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Show THE SALT LAJKJS.TfinSUNE,. SUNDAY MOKNINa, SirJUiUJKK 7,' 1924. T yJ, : " - By DUDLEY GIJLSS. (' The iehap who roba a bank mav their perfectly- good reason; the man who shoots i111 wildcat out of season, bold no grudfre against the mu who oid os shares in mining; But devil Uke the fiend, who keep hi brilliant headlight shining!! Whenever we drive fofth at night upon the boulevard strive to keep the law, for well we know such are barred. i.tit always there are driver who just eaa't be light civilized. And straightway we are blinded by their headlight in our, eyes. nni ipve 9 Over th& Top in Hiih Gear Miles at ioinr! 31 per .'; v . - They would not hit u with an axe: not one of them would ahoot us; In ordinary life and acts thev probably would suit us. tan(? tom for their crime yet there' a lengthy list Of bright-ligh- t tiends op every road who never would be missed. I"0' - i ; As an exacting test of the power of the Jewett Motor, Jewett ; poll way Je The shadows over to the right and creep beside the ditch; and the gullies blend, we can't tell which is which. Fail half the road belongs to me; I'd like to claim my share. But safety first means stopping dead before that blinding glare. Bnt what' the uset One car goes by with flaming headlights burning; start' again ? another fiend around the curve is turning. If thoughts were guns and shots, the traffic would be light, 1 or we would slay a hundred darn fool drivers every niht. South Street Hill Twenty-firs- t j cuss-word- s ha tuned up the old Sunday usd to be a day of rest; but after a beat and greased her all around, he find he has guy quite a lot on his hands, j Associated automobile clubs also have a grievance asainst the drv law 1 iolators. Broken hip packet bottles have a nasty way of puncturing tires , t : B a J A 1 in high gear and rounding the top at about 30 miles per hour! The open Jewetts exceed this speed. Any driver knows that this long, steep hill is the supreme test of a car. The sturdy Jewett, however, negoti- ates it with ease! . ' . It was the most disreputable car which everpased through ' iirmer rcjort town; but on thelooking spare tire behind it bore the message: PON T LAUGH. UIBLS: ANY JEWETT WILL DO IT! Vou Look Like Hell, Too, Without Paint. He bet himself that he could beat The Limited across I he traiks, and now his creditors BTTil his sndden los. K:s widow cannot be' consoled. Her tears lust won 't be che'kel The auto was & new one. and It waa completely wrecked. -- Tcels Eb. he says: The city fhap roints ith rnde to the as a mark of civie prepress: but Stirdav. in the "hn he has ike i 'tour on account of pavi?.? constmcticn. ht cusses because the 'vi" derirant never get anything done. torn-u- 1 srse ,n ip " KEMMERER owners are climbing the closed-ca- r ' A i. rr , ill pPf. v .'4 - - ' i 't ' ' A'-:- 7 c.-2--- n"! n"' -. i- - TO MONTPELIER Si' ER ra HON TREL U'ki-y- - li , v- t - 4 - 1 vj'f r V . --3.- ? V-- x - ? --- - c 1 1 risers hgu ih etxsi 'iivia.T Chester Deal, Manager of driven hia Jewett Busicess iia7"rtn" - o Very JCD :EFT LW m C O. RISHEL " 1 of the Oregon Short Line Railroad company, after having driven his Stand, South street hill in high gear at 22 Twenty-firs- t miles per hour. ard Jewett Sedan over ths top of the JEWtTT Superior Motor Company, 54 West Fourth South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gentlemen : Attention "Heine" Johnson. Today while out driving in my Jevrett Business JIan's Coupe I went over the top of the TVenty-firs- t South street hill in high gear, and reached the miles per hour. thirty-onat top It was certainly a wonderful performance when you take into consider atidB that nothing in the way of repair work had been done on this car since it was purchased early this spring. I find the Jewett very economical in the matter of gas and oil. a car that is especially easy to handle, and jt is certainly a source of satisfaction to me to know that the car is standing up in such fine shape after the use I have given it You are authorized to refer any prospective purchasers to me. p lake Tribune M cAuic&tep Service - - m e 1 - . C. M. Ball the Utah Wholesale Grocery Company, just siter he had Man's Coupe over the top In high gear at 31 miles per hour. Sept. 3, 1924. fj( - , g m uima na nowwii' - , 1 truly yours, J. C. DEAL, Mgr. Utah Wholesale Grocery Co. This Is Just Every-da- y HAS THB HIGHEST USED CAR VALUE OF ANY AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES Used car values as determined from United States aversge taken from last 19 issue of NaVtonsI Blue Bok Used Csr Market Report No. JA. Februsry 186. Salt Lake City, Sept 3, 1924. , . 0 i 1 Jewett ... ....122 Jewett ... ...1922 Car No. l..l22 Car No. .1922 Car No. Car No. 4..1M2 Car Ne. ..1?J Car No. S..1M2 Car No. 7..1?i Car No. I. .1022 Car No. V.1022 Car No. 19.1923 Car No. II. 1932 Car No. 12.1922 J,.l2 . 8r No. 13.1923 Cax No. 14.1922 Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car No. 15.1923 No. 15.1923 No. 17 .1922 No. 11.1923 No. 19.1922 No. 20.1922 No 11.1922 No. 22.1922 No. 23.1923 No. 24.1012 No. 26.1922 No. 2.19i2 No. 27.1922 No. 21.1922 - e . s iK J r- - VhOQ Teurlng SeOan 16.00 I9J.00 Tourtnr 195 00 Sedan Tourin fUH.) !M.W) Tourinc'H.H.) IV0 Pe4an (X.H ) . 1.440.M Sedan (H.H.). 1.440.M l.SM.0 Tourtner 2.275 W Sedan ToMrin Sedan Tourinc Sedan Tourlnf 1.275.00 2,050.00 0 790.00 242.00 SS2. 493.0) 18M) m or 709 M Sll.M 7M.A0 57100 l.JMM 77100 Tourln; 1.150.00 SJan 9 51 S3 4 53 49 494 00 7J1.00 00 1.571 00 704.00 1 2S7 00 1,042 00 1.587.00 71. 00 1,401 00 752 00 1.130 00 1.00S 00 1,517.00 528 00 1.033.00 681.00 47 51 7X 2 65 So 4J f;.3 61 1 074 Touritur 6edan Tourinf 1,715.00 Sedan 1.235.00 Tourin 1.960.00 Sedan 1,145.00 Tourinf Sedan ........ 1. 725.00 1;60.00 Touring 3.400.00 Sedan 1.395.00 Tourinc 2,185.00 6edan tS a 705.00 205 00 297.00 633 00 00 491 ,W 103.00 327.00 4?4.0O 393 "0 515 00 M9 00 S4en f a I 47.M 2.290.00 1.045.00 1.596.00 1.145 00 1.795.00 1.575 00 140.00 5 5 - 793 622 00 752,00 564.00 511.00 245.00 424 00 40 00 725.00 471.00 594 00 83 84 45 29 33 84 33 27 35 35 37 34 K. 46 43 45 1.13900 42 24 880.00 1.801. 00 1.244.00 1.675 00 924.00 1,591.00 25 , Superior Motor Car Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Gentlemen. In April, 1923, 1 bought one of your standard Jewett Sedans. I want, at this time, to say to you, after having. driven this car some eighteen months, that I am more than pleased 'with the performance and equally so with the service rendered me. ' I consider the iar at this time in 100 per cent condition, and have been able, in the last our davs, to negotiate State Street, 'ederal Heights and B ' (1street, tand as a t 1,1toaay drove tne car irom supreme test on Twenty-firs- t South street to the topNf the hill, rounding the top in high gear at 2miles per hour. I feel abetter of this kind is due you at this time. Aishing you continued suc ser-vicesati- on cess, I am, Tours very truly. C5 Z 34 C. 11. BALL. (Signed) :s Come in and Let Us SLow You How This Great Car Can Serve You, Too! jewett Performance. HEMMERCR The m sjrtp mkp published toda; completed federal aid project, with the has Just bten made from road data exception of a short distance between by The Tribune Overland Cokevtlle and It U Montpeller. car. now This Is a road pathflndlrji to relocate the road olng tnroua-Emlaratlon canyon t tlve better crades, and It la understood this project will be under construction In the near future. When completed It IH iv a fine graveled road frorn Kem merer to McCammoa and on lnw Pocatello. Thls Unit of the Portland hlthway carries a heavy through touring- travel, owing to the mile of new traveled highway construction along this rout. It is now the favorite road for tovlsta bound for the northwest and also Yellowstone park from eaatera points. "secured d , n Greater iSuiperioF Motor Compaiiy 52 WEST FOURTH SOUTH ST. Ask Any Jewett Owner How He Likes His Car and Our Superior Service That Goes With It! o - Candidate Being Asked for Expense Statements lilt "Greater speed and faster pick-u- p are immediately noticeable if a new set of Champion sparkplugs are installed. You will - Jmow genuine Cham-- " pions by the double- ribbed sillimanite core. Champion X is 60 cents. ; 75 cents. Own pina Spark Flag Co. ToUdo, Ohio . ' CLEANING THE FUEL SYSTEM. in order to obtain the rreatest econ ordi omy of fueL'either for tourin or nary daily service, every car- - owner should form an acquaintance with the proper funettonln of the carburetor, and fuel svstem. It Is not necessary to know how to adjust the carburetor, simple although this operation is very should on some cars. Howerer you inow how to clean the gasoline stratnlnc screens at the various points, how to determine when taeoline line la cicjrved or Inoperative and how to use the choice or dash control and to keep your (infers off the carburetor adjustments, if you do not understand them thoroughly. The above items are very simple, and sometimes throuth stoppage In .VACANCY IS FILLED, the line, or loose choke or dash con(pedal to The Trltaae. , trol, or improper use of same, car Idaho tor hours Sept. J.Jayor owners are oft. iv FCpmT. A., FgBeynxet has appointed Mrs. H on the road waiting for the repairman E. ppid a member of the public to some, and with a simple taist tt to fill the vsoancy the wrist (which you could do yourboard, caused br the resignation of MIrs. T. self with a little knowledge of how W Hllidiy w tin carburnor and fuel ayetera fune-the-sam- e - Blue Box BOXES, Idaho. Sept. . (By the Associated Pre.)-J- te rolled statements of the amount of money spent ty candidates for nomination to state and . offloes are being asked Tor bydistrict F. A. Jeter, tecretary of state, in aocordanca with the law. Under provisions of Idaho election lw. all candidate who received l". tn nominating conventions wltn their permission are required to ale the statement, which must be rworn to. Blanka tnr thl. are In course of elng rpteparer and or state orgsn. wuto u mm i rations of ail ihdi eJitieal parties. The I arty leaders will distribute them smohg tfceir candidates, who will fill them out and file them with the secretary of state. The law makes ment upon county officers, requireexcept that the statements are filed with the county recorder. tAr AUlc.3 Per Car" tRay TncTJamarcr's : IPS tlon) you are on your way again at a cost of 35 or 110. Therefore, this article, will deal with cleaning the fuel system. Ordinarily there are from two to three screens tn the gasoline fuel system, one at the point where the fuel line is attached to carburetor, one where fuel line from supply tank en ters vacuum tank ana tne third one Is usually located about to one-ha- lf an inch from the bottom of the mala supply tank. These should be drained and flushed points out at least twice a year, early summer, late fall and always before starting on a long tour. To clean the fuel system first drain off the rear tank, flush several times with a gallon of clean gas, refill with the fuel drained off, using care not to get any of the sediment and moisture- which will settle-i-nof your draining vessel) back- Into the supply tank; then replace drain plug, screwing it in tight to avoid leakageor danger of plug backing out. DIs-- h m - point where U enters top of vacuum tank, remove plug or cap over vacuum tank strainer, clean, then replace all connections carefully. Next drain vacuum at bottom and flush once or twice with clean gasoline. Detach fuel line from vacuum tank to carburetor at both ends, blow through tube to remove all aedimsnt. then remove strainer screen at base of carburetor float chamber, clean thoroughly, replace carefully so as not te damage screen and threaded connections, After replacing parts, open cock at bottom of float chamber, allowing about one pint of gasoline to flow through. The will flush the float compartment, removing sediment and moisture. If your car stops Suddenly on the road, make the following check before tailing for help: First see that you have gasoline In the main supply tank; next open the drain, eock under carburetor float chamber, push a small wire through the drain eock hole ,to make sure it is not plufred with sedinot-ftment. If gasoline wilt freely from drain, cock, disconnect fuel line st carbureter. If gasoline flows freely from this tube, but not from float chamber, clean the carburetor strainer. If fuel will not flow from vacuum tank, examine screen at top of vacuum tank. If this ia clean, blow through the main feed line. If all fuel tines and screens are clean, the suction line from vacuum tank to carburetor should bs checked for loose connection or- - lee ks Following the above check closely, yon are bound to locate any trouble resulting from dogged line or leak In suction line. If it is impossible to get gasoline - ew rSCtt a garage by refilling the vacuum tank, which ordinarily holds enough If fuel to travel four or five miles. ths fuel system functions properly, check electrical systsm for loose wire terminals, broken connections or burnt fuse. A partially dogged fuel line will permit your car to run up to certain speeds, then a popping noise starts In carburetor. This recalls an Incident occurring on my trip across the continent last summer. I was coasting down the eaat slope of the Wasatch mountains In Utah when I met a loaded touring car Just barely moving, going upgrade on low gear. The drfver hailed me for assistance; In explaining his trouble 1 gathered that he had made the above check very closely, but had overlooked the fact thargsso-Un- s should flow freely. Upon disconnecting his fuel line a weak stream tpurtered from the pine, not enough to pulKup a steep mountain graae. but perhaps would have carried him miles per hour along at twenty-fiv- e on a level road. Aiter removing the causer, a strong stream flowed from ths fuel line, and he went speeding up the rrade on second gear. Be sure that your gasoline flows freely when experiencing troubles of the above nature en your summer tours, because partially clogged fuel which lines cause a loss of- power, means a great waste- of -- fnefc Tour fuel economy Is greatest when your motor Is operating 100 per cent. (Copyright, ( r by the Christ yadlote- - 1J34, j Minidoka County Grange Condemns Defense Day 'VULCANIZING Thafe RIGHT OUR NON-SKI- Kperlal te Tbe Tribune. itCTERT, Idaho, Sept. . Minidoka county Pomona grange has passed a enes of resolutions vigorously denouncing, the proposed Pefense dsy program, scheduled for September 17, militaristic Pros-sls- n, ts and detrimental to the establishment of permanent international RETREAD loon Tires 1X2 1 v 1 ( ment to abandon the plan as proposed, and farther cells upon the to- intensify to Its effort procure and promote the abolition of war, - A iropy of the resolution- wae sent To President Coolldge, the secretary iA war and the eenstors and representatives from the stste of Idaho.ot 5.77s. 18 yean expert- - - REGISTRATION IS ence meaia HEAVY. t The Tribes. More RUPERT. Idaho, Sept. than 1104 children enrolled is the week. la 10 This t'.wn schools this per cent more then last year. Ira of schools, Iweedv, euierlntendent pupils win enintpectr that fifty more roll next Monday. . Miss Baker of Kan., supervisor of music, Oxter. end H. E. Wlxler, sthletie coach, Welsh ftom Pullman, Wash., arrived Tiurs-dar y Sorelel y. we Eepair up to and including peace. The grange calls upon the govern- - Bal-- your money's worth. Carter Tire & Yale. Co. S8 East 4th South. We 4395, |