg. 48 min. west 779.7 nd 6t a A. ' peacock p. Kingston, 7 at Juuctiou iWedircsdayiawt. ' resi-arpItwasfouud that the sstne Mprtay KesleroftheVal havq taken feet to corner No. 4 of said Hiuuie Maud; --Mvii i ' Lard'Offiee G'--- l ' ihdijotdih uqt g, retail liquor license thereby thence south 77 deg 55 min. west 388.7 "Wafyttdt to buy a milefi cow; must be trtfcB led' duly eas4 SiitLakfeCgntltah. ' feel fti aud tifrik the ud l50 corner f No Sheriff fea'rgeut tq 00 lo Ptnies revenue. wilk. Terms (01 lowing day, fijesh 5st,id Miqpe Maudt Notice Is hereajfil (lyr( tw-- following-nameadding office ,C'onatabp Hardy and Ihe meu prev- TUt lioys are estahlUhed p pjpplevig jvhich i Identical witii floVner No. i' settler has filea noticertfnis Intention to make jU reft rise, pesk. Rnqlilfkat final proof in suppoi t of his claim, and that 11 the thence south ei gided,-excdpAnnie jwiNHiis Laurie; the flie will to. iously Juhntallaway water aud deg said pioof wifi be leitde before the (vanity Clerk dispense .Goods going, at cp.riat, Rriiiheimers P ute County tlt:til' St Ujnnetldn, Utah, on tracked young meu of 56 min. east 819.1 feet to corner No. 4 of of square shouldered tEbis applies ouly-t- o Dry Food, boots Otarttd id ppt pursuit and Jannarv 2S, lSSirlWiFJltfeiio.- Ny, H E No. 8370 said circumAnnie is them all identical which At for Liwrie, fall, ihe.SW Sec'. 'riW'rf'lt 3 W. pl-that g. night ' TaTI?! day,. Aloes, ana bats. uames the foftms'jfib witnesses to pro s ... t corner No. 2 of Ihe Chief Devora; hisHecontinuous with stance necessitated the Sheriffs and egywagai home Junction the I'esidHfce'Mtbw, arid eultivfttlon pigbt Mindly t tins fiisonbee, an old -- time Marys (Cunslabie6 t,et(rnhtg. Th Sbetlif tfolip1" entertained the people of thence aouth 1 div. .9 iqpi. east 1500 'Thom, c.Hinitii.wnuani BULLION AV of Wilson, SteVen Manser, vale stock deafer, was shaking Tikuds i6 nake the Jh nation with the famous LI j, pfpibef skid' Clrcievlae Utan. o; feet Chief the dcoutiped Iq The porqer CLASH Accom ' IV N, ryithbls od fiends, .last iflfek.y GllU'tBeki'Atf-IS- ' arrest , cd ihe two above mentioned', prfiit pf bis Folly and concluded wjth Pevfira; thence south 85 deg. 12 min. v Dec. PUb. while 599.9 5tl. 4 the other feet 1st .No. corner to 3 Yj ) .'Alien Eorshee of Salioa is around turned homeward, the aughable fatoe, The Mischeyiopij Ifest J Sfiid : Ji'vmi.1 V v uorttv 1 dig 19 min' --- pick tag up tb.e mafketibte, caffls in two (a it was getting dark) made Nigger. The players done themselves Chief Devora-thenpto oorner No. 3 of the No. 8097. Reports from 11 oaftla camp fir the night wttbdui food Of proqd and gave good'siilsCtlQH to a yst 88g 5 Fhillipp D. Schosb-r- , C. U'V' viciuity. l 89 36 thence to "',1 eKeftt north hlapVelPNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .cattle 'ariB George; deg. bUjieni.is ihe crow.dvd house, U,R.JD. Mineral Sgr't r, Office , min. west l00 feet to CAPTpK fo. 4 of --,.A , , - I Land Year to the booking np." , Qur foca) anchor Salt Lake Cityi UtaW. O' (jllappyNew Said Royal George; 1 hence north 1 deg! COUNTY gnJHVltYOR The two pie4knPP. next.ip.otning at Navembetu- - .isiW. staff (rum. the levtl down Should usiholicewf this On Notice Is hereby given that tlih 'following-name19 min west COO feet to 0 rner No. 1 0 and ifftP fpllowed brtal'of day 1 R.B35 to notice his of Intention U settler has filed Store anil building for sa!e;wiU sell on out iutq Grass Valley, and at the said Royal Gayrge: thence south 89 deg make final proof in support of his claim, and said proof will be made before the County that two of 36 siote rent 4500 end the 2 jeat'juoUse.ou on sell bohr ; feet ,t coruef No. of Clerk o' Wayne Co., Utah, at Loa, Utah, on goods miiitefist Roj Creek, 1897, viz : Joseph E Manguin for i Enquire of, Mart i'll Reinheimer. cnlpri' iiere spied. v Mr. Sargent d 4 , viSfijd Royal George; tfience uor.th 1 dvg. January 12th, SteeSi.Tty-SLegal papers carefully and ar He 8 B theEvisW! 19, mith wpst 13 5 feet, to corner jfo, l.of names the following witnesses tq. prove his and surveys promptly executed. Marys,vale nnsiide their sijrrsuder and,.they rgqd f 4. Continuous residence uoon. rand cultivation of, lily acquiesced. TVle lhird, aceobiplioe is. identical said land, viz:1: JliQliuig Baker, Thomas H. OBITU.nV. tj tihi.etivora,'-wiiifi- h Utah. BnUttvd Salina, tkergeW. Stringam, Erqi-SfAt tle hem of W m. 'Howes Sr. last was fp,9pd.nearbyi just ip the sq ;lpf With cprifqc 4fo 3 oV,l4ifi Annie Laurie; laker, Jr., of Tb m her, Utah. Davlu-Gile5f ; tilCMOe'bivth 3 deg. 20' min. west 1477.3 au'old kindling a fire ip .ej.aration,for BYRON OROO, Mobday nighty Air. M, W. Mansfield, Kegister. febit tii oorner No. 1 of said Annie Laurie time prospector aud miner, passed morning 4 epast. Several of. thfe DfUtS! Keeps on' Oakd line 'of H. VAN jYIARTI? 1st pub. Dec. 5th. Attorney ' 4 is which with into trtrislnts of ibetinknottn.'cwuse ing artioiet identical of No. fiund ou their percorner ! d heart tilure, Deceasir was one of sons, whioh iphataniiated the heliei the Lillian; thence uortl 6 deg. 26 min. I - -- No 3HT iu mistake tb no first this ud Nd-to to that east of there Ws that the said corner feet peu sirike (j9k( camf "nre- , Legal papers prom; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ss active n. the development of the victims. Tbay were taken' tq (be Lillian, whioh is'ideulioabtvitb corner MDwJs, prepare fully U.S. Land Office, No. 4 of the Senator Stewarlp thence tkme for many1 years. He was fuiher, bouse of a Mr. Apdersori anil glv'cu 1 Salt lAike City, Utah. Quit Claims, Leaf, te. 13 9 to Fraua Dalton of Dalton mine .breakfast, arid from there houses were ( 1404 feet to west north deg. 35 min. 9ti, m, 0- -. Powers of attorney ilravn, a oorner No. of lift- - Renator-Etawar- t, feme, Many the Notice Is hereby given tLame foiiqly surviving' relutlver jubtalned and the. party ileads(l. for taken. koowledgements settler has filed notice of his intention to make X i'iCru ids toss. j MRtysvle.;i place of beginning! containing in all final proof in support of bis claim, and that said General Real Estati- - ar.! m - tng tbey twobed Uersi Tues133.532 8a dtu'Cv, claim id consolidated acres, carswdtn; Wbkgr4'atly proof will be made before the County Cleik of Bbpfrage transacted ANDREW POULSEN. Mr. DeWitt gave a Xnuuuiiiiner and day tllghf is on uu8ui-veyeHart is a man bbdfit'M years Irind, anti Wcttld be Wftyne county at,fioji UJ;al,,pn Jan. 25th, 1897 fatigued. life Xmas at home 'on birthday natty bears in township 27 South, Range 5 West viz: John C. Jacobs H E No. 8753 Dated Mpy 29th theSpairiUtypb OnlySjefatives invited. for the NV4 of NEti & SEHofNEH qL Sec road ' ! ay. . an of of' the Salt Lake Mei id Ian, of the public 1890 nraue i j the qppe 14 & SW!4 of NWM of Sec 13 Tp 29 S li 4 E S L 1 !tTonir At Marlin Reueimer drove over to man. TU other two are mere boys laud surveys extended. Corner No 1 Utah. JB.0 names :tlie , io as he aaid bonde'' witfi resilast ifmtintios Monroe' their of the Senator Stewart is goqtb 7 deg: following witnesses fo prove his Tfpsgay; atid'jhuuld bea at it tend an Iriak wake. 56J4 min. eaet S442.7 feet from U. 8. dence upon arid cultivation of, said land, viz: mothers instead of out on thp road. Naser ATTORNEY AT Snow.Walter reWiien a Mineral Monument No. 1. Corner No. Charles Interviewed by PlQNPpR Reitih'-imer'Go to and price his Thomas B. Kichardsou, of Teasdale, Utah. Thursday night they sqid they f of the Lillian is south 61 deg. 50 min BYRON OROO, Advocate Oftite goods before you pqchase' elsewhere. porter were all rights moolh as silk apd had fiast 32733 feet . from U. 8. Mineral L T, C. Bailey, Bcglster. . MINING N(1T8. Morninfe.it No. l.' Corner No. 1 of the liad a goii tijnfe The boys were tnat1 1st pib December 12th RICHFIELD, FT . AttofiilFy, i'lti, i, , Annie Laurie is south 53 deg. 43 -3 min Reqb.cp kUd Yne DeWilf' have be- mg IbrU Way to Si George, but exprcel tColinty Seat 0 Seviu C east 6X2.1.? feet from U. 8. Mineral gun wort; pit the Boulder'plaiifi with a pit asUrC at gtoppfbg' in MarysyaH as No. 8113 to a Uie 4liy thpy arff studk Tlt wof opening up the prqp-r- t on the Monument No.l., Corner No. 1 of the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' ' ' 1 6r di table sovflng. 'Ttre odh(er t U.S.Land Office, Chi f Gevork is south 45 climate! 4aj min 7 ! , Sglt Lake (.lty.vtgti, U- - 8. Miueral from feet east ill iud'icationv of' being a valuable 7798.1 pecember 7, 1890, , A grand Chrfatmae tree waa held j to1 alldW an U apclirate . Mdqdnfeu't No'.'L. COrqfer No. I'pf the Notice is hereby given that the following-nameproperly, and li in this Plitilseri hall on the d've' of. Dec! AT LAW ideaof (Is tru worih Ibal'ilie work la Ryfe qeorgb isVou'tli '36 .(leg! ItO 1--3 settle- has filed notice ofhislits Intention to 'make made 24'h, where the little ores wer) clalmfndthat said final proof In suypqrt of 6898.1 feet front to be done, Mineral east 8.' min. goin tj. pow the1 County Clerk of roof wiU be made by the appearance of St. Niog, who W1U practice 'In" nil the Com is Monument fo. 1. - tlorfief No. 1 of the 'lute County , Utah, before Ute anp W:n. IIik( s working a ("ree of. four dcail out to the jmung qt Junction utah,on January joy National is south 78 deg. I'll -2 mfh. 90, 1897, viz : George T. Henry H E No. 9276 for the Ffjdal. fiMfiEk jInd'S ASPCCI LT ' bis ? ronrp,ne famoqs mi(es ones. pu to the older 8E!4 8W14 8WH SE fourth Set St Tp '8 ft 3 W east 90q f. et from fl. 8. Mlnefal' nafb of town, (q get hi assessm' &3 W. UTAH. MARY8VALE, la H' at no. J. Corner No.'l'of ti'e Laura 8. & EH NW fourth Sec. 6 Tp 288 igain iqs 2: i done befnfc fie aa p pf lb new He names the following witnesses to prove his 33 is 67 south miu. east, deg. 4 rear,. BeJnay. continuous iesidence upon and cultivation of & feet fromp 3 Mineral Monqmant to.l said land, viz: jJeremtaH Dennis, Chris kottke, jENHipKss snvi)-:i- j Pask Recfirq . Hildid has been verp sick Mrs Mo.' 1 of Beckstead Edward a Comer of the 0erland is south Foisy. R. A, Mfiryvale Ajatf employe! f taking (loliay the pa.t week, but U now nearly' con- ATTORNEYS AT LMV, P9 deg. 4 mlo. east 6726 1 feet frtim Utah. yacatlon, 'during fhloh lime Ihe hoist vatesoent. , , P,YRONGROO s being repajeC and enrgcd. It is VWWUWVVSAAAW U 8. Mineral anument no, popef First pob.Dcc.l2. Miss Lurq Htr entertained a party jtegister No. 1 of Ifie fianie MHUij Mr. Jennings lias praQtjcea twenty v era", in p south pi fxprottd that work ijflll be resumed on ofyounglrieuda at bar bpfRe ou Iew the Supreme Courts t the States at 0. deg 4 miu. east 69(143 feet from U, g t'nitecj Saturday. NPTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAF. eve. . ' States. He willatten J in person all the Dtetito Ytai's 1. Mineial The in disouy' made A rich strike has just fiepn Jfonqmpnt ijo. held iu each this SCOOGINOS of 8. AND Courts, P VS dutuct, PLFF 17, y. MftUtfT cpnjjty The young ladies of the H. H. ery poiotsofoaphqfsaiq locations jh Mamtootfi, assays shflWjug 227 ox ;k Monarch mining companvpkfkndant. a.iicj fimgoljdgted cllijm afe Under and by virtue ol a levy and a seizure p gold. t Is ipipossible qt this tms Hociefy ayc a aqoiaj last nlbt. U TAH. Sfiq'n on the plat pitted on the claim; p;ade by me under an expoutioji Issued out ol the o ascertain thp aqjoput of tfiis rich ore H. Yu Martin has moved hit laqi and Hied' with tlie application fof Sixth Judicial District Conrf, State of Utah, in. In sight. office to fiall. and for Piute County, in the abqvfi eutified ease , palenrj and are asq Indicated iq tlip dated Dec. 12th, 1896, 1 will, at tne front door o: Vhe vein ip lbs bottom of tbs SunSAMllEfi L PAGE. a MIssE-lnLyqn gave party last following presqtped cqqrees of veiug. the edprt house, in Junction, Piute County, Utah, beam shaft has widened opt to ten feet 12 of at the oclock 26th on 1897, The Wednesday Bight. day January, general cufirse of df but the ore is fusnily rich enough for for sale for cash In hand the following deof the veius, lodes or deposit reption fiONEEBiEditor the certain mining property to Shipment, ft is abtigipated that ' ' are as follows- :The Senator Stewart scribed In your issue of claims situated in tfip Ohio Mining District, Piute VqiD will ond begin to contract and d22 13 4Q4 min. north west feet County, Utah, and known as the Vandercook, MABVSVALE, UTAH the statement is made that the ihe value of tb ore be increased. from the point of discovery, whiph t. K., Mount, Flambeau, and Jones mines, and ore feet of a vein 8 ilorn has miue big maobin-hry The briok foundatiuo fur the and interest of tlie said point of discovery is on tfie poulfierly all the estate,orright, (file, wide that $260.00 iu gold and defendants either of them thereto, together st t be' pew Mammoth hoist is being from fOQ toassays Senator of said The end lioe Stewart. 500 02. iu til ver. The facts with all appurtenances thereunto belonging laid and the task of elevating the Lillian, north t deg. 24 miu. east 1017 8 Tlie said mining claim beiug clslmeu and seize, baa h shaft Horn the that are, Big. heavy atone aud iron parts np th down 35 feet showing a vein 8 (bet wide feet from the point of discos ery .which as the projiei ty 0f the said defendants, S.F.Mont SHOULD the Monarch Mining Company, tramway to the shaft house will anon The ore point of discovery Is on the southerly and you meotiou occurs iu bunches witness my hand tl is the 20th day of Dec. 1896. Anide begin. tbe donkey engine now in use Hue Tlie esid of Lillian. end to the all the the vein way J. U. Sargent, Carpenter and Builds t is bnly of sufficient power to elevate through Laurfe, north 6drg. 2(1 min. west 515.4 lstpub.Jan.2nd Sheriff of Piute County oL the abaft. Please make two tot.s and as some of the lieoee bottom . fepi a d soiltfi 6 deg. 20 min. east 961 9 Estimates taken ou all kind3 of thie oorreotion as 1 do not wish to be Weigh over six tons It will be necessary feet from point f discovery. The when Wh can think millionaire accused being Vo use extra ' Wanted-- An simple Idea oftta'ais to patent? pulleya. CbiefpeTora, south 1 deg. 19 mio. east Protect lam only worth thteejiundred thou52 Nos. wealth. Aarysvale, your Ideas: they meyA bring felt of from tlali in hhd see the fine line ofclotb-ibf- sand. 1500 the discovery, poiut CO. Asent Atto Write JOHN WaDDB&BURN jfoeeph Sleeks. D. C. for their ti.SOC prise office at ReinheimetS and IffirenUeus ed wai. bats, gloves APPLICATION FOR PATENT, Mt!ice.Jto. gd09.. OUR NEIGHBORS. 7 l?AS4W Gilbert Beebe. 4--- T "'L the WWWZU&SSl iL' astiU -- phenes w Vll r .1 te m '2 - LX rj Utah.' Salt.Lae.pity" pt-B- aji.-apkw- r s Dr. E. Smith, l; - f LDENTIST,I IJtali. Richfield th VXMABTI.N1 T. LAWYEF- n 1 f at-thi- s Salt 1 e v- MarysFgje,.,, ! Horn-- ' BULLION Sf tis M.ivrV d t - Ware WW drm, e t- - . Pio-MgjE- ft , 1 d Sevier Oouitty, RICHFIELD, 1 MILL we Produce 1. 6- -t JIourl .Motary Meat, Lari. Grain. Bran. Shorts. 0,- Middlings hi-la- w '' - CO. 1 1 - 1 Dfft-itib- d i''nia IIIIIIOM all-rqq- A w v s ether, ' I A, ' - 1- hs , , dt. , d gS?.'4Qt AJORNEy -- 1- Mein-uiiH-- nt ,ate t com-prisin- RICHFIELD, a Deo-26U- mm it h THE d wit:-Tho- PIONEER - j - r $81 H CAW J.'S.HILEND. tie in the Hoiriew .dfAll. ct A0flKeY S- -t h I |