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Show v re TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER t,. DEATHS AND FUNERALS WANTED SALES AUCTION CTkgINIA M'INTYRB. dTugTtei XfONDAT. W A. M. BHARf. of Mr. and Mr. William C. Mrlntyr, died BEIT. eTIl TO MO K ROW, at tba residence, yesterday marvUng family t. 1134 Beratut But Faraltura, fnralshlara. orleatal ruga. li- r hoc par-eatwM be ta ud brary aad aaibeiUakaMata al tk i. P. Cant-eaby three eitr home aa Capitol kill. 27 Caettol are. M broraae. Faneral erviceo will be bold Aa uaaawlly large, choke collecthaB al t S a'eloek Monday stleraooa st Um B-keaeehold ertoatal roxv foreitare. 48 Boatk 4 Sul' Tbmortuary chapel,b viewed at library o koeAa. Miatata ekiaa act, Bute trerv body break, eat th htrn tram 10 'eio-- k Monday Booming imported aela, priata, atramfa, patatlaaa, i tortu nis. lahnHal niti a la ML Olivet wiae liTitKiiDK a aaairalflceBt .Jarakeaa clustery. aaeortiaeot orleatal ruga aet. (lining Urge of age. died aad orleatal OU VKtt S. 'WALSH. 10 ramaera, aamely, Iraaa. Brgara, at Be is meal Boepltol yesterday. 8il0 Begar, 10liH raragkgaa, by kia - wire, Mra. Isabel Walsh, aad Klraianahaw lt Mala Klokilkaa, children: Baca, Kthat. Oliver the reHewiaad rarioaa email oaee; t eb--f. pr. Marvel. ., Ctillatw, Mary Willi. Waa 'aad oaa la ealtaa, perlvr apaolatcrad Jasrt and Marine Walea, all af Rait Lake. Ua aad uaa la aak taaeeuy; dra eaUecmea. HOWARD MAlifclN, M a b. r. aulta, twla 4-Mr. waaderfal aukoaaay t. F. J. Mertia. formerly ef Bait Laka, M psewe bede: la--, fceaatlfal tall raalty. ekif veauerday at Miami. Aria. Th body win ha ferooe, Uble, Kidaey drag, rtalre aad rock bongac to Bait Laka for funeral aanleaa era, cwia araaa pene, xweat BMttreaaea aowa, ana inwrrnanc. quilta, beddiag. lioaa, aajubecteaa aWa woaderlal cat gmaa, aoma rara eld ISA DORS MAUNDA JlUlNKTOXB. a KaglUk rkua, aatlBe clock epecfaMa eabt-adaughter ( Freaarie and leader tablea, foedlag top waiaat aecr-ggteleg deed the at family Jonton. kin, ni ran, wtraar pea., cneata eg arawara 805 Feat Flrwt Booth atraat. yotrday, Wataio tel. ataada aad fceaca. wladow ArTON S.MJTJJ, daughter at ciiahiana, nil. all lace ettrtalae, card takeaa, '4 . Tbomta A. as A so J. Smith, died (t lawa mew era, aaaatity garaaa aad ear pea the family boat ta Magna yontorday. k. p. aaetor, aiarku, bkrdaeye lag teela, JAM IB UAGGAT BCCKLAND. 57 yeara of b. r. aalte. White aewlag maekiac. wadiac sr. die Friday at the taaaliy tvaddeare, boots, campiac eatftu, leadere, Ax. deara, UilO 3KW Bark atnet. aoad taupe carpet, Paul fceary rag, oag HAROLD K. LLOYD, Infant mat ef Mr, lady'a deak, teaiaer esrered Ua. tabta, f. a. and Mra. Lea K. Uoyd of Brurhem CHty, tablea, maaog. draw err. Tacoum. bog eoack. pea.," ateel cot, head carved cuaeole did yeaterony at a basalt I 1a gait Late. ivory wall mirror, umbrella ataadt tabla and . FUNRBAL service for Arnold D. Miller, ferae aad lg. rubbre plaata,, S aeat . tablea ii buaine Utak aad Uaka ana active maaog., porea ( faraiura, kail raaaar, AxSfte died wka U It. 8. church, feet; porUerea. tguake, braaa lampa aad twrkar ra taa kla kau ta Bait Laka, will at eg email artlckaa aad ether piaeee of be head at B o'clock Una all ret aa at tha faraltara. 1 will atart acemstly at lu arharfc Wetertoa war chapel Tha body M viewed at tb ft !u? reatrteece, 41 Bryaa j fvat Jam Deaiera ladted. Tlirn aela ta reane. fraai 11 dor tarn maraiag hi . tk.. wln latanaeat wlU bait Lkke'a beac. 2:20 'clock Uua afUinMna. ba la Waaatck Lawa cemetery. Crowda. tba Mr. WHler waa bora Merck , IMS. at Coi. ft, C Jeaklaa, B. L. a eH liable A art. k MlUer'a Flats, atterwaroa knowa aa Witsw Office 848 Bute. Tel. Waa. IMt ejaartara ,aa aaw kaawa aa Coonrtl Bluff a.W. H. ADAMS. AlitrrMlSHB: Iowa. II waa tba yooaaeat eaiM i cap-I at, Muauil,"1Tf3a" a. au. 3ul Hill Houir Kiailn Tpnd...Mlllar Hit paraata came to L taa w iki., eer- - rweea ln aaa atn aoau aad put ana aia far eet, 4 rouaM of real aica faralture tllag at raraatactaa, aad later kclped aetua Boarar Daat, la Artaooa. aad etill Mtar Mr. Jorgeoaea. PxlJ Aa. rag, flae aak BL George, where Arnold D. Millar grew to dreaaer and cbiftbaier to matck, extra large braaa beit maabood aad mat Mary Jaaa Lamkv.xboa poata, 2St ia. fiUara; beat he married Deerjaber 4. 1873. at the eld apruiga aad aiatareaa, oak rocker aad craHe en- ter table. Urge ball, mirror, extra bice benae la Bait Lake. adewmea goldeu oak dining art, KllJ Ax. rug, tagaged la freighting gad railroad buaiaeaa, moved to rarmtagtcm la 1882 aad two yeara bouret, (Sarland.range (aJmoat aaw), later to Egia Banca, Premoat county, Idaho. Leonani refrigerator, potvetata lined; He waa aehaetad a member of tba biakoprle burner ail etere. ft kitckea diet re, kit. aa of tba rirat ward la the eectioa knowa uble, hot blast beater like new, alaaMtt pew lea cream Baaaeck ataka, aad held ether efftcee- - la day bed and geattreaa, fee leaf, aad performed other large dolbre hamper, diaaea, extra find the L. D. 8. Chart datlea, beiag head of tbe Aaatrallaa mlaaioa lot of fcioia. about 64 qta. fine frail, for yeara, kla wife aerriag there with him. moatly atrawbarry jam asd caerriea, aad Poiitlcally be waa actlre la tba affaire it'a nice, 4 Mew Eealand Bed rabbita aad ot the liemarraUc party. other Heme. Foika, thia la all nice, eleaa Nina children were bora to Mr. and lira. good and worth your ifMIe attendlnt. Miller, et whom the following earrire: ArWedneeuay at 11 a. m.. at liraper. litah, nold D. Miller, ft., Parker. Idaho: Bert H. on tbe John kktaiaa. farm, a. e. coraer of I will eell du extra geed dairy Uliler, Bexborf. Idaho; 9. A. Miller, BL Draper. Anthony. Iriabo; Sualey Miller, Tbe IX Ilea, rowa, lot farm maekinery, aome good week Ore.: George W. Miller, Parker, Idaho; mire. boraea. Thia lot of cowa are aM. fi ret claea 1.. W. Mtaalord. --I oka P. Miller aad Kay atock. no cull. Moat of them freak or due Mra. to freahea aoon. Idaho; I keilcTe tola ta be tbe Miller, all of fZ Aataoay, Stanley 8. Cheer er, salt lake, nurrlrlng brat offering of dairy eoara erer ta go Mra. Edith Miller. W. ia hia under the hammer la Utah. Lunch at aoou. widow, alu - r ll. av ys lu, u 4 bu l't id PUNKUAL aerTlrva ,for Mra. Anna Uanaea P Cromptoa,. Crompton, wife of Pranci , who tiled Thuraday night at tba (amity 219 Went 8lrth North Mreet, wlU be held at S o'clock. . Uiia afternooa at the Tweot fourth ward chapel, Mxtk North and rirat Went etreeta. The body may be T tewed at the residence prior to tha aerrtce. Interment will be in City cemetery, aadrr thj dirartioa of the lark la undertaking Mra. UromptoB waa bora la Norway, 21, 1H80, and came to Utah twelre yeara ago. - She Joined the L. D. 8. church ih Norway and had beea Men fined with the ward Relief aoclety of tba Twenty-fourt- h i er alma her arrrVal lu bait Lake. her buabaad, she la aurrgred by a brother, Conrad J. Ilgtiaea of Klchfleld; a siater. Mra. Uilda Johnson of Bait Lake, and another brother and sister, both of whom lire In Norway. bi. NklUAL aervicea eer the body of Jamea Daggett Backuted will be held Moadey. Heptentber 8, from the Mixteentk ward chapel at 2 p. m. The body uiay be viewed at i lie chapel from lJlu until p. m. on day of aervicea. JTrlcada are iavlted ta Interment hi City cemthe eervrrke. etery, under tbe direction at Jooeph William Taylor, mortlctaa. i CARDS OF THANKS thak the Bv. lviooec UoKiten, 0rdr t Railway CaWduwtw of Aflarka of int. No. HIV,, Ladle1 auxllianr of tl. Order af Hallway Cuctora of America No. tail Hi. wiali to D.v. Star pS Utah Osdett; lajnd'a caapter No. 1, of tba Star; tba 8rrlca mar, the. Amacritraa Ief Itye, BWtfhban aa4 fneo,.. for the aympatliy ia the iua of oar aua nod brothAr, alao for tta beau, If a. fkral of Seco No. &i, uffftrtaf aul MH. BVN F. OKMBCH ANI FAMILY. WK wiaii to axprvota our aincera thank to alt- ttMM who atfandfd th fttaerat of our daoajhtttr, lira. U. 1. fidland, and alao fur tba liberal floral offer Intra. AND MIL AND MKS, iiARHX IXNARD FAMILY. 'VUM widow atv4 faatiir of tha Lata .ilraeet It. fiaiMltsra wish to tbaak taotr trirufr for tba kintlaeaa aad lynpathy extended to ihem dariDX hia airkwaa and tfoath; alao for the beautiful floral otTnip. FUNERAL DIRECTORS u UOKNktLA. ts I mers. rioee Waa. A V.V.. unuertekera aad easZiS tSt Baulk Weat Tempi a, aaj, kVANB PUKKatAL UABILY. UIUBO tORS. Mortuaty chapel, t a, itaia at, Wsa. Mid. LIHil.V.KO l,adertakiag l'e., Bugatbouae, l '(MS 4T B. Slat Hy. 129. MMOiNa A lllil.MUA undertaker. 4U-Phan- e M array 4. ft. klsle st. m.N CAKI-Jtl21M aOUXB WOltTKlANS. HT. lTt. "TUB BOMAXIKK FLACK" ' rUMBHAit PABXOUB. OrrlCB WAS. BSCS; Raw.. WAR W. HAI.trmi'KPTTl. 4701. : I INDQUIST BTATM. lHON FLORISTS- Tel. leerilwg 711 rRMJlTSal, waa. flerlwt. 1 lariat, gatl Laaa loia. T ai' MauT uies asm UMAlTIPm. ASTBK, ALL C0L0BS. !. PES HirNPRKD AND UP. HT. 140-- Landscape Gardening 1.A.WS8, peon tea, be os, hardy plants, Reference and diploma. Mckolaa phona Hy. 2113. LAWA Mala st. MOVING. etc ETC. d siaraga Auteaaeeiiee. a a tall. Ml up; kauaeaald goeda, email for tl: m. traaka aa seeing maciiiaee. caaaaaerelai apace. II e g. feet. Tea as a tlaee. Faraltara aay ire year (own Breadway packed aad abipped aaywkera. aiaafitooa' Waa. aalo, 1 X L Btarea Ca, Hreadway, eanera. LllKAP rrrORAtikl meana DANGElt from rtUK. DIKEASK 0KHU3, BBOBUU8 and TKUkUN. Paapie wb bare vermin la their na rurally aelect CHBAP BTOKAUH. good aafe atorage, ale expert packing and shipping at bonaebold footle, BE 8UKB te ot 6721. KBY8CR KIHK- e.11 Waa (7 PB00P BTORAGB CO., the leading storage see ine coasc. company aetweea lAl! kUUiey Traaafet Km. tec large w email vaas, prompt service i ae careful men. Waa. 11TH. 83T rmrel are. ki 19 will anova yen let fi par bear. A Kyllng. Waa. 03L CO., BTOttAUB U'i'UBtl TatANBPICR Cat! a paefciag aad ships Bg. meviag. Waa. ITPg. for estimates. M. TitANSIfKH CO., awtr raaa, as J. Waa. lsPS. Hy. 44P1-J- . eerie seed men. MOTOB VAfi moving, long dlatanc trip; .'2 alao erata and ahip. L. 0. llarrta, waa. isis. W. atk o. J. M. TRCITT MOVING CO. Motor vsas. lgrg or email, local and long dhrtanc. Batlmatc given or hour price. Peraaaai ta all work, el B. ntk Be, Waa or 4.190. 67f. rr ivnr HOTELS if MOOBU. HOTEii, liSvPS 'lud Mouth A new. aanitary. amueru betel, where youf rest will aot be disturbed with aoiae about building. Bate, gl.00 per day aad np. under new management TiAWiMlM HOTEL, all beautifully and newly decorated aad aew furniture; a. and (. water la all rooms. bathe, strain beet; beat location la tha Bo. Main. tlty. Uneo and BiiarrwAT alOTKL-Cl- eaa Mew Hate clean teaeuaabte, ft Breagway. meeagrmeat. MRS. MABKLt UII.BRRT, late proprtet ef Arllngtaa hntel, ka wened Uia "Mod era betel," 1431, B. 2nd Smith. Modern hotel la aevr. aanttarv. Rates gl and no. GEOLOGISTS liCKilkKi' . HAKIIU, cousulttag leum geotaglat; d leara' eaperleace. Hulk abuui Tt littaUHt, lOAlav WANTED p (Female) Had SKVKtuti, Vkustv KNl ruurr Willi UNU BTHStHi rUtPHJClt. ukal n - B, WHO CAN TAtM Bl10BTHA.NO AND TK.V8Ci:lliM sl "K'.H-LAICLSATK1.Y prarerred; ateady work 'with ANU IS Nmajr AriU AT ON POSITION .THIS KakJl.lKtB Call By, aalt, WHITER. perawaakt argaaaaliaa. U MAMUOUU TKAl.Nl.NU IK MNUUSH. . MA hi in a.nu .txiMPosrrux,-mbtly Bait Barriaaa are. Uk. G1V1NU WKtTlNa. gUALIPICATIOMB 7 A LA TiO B0 dtp! latent store ta thhi city the aeevicee af a ladx, betweaa ratiulre fill the UU agaa of 28 aad 40 wh poaltraa of educaUoaal director far tba nt; anu urnntu. TBiBtwa , AiMiiucaa ca wa aa bad Wa would prefer a am cipertasc along tkia Ua and wb baa a good education, combining tact audi kad dluluans, v.. A arhooi teacher wb a aome deuartment ator experience might be ante ta till tkjle pool lie. A the posluon I ea af responsibility, piss a da not apaiy an lose you a for Bead all Uformatica ta first kttac. litai. L-- ' vohi xThjcim MO.NAIY IN lUlik TIMaV tusAiKiCAarBia kos Bell tbe flaaat liae ef Uirtetmaa great, TK(KP O.NB) RUNDBBU ANU BIXTI CAVAUtI kHIOADK TO iage aa taa market ta year frteada aad IN bATIOMAL. UkTaMII lAf from oar haadeocee aample a bum. pMMU.NkTBAriON, !Wr"lHliU. 12. MU Net from M teligu par araaea. uauuAxtuNS MiCKf T putt Ttita vat. aot aereaaary. eat aamkliakrd aanag AfPLir uoMhUbUixii aew, write for vrnckK, ai helpa yea aaceeed. UOOUC BLULhl. rUOMB WAaATLM laaa. aad aampaMe eatflt. Vaa caa eagUy earn ta Cbrietaaaa aeeaey year epere ttme. WAMTBO At eara, am what are capaale Write today. IIAKKINON-KMITFUhJSS, 24 e tea tag araaea maaapara- - paatuw S. Ulna. 4Ih et,. Mlaaeepolla, tknosheut utak, Uaka aad Wyaauag. If yea are a lain leatal kuleiaa maa, aa aa TUB Ileal 811k Hosiery MtUa la. eaubtlaklag a weatera duunbutiug braacti al fier- (rem ta M a. m. ateaaay. UaaUara Dav pout ave. aad offer aa unusual eppertawity Bo. Bia uikarJat tw.. t wuanaa clerialrla far aad af capability WK waat a Ilea repnarataUae tar a aew cal aad etockreum work. weatera daara magaaum; ggcallaat op. knowledge or typing aot aaceaaary,Beakkeepiai but mast aVetareacee ha alert pertaairy, Ubeeal remmmlea aad accurate. Apply Maaday aaara- aad reaaued. riewapapec eapanewca Uf. WAf ability reaaMerad. ANU WKa'tBKN wfakly. spar Urn. addriwiag-- J liAMCatmat. IsYI Miaaa 1J TO earelopea, malilag leUera, luting name. urect, baa Praaclaca. O there are, au caa you. Valuable for etc. UiJTlMU aaUeaaeaa te awtieft ardor Audre free. Csbora Caw, Oar. "rUiuer Bread" freak akackad Balllmee dou. Kan, oysters exeiatuvw terrilary. BaaA iwfereace rural l ualveeaaty. aaea apauyiag. Xergeay Aatwaal rackiaaT ceaapeay liAt.lii.iii. sea Teacher's Agoacy, 4 Mais, Batkrya of Balilmore. Md. Pre earoilmeat. Yergaaeeg, meaaget. MAN la eaca Waa to piata aula parte, bone Wis 4a. Nflactaua. balk flxtaree. irvr aurrera, YOU CAN ear few tk.uu far reftaisfi bed, caaadeilefa by aew method. work taking aubacriadMa We start yea ta goon paying kvsalagea, fur- kur' TUUaS aad BlXiBT far etuer aiah eetfite. Write today, tiaaaaetal C., ia your aaighbatkeail. Magamae ! Ohl. lircatar, III. Call or write to . iUDUABLM MBVi WANTKU KVB&YWUEKK Hooper Bid-tai city. for to distribute amale. booklet, etc.. MIUOUk-AUKwonsaa wh ea cask well: B Tear adrarttaar. aeutug. nxk. KJB. wages Ufat avsauwwark.. Call at i--a . l'srutaatul husiaaaa. Write euickly. B. Itt BO. iacloam; ataaaae, far camtract aad details, kOMMkUt Natloaat lnatriaatar BUI N. ctaoruia af ear chX ot ef Aaaacmtiaa, ' Clark at., Catemga. aauald with as at eac. aad aowrsl regltr pwiuuee thia week that I0UNU MBS WANTBO, agea lg to 10. Int- Bar not fill. Heaagar'a Buslaees erest-id la machinery, electricity r kalld-Ia- g we cast44id Beet Pbane Waa. 1UUJ. Broadway. coaatravUoat bpuiadid pomcsoua open drafting rsaab. N upertaoca repaired UlltL to take rare of baby for eight bourn . T. hi learn qulestly at aoma. it sect ua ting bookday while mother works, gal W. let, "14 Vioed," eeal free, if you atata 01 HL wanted to assist la housework, and Addrees laKPT. 1881, age aad occupation. who can do plain cooking. Ws. 8 U 1 J . CUlCAtiO TtAU., 118 aaet 2Hth aL, BXHKKIKM Kl cook for home la Cotton- wood. Must hav local refereace. Apply BBOl'HIl cvapaoyaneat la SOUTH AMItKIt A. opt. 'a office. 11 to Vi. Aoerhsch Co. PBAN-CWCBAN BaUrrLB, by correapondcace for 1 1. Wa aup- - tXI BitlBNt'EU girt for luneT counter. Black and Whita Jtarbecue. 2nd Weat. 1st No. of ply claaalfied lists employer, South ABMrlraa , IuXaraaackai Bureau, dept. 8, M;USL;maIi, one cbhd and aome kouwcki , brt Tnbuaa, tilltL la Il mil uaa aad car kuaaesrark maa. a mall pay. 1414 Hyland SglkJ. fur ciaitlnt aad dewnalalra fug light good Beutk. U1KL Waa 18 cut-area- ; Bih work. 1V42. COMPari'UNT t a r street. girt for geaeral bauacwark. kiggeat aallar, beat prafita. lavautigat tkia near. Mi. lieltea, Vuk Denver at.. Bait Laka. , bCHOOLM KL l aaaiet la housework, email family, lor room ad board. .WS".-- : I'KIVATH leaaoaa la abort he. daL complete courae sad dicta ilea. sv.k tut advsacel. Battfctloa guaraateed. gap K seeing ion eve. LAOlkM te leara atarceUiag and all kinds of beauty work; alao tdy witk asm halt Laae per-Jocapital to take ekrga f mast he able to handle plenty of wvrk. Call ruoat 638 OooatKutiea Blag., 34 ao. Mala. Cutio girl for kotsMkeeoing lu auuill fam- LADY siesta, fr litl COOK, CITY KHrBKHFlCkK WANTkMV-- TWO; ta WANTED Wanted Agents WANTED Wanted Salesmen WANTED WantedHelp (Female) HAS kxtkki- aaaopaaae PAMILT. OP Khx, U I R Bst, JCa- 'US BUI nil AMIS you aver bad. x- natal, perirttcrd aaiawtueo eaauy mak Meat ba ceiHioual men li,uta) annually. eil educated, neatly dramsu. g eaaeusctng talker and tba agee of 80 aad 46. Ndt atacka, bond, beak, laattraare avar reel estate, but a prosed field, decidedly aaavre- valworked. BpsciAity elilg expense uable, but any iatelligeat, eeergetie maa caa reap rick rewerd. Appilckata tatarrlewad. traussd snd sssured kucceea sera US utak. early advsaceaaeai to dwtrict maaagerskia. reoue Mr. twmx itn added earaiaga. Clark, Hotel Utah, Monday. W U need 1)1 ah. Wyemlag l repreeesMtlvea and Idaho Is set la depertmeat r aaw crouol. Eaperieac kclpfui. but aet- aee- a so (SSI sod. Seed Iseuma ry. PA. 'iribitee. WAM'CD or traveltaat mt Kxpertesced mauraaee chandiae eamamaa la epeiet ta Beit Laka uereraac re-aiaeelivvit pmnaauioa. ity. Trlhaae. Uttired. Write Box or boat 8 goial trrritury ope fur ladle geatlemen te a' Li c. aad n. lingerie and en Bate Weatera call ant hosiery, - ,t' 1 P""v - W'-- 't' SALE? It AX eeveriag I'tah caa asaka gssad kaet t ga-BiAjuiy ua uw, C. W. Wlatiwr. Preaa, Calif. lagea. WANT five oaiesmea for Uuh, b district manager for Salt Lab city aad 3 district manager for Idaha, Meatana aad Be Nevada. Selling to business people. Mr. Olaen. 8 Id Semloh betel. TWO eipertenced Hleemea ta sell banded merchaadi to tb eeuaumer. If yea ran mpl qualify, we will furaiak yea free Ifi Ileaevet Bank bldg. or SALESMEN was pall part um. xprsraced apeeulty mea ealllsg a ksrd- war. variety aud geaeral atorea. te eel! to: alamlaumwar. emnaslwir. ckiaawar. snd buauieaa stlmolaiara. traordinary value for spec tat aalea. Ex- glaaewar At- - anaweBy.sgigta atAJi A Vsaiaie.. AALBITIO.X, iaduatry ttuu VtA.NTbU WANTED Wanted Agenta Willi and sutau csuuai, caa mak abov amouat ar more, d.a- to Lr touting Hawleigh Viualny Froducta steady ooasumen. Se.erul fla openings sua avsltaui. W teach and help ywt do a big boaiaes sad Disk asor naouey Ikaa you aver atad before, tllve age, ocW. T. Bawlelga Co., rafereaces. cupation, T3ji5TrriLr easy Introducing aeifaharp- ening "Aut Ely" shear. Auiooallc, guar-Yo- a an teed 20 year. Not for sale In atorre. Every koosewtfe Interested, tjuick Martling dcmonstrstlon mftke sale Kcneat eaay. order eertata. kVeea span Urn saaeker N mike envrmow ifita. eapital as v- nertene WruW quick for deaaeae needed, aerating outfit. MaUsewa, snesr 1807, Cia- rlnnatl, Ohio. I II. Freeport, Uept. WAN'i'kiU Lady er gsuttemaa of mlddi UKEW manaxer aah city. Every lady age, ' with tkuSDee abtiity, ta handle a buys, big profit. Sampi to eaatav Ter, apeciaity aold on - a muuoy back rltory going task Bodge Salt Lait thi i gusraate and kigiily isfmuaerattvu; City. houa-t- 3 a heua aot dignified posittoa, )ub; u eoiupalitlua; every persoa aeeda ea AG BATS -3-11.80 dally la advance, 1. aaar la a tim tatredttcing ia paiaca sreareu tarougn for swera proof 47 style, 33 colore. Guaradvartieiag and office sales; big polite- aured hosiery, Addrea Bedlam Ap- anteed sevaa month. Special He ef ecboel and pieaaaat wars. aow ready. Ba capital or expert, plisnce. Isu7 Brmlbary Bldg., Las Augclc, hue ence required. Tea (Imply take arder. aur. W deliver sud auliect (er yea caa deliver WRITE P011 t 'aVaal kAMI'LES. AUkkNTS Bolt yourself). Orrdlt given. Fey yea Shirts I 811 Madiaoa "BetteT-Madao daily. Monthly beau beaade. W afnrniak direct t area rot. Htrg Maufcturr aamplea. Spore lime will do. ru vr reiiulred. kluny eiperience capital Ohlfc klAOWU.il attt.l Ji, UoleryCo. Bldg.. lgB, ClacinaaU. ud bonus. lutt weekly tailor? TAILOKINO SAI.IOHUI4N: lullahl New York, MB1 Broadway, bouse bss a few paaatid apeauo. Tea lag Aunt-Mi- s Fluid. raa auk $76 te 13v a weak. Tailored- aell Mending Will Patch kaalcry and all fabric. 3JM.30 null and vereoat all taad wklsg, boiling, Ironing. Write New- - wauL l.iaea caavaa front a. Hand md way Laburateiie. Mt. Healthy, ciacuwati, buttonhole. Best tailoring. BausXacuoa Oil in. guaraateed er money back. Big coaamla-alo- a Extra bosroa. Writ far outfit dally. AMAilNti, eolith ebaea, large nawi Blue. Coennieta Map atlll with cml and territory. Crow a Tallmiig Co., aatak-lish- ed 3a-- a and 1M. 34.PS. Dept. 831, Ctnchmatl, Onto. tkor. Popuur prices. make vrveryea bay. Apply STY LE AftCii AUk'NTS,' 310. Cbsaee te cU up. Beer SHOHM. ciseiasati. nut spec laity. Tremenaasj deraana. May1 Barxe Meaafactar. AUENTB for beat, ckeapeat, appraved AXUtl eeeapetitloa, repeater. Ex Ing Oumpany, 7 1.4 Moaeta SIONAL la Utah, Idaha, Wyemlag. Lea An Addles Liberal term. clusive territory. geles, iim. ' Trlbaae. Fat BE BAMPLB OUTFIT. NO OlxPOSIT. lltribarer, New plan, making tremendous kit. Fit-t- o al- liOlaE le hua aaiesesv or slsslsdlo. o an re 80.48 ahoes. Sboa nwaraaaca traetlv pespoiltioa. imux urea., z aa. . Fall or Bade nnttecesaary. Slate. Big money. Vlulck n- Large Iscocae EXCLUSIVE distributor. Ut lb00 polirtlng repeat Bbe t ttukagent. Invented prlclug ayaieiw, yrarlyi ,Nwly Liberal commlatona Old so-paid weekly. huancn boose, lytax nana tactux tag kt. Lonla, Mo. 8AIJCSUKN If you could ef for a business tnsa peuclla witk hta ad Im- prlulcd tin goad. In quauttUee aa amali aa alasrle groaa, cheaper thaa be buye hia ordinary pencils, o he could so thorn hlmasH or at aa advertising aoeelty, woaldn't yoa mink yoa bad a real Its propoaittoa t assy alee, big commioaioo, Mr. Uobbs, as It church at, New York City. manager, 8iuil200 with WEEKLY -- Mea Blight knowledge of motors who- ess roar car on tiers caa eara $00 weekiy without mak- attigie sale. If they can also snake sales, profita may reach 818.011 yearly. F. lk L. New PHILLIPS. XU West yorg. or out ot tew week) a- -. for parlance la telling aeenritle eeolrast, sat at aereaaary. 802 Deaeret Beak bldgj LARUE sleru maker ef cnMosa-ma- for abitta waata rellabl reeeeeentativea I tali, city and county. Fat particular ad drras K 24. IViliuite. DISTRICT SALES 0PBN1NU. I tame is te aad 1IKS3 teRiiorial cautrart kg eaUUHHhed Butaufactarer 1 be wrihr4 an energetic aalesmah for permaaaM tin of art cal nectloa selling exciusiv endar, holiday greeting and monthly mall lug service to all ilae of buatnesa. Lineral Writ coutmaaaloa baaia, settlement weekly. rta ejulario Joan fully put eaperieac. Campaay, 1218 W. Wahigtea Blvd., cago. AMERICAN WOOLEN MILLS CO., Dept. 4083, Outrage, are making a free alt for ene agent In each community t latra. anil at 818 due their flu talloved-te-ortiand np. Write tliem totlay for ihelr offer TAlLOHlNtl aalramea, experieaced, te aell 'Broadway Better clothe" direct te wear. er at 3.30. Value unequalled, itsttsf so lum or money OSes, unerai 130 aamplea, sise 8x9. Prelected terrrtery. BROADWAY TAIL0U1X0 Art quick. MiMPAKY, Dept. C. Cincinnati, Ohm, SIUKUNH laltauiea making email towaa IXi to 3100 weekly extra, new Mea. Na N Ne aamplea to carry. aale. eoilectloa. Una carried and temtary covoi Stat Boa Co.. Uept. 118, 708 B. 4utk Keeuey l. Jn,, t4 tit; . Ave, It, bust. UMsaial MtlleB Mfg., Uept ' Bhlg., Boston, also. DAILY. Bell to ABSOLUTELY lib Hriltaa taoieetoan guaranteed exqatfllt IXIMPKHO POSITITELY Uia and up Tour pay IVnmeadea veiuas. TI'lTON. cel- and deliver or We Write data dally. BfoCFAUT MIL as, vincinotu loct, a real aunsy- AGkiNTS Why net aell msker! Fall Dsrtlculsrs gnus. Auureaa a24 LaugUlLa building, Lo Wrlgkt Service, Aagviea, Calif. reepat. . lot! caa make 879.00 ts 3100 00 a ruing ear hag na ef ISO food aewdsaav aad ether article aaad eeaetaatiy ia every nuBse. write aa; wa will eecMk past ose hand some 313.OO easpl rase eatflt ea treat. FEDERAL PUBS FOOD 00 2304 Axaabag ' 8U B. 80. TCMfLB. l'HONB WAS. within walking distance ef T14 (slKL living A ve., t'blcago, araoel akghu ave. re kelp with work and Saturdays, fkooe Wasatch 51WJ. MEN'S ahlrta. ta Facta Big seller. I nderoell Wvsa. Bteees. flnennu-t- s M Cast first WAITUUBS, cxpcrieuced. Bxclualv Free aamniea. pa tterns. CHI. South. CAUO SUIUT MAITJFA?rX'RHl8. X2B W. Dobb Naa Al'PBBNTlCB girl. Apply an Boron, Factory 478, Ohicage. Beauty parlor, Kearna IsUig. AOkUtl'B mala ar fewiZ A OIUL for geaeral housework. Caa ga bom lUSTlllBCWRa, J,0P0 yearly. Amtng ice Uaa, Our aalmea are aaahinat awed ii nrli saw eavesope soar. eney aew laveatwa Call Waa. 66K3. heme. Tama at Asnlr rigkl xtj CeneollBetslls 34 oaly. No competition. COXl'RTBNT 2nd Sooth girl for general boueework; dnted Co., llept. H 1828. lyll Boylsloa, reference required. look Kotier a TO. MHtn'S ahlrta oo Wakly eaay. Factarx aalesmea W ASTllli-Chioaw- are by UrgeWOMAN for general housework la private te wearer, lug tueanuanlaaa astvaaeed. Una of dlanorpottery te aell bigk-grarndersell Free Mosul, spartmeut. Must have reference. outmn Here. Inquire wsru. 0ud propositioa lor rtgat tuaa. KHIRT MANUFArmiBEllS, V 1'erilaud, Ore. before 1 p. m. Bunday.- - west dour New house hotel. Call Wa. 3H8I-. Walht, Cklaa 0a, aa. Writ today. The Llmeg 178 A atiaat. KAUN tUft weekly, spare time, writing tor LA1JIK& UlltL for general housework. sucpiry jiiu, imicngo. with aale experience to demon-atratOhio. bring, unnecOCR sew keaaekeld jianaaity sell oa ajigkt. TeL waaatck otmu. caab salary sad rammimtoa. aewspuper, magaainea, arxperiene FREB aample. Large maanfaeturar waataaxciusiv Waa. 4"1 K. essary, copyright book free. JPreae Syndi-raaright aad full Was. 1,0011 girl fiar geaeral kooeework. agwala, aell sulrta direct ta wearer, asML u Louis. Me. glvea Co live wires, A WANTrio 151 South Its last. 8977 n. doc tor' a a. klxuerteac Bold, office; cluslv Kuraugrapher, turn pa for Writ Sunset Mfg. Cav, Baa aeUU. 101 Ml anea wko want ta make their spare names training praferrad; must be able EXrKKlBNCKD power aewlag asacki Ksieooer sportawear leeeasary. iTteso. tain. ties pay from M ta Vi a week are to uke techuicul dictation. Beply by letter New York. Broadway. etrady work. Apply Mali Ca, offered AUKNT8 wacusd a opporkalty ta ell a article only ia own handwriting, etatlag aga. ex- 148enter, So. W. Temple. NU- AIIEN1W 313.00 WEEKLY P KILTING wkirk awy uaa buy an eight. Made by perience and ealury expected; marital card. Caataaaer aelect daeaga asd asee- BXt'EKlklNCKD girl for general kauaework. BT1LB lour pay age. hnalerpc guaraateeej nam ea. alaiaed piinung. Half IiurrraolL the dollar watch maa. tteulla 71S Boston bldg. nd usual w Xemia caab. deliver over J Must be aid. write st order, Teu) yeara Apply dally. for gl. xou doa'baneed to ba a aaleaniau; TYPIST wanted for occasional extra work. price. cmm)aaloua daily. Sample aow a 10:30 ave. will I collect. a. fine Pall Special aell once, ta.. 3 4th Friday, atyle rvdy. ricp-ne- r to bow U lo sell; big profit, tura tie., urtrana, Tcrmont, tree, merely i. Your home or office. Ad. Tribune. U1KL for house aad tbe furniture for Mr. V. Sample oulfn rurniaeied. atontbly bonuk Aiply Mon quick salea and cuaataat repeat buslne'ss. geaeral ho network. DAILY 8ASA najacoaC' order S UOrJlhBY NCBTILH taking for Write Kaui, 128 J at. Thia property ta arranged Write woman snd Y0CN0 for repairing o clock, lsit B. tk kusaling Broadafter 478 iiobt. day mocking lageraoU, today, raincoat and eatnt free. Auuiawctie, to rent aa bouackeeping for 'men's and ladlea' clothe. apta.. faraitare ta way, New York. MIU8, Dei. 1. I'hllBdelphia. Pa. 8tedy sooth. Baitera 118 ilnsaa'ieit,, Raincoat company. good, now renting fur S1U6 per uaotb: work kll year araand. Good saisry. Must SELLER Isle profit NEW, WONOHRVIL ta examine, at our et be --lJ0 W rub will handle, bal. caa ba paid WANTKU) a Xalesmen Salesmen oa apet. ka- - Chicago, fairly competent and experienced hi thia very dollar sals. vuper-valu- a line of lot per cent trade. AGENTS kK per month. None otaer need apply. Get iir. aad Mr. Karl are allpease, free Crswa rase offer. BuUd vrea. anmpl aanepsmsry. sample aissioe, UEAL BALaMalluN easily make I1M) weekly tailored and overt-netiio-A llyelng auatnaaa. B Indeneadea. tearing far tba coast and are uaiag the to soot mea'e suits i rectory 8. 23UM W. Pico. Lot Angle. Cat. Bo-C- ar owa measure, t J5.M and 28.50; fabric Cleauing seutng scooters, ktddte cers and wagons aactioa method for quick action; place houaehold Beads aril fast: vsaueat' WAN'ltii for 3 girl sal sellwork, salary t retail trade. Commissions 2 ts 8 time YOU caa mak from Is ta 120 day must aell. tVxii to the aule. you may get and fit guaranteed: "Larrex" moth proofed. zm llodler. gt, lonla. quickly. L-house-bol- d and Address Tnbuaa. I expeusea. Kitchen Kit and A0 our to tnaa mak field. house Belter bonus lot ptefc-uSanitary aay larger I will give 15 to tbe oa weekly; bruahe. and protected tcrcitory. room aa part quality line that undersells all competition. Over 128 aamtuea BXPElUiC.NCHD chambermaid, aeliera, big profit. AliRNla, every city, make big money spare . gueaalng ilea re at to tbe selling price. Hooe tim. ixsige Biectnc Co.. Bait lake. Writ Slot today. Exirtnc net nweawary. etc., Crat letter, pia(8i9), ia leather carrying CO Be. Dpecial pay. liranlte bowl, 138 B. 2nd Bo. experience, and furaltura to be aold aa a whale. It owrcoat 1 111.1 Ann sales idea. No capital; we deliver (10O1) cook for privat family, ii Al, nllKaH. UUOUS, 19 W. 0th St., Mary Sanitary ProdBaleanisaager, you hare the saoftey I believe thia will be Mo. 114 W, 3rd at., Kan uct Mo. City, Kanaaa Co., Outfit abipped for rtUUi ex-- ' City, a real buy. a my inatruetione are to aell. and collect. wood, uougiaa xg aner a aminatioa. Write today; laelusl two W. II. ADAXR. A UCTHln BBK. (POT cask and highest prtcee nosa has pa SAIJBMAVTor Salt Lake City territory to AGENTS Make big money selling wonder refers aces for euiek actioak WHOLB-RAI.l- l 01 BL for geu oral housework, MS Bute at. isr year swea aiaaes iwaataea? apngkt, , Waa. Iw; ful new ant accessory. Ewery owner take order for our line or Irsterasl Hy. 4713. DIBiOCT TAILORS, Dept. 33. 83 Kl- a naxaspeet. Writ player a grasd atyi). If yea are eoavusg and jewelry ; liberl coma leatker today fur free booklet. gtads worn koaaeaaap-lag; or for COMPETENT iicott t., tiorraio, n. i. girl Al'CTION BALB. tk ally er want te Boll I I O. at on paid ia advaace; we deliver; say eta rea-o, lie KB A write lows. ACt aseqispoii Ql and wage. bom too a flrat er eee aa hut, bet ky all Apply dot at BAHN g'JatlO 10,000 ,YRAKLY Tneaday, Sept. Put, at 10:30 a. aa BM1ILBM finter- - Harrison good COMPANY, SeU "Taylor" AGENTS: before 3 o'clock. for unique sale plan. ave. Hy. 4A4P-B- , mean get ur offer. Dyaea-Bb118 10 Regent at-- , I will aell for Mrs. afaatp a. anuec-cssur443 lo at t:bicco. home spurs expert. Study Bximrlenca wearer. print cape direct te Co., 818 3 Mala at. Phone Wss. Itilllugs and Mrs. McDonnell tbe following lime. Success UOOli, clean avonua lor kitchen work. B Us SALHKMNN Official poattians open. or x mercltaau. Bar Big dunaud at facturiee. garagra. COL. eppur- lot of goods to tha high bidder, without re- ui ant, oa norm state. THA UtS M. Ifrae book. University of ApAactieaear. UKRUICa, FOB. YOU. CAP evorvwhore. guaranteed. offlcoa. FREE to cwaa neat fortune first year. up tunlly re: 1 braatlfut dining net, two PxlB will kuy yeur fnraltnat and ruga far eaekv Science, mp tjuunyside, dept. ,700, YOCJIti girl t do ligkt homework. Apply Build permaneat, growing business with Writ qnlck for sample oatitt, x'tiw mi- Axtn, ruga. 2 very fine beds, comforters. plied Vis c t.r clone la. Pmtraent plan makea aale firm. IAit CAP mabli Ai'iuaaua, eapk eu, ar veil tbem ea eemmlmtoa.CO. liy. 472a. b. I. dreaaer, darenette. eL heater, pictures. t'blcago. l. WASATCH FCBNlTCBal Commlaaloaa un lltnl nay easy. Prospecta Cincinnati, Ohm. waatiug forest rsager, postal clerk VI AXTalil acawolgiri, 1 year et over, to 3A0 aalaot wardroo aad wrirag deak aad book- - kUlN talcago. uenecee- to Ilia) per sale. far teund-aanBxiierlenc and other govt, position, write for free fuxalUr. 831 Boatk Butts work for board, room gad wag. W. 5J. FlTl- IN BUStNESS. caao and maay othar things. I alao will aril uts act 820 WB START YOU , SKU Wa. Write fully, col FOiiU ti.bu aale to march ry. wo-- street. Denver, (Wo. aaea aad an ctner xuraitnre that waa left in the particular, Mokar, BIBULNtl EVERYTHING, 3SO COklPafrBNT boeu for amaU family; goad Sheffield ave., dally. Payers Bystna. Okio. Montana boteL cooclsting of dreaaer. waab- - MEN Ag household geed mea, opportaalty lifetime te eara 838 te WABT'EO Faraitare tad waaUng By. at Uou ill. wage. Must kv good rfereacea. Waa. fax, CLBVKLAND, to ho skipped out ef town; will pay mare EXrBttlBNCKD automobile tlM weehly operating on "New Byeteaa atanda, stand table, beds and springe, heat- llf xm) moatk, free 3360. lema. lntec- - Chicago, pueJtkana, sslre- AUtiUktiMlVE, respaaaibl finaacially local 8727. Call thaa Waa Motor aocue, MouBtata era, atop Jars, bowl Co. dealer. and pitokera, seaaira. trauaportatioa, . ay Car Facturie." boss nn tin Borrialty caady xperience tj illtL for geaeral aoueewwra, mul family. aULKSMaSN Sell len with car for distrlb. meat practice W. 11 ILLY KB WB Booklet free. tables, lot of linoleum, rockera, gaa hea tiers Write Baker, Sapt-- , 1017 Walnwright, at. Wa will par awuaeawid gaud. 1150 Bast let Son'h. guaranteed shoes lor men. ant aeceeaory ever offereil automobile pub where. woe Beat N. 48, aad gks range, 3 flae coal raagee, sectional lira Orange, BAGtSDALB, i. are waat aeeda woraea yea wart. See aa. d Children below store prtras. lic. year Write lor proposition. AatoUv A BUSINESS 01 X0CB OWN; make tptr-klin- aoyaace. iKActxaata auewealary, igk bookcase, diahea, pane and a hundred other MEN halt Laka Furultax C., 127 12 We deliver, coltert, Speciitle weekly easy. Co.. Akron, Okie. unnecessary; Experience travel; Metmtal Sttea Terker' Agency, 17aov lege. useful articled. B-Eaat Broadway. Waa 3037. They go to man a- - good SHOE CO., 404S llsrrtaau, Chicago. ilna nam asd bum Iter tWatr. m mak eccret Investigations; reports; sal So. S, Uterurbaa Stall Waa. 877s. I will sell for the court a complete sale. Bldg. d Big Write Amertcaa Foreign dalliaaie, cherkerbuardA Blgna. MIST HAVE BOMB FURNITURE AND expense. 8ALKK1USN Wanted, urea wha have aue aaft drink shop, bar and back bar, S mirrors. aries; WOMAN experienced en velvet am beak (ra. E. PALM KB, list, W ou Detective agency, 641, St. Louis, Mo. ' HUOB: PAT GOOD PRICB, HT? 4180-M- . oeeelal sale records t eeil Wear-proo- f root Deer barrel and everything to start krodera Cleaalag C., 403 Bo. B. BTEFFEN8EN, atesmtag. Ohio. B. paperbanging, ster, 12 paint Oa market Mat. BB travel COL. JEM warn C year, nationally g detective, KIN. Auctleaawr, weakly, 8th klaat. right la buaiaea. eery neat weak; prtee lug, tinting, etc.; WlloL I0U knawa aud used. IPAOuO natal famUara, over 011 le 343 aUaia. world : Every doorway a IF I BUND YOU A SIATT tinni cevaarv. experience lour for a at aire deal. r wanted pert, especially Hy. 4.T87-M- . !ht, XBE year was. i owe office buildings, hotels, IT, wear It, akew It t American detective agency, SIS, Columbia, ST0B1BH, poema, pis ra, etc, L. W. KBLLx. Auctioneer. a Mse) for Submit 838 TIPTANT. schools real my wgii DECOHATOKB, lld-iapubiicatiea. finely tASU quleai JAU mANES theaters, store, clubs, reatsuraats, Waa. 1044. St. LouIa Regent at. aaaie 4 fags. 4 faralture llegi 31 WORK BPW IALIBXB, PAXNT1NU. PA llajnu l, ar. chnrcbca, hospitals, elevator, home. Leader Ullored ll wool auiU ta sell at YOl'NO maa with bleed, for office works Uterary Bureau, piece ee aeueetul. Hy. 4720. WKDNBSDAY, 10:30 aUgtB-- j. Your eatflt will be tent Ad viae me today. ita field. Oood men can make big money PKR1NO, CJ.gAWI.1li. rig. on acctta tamed to osailing aad riling let Mllii A IXJ'.f.S drcoNttnf pillow top ata la 146 KAST 6 I'll BOI TH. Hi aad build a lucrative tens ess. Addrea free at ene. ABNBU ibtim, dept. 1148, borne. PAPER HAN01NU. Experience urtBCcavsary. Partsru-lartlatlag.j. paper el ter praferrad; moat b active gad williup; BY 0KDGB M1U). DAVIS. TP Y aa (a aeft yea fanttar. Ws. gTrnV 7 SO Milwaukee, Chicago. for aUmp. Tapestry Paint C , 287, WEARPROOF MAT CO., 2174) W. Fslto AT SIOUX PRICKS. H1U1IT WOUB, I will sell the complete furniture, fur worker. Mxceilaat opportaalty foe advaace- st:. Chicago, III. PRIVATE party payt cash for used fural. Intl. 828. ' LaOrange, Bllaa. LINGERIE ANU UOelKRY. Hy. 348 Pumisk iL month. Btunlag talary nishings, diahea, Howard piano, etc.. of kar III com te SELL In 17.30 Costa 31,1 330 dally business necesity. pic you PAPER advanc, I'HOTOl'LAY gad xperieac. entire home, Kleg. all leather rocker, gra fo reference; Mtory ideas wasted; fcm-3HANOINO, kalaesalalng, panel DON OB wearer at to for 31.00. Write pneaa, rirat-cla- a Big direct repeater. only oatlin ; factory free. Tribua. work. smau paid; xperiece ams, uooteum, vxl ruga, Wsmt cleaning, ruara, f. o, Cli vUija, COMPANY, lAa Bldg., Chicago Miscellaneona ASSOCIATION MBBCIIANTv) mple. Write Protlnct-rleather rackers. bede, complete; davaainert. 811BHT meul worker. Apply Bywater league, 14A St. Laula. Hy. 34H8-NPontlar balldlnaT. Chlcg. sVAY lot' arusl ' l'U"isss"1oeUrn, Fen 123 DAILY uking order easily ; aanaat dining set, dishes, rungs, Oroo, 148 Weat South Teeopie. atAPklitlli;.ck.l isuy preoscr, good pleater. kasvoenlalng, PAPERING, paper caeaning, watches, eamerae, ditasoads, musical ha A sale to every mer SALESM B.N Sideline. 2.8. Frae outfit. dropleaf table, beater, ana. cot, lib. tabl. EXI'BIUENCBU gl texture ralacoata. xtrsst stain, My. iiaa-W-, Begsl Cleaaing C lig B. 2nd Bouta. Special prtcee. uleamaa faraiahuig good lt ru stent er aaythlag et vala. I bay. eicc. lamp aud many other tblnga. MX la) RAINCOAT CO.. 367 V Bonuses. chant for ear Ilk Aepirta display. New mornlnga. This ana with atacw. WANTED. for local window trimmug trad er exekug anythtag. Meowy tell, Inis all ales, clesa food. Quick sale, big profile. proposition. Btirea, tail's go. Waa KKaVW. experience prefemd. la replyiag give exPA1AT1M1, Expert marcUi;r. le lata at reasonable rates. Davidoen'e lataa paparhauging.o- kalantalnlng 'allow the Crowd. veatlgste. National Diatribatlag Co.. Soring HN OK WOMEN; AG huN Tttv-,&03100 -e Address 80 Beat lat South. Waa WW. ac ss. n perience and eaiary earaed. moderate Office, for prtcea. housework aeuy, WANTBl) Cot B. C. Jenklnn, 8. L.' BeUable A net. Tribune. Bxperlencud girl flaie, Arg. weekly essily maa Bo08-seuiug msgreiou and cooking; no waakiag; email family W flnaaca sun. Baoa-pl- e BICYCLES, any kind. We pay cask new. High-grad8ALHBMAN WANTKli Al'CTION KXTUAOBJIISABX. man to necvHsity. woma' MBN wtik car, the biggest county prupo, good wage 1337 to Yam kalan 40e tha Outhrle lining, bolt; gin. Bicycle Co., TJ Beat 2nd Be. right PAl'MKliu, ell complete line of bronae book cad IIPNDAY, SKPT. 15THL IKA, 8V W. Adam. free, ti'Jon you bar over beea ot fared, come ave. Hy. 3U81. cleaning; WOT a gaeraateeq. Waa. BY 0U1IKK OP J. MYBB8 CA811 down lor furniture, rugs, ciaiaaV f'hicaew. le department, gift and furniture Mr. IMi see, aad at. DeivtSalt UelKa, Addri WITH A AIR, MODEL; experieae PAINT Or M1KK CLBANINO tX. tooia. gun, nsyining. My. trjt. big heilday seller and par a liberal e ell mm tod needle 27,000 PHONOGRAPH Tribune. mis ion. Write, fully te the General MetalBeate Company. Hy. 545. brick boms, worth 410.000. Lake. Elegaat SPOT teak ud kit bast ariee paaaikl Last to yaara. P be ene Mvenlny. pa hi WANTHD first class mleamea, caeuuisaioa; located at 143 South 4th Bast. Term EAPLhUKNCkO) lady preaaer; oae wb can smiths, Inc.. Jamestown, New York, for yof need pianea t Bother aprigat, Abollshc THREE paperkaag. serves record. Daya falotlag, acratckmg. apecil day' must kava mm cask; refereii tea. raq aired. 1 also will sell all day at sal. do sewibg. All of part time. er are UI If Superior haw- - the greatest year We SALESUKN: work yen gaaraagrasd atyatl. staving lag, .kalsnmining, cseaalag; aappty la pocket. dlly. , Mvarntay. player the elegant furnishings at the gam tlm. 8 t M HO a. m., SSI Nees bldg. CIcanere 4 Dytr. lt for aay etkatr re- - . tk (Ity er want to Waa. 7im-8t W. No. 'IVmpla. round line ever offered. Part or full teed. bldg., Cherage. Follow tbe Crowda. 624. BOY to work 4 to 3 hour; will aot Inter. Wae. tlm. Averkg 8M to g'.tO weekly. Straight BOOKS PAINTED Lusi and bl cask bonus moaihly. Bp re son. at ua first er ea at last, but by alt j Col. E. C. Jenkins, H. L.'a Bcllabl Attet. Sean fee. car are. fee with school. Masa I'sysos Give ref Apply 321 Bll woman to Uka comtutaatou: weekly tvmttfanc. WA.NTEU A mUkll-geor full time. Wonderful new offer by eld mta 81-- get3 Mla efat phone by Paint with air Metbed. I'. H. Can tie suea by appoiatauaat only Ell HAND boy W 118. ekarge of brasie, out of town; good bona, erencea; write for narticulsnt NOW. Oaark Xeata Company. Hy. 848. want!,!, must bar wheel. rellabl concern. Improved Mfg. Co., Down wltb auctioneer. ar ahet-9Uv Walker Hank bldg. WANT tutoaaatie eall at SM Pencil Co., 44l lielmar. St. Iuls, Mo. Interested, If - Ashland, good wage. good repeating Okie. 40. WIIJION Painting. pdparbangiag, aalw WM. 11. JrllAMo. Auctieaeer, will cry yaur WA NTB1 uau raaa 22B guB, prefer hssMsartoa. 0NLT POLICY A DAT 8IUANS 130 PEIl Assistant wladow trimmer vary Edtaon t. for farther partlcnmr. My. No sioorucoc cleaning. paper HAY mlnlag. 118 sy. nicemary If sals ad get result; WlU pay yaa euak atnviber Leave aot ha. Kama oa renewal. MONTH PBOBTT! iaautre npeintimdent' of WB want a lie sapreaaalativ for a a good Posit Ma. All ar spare New Grand betel. Na Invsatawnt teuaircd. If prefer. By. 8404-- J for sa iprt. It eoeta Dane fice Moadsy. Wiker Bros. Irry Uoeds Co. Weatera t teak asd folding tabs, la death; 333 weekly ben, CALL Magenta; excellent op. Policy pays 810110 eat oaquial spoanaa . bay ana. Every K. U. at. waa. 38IB. Th less. 143, glat t You get amsslng fit Injury or sickneaa. Muat eandltiaa. Keleeeacea liberal commiftsioa.' wanted, living near 3rd av. portualty; Newspaper faacy good at 83a aad up. Ansa Mlg. Was. 7S53-1- . k ' results, cell Tholes M. Uar- - SCHOOLBOY I0U experieaoe aad edltari! reaulta astotr our isbw direct dvrtiing LET A B. Jack sou save ye aaaney, Falntad F st.. ta da Caere aroaad ss set. reuuired. Chicago. Co,, 2132 Belmont av .cx, salt Laaa paper casaaiag, ad mall aelling plea. Write Quick for FACIFIO COAST AND coaaldered. aeptnoshi iirr'saist beaa. Apply iag. pperknging. ability for caab good need btryrJw; enseal ave. 3rd 484 WILL In buy Ball new uusctu WUN wsated to 48P7-J- . I1 nder WESTERN llANCKDOM, 37 Miaaa a tree t. Dy. 472k pedal contract, writer, 238 Bonne 11 Anaret prtce. 1" U0T0U BA Ml KB. ner tub. Itameaatrata by driving Bails Newark, jr. J. San Fraaclsc. bldg., WHY Uk a ehaacel hist Cel. B. o, jew kave WILL pay cash for a silver trombone; must IVamintr All arenad ma; good late tire, la teat give )eb. .eetabUebed Old Aaet. ttffle. at wboleaale WANTHJLI klaa, k. L, Put ltellsl teacher wka la willing ts SAl.KHMHN ni-vine 800 aail bole la tbem. ha be THK BhTKBYMAN after uongl STUDIOS, cheap, phona PAPKB man ba opening now for A l maa. Hia ABMBTlitiMt.K State. Waa. 1W. go te homes of pupil. Caen report a blgh aa 80000 mile w lin WUi feed and car for good milch aaw laifrj So. Mala. In gen'l wsu CO., Bw.ttai,a te w nil pi Ita aold te retail merchant arm tare. Bare tlm as irea-WAM'klU aau sana and aaaney BXPEM1BNCBO es t preaasr. Big tlr. spotter .Wa. Ua beat earn, ebanglag for winter for tba 31UO.00 28 11 month. W. Be. auik; 1st are. Permanent and real proposition for per and picture framing. Night cook, kle. Call Salt Lake Puraltars. Was, Balf. BAEBB, Nev., fi44U. Fourtb Are. Cleaaing. 425 4th ave. writ at. alva territory for worker, Addreee P. 0. Bog St. city. $30.00 week. Opaa 10 ta U B sudsy. Wy.. 61 pradaeer. Mile F. Blxler Co., dept. 412, Ws. SIS1, 4130 Bhleld v.. Chlrag. Mllburn, L. W. kkXaVY, AsctWaeer aaaa was gtrock, Ih 2nd bautk. West motor and tmall lata, fkuaa ONH h. p. Cleveland. Ohio. Kaaeat Sell aaea'a wooaan a. cklidrea geu you the moarr. lis-CiiianiTBt waa. x kklkKlsLNCtU ssleam. BaU Laaa Wool-e-a GrRL for geaeral Monoay, MAN with car; article of merit; 8100 Was. 10441 r Hy. 34K3W. jne ta i.ow WANTED Baby koalery direct to coneamer. C WOMAN cook aad girl, batal work, out West Itk Be. K. Manufac Idaho territory. girt aet ever 1 pear al rtah, dreaooaaker. Ban BARI11ET 80 Mak UOrF, experleaced per real profit, writ HHATKUB, all else, cheap, t, Address Tribuna. pair. town. Caieag Mfcl.N ftd wesnea a seams For further tuformettea Call Waa, tnca-nturer's distributor II TO Ho. 11th Beat, city. wit read egwhahc work by tb day. Waa. 333. at ner Hosiery retupeny, in na, Ftirn. store. 217 Bo. W. Tempi. perteac l sell men' shea, ladle mea'a WAITUBAI fur Katioaai eafa, 441 W. tad I'CLL or part-timsalesman aad aldellne K, Be. Temple. Boatk. Tb Ball Bampl Sua C.. 4tk SECOND-HAN- D ra, listen to this: uet la right now FIRST-CLASl tailor CLOTHING rcalery. remodettng. dreeemaklng, idRNTH: Our guaranteed Mala at. WANTKU A fW, Boyd Pars bldg.. 133 A' lijtAL JOB? W nerd get your aner of the business. girl to assist la r aad Jacket, Mra, Soder-bersi.bw linlng ef coat made aulta, ocoata at Waa. Ma Layoff bualneea luitakoN, snort Hevam, . pay Billilai housework , will consider girl taking part hustler who will go after ta kigkeag I'lAU MMr'LOYMIbMg SUUvI. FaU Had great Waa. sae J. Mar thaa prleea. cheaper . lor cwtaisg, srlcoa Those qualifying furslaked Bklllad aad uaakUled will be given perfnaaent aaitcaaaa, truss a BIO WAGES. wBUsrer Call wa. 7lj M. , time school. Comm. w traia to yoa. sell, OCARANTBB beat work at sew est price. est ever. Eay 3, for public war. 134 Beg rat add. noes, etc. Information Faoa For Tribune. ba aa aate ead elesv ta W trala gaa pea COMPETENT girl far general housework. place. rimael are ia, lurataa titaaal. Mr. lo odvancw. write tor greatkwa,new848 vase Waa. 3C21. , low I ASuV triral mechanic. BTUBKck rKBaalNU PABLO aa. Bbort, easy eoara TO SELL furnace, wonderful opportuatty. Baldwin, 1W 4tk ave. 8. Sunusoa, dept. s Ken yoa hotel. plan- while eara a tic aew t rate yea htm. we 1 store, si Big i w. g.. Temple. last opened W meg Baea IF ywt are a for user etudaat ef oar school MA 111 for geaeral bouawrk; ma Apply Urwatcr 4k oroo, Cbickge. m, Dress task lag. PEARL GRAY, Quick ar taller aad hove aa bead fur I fug trained men. used esstkea, aad eat c work, you akould regmtar witk Lui Tiall.Y one ratine Mrvage aale. We'll epportunlttre Ne waakiag ar iraalag. U&4 BUILD perms ie tit baaiacaa, sell aur cook. B. 48 grip g good Balceay, depemlabtt. est wo tor thet'a ewarye caa a log 44 FREE' eslat wky repairing; at aao. Heosair's Biistaae caileg, . , txpae tube patch to accessory dealera m your wy. Waa. 7Q4Q. E. Boatk Temple atart yea. euppuc 180ivu 11.sua. t a Writ today. Dept. 88, BstMaal) weed saslu afford I Py Iram thing. Wat 1138. Breadway. Ad O., aw. tlal- - AuUinretiv kocalUy. 1U0 per cent repeat aaar. free. Heaaqaartexa, aad Biectrkal School. Lo AH Waated Odd pants, east, Y01NU ckaoiglrl to aasiat witk eoara aad avarcoatx. st Brown School ef 171 W, Co.. Protlucu STUVCk.' KMPLOYMBST AA.B.N0T. dm Cbicaga. B. So. tted, 2nd 58 Was, and work bom for good small luglp. 3edea etc. Wa. 113. making. 87 Bo. 8th East. 11 Weat Secwad Boatk at. Be. Temple. Salt lake. BOOt Waaatck 823-8all wiita. eeercuata. Call Hy. 4818. EN ball TS AG I140-- 1 Beads mea'a as nasi GOVEBSMkVNI MOUKL ClAiTUlKO S. PLAIN and fancy sewing, children's c lathes OLDEST BltST AH0 BJEUABLB. W aa partner to take MAN with about wosMrru vaiuea, iin--1 li.year Men woanea, 18pkaltieaa. wool, oae baud clothes, aboaa, etc. Will pay kigkeag up. Steady went. ; 0OU1) cook for aw all family; asm specialty. 158 Logan av. My. 8474-In eatabllsbed buaiaeaa, Hy, lURl ilONS In advance, BBLIABLB MMLF. Interest s money back Paid v est ion. half commiasloo 164 Begeat at. U71US-J- . uf-- .j Was, Comma Phone work. Brference. Hy. price. Will net FOR dressmaking ad remodeling, call Waa. guarantee. 8x12 swatch outfit jree. write f Ich-n- t KATIO.NAL KklFLOYMKNT AUEKCI. clean work, money orery day. lAst position i witk mar coach lug. ott aoiia. WILL PAY u TO Will go eat. A. Harvey, 406 K. lat Se. IQ1 Hoover BErlNEl) woaua ta ear for tw children 34308 year each. See Mr. Beesley at Com S72SM. Box 00, Chicago. Bldg.. 23 Beat 1st Ba. Manager, laatt-Write free. FraakUa immediately, la oaa l' nrefoe aehaoi: asAthor whit wit w unity maraet, patcoey noor. st uAIATS, THunaa auitvAaaA, U MBN aad weeaea ka 130 a week! taking orders for tut. Dept. 440-AGENTS: Rochester, N. T. W. 1ST BOITH. magMia; who atteads eckeol of warka; a WB Tienc want a live, coavinciug aalcsmea who 114 Hooper Bldg. laughter 2 reauired. uirrer Thorn koactery guaranteed SCHOOL BARBEK Addraaa bom th trad KM for M0LEB PA1U POM SMC'ONU, pood right party. agh bllilikat' i'HIt ALL klNUS. caa aU benkara aad leading buelaea I'UtATIMG. eler aad finest .alike. ant kind CABIN BT maker w Bated, W. L. WetaM- L4. Tribnae. tool rnraiaked: wage CALL WAS. right: gaidf HAND CLOTH UNO. sea a- high-caButton, batten hale. Kid Bpermltp aattonally knowa line ef Year alas la tree eatnt. t Human auu eiplom bee, 128 B. 1st Boatk. Waned; transfer artriiegva; tel. W. SO. TEMPI-!- !. kkiUABLB end compelent giri far gaa seal advenbttng To Waa. 2848 42 K. Broadway. and ca lenda ra. Pble. Mill epeeteltle g CO., Irtytea, tio-- ire, x4, raaaeaaBie: Ilea IF you ar a.sxla and kava a ear, as Pkon housework. Was. w Mrs, Lsadea, n maa urn offer will rail. aaleaUa YOl'H aid Clothing, exceptional oppor g AGENTS: street. Salt lake I Ity. Dlstribulora: 82501300 mantbl PLBAT1NQ ef all kinds. Myera Cleaaing kt leera A, Keg hotel, bet a tea T and 3 8772. er call at 72 No. WeleML Army. Pbons Ws. S18T. taaity t close sp permanently with ea of Waa. 80. Bate aeeeasity ever MEN Learn tb Dyeing, 114 Bast Broadway. Ka aalcameq. eUlng faateal-eelllB- g p, m. barber trade free arard- la th world, Must the largest peclaity house COULD use eeveral MAX kTLBKt.k. lip Begeat street. Waa good typism. new lea old. 9a w guaran lawsoss, gnaranteea. lng to tb latest method, econd-kaaba Beat and rapid. Asnly steal Bilk Boa- - rated A A si. Liborai commiasuin, weexi School We kuy 7338. csxaaa aad BOY with wheel; muat he abia ta pack Ut Writ today for big free prom otter. tee rose It. W pay yea wbBa yen leara er ex Write cream ve. age, wire, at remittance. 19 giving aad oa oulta: tkrwagh Pier fourrtala; lery Mill, ISi pent help pay lop pewva W. lake. Chtrage, 8 a- - ius CO., BIANCKE aad Simula Ulan at asd the ElBrvtBR. guarantee Waltwarth Orag store, EXTRA wltreae waated. Apply bead perteac and referearea. THE AMEttiCA.N X POftlTlVKLY pay the hlgheM price (or arboal or permit. we de cutting aad fitting. SO0 PER cent system ART WONKH, tvwioefon, tinto. 8t profit wiling vest pocket lege. tk It eee t tr. ti. 2nd Bo. waitreas. Commercial club. old clothes. Wta. 821. . Hy. Km s. Mala, windskield cleaner; ene rub keep eutlr IS to 50, ft- - C. 8. mail secv.ee aa HOLSKKKEl'KH waated. Beat aad rettsbts. DOES Y(M:U TRADE LSK S A LeW BOA BfHi ? WAN'l'EU Aa eiperienced aagiaear, fe-ler24 windshield clear hour: guaraateed; BO, MBN, 8118 to 8100-IflapoHena or cerves ipe- naad largest Bead for free catalog. wb ksa baa)" ei sort case la a caady madl-gvvA partmea t ax l SIS, SBCUHITI MrU. Mid. CO., 000 dept. by gentleasaa. a. eoara iBce annecesaary. wnta eovnmtssnon. LIN ever published. Uig . preferred. Apply I. 0. McLmaald Cbe-olat- e perieace. Atldeees LI4, Tripos. !' Mala. I mak Toledo, Ohio. abnv, drawer 578. Joplin, Mo. DRPT A. . 218 N bCHOOl1. of Millinery, 34 We kulld, BJtUl.NuTON TYPS WHITBRb. COUf BAIdH Ca . 169 V. Breadway. ever 21S9. W. Baker. 81.40 remodel WONDERFUL and houaawork. WASTEIi for Olrl teller. Aphat.- Vary general profit Sheldon. I'hicege. reat. repair tacaw sisaaiactarees eerviea WANT .77ir r Japanea ackoalbey to 4 amaaework. a to; eiperiem- at. ge Tempte- 11.30. sale. moiKgramin trained mechanics. piy from Lata model EAl.KhMEN to aell eur otitaide and inside Place la aear stat Balraratty. Address CLEANING annecessary; fret earn pie. WOKCifiiTER rented. Special rate t atadeau. Keminx- WALL BARB woaey weekly, spare tlm. mere nan t retail electric Tribnae. signs, icvery Mara. , MONOGRAM CO- - Wurceatet. ton Trnewrltr Co.. 88 X. 1st South, fhaa ddreasiog.-ataillagcircular. Bead Mturibte cuatomer. Terms: Bslsry and ce WANTHIl, CTTtCniK BAJIGtt, lToTliniNJ AFEK" CLEAM)KrTr eideet. mra U SEVERAL mbitia Waa. .ViUD. 10c fog music. iDformaliea. New aTaglaod OASU AND TaADkH, every Th Mc8aram-Company, Spcing- ka loom In Ing. Was. AGENTS Senaatieaul new Invention vrntci reliable, aent rratarnai neaeticiary suscwtF. Mr. Music. Pvt., 118 Asylum St.. lieeC W IS. at lesion. owner erotus. wanta. ALL MAE I REBUILT TYPBWUITBUS, ub mg Ohio. 2742. nid, 372 Bo. Mala, today. 11 srrlfvM, CO t'onn. w a Ka ve enajtemvsve frsy chlcki vntr4wv, Free eampl. GLAROFF salea. Kaay paymenta. tl.O0-3.V0- 0 Fully gorated. lata Harrie, mak each anlsr SALESMAN, -, FAPEB CLEANING, paper haagiac, til44 Plumhera bldg.. Bloug rails. S. Iak. model rented. Get our prir list. WBOLaV FILE and mall clerk, 18 to IS years ld. WANTED 103 Be, Mg aad little, who have riser and proc-or. Houaekeeper. m nuf acturer, But. iwarescating seiilsg rsia- lu.-for wholes I office. Bight work, rlgkt - ailee. Bli But ag. aeboal BALB TYPKWBJTEB CO.. 321 Vi South tie In city fog trade. What kava yoa J Call bet. 1:80 and 8 B. m. Sunday, after eeata, rveotrea, sheen-linefor order AGENTS: taking monthly easts, leather, 3M! U Hy. nnd axperieac. tilv training Mail K. FhoaeW. 273. 3:30 Monday. vests. LI vE Y SI A Llci w Write NORTH fvn N SALEB CO. WALL COMFABT. TORONTO washing or gen. cleaning, 40c aa aba Became, sheen-Hee- d ALL aukea for aa! and rent. State ageata aember. Addreee I IS, 7vrsri. bsaceats, T0UNU woman to car af small bam. Northern 0fflc Bldg.. I.hlcage. "Haaittrra," hs. Ipaper rieaning. l.a rm.. H. 4vaig-W- . 88 UTLEsI ON 1 OALLOH. atr Utah Typewrite- - are-roe and leather rente, etc.. below to Koyal ana corona. Waa. reauired. am, Beferencea, Moaday. BinOBR eomralastona, better Ullored. . aet ' Wasktegi S0t Snd Seath. Weat 18 TTs eirsild-IflWa and weaderful re col waa lataadaea g. deliver aad advanced. as, vafMC 1st 43 fl wall art era, Pay csnge decorating, kalaomislag, A WOMAN 8 DAYS A WEBK FOR UGUT and GENERALcleaning, ter cloth, best aelltng twaty-fe- r re goto wnera. CRITCHLOW, W by expert; rsaeoaatil. lect. BAG LB KAUiOOAT CO., BOB Madl half suit ea earth. Saleems waated State By-paper HOCHwWORK. PHONM HY. 14S. 'III. amaU la s - ISi farm Bait Uke 1 ka WOl'LD buy ton. CbicagiK . Box 33, Sugar V. O. Douglas shoe salealadlea Caa make a reaesesnia Experienced Lake county. by agent. ' WANTED Neat Bppearlag young maa ta WANTEIi 1 CAREFUL wall paper rteaauig. khaml- - BTABT a bvtslaes f your ewa aetllag silk down 0L1 mattreseea (cotton, wool, kslr, feather But would prefer trading . local dept. store, tore experience aad 11 W. payment. in-. ana lingerie direct dreaar w. play plane la am all da see ercbeatr. Call wool, sous ny. inx, rer Uk paniina-sariey, RIVAL or box springs! madDIAMOND LAST! AT UIScO? Addresa Tribua, 3113-alary expected. I At 11 171 1 A rhvOC sty borne aad pay the dltfcreac. Adair Vfattress Factory, 1101 W. 3rd Hy. Fhwee BRED! closaiog aal wall rem at ies tone paid dally. Tribune. Amaiing blue-whiRsjsh gem BALSOitlNlNG. hoaaewerk lad pis la CO., dept. 81. Dayton. Obw. familiar with laying 0IBL to aasiat with ave. and deceives experts. reeaoeaki. . price North. Wa. 842S. world WANTCDSureeyer astounds waahmg. Bwlekard, jewelry was. rxi. znq i Real cooajn r eaaatractioa week. Apady te I. T. 88 daily, newest kitckea tool. AGV1NT8: Ws. "rv. Besutlfal sampia esse fkkh. glial weekly, Ilk MATTBiatSKB remad aad aent home Intevaattcaal kmeltiag Co., Tooele, UOUSEKKEPEB wsated, unincambered, aeg Write taick. RAJ All 1MA11UNU ID every woman ase 20 time daily. Easy W ANTifoTo buy W Is 1 s.t for botuel aew. - rumltur Careful Bnaaell, Pheaa renphoutiered. no ever 1M. Adores Tooel. THOMAS TTib c. 7f, I'lah. free. ko; ATTORNEYS Sample irTJ, seller , big profit. waadry. SAr.rririY. l'bone Waa. 6J04. Taleatla arorkmaaahlp, site la tooth part ef tlty; want aneal gat--) Mttl. CO.. Iieak hSB, liaytoa, Ofale. Pirst-cl- s CABINET maker, first clss, at eac. 310 ta handle salesmen Bedding to., grd West end Rib !erth. WANTrlli PATENTS. den toil: will pay cash If bargain. Livel rs. awn witk tw rbUdrea waaU WIKOWFirt noua. ea new irh elans propowtioa. GEM'INH stat guid lent letter, anyone caa detath and price. Trihone, right CTAU MATTUKUd CO. iJuholaterlng Book for Write free "B my (Juld weassa taw fined mtddl-ae- d tilv detail. M Obtain Patent" aad "Invention and InIi kind Uk af mattreaeee made WANTKD Janitor ad wife; children. put oa a lor Window; gusrauleea never WaStF.OTo buy bniidlug kt direct frontl Big money for right area, C 111, Trthua.. 818 Metier bid., Chicago, . Addrea Call as. Was. 1044. aample. new. tt av.. profit. Free Will dustry" and "Record of lactation" blank MrTTALUO Large Preftr owaer. par cash if--) large. LRTKU CO., 42 K. Clark, Bend meaei 8AI.KHMS.V, tneiperiecmd or rxperlenced, before dleeloaiBg Inveatloaa, LET lb later-Mtremake year eld aaak-rre- s 9 prir la right. Civ bvcaUoa and prKw. . or ivavellng. writ for FRk'B kwek, ketch ef your invest to for instruct ion. Chicago. Hv 2141 or Hi. city LAD1MS ymtT Be charge fog above K 11W atnaaie aeilcr. 13 asoinl ca free. taugat sietmming "llodeva Sateemaaaktp." Big demand fee PrrMnptnee gasored. What bava yeatj PAFEB cleealag, wall aad wusdow wssk- M treads Beak's dally. Wss. 8464, I Jsrooce a. O'Brien. Kegta. AdV Information. room to tall WANT t buy lot a. differeeit. Kara tttflo to 110 0 yearly. sen. aVmaatiar,!. MUSICAL .fla tg. noc nolleiunr- - Herareacvs. Tr. A an , - Dent, teeed- - Psteak lawyer, 1448 Severity -- Bank aur atory er. - WYlta . au'.cli. KDWW . paseio- - ru.eta ntv. National drex. Scnoolt ' Danc.ine la-" aero N. , LLUL1E.. X braasII. inctuJ.- Diano. P. VU. 1H?r.i Bulldlrrg. directly stret frank Pat BARlB. SaHslrary, Nil, Chicago. GOOES w ashlngton. n. C; vaSm7t3'7' o nd ws' 'i lg l&ll.iei DAILY niaile by beet mea. LEAKS' to ' Osuce i HELL a wringer mop with exceptional pmf- i,t3.no ent Office, S. w" e liisi-cial- ty; 1 for South Main, INVENTIONS eeller and a good 1'nvaie season, 7,r: dalle, (XIMMKItl 'IAMXKII. antf exnciuies guaranteed What It. iialrt weekly against 10. rvaled daily; level roua, 10 t . 4 JL Alfj. cumjiany Will go to pupils bom. 1 BvlluUT. sold, ni4e ha. 1'IAVO Instruction ittaibtRg you? Adam Flsbw klf$. Co., 413, I ttea.lv woel.erti xperal atlcatica t caildr. cwmmlsiUon. ' All retailer. bny. , 0. Apple-Uas lK'llihuA. Olili West. Ws. ailiB, W. So, Zcilii. Vial lag tkUloB. '.Uk Wltclka C., mil Wa. M W. St 0. V. Xotuyuy i.BllisTMriars 8 slla. , CAU, MdHMNtiS, 87. rrr a t. tte. anted mk Eily c., prtlclr. tl- 0. f .ao. ierton, Ft Wanted ruriuture a fr n. ya riuilkl, nat PAINTING, PAPERING a tt'age kit atre. a. la, win, yd se W, nil a4 Picture tdy a, DRESSMAKING ey. i am, r. Cklc. S. lis, cemetery, perpetaas r hone wa ilea STORAGE, ; Wanted--Hal- a. CEMETERIES WASATCH .S4 ease. ' Wasted Help (Mile) 7. 1921. Learn Trades t atr. ti le B4 a f wag, fr oa ii ssa J Pleating and Hemstitching aret Mil. lit of lrtwgmaking a. 8. Fiet TYPEWRITERS C., 14 Millinery I mic. nni Wanted PAPER f ri art,, gurnteu tk " Farmj MATTRESS REPARTNG pp ae et Estate Wanted PATENT vr HOUSECANTNO ", INSTRUCTION aed'or, ZLiJZ3rL ' SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS TS?l ' J lillihiiu. ln U tmib. Swimming Iangli. HAIR - Ft. asully ja, r' link t ili |