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Show 4) Cappy Ricks Discusses Youth and the Value of Being Missouri-bor- n By ytrrisA B. aass wlthoat eh eaa eentimaataB.tr aad after my tour oa tha federal Jury oa taa right ruea wits. l know "waH, imtlmu," Cappy Backs aaaounoad.. whan, following en ab-aof several weeks, ho appeared day la bis accustomed place at tha sound table of the Bilgewater a th good wort around fcerar "Ooflt try to cover up by asking 1' aw.ila.ma, Cappy," TJlyases Grttbb jaamtarod, "Where has yo oaaa fcrJoJ the many weeker-fceea nay doty as a Usa af these. doing United etatesT' Cappy epUed, I drawn for tha Jury duly ta tha federal court and wban tha Judca aakad na If thara waa any Pertinent reason why I could not serve 4 aa tha Jury I .told aim there waa Jot. Iimnediatolr hi hour declared Iwaa tha first truthful niaa and the Baat ettlxaa aa had mat In months, aad forthwith. I took my place la tha Jary boa. Bw ainee rwa, been earning l a day aad board, and tha Unit ad States marshal baa triad ta tmka a day .and board away from any shooting erapa, daily. Foreseeing ,tv ma, tha total ruin of my morala andha depletion of my teak account tf wa didn't eatabllah ground rulea bafora tha (una started, I Indited oa on floa Mr dkun for tba is. Tha result la been snaking H a day at aa Juros. and 1 like It"7 myjob "What do yoo da with tha money, Cappy J. Augustus RedeU In, quired. "Oh. ha greea It ta tha community Christmas chest. Eddia Smith de- uat Ta dona fy grandson- takoa Alah, Jongg." "How old ia your Ulysses Orubb aakad. r "US i u." "And yon unMt with WraT Ton Unholy old man!" "Of course..! do. Tm training him for a business career. Did you aver pans to think that It requires braina to be a high-cla- ss gambler, and that gambling, aa a, sporting proposition and not aa a mean of making a living, ! the finest brain sharpener yon could think of? My experience baa been that thoee who think card playing ta an invention of the, devil are much too' dull to learn how to play, o nobody will play with them. Con-aid- er . the education to be from a postgraduate course ta gleaned draw The man who cannot read faces, poker! gueaa haman motives and know when to . qnit and let tha other fellow have the loses money, doesn't hef It's the pot same way in business. No mental cripples ever play a good game of dominoes, and anybody who sneers at Mah Jong ia a bit for which reason no player will play with him after finding him out. "A pood fast game of Mah ". raquirea Initiative and decision Jongg and a good memory, and those are qualities which can be fostered or stifled In the young. I do not Intend that my grandson shall appear on the street ten or twelve years hence and have the sons of you three bandits ont of his teeth all take the J because I filling neglected to teach him how to gamble wisely and well and read faces and remember things. I make him give his winnings to the com-- . munuy cnesi i leacn mm me lun oi making money and I preach to bim the Incredible vusarity of hanging on to mora of It than he Is ever going to be able to use. 1 teach bim generosity without prodigality klndli- slow-witte- d, It lit Hi Bp' hp i ' 'I i Maytag to GRQWINQ - Tkt womanhood is hard work and school exacts a heary toll of . enersnr from lit. j tie jninds and bodies. To grow as , tor atarhmentt and sawat CataUs 1sy-la- f Jator. 'as. I j . ' jork t Easily sdjmted to ysar ht ht, tad height of tubs. 7 Clothes can be pot h or takes ef- - ficiently, children need plenty of wholesome.'nourishing, " appetizing food. Banquet Better Butter is ALL food it contains in addition to its nourishing qualities a vitamine which is very important for proper development Give the children"; plenty of good bread and Banquet Better Butter! fin ii -- oat while washer is running. in 30 seconds. -- Metal swinging wringer. Low. Swings inra 7 positional Adjusts itself automatically for handkerchiefs or blankets. Automatic drainboard. InAll puts enclosed. stant tenaioo-relcaa- e. I RJCKS CREAMERY CO. - - OOOIN BUTTER,' could associate a switch with a an W BO GS - CHEESE yon had to pay your grandson for wnaung my son, he announced. "It wos worth it, Cappy. My lad tells ire he got a fair shake all the way inrougn ana was knocked out jy a better boy. After taking his licking ie ior caning your grandson apuioqizeu a frald-eat.- " That was worth twemy-nv- e thousand to him and million to me. 1 know now that my lad has moral and phypicsl courage and my hope is that he'll grow up into a man." "He was licked in the third round, but he didn't know it until the eighth," Cappy chuckled. "Thanks . I'll for the twenty-fivgive it to him. boy ss a reward for sameness, The boy Is now 12 years old and your to the finish and seeing little gentleman, whereas at 1 he for bade fair to be an automobile bandit the result instead of weakening when I've taught him manners aad he ia now hi merely suspected it. "That toy's unwillingness to admit old enough to distinguish between right and wrong; he knows, because I anything brines to my mind the rase nave tola mm, wny certain things, of a young fellow who was our assistalthough legal, are shameful and now ant cashier some years ago. when we 1 m going to teach hira the moat val used to have horse racing In Califor uable anet In the world to wit cour nia and you could pla-- a tiet at any age. cigar stand. I had alwaya been op While sitting as a juror ' i ob rosed to putting this youth m the way served that practically every criminal of temptation, because I knew be was waa a wa tried pitiful coward moral weak, mentally and physically but - super-cleansi- crevices to harm sheer silks, fine fabrics, delicate georgettes. More friendly to these dainty things than even hand meth- ods and infinitely quicker! THE M Y A T A hand-rubbin- Don't let this oppectunity to try the Maytag go by. .Before next washday, phone nearest dealer for a home demonstration. Deerred payment! never miss. yow'U e V-r- i. COMPANY; Q N 4 t I o a Ash "rfVse 91 v Capacity? In an hour, twice as many' clean clothes as other washers! Speed? Whole tubfuls of ordinary family washin 3 to 7 minutes! No ing spick-spa- n g of collars, caffs or wristbands. ng m e. Reasons for World Leadership 11 AJASH with it. Find out how washfcrent from all other present-cla- y the Maytag Gyrafoam really ing principles is. Actually 10 years ahead! Its turbulent water-actio- n creates, with ordinary laundry soap, a washing solution then forces it through the meshes of the clothes no scrubbing no rubbing no dragging no pounding. All due to the gyrcdalor in the tub. The Cast Aluminum tub is simplicity itself no corrugations, corners, seams nor lie, and It waa remarkable how quickly ha learned to hate both. "By tha time we'd been together- a month I had him made over and then I was mighty nice to him, only I never let him get away with the notion that 1 was being nice just to please him, but because being nice to everybody was the natural thing to be. At the end of the second month he got the notion that I was a pretty good old scout, after all, and we became good friends and confided In each other; when he d forget himself and start to butt in on a conversation with his elders a look from ma would souelch Tab deans itself 9 SALT LAKE m 6ni I they should, and handle the school NELSON faster. The Gyraoam creates a mora highly en ftzed, turbulent and oonunooaaty d-fective water action, ,No idle water. deaaer. The Gyraroara Principle mixes the saspeveuly thraogb. the water, and forces the super-deam- v inf, soapier washing sola boa tbroagh the meshes of the clothes. NokiUsad. houriy cspadry m worid 5U lbs. ordinary family wash per boor, 4 Most compact washer mads takes floor space only 25 inches square. Cast alutninora tab can't warp. rost, roc, swell, spot nor corrode, rnnaple foam a available with Mold Mo- stk-kin- g iiSilB 9 OutstandingFeatnrea For homes rtdw out electricity the Maytag Gyrs- - It" "As a father, rd hate a draw aa analogy between, my two boya aad a braoa of Airedale pupa, Cappy," UoJysae Grubb suggested. "I an) not afraid In tba oaaa of my grandson, although his father and mors are. Bis father leaves tha training of tha boy U tha boy's mother, who Is my own daughter. As a child my daughter never got away with niurder not oaoa. Bat as a grown' woman aha has absorbed a lot of rot about developing tha child's originality, not hampering his Initiative and teaching hlxa to ha good by precept and example and kind words and cuts liUie sermons Instead of handling hits tha way she would handle a pup that had developed tha habit of sacking eggs. The result Is the boy was being apotled. He would speak oat of his turn and chip ia with his ssy and Interrupt his elders. His motibar would expect everybody to keep quiet while that dratted boy aired his opinion as if it mattered two hoots in a hollow what tha But his mother appeared thought to feel that aha would hurt him or embarrass him if she didn't let him Tba boy finally" get grew unbearable. ' a famous "Well, psychologist once told ma that unless a child's evil habits are cured by tha time he is 7 years old they'll never be cured, so when this grandson of mine was 7 and making his mother cry a couple of times a day I begged her to turn his training over to me. Her nerves were gone and 1 sent her to Europe, which gave ma a clear field with her precious offspring. "Well, the first thing' I did was to tall him that he had to say 'yes, sir," and 'no. sir," and 'yes, ma'am,' and 'no, ma'am,' to every male and female over IS years of age and that tha first time be failed to do it wos Two minutes later ho awaited bim. forgot to say 'str to me, so I took Wm serosa my knee and gave him his He was heartfirst thrashing. broken and swore he'd never do anything I asked, him to do. So I wore out another switch on him. I laid out a lot of rules for that boy to follow; 1 promised him a thrashing if he' disobeyed and I made no promise of a In three days reward if he obeyed. I had him obeying for the sake of obedient. His undeveloped mind being had no conception of right or wrong, was to It sensible but pain or tba deTbat mind privation of a pleasure. r 4, srs: ; de-ve-in Ia at ONTUML - sta-de- ' It away from ma PlwnenemMMdlcrhaveUmisen& aMayiag loYowrHonte la boy. "I've bean studying Juvenile crime aa Juror, and tha mora I study it tha mora eoavlaosd I sin that crime, Uka draw poker, la something that mighty few man know anything about. However, wa all thins; wa kaw about It. so oa the whol crime la on tba lnorras aad aobo4yj anowa way. "This la Interesting. Mr. RedaU dent clared sardonically. "Cappy is a of crime, but doesn't know SAT thing about 1U" "No, but Tm learning. Gum. There's aa old saying that you can't taaoJb aa old dog aaw tricks. It applies to man aad women also, bat I can teach a pup all kinds of tricks, and If ha ps a bad habit, sacs, as, killing chickens or sueain serfs, I can cure him of that. I know because I've JA,waf clared. "Wrong. XMdla. ktke. aVSSBs S i t to sea th turn Af oyt0 aMasasaBsT M irofWt too. ! X Washer. Gymfyam-ALUMINUM Bo J - W Mm -- . i Til I Bring You n i u j i i ji f i UTAH MATT AO SHOP, 47 East Broadway, Wasatch lOll 8AAiT LAKE CTTT Merrin Lbr. Co. Brarham City Delta T. Stsvsns St Co. . lOvireka. .Burska Mere A Com. Ca. Fillmore p. Stevens St Co. v THB All my beauty helps ny aids to Yooth By Edna Wallace Hopper I aw Btv glorions career to moth- ' Hsbor Exohansa dty.. ...... Helper Etectrlo Co. J. Lioansn MUford Owdan TelU R7 X14 Richlaid Tremonton ';. Shop .The Maytag; Wasuingtoo Ave. Prlea... ...... J. C Pro-ro.. - IDAHO ,' Bancroft. ..H. C. Johnson Mere. Co. Burler.......'. .Wolf Hardware Co. Downey ..Morgana, Inc. Idaho Pans .Idaho Falls Bee Buaply Oo. L, Montrose rlls Power "Weetar Lbr. Co. Tha Miy'ag Pnop Wwt Cantor Street Power Co. City Pooatetlo Imp. Co. Farmers' Equity Ss Bdwa. Co. CTr Pnrn. WYOM1NQ Rvanston.BeeRBUi Casrtln ICara. Cat, Bookstand Bras. Oraea River Kemmerer.. JSmtth Bros. Pnra. Oa. Boca. Sprints Halts Hdwa. Co. NEVADA Kir Oootman TTdaaB Co. Kuth Goodman TVlball Co. ...Malad Hdw. Sc Idimber Co. Tha Maytas; Sbop US North Mala ttt. .Oraham Rexburs. Boyta Bdwa. Co. . Teiluri.1 ....Bear River Valley St. Anthonv Bugar Citr ... Bucar e er and ta Fraaea. How I am trying to repay tha debt by anpplyuig others what they gave me. leather was rich and ambitions. for She took me in a the best beauty helps in existence. Freaeh scientists created moat of them, bo experts everywhere have for decades seat me their new dis world-aearc- Haber Helper comproached them. My baby-likplexion shows what thev can do. Youth cold cream. Cream is a My It contains products of both lemon and- - strawberry. Also all the best that science known to foster and protect the skin. There are elevea ingredients. 1 nse it after my Clay. Also as a sight cream. Also daytimes as a powder base. Never is my akin without it. You will never use a lesser ereanv when you see what it does. My Y outh Cream comes ia both cold cream and vanishing types. The prie it SO cents. Facial Yooth' is my liquid cleanser another. French creation. Great beauty experts everywhere bow em- loy ttr' cleanser, bntthey charge 1.0 ior it. Facial Yotsth contains bo animal. no vegetable fat. It cannot assimilate with the skin. It simply cleans to the depth, then departs. All the matgrime, dead skin ' and ter come eat with it. clogging I never knew what a clean skin meant until I found this formula. My Facial outh costs 75 cents. , We're all here to serve you Just call any one of us as. 1 TU OWITH CAST h coveries. famous As result, I became beauty. And bow, after forty years ih the Iimengnt, I remain a owautj tiTX Tha thousands who aee me daily oa the stage know that I look like a girl. Now I have had all those beauty helps eombiaed ia four preparations. t Tkey erabodv, I an told, the beat the world naa fotrad. Certainly they ' have brought me result few women get Now, out of gratitude, I pla those helpi s.t every, woman's call.. ' LlStRARY IS POPULAR. rmmeat the horse had bean scratched end the mosey was safe. RUPliRT, Idaho. Sept. I. Mrs. 'w&ght after the funeral B sinner nna librarian, reports that took about a hundred dollars out o( 15.S46 l&Rue, were taken from nhe tKwka the mooey which tba hoeeeman re public library during the year ended turned and bought a lot of lancjr signs September 1. Of this number, 742S which be sent to every Ricks office in tba state. They read: 'Never believe WaJt and find out for anything. " adult books, TSSt ehlldren'e and tit hooks of reference. Thirteen hundred and twelve borrowers were registered. About tOS hooks were added to Uas library by purchase and gift. Qooks Children Should Have Delegates to Leave for Convention September It Appendix Cut Out (Copyright by United Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.) "He waa Ucksd in the third round, bnt ha didn't know aljath,".. Mv grandson Isn't a and physical. moral coward, but ha ran bawllng from a kid half .his sisa two montha For that f took a war his M ago. cents a week job raklnf leaves off the new type day lawn and have refused to speak to My Aa a result, this afternoon at htm, Clay does mora for youth aad 4 o'clock he roes into tba tfns; in our "beanty than anything else we know. to battle to a knockout with basement Famous beauties have for ages owed If he a boy who called htm 'fraid-ca- t. wins I shall give him 2S. If h their fame to clay. Now millions of If loses I shall rive him nothing. women everywhere show what new My glorious hair he doirs It I shall rive him the fin-beaoty it eaa bring. vmt sot. I'm WAllonine anv kid Is hair My lustrous, new perthicknd 'going to teach him to aswimihtte vicBat there's a type elay fected by long scientific stady. It is ilky. It is finer far than foMv tory or defeat and realise that fallhave I sever known years old like ago. the aal Is sometimes Inevitable and, after aot erode moddy, 4 hair or dandruff, and never a a fight for honor, never It. Is white, refined and ing types. touch of meet I few women, disgraceful. onAnd when I turn my gray. dainty; It has many added factors a suffering world he Out or Igrandson who do not older, which multiply results. Wbateve young eavy it, all the This is ns to my Hair Yooth, a ;wlll have no Ibsd habits and him other elay you've used, this sew, type will have 'good things remarkable creation, t apply it with have become namtuau. taught will amass yea. an eyeoropper Sirectly to th scalp. gefltle-ma- n old new the Youth is the this Qua," way. Whits "By Clay My This doean 't mass the hair. It comconcluded, ' turning to J. Autype. It purges the akin of all that bats the hardened "tha yount gentle, gustus Redell. sil and dandruff man clogs or mars it. It draws out the which my grandson Is going to thrash to stifle the hair roots. It causes of blackheads and blemishes. is afternnn this your son, James. Zi bring the blood to the skin to tones and stimulates. My hsir shows Want to come up and sea tha bout?" Mr. Redetl paused aad eased into nourish aad revive it. Tbs result is how. hair will thrive when the roots his soup, considering. "No, Cappy." a rosy afterglow. It firms theskin, are cultivated. My fwesenca mtght Every girl and woman every day, he concluded. combats all lines aad wrinkles, re- and his style. James enTbarrasa cramp should Hair Youth. It brings apply dunes enlarged pores. Miay women Bewides, you might aa well teach rewards. My Hair Yooth costs James with one application seem to drop rich while at It. something you're 50e and l with eyedropper. a hundred my hoy makes tea years. Bt you. will quit." boy Youth show your Clay yon My "I can't take your bet. One. I'm All druggists and toilet counters what modern clay eaa da It will referee tha contest. For some The price is 50 now supply Edna Wallace Hopper's to be a Twaiaiinn. obscure reason your boy suggested cents aad 1. beaoty helps. With each one comes me for referee!" mv Beaoty Book and my guarantee. "Oh, mv lad has a sense of humor. Tvto supreme creams one and yon will nse them all, He wants to thrash your hopeful In Try as every woman should. Please prove your presence." Mv lifetime of searching has d... v doped - two creams - whieh brine teem for your-ow- n ,skeBowr Kdff the long end of tha purse, Ous,h. gets I'm unique results. I hare never found- Wallace Hopper, 536 Lake Shore playing fair." notner cream w men even ap- mat, imrago, 'f wo nys Is er"C ppr h owe Pft at the Bllgewater cljb, and J Miss Hopper is playing th Pantsges vaudeville drcult. Watch papers cgain Redell solemnly handed him Augiutus for parttculara of her Utah tngaajements, dollars. That s the sum tAdV.) tuenty-fiv- e f - were well-foug- - . - I it natu taa Skinner said tha hoy was a good lad n bo deserved advancement, that he was a dog for work and honest as the day was long. Of course, I nsver Interfere since I have retired. This young man,, was one of the tools Skinner had to work with and if he preferred dull tools that was Skinner's funeral, not mine. However, I did Insist that 6kinner should bond him for trouble the customary amount, and I pa W the excess cost of the bond personally. "Well, sif, one bright day this youth dipped Into our till and grabbed tight thousand dollars to bet oa a sura thing at th race track. It appears he had received a tip uireet from the Owner. The horse couldn't lose, it firmed, unless he broke a lag. and as tlia jockey had orders to get him rff ia front and keep him there, tha stances of a broken leg ware extremeHo our assistant cashly nabuloua ier borrowed' eight thousand dollars to play at It to 1.- Ha borrowed It without our knowledge and planned to return it In th saans latereetlng manner. day the race was run this lad called up the bookmaker and aeked for the result ef tha third race. Tba answer was three horses he had never heard of before, He couldn't believe his ears, so be called up the sporting department of all the local r.ewspapers aad verified his suspicion that he d lost our eight thousand dollars, so what did he do but take the p.ttol wa keep In th safe to scare ttmdits away with and light there. In the office, while standing on a nice t ew rug Skinner bad just bought, tJew his brains out. after confessing to Skinner what he had done. Five minutes later his horsy friend called ui fa tl htirt hat th horse Th question had not raced at all; there had something wrong with th oom- ptny ha was entered in and at the last - i. :'"..'' . BOISE, Idaho, Sept. t. Delegates from southwestern Idaho to the American Legion convention at St. Paul, September IS to )9, Inclusive, will leave Boise Thursday, September 11, at midnight, it was announced today hy iMVer F. Albert, Idaho adjutant. The train will pick up delegates all through southern Idaho and arrive In Omaha Saturday night. From there delegates will be routed over the Chicago at Great Western to St. Paul, where thty wiu arrive Sunday morning. Idaho delegates to the convention Ure: U F. Albert.- Payette; F. P. Jones, Kellogg; H. C Barren. .New Plymouth; C R. Kollenborn. Namna; Virgil Wk lmma. Hois: FI R Snook, Twin, Falls; O. B. Crabtrea, Idaho Falls; Paul Davis, Boise; James Harris, Weiser; Ed Potvln, Lewiston; Hugh Worcester, St. Marie; U W. CVllton, Nampa; John Hlmn, Par-rttWilliam B. Daily, St. Anthony, C. A. Bottolfsen, Arco; Frank Dvork, Aberdeen, and B. J. Therfclldsen, Pocatello. Doctor Want All Children Operated A Pennsylvania doctor advocates a law (according to newspaper reports) compelling all children to have their appendlg removed, along the same He Mnes as compelling vaccination. claims the appendix Is ' productive of . many ills, A Traacherou Disease. Appendicitis attacks at any moment even trsrns seemingly In good health. Usually, however. It is preceded by stomach trouble, constipation Often when or similar disturbance. there Is a warning feeling of unseat-nein the abdomen, appendicitis be guarded against in the same manner in which ene guards against the spread of throat infection, because that la just what appendicitis is an Infection ia the Intestines spreading to the appendix. When one has sore prevent further throat, one can often wash or Members in Huff trouble toby usingthean antiseptic germs and a laxafight gargle to carry off tha potnona from the Resign Their Positions tive The earn procedure is necesbody. to fight the Intestinal germs and RUPERT, Idaho, Sept. . Onsld-pruxil- e sary against appendicitis. But inInterest marked Tuesday's guard stead of an antlinptio wash for the election of two trustees or three-yeAft INTUfm.NAX. antiseptic la throat. terms on the city school board. ' A. B. Brown and Mrs, N. K. Jensen neceewary, Intestinal Antlssptlo. defeated C. H. .Burgher and W. Dun-laThere Is now offered to the puMie a Follosrlng thts result. D. H. Oreemry preparation having tha DOUB1J!) noand George Hawk, holdover members tion of an intestinal antisprrfio and a COWPLiKTB system cleanser. This of the rmard, tendered oheir resigns-tlcnThey say; "W are not resign- preparation, known aa Adlerika, acts nor have we aa follow: ing to shirk our duty, the-- - tw ternts-ttrustee" eflmtntite ot arstfoV anything against elected, but we condemnh th artion harmful germs and colon bnnil in the sn active Intestinal canajLthi of those who showed sis-gu a rdlng. against Intereat In their taction T Tuevday" appendicitis and other diseases 'having The defeated men declare that It their start here. was unfair that their opponents It Is the most romplet system cleanser ever offered to the p'mllo, should poll so large a vote. - - ss in e; - Board ar . p. s. It' h" - acting on BOTH oncer and bowel and removing foul matter which poisoned the system for montha and wtiich nothing else can dtslodga, It brings out all gases, thus Immediately REMARKABLE RECOVERY OF MRS. SPlflK Gives Lydla E. Finkham'i Vegetable Compound Full Credit WuL'l Minnesota Junction, was wioer treatment, but Do thing aecmed oetp me, and I HI.KII'llljlf'Jiiiihl w was and pi so weak that I bad to remain in bed much of tha time and was like ah invalid. I had pains in my abdomen and in the female organs, and my stomach bothme. My hus iwi.r' .'lit ered band saw LydiaE. PinkhanVa Vege- tabls Compound advertised, thought' it must be good, and brought it horn to me and advised me to try it, After taking one bottle I was able to eat, and alter gig bottles 1 was doing my awn work, which I hadn't been able to do for years. I have a new baby who if doing; nicely, and I am still taking the Vegetable Compocnd and feeling better than I have for four years. The medicine is surely wonderful and a good thing to have in the boose." Mrs, Gforcb Eptmc, Minnesota Jonctki, W isconsin. A country-wid- e canvass of par. chasers of the Comtxmnd rerxirta SB "liiH run-dow- relieving preamre on the heart. It is astonishing tha great amount of poisonous matter Adlerika draws from the alimentary canal matter you never thought" Was in your system. Try tt right after a natural movement and notice how rrnmh more foul matter it brines out which was ia isomne; you. In slight disorders, eatch as oooaoionai sour stomara, gas on the constipation, tXornat-and sick headache, one spoonful Adlerika ALWAYS brings relief. A longer treatment, however. Is necesIn casm of obstinate oossti pasary ction and long standing stomach trouble, preferably under direction of your physician. Reports From Physicians, "I found Adlerika th beat in my en7 tire years' xgerience," (Signed) Dr. O. Rggers. "I use Adlerika In an howel eases. Some reoiilre onlv one dose." (Signed) P. M. P. (Name gives on request.) f have found nothing In mv M years' prartice- - to excel AdSerika." ir. jamea weaver. (bictki) 'After . taking Adlerika feel hettarjgr CP"t. kw.flrerl. Haven't lamruage than for TO years. to express the AWSTTL. IMPUHITIhia HowManyPoundsWcuIilYGU eliminated trom my system." (signed) J. B. Ilickett. Adlerika Is a constant surprise t people who have used only ordinary bo'wer and aiovrielch" medicines, on ac- If you are thin and wcrawny and count of hs rapid, pleaxant and would Ilk to gain weight, I will send action. sold. the gennn Milton's drugirista everywhere. Vitamins absolutely I'RKB. Do not Sold in Salt I.ake City by Schramm - end any money name and just your 1..1 Johnson, Uruss, and other leading address Ia W W UiHnn druggists. (Adv.) Sta. Kansas City, Wo. Udv.l h I. Jtia K , |