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Show TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER '7, 10 .Caldwell Man a Is Shot While Resisting Arrest Jj fsectal to The TrIbaM'. 7. George NABUA, Idaho. Sept. Harris, Caldwell, was shot an perhaps fatally wounded here Saturday iht by Special Officer Frank Bab-Cocmember of the city police force, .ahlle resisting arrest for bootlegging, fhe bullet entered Harris' right side and lodged in the lung. Officer Babcock claims he saw Harris in possession of a bottle of liquor WATSON IS CANDIDATE. .and ordered him to put up his hands, 'but the latter reached toward his hip A. W. 4.on" Wats:n, for the past pocket as If to get a run. The officer three years prosecuting attorahen shot at Harris hand, but the ney, yesterdaycity annouhced his candi ibullet went wild and hit him in the dacy for the remoeratic nomination iside. for county attorney. Mr. Watson at the last county election was the 'nominee r.f his party for this office Sends and was close to the top of the ticket He ! when the votes were counted. is a graduate of the West high school and the University of Vtah, WASHINGTON. Sept. Assuring received his legal training In the disabled former service men that having Washington, I. C, where he was adwhile "I must bid you adieu, you may mitted to the bar In I9IS. He has engaged in the practice of lew eel assured that your interests ami been In Salt Ijike since I9.'i) Mr. Watscil Welfare shall always be close tn my has been secretary of the Kschange nt club since Its organisation here. Aesrt," General Pershing today to the disabled X farewell message American veterans. DERN MEETS WOMEN. 5 The message follows. " t The Tneane. the DTsaliTed Amerkan Vet Spelat H. Dern, f'HOVO, Sept. on George all know, you perhaps ;smns:"'As remo-craUt h 13th of this month 1 am retiring candidate for governor on the Mate ticket, this afternoon told rom active service in thu army. I women of an enthus'lsjtU meeting mnnot do this, however, without exworkers of this city that the pressing to you once more my deep party Democratic party In this state, as appreciation of the great sacrifices shown program by Its legislative war in the world which you made Ymir indomitable courage and will when it was In power, has always of the been for welfare the Wfsrklng insde possible the brilliant victories common people, nnd has been for achieved by our army, and your deeds and hitmsnlty iwlll live forever as a reward of your propTess The .meeting was h"lir at the home lllevotion to the ideals upon which eur of Mrs. T. N. TVylar. and Mrs. Huch jwtlon Is founded. Woclward. wife of the party can; "While as your former commnnder-;(-chlef- . M. I must hid you adieu, you didate for stale superintendent of instruction, was In charge of public 9nay feel assured that your interests and welfare wilt always be close to the organisation of the women workMrs. ers. In George H. Dern talked to tn civil lifs as they have my heart the assemblage on organisation, folith. past. X. lowed husband on fundamenher by i'WIth my best wishes and affectionate regards, I remain, as always, tal principles of Democracy and Its Mrs. Iner Knight record. legislative Smrdlally yours. Allen of this ity discussed prob"JOHN J. ST.. of local lems organisation and paf-- t Unlay ly such details as registration and canvassing of the voters. see'. Adieu Pershing Veterans Disabled to ' . Dan-el- l POLITICS AND POLITICIANS WOODWARD MEN BUSY. Special to The Tribso. . N. G. Rasmos-Se- n IX)GAN, Sept of the frovo Herald la spending several days In Logan promoting the campaign for the election of In. Hush M. Woodward, who Is a candidate on the IemocraUc ticket for the office of stats superintendent of public instruction. Many of the lead-ing- u educators of the state, regardless of their political affiliations, have already indorsed the candidacy of Dr. Woodward, according to Mr. R&smussen. , other of Salt Lake Man Dies in Buffalo f BUFFALO, V. Y., Spt. 8 Mrs. aged 81. nibeth A. Schwelkhsrt. Swtether f H. Arthur Schwefkhart, of fraJt lake City, died enrty Wednesday following a brief Illness at her Home here. No. 83 Highland avenue. ITse late Mrs. Schwelkhart also is Mrs. survived by two daughters. yrederlck W. Popnert and Mrs. W. Klink, and by one brother, r'Hriward T. Koons, and two sisters, s;alrs. John Fullerton and Mrs. J. Uebetrut The hue Mrs. Sohweikhsrt was the oldest daugh-fte- r of Jacob M. Koons. She w.vs She married sixty-on- e years ago. J was a member of Holy Lutheran Vrhurch end was noted for her charitable tasks among the i needy. She reared nnd helped educate several orphaned children. The JTuneral and Interment will bo hel l and interment will 'Friday afternoon be her tn Hmlawn cemetery. V Ttopnrts from the home of H. A. Schwelkhart. 861 First avenue, last said Mr. Schwelkhart was In ;night Buffalo at present, having gene, there to his mother's funeral. attend j -- . , CACHE MEET. WOMEN Rpeefal to The Trltnoe. A large delegafrom Salt Iake attended the meeting of the members of the Federation of Republican Women of Cache valley held at the Cherry Blossom fountain this afternoon. Carl R. Marctisen. chslrman of the Republican tal" committee, spokecom-to the ladles on the Issues of Ibe ing campaign. Mrs. Charles M. Mor-- . rls. president of the Indies' Republican league of 1'tah. gnve a short talk encouraging the women In their organization work. Mrs C. N. Jenson and Mrs. Csrl Smart of Salt Lake IjOGAN, Sept tion of Republicans eAbout women seventy-fiv- e spoke. from practically every city in the county were present, the program being in charge of Mrs. George Q. Rich, president of the Cache Valley Mrs. and William' H. federation. was Thain, vice president. Muelc Miss Nora furnished by Klinaon, who sang two solos accompanied on the piano by Mrs. O. W. Hanson and on the cello by Miss lennie Hanson. postmaster. A new county chairman will be chosen st the county convention. Apportionment of delegates to the county convention will be on the basis of one delegate for every twenty- ft ve votes cast for Governor and for )h Charles R. Ma bey in one delegate for judicial convention votes cast for Conevery twen'v-flv- e gressman Don B. Colton In the laat congressional election. ' , - MAKES A NOUN CEMENT. Eurgon. chairman of - the board of 'commissioners of Salt In making formal announcecounty,. ment of his candidacy for renomina-tio- n to that office, stands on his recMr. Bur-go- n ord while in the pfflce. is just closing his first term as commis-ainnebeen ei hjt.in four jrears ago. He became chair- man two years ago. During his in office he has been in tenure charge of the roads and bridges de- partment of the county work, and he points to the improvement In the condition of the roods, and part larly In their maintenance during the past four years, as a claim for con slderation by the voters. Mr. Bur-gohsa also been active in the establishment of the cunty shops and In the Inauguration . of the county fire department. The chairman Is a naliveof WjiaMngton' county, but has spent practically sll his life since early boyhood in Thii comity: E. I. el-- CANDIDATES COMING. of William Z. Foster Chicago, presidential candidate of the Workers' party, will deliver a campaign address at Unity hall on October 5. Benjamin Oitlow, vice presidential csndldjkte on the same ticket, editor of the Jewifh daily Communist pa per. VPrethelt" of New York, will ns (This -- ara BALE Alta Electric Co., in business for 15 years, announce a spectacular sala of Utah's largest stock of lighting fixtures. Hundreds of fixtures for new and old homes will be sold during this sale. .Sale TeleSU-- J. Early, Pioneer of Providence Answers Call LOGAN. Sept. Erpenditures to date on the new municipal electric light and power plant amount to according to a report prepared recently by the city auditor's office. Indications are that the total coat of the plant'wlll reach 3e.-aoto Superintendent according Heber Maughan, who has the plant in charge. The new plant will be put Into operation about September IS. it was stated by Superintendent today MaughanrTtm- new 1100. 00 pipe line, which was completed last March, has been In eervsre for about six months, and the remainder of the plant la expected to be operating soon. . Us AMUSEMENTS starts Monday, 9 a. m. 1 stands high lLoean LOGAN. Sent. In sxwutwvrlaweoriimgo-"iFrpBr- ti S-- V- cit doesn't " Norma Talmadge Adds to Prestige in Bill at American Simple in theme, yet powerful in the in '&evrvts.'' the current at- "telling; traction at the American most complete. Issued n centT- lv Executive Victor L.indi!ari. Twelve per cf the scouts Id the 'Logan otrtrt. t are active eagle scouts, the highest deA large gree a scout can receive. number of InacXtve eacle scouts also are In the I.ogivt district. In the city are More than 49 participating actively and reeiilarly In scout work, according to Mr. and no forty veteran scouts registered with the local Screen Success drama that When good are fresh, styies are newest and values at their best.. We urge you to shoi while our stocks are Logan Registers High in Boy Scout Activity 'Three Women' at Victory Proves A Is New - j lhjter. in a story about love that enlove dured through fifty years of married life. It is a drama stimulating to the person who has become cynical about happy married life through the Krat avalanche of recent film drama which have endeavored to prove conclusively that to marry ts to kiss gx.nl-h- y to life, liberty and the pursuit of It happiness. That dynamic and fascinating person, Norma Taimage. plays the stellar role of LAdy Mary Carlton, to whnni love was life. It has been said that "Secrets" is the greatest picture Miss Talmadge hai made. Maybe so. She will have difficulty in making: a more than "Seforceful, artistic p!ctur crets." She lives the role from the time the girl is tat a g;ri of eighteen until is an old woman of eighty, and gives a finished interpretation of each period. Supporting Miss Talmadge is Hugo ne O'Brien, who has not been seen on the silver screen for some time. He plays the role of the youth in loe vith the girt, and the old man. still in love with his sweetheart and wife, wit h e'jual success. Particularly lovely and interslinK. at least to the feminine portion of the audience, ts the quaintly picturesque rostuming which is accurately portrayed. The intricate process of get- LARGE SELECTION OF THE STUNNING NEW STYLE TRENDS Lind-bla- th-r- e LICENSE IS ISSUED. A LOGAN, Sept Bept. (.George H.' Tib-bmarriage was Issued todcy at the counts, pioneer of Cache to died clerk's his office ty at Ray Rasmussen early this morning valley, home in Providence, Death was due of Duchesne and Grace McAlister of to dropsy and came after a long Logan. LOGAN, it RANGING Illness. Mr. Tlbbltts came to' t'tah lit IMS UNDERGOES OPERATION. . and was one of, the first to settle IXXJAN. Sept A. H. .Powell, In Providence a lie had been resi atate road agent for this district, was dent of that place for fifty-nin- e on yesterday at a local hosoperated years. His widow. Marv Holt Tib-bitt- s. pital for. appendicitis. His early reand the following children sur. covery Is expected. FROM $29.50 to $69.50 CONTEST FIRPO-WILL- S CAUSES COLORED BOYS TOBECOME AMBITIOUS IN DIRECT CONTRAST WITH THE FADED FVSHIONS OF THE PAST SEASON THESE NEW Ethiopians May Pursue Titleholders Since Dempsey Expressed Willingness to Take on Wills; Flowers After Greb. the popular dsclsion. My offer of them to slsn up stands and will wajrer mother K000 or 0 that the colored boy beats the is s It Pittsburg champion. merely sporting- proposition on my part and If Ureb and his manager are came, let them accept it.'' MANAGER NOT IMPERATIVE. Boxers, as a rule, need managers; that Is, capable managers. Some managers are worthless, while others sre worth fheir weight in gold; ajraln, some e a great help to fighters in the ring and others are a handicap to them. Jimmy Flnley. a young of ijouisville, Ky., is one youngster who has been successful without' a manager. Jimmy did have a pilot for a time, but they agreed to separate and for sosse time past Jimmy has been atlond-into his own business and doing the fighting, not because be worries about the percentage to bs given a manager, but because he thinks he can - better Jook after his own interests until ' the right man comes along. Young flnley Is to be admired for his fighting ability, his manliness and the love he bears his mother snd sister, fie Is just 2! years old. but has been fighting In the ring for three years, and during that time has had more than eighty battles, sevafter the middleweight crown,' and eral of fifteen rounls each and against what is more, Oreo will not have any some of the best lightweights and picnic should they meet aain. In a welterweights. bout at Fremont, O., the Just recentiy Finley defeated Joe report went out that Greb had won Anderson of Cincinnati. Anderson Is the popular verdict, but writers like the lad . who scored a victory over ick Mead and George Pulford of Pinky Mitchell, the Junior welterdeToledo, veterans tn the game, weight champion, recently at Cincinclared that Flowers had won fairly nati. That alone speaks volumes fart and by a good margin of points. for the young man, as Anderson is "Greb and his manager can have considered a pretty nifty battler. tCOO of my money if they will sign Hi one ambition Is to get s up for a decision contest, " remarked .hance at the welterweight championfew a Ward Miller days ship," said Finley in a talk-- with Manager ago, as a result of a dispute regarding the writer, "and Inside of another the Fremont battle. "I km not claimyear, barring accidents. hope to I have ing any title or anything of I that hare my ambition satisfied. do done most of my boxing In the south kind." continued M tiler, "but claim that Greb waa not entitled to and around Kentucky, meeting whomever the promoters selected. Probably that Is where might have needed a manager, but on the whole 1 have I do know successful. what WEATHER DATA can be done In these parts just snd feel while confident, away from here I am Lake Bait at data wtathtr itnpr..Uve not so sure. have made sufficient City HepUDiber H, liti. to purchase a home for mother and ha ii" far northwestern ApraU sister high 17 17 also have a little here and weftferu pla oathf!ierj iorM tbe entireaio'intataa, at real estate in Florida, so that la not teau section tn tae so bad a I for However. youngster. In a lencmi drop Tetnpertture. (ndetl try The ftklea are monUy clear iu 1hee utatei, lam in a position now to take a chance In the east and midwest. occurred renter I bar no tlio'igii lifbt, local htiewi-rlay in (Hiru of Ariaxma, Ctah. Vi'youx ng, one st my weight, snd, as I said beTite diturbaure cuu Muhn autl Montana. fore, the on ambition of my life is inn i.H'Kr showers iwatint this monnog to win the vhamptonship from Mickey vrr the wen tern hi If of the Daitoiarj. while Walker, or from Benny lonard, u couJ high Ltrxe nod should he defeat Mickey.'"ami eaut ra iln' Not so toad for a youngster traveling 84 waa de Hurtii tta month wince... 174 alone! Brves; tiijfheirt is th WOULD BE BESIEGED. nih 97 deitTee; iwMt last sight: was 6u Should Benny Leonard, present n degrees: lowest thi rootitb alore ?! king, be fortunate enough degrees; aiettn temeraturi for l1a waa lightweight to defeat Mickey Walker when they '2 ti jjreea; norma! waa'tW degree; nee The fimt of the rni h meet for the welterweight crows, now fire-race, but it amy be necessary worn by the Jersey lad, in New York pionahip la X degrees; surumMiated ei.ceM since J nato hold an elimination tourney to sena rv 22. it will mean challenges is '4 degrees. September lect the best one to put against the litiffiidity - Dry bulb temperature at H a. galore for the clever o HI m net bulb teiuperature at Of course Mickey Walker will have trtlehoider. degrees; GREAT STREET FIGHT. to say about that part of is. m Mt degrer; relative ttumidii? at a a. m. 7"t ier cent; lry twlb lemierature something Some o'f the moving picture magthe program: in fact, he is so 'confiwet bttb dent at nMKi. iin time. HI degr"1; that-hs will win In Hollywood would give nates he hss that temperature t acB, sua time. 4 dtgree; already been talking over the pros- small fortune to stage s street fight ri'iaiiTe humMitj at 0011. ann time, so per for of one such match their with big productions pective fve Shade, whom rent, ftry bnlb temperature at B p. m., HI the New: York commission hats given as took place In the main street-l- n t p. in., degreta, wet bnlS M relative humid' ty at 4 p. m.. the preference for a meeting with the ;t?lcero. 111., recently between Oeome d'gre; middle-- i ther Knockout Brown, famous ,winner. Mickev says he realises rin-pr r'jf. Tutsi for the 4 hour Prei-iand Anton Ichance he is taking with a clever weight, s few years so. none: total for tb t performer like LeonarO, but he Kt li p m, tn whose real name is Theo-- i Greek, ;the of u tach; aceimnlated uitioth t dtT is that his youth, strength snd ha- j dure Anton, with over 2000 people for this month to date is Oft of will overcome what advantage crowding the thoroughfare snd form-tin- g ijt lting inch: km! prerip tattoo satvoe Janoarf iBennv msv have in cleverness. a ring around the two gladiators. aeonmulated defief mcy date in 7 07 and Besides the Dave Shade match, the Anton was a thrifty battler is 419 inches. nnre J artuary He ssed good winner will have Pinkv Mitchell. .saved his earnings. 51 ftepteaaber Sun rtaea at 6 and aet at actn eham-iploand property buying junior welterweight judgment 7. to contend with and possibly cumulated a fortune, being able to TAKSTN W B A TH E R O BSBR V ATrONS AT Knockout there. fine hotels two whom Mitchell erect welter m. another Richie ft p. wot'jrrAiN timh. iis husy developing for the purpose of Brown hsd been running a business o 2 title. Tne in one of the buildings which Anton getting after the argwnent j Mitchells have taken to the sporting bought snd they had a little everything goods business, but Pinky will forget pver the settlement, but-were -: ; Both fine. off fall all this getting about it snd attend ; passed j 3- - Btatkias. S good friends.. strictly to hosing. Pinky has taken on fine snd were ; a !bs : on considerable weight and will he Then Anton had occasion to enter fighting strong around 145. His one the place where the "knockout ar ambition Is to get another chance with tist" held forth and they got into an Leonard. argument ever some trivial matter. and thst made ! Hilly Wells, the English welter, has Then a crowd gatheredwould Ml S.NW! .'. B .00'(M.ar. admit he ' 8 returned from England without fighti- It worse, for neither .OP -' i'Mj. Someone them to edged was while He battles there. wrongs anv ngil has Ismust '.. .,..! more I argument and by been sfter a mstch with Walker for just a little ISi M' Wi .00 CMS. Kttrrka .. reached the HOI Mi SKI t IS .lniar. B. Jasctias a long time, but never has succeeded the time the two had 741 .. in gettlnar s hearing. Now he has redoor leading to the street they were Hclftia f'Oar. ISCsw! 101 . Pt fit. sumed tor a match snd fighting mad. laal.r .. SB! w AS ths two former friends looked Asclat .i'Osr. alongsWe of him comes-TeLewis, WI 10! .no clar. MsSVsa .. I Si! who held the title hack tn HIT snd about they were surprised to find a .. Kjl .fal'risar. !...,! crowd NllM same that would have cheered them Is the who under management Ssw VTr4 'm Ml Wi gV OO as Chsrley Harvey. Ted thinks he when in the ring. Brown was big Sill Hi .Wl'lsar. Oklatmna. '...( . about the midsection, easily . , !snd II V hefty Mil.. 7H ' Ilm.ha .. 7BiB,... T'flMr. IIwelter snd middle title In England 210 pounds, wnne Anion jook ea to oe PImssIs .. 1S M4'B!...'.) ,a ('l.r. snd about IM. They asmore fit to while the Si1 but lost, latter S2i there, rxvOrar. WI....I Pnrat.llo Brit-toreal sumed I.ewis snd Jack ( ring righting attitude and i .80'1't Ft. Roland Todd. SntW! PnrtLaml .. SI .Wl'l-then the, fireworks began. For fifteen Si! SWNR! who hare had about twelve Salt MVS SJli minutes SCgWS lol they put up the cleanest Sa Prsa might renew their struggle for N! 73t SO! 10ll Ham rt.. TRll. the right trs meet the champion, as and greatest street battle ever seen ML. . Saakaa the west, according, ta .many, old- -; CBL.L .oo !clat Itrlt ton has- announced1 his- - intention in M- 1. j Ml a ciwir. timers who witnessed the struggle TaatK of making a comeback. WsasMssrs( Slit Bn W....I .ottri.ar. became so congested that Traffic There are numerous young welters WW '.... I Pt ClT. who must be considered in the cham- - the police could not reach the. men By T, S. ANDREWS. Mn.WAl'KTCE, Wis, Sept. that the bars have been let down as regards the color line in the Firpo- Wtlls contest, Ward Miller, manager 5f "Tiger " Flowers, colored middle- Height sensation of Geonria, has come forward with a request that his colored boy be gi v e n a ch ance at t ha title held by Harry Greb of Pittsburg. Harry Wills, heavyweight colored star and claimant of the championship fur his rat-etried for several years to get. a crack at the championship, but was ignored until Jack Dempsey agreed to take him on. providing he tUeinpsey) got his price. Wil.s tried Id spoil a match for the champion by getting out an injunction, and for that UempHey again Ignored him. letter the trouble was ironed out and Jack once more agreed to take him on in a title match. Oelays in getting Flrpo to America and coming to terms made it impossible to hold the match as originally intended, with the result that the championship match wul in all probability go over until 195. As sUempeey threw open the gates to the colored boys no one can blame Flowers and his manager for going )SsD0 for 1 $10.-W- - FALL DRESSES BLOOM LIKE A JUNE ROSE REASONABLY PRICED $15 to $49.50 1 1 1 ball the ancient hoop-skiting into gown i delightfully and humorously rt depicted. KeMx in Completing the bill la Fairyland." an amusing hurl su o' well known fairy tales; Fox. News of th Day and Fun From the Press. The .Louisiana Syncopators prent a musical program of high ordr. The solo, Berceuse, " frm was unusually lovely. 1 V Ko-k- mgh in- 2 Fixtures for the Price of One Pola Negri Seen at Her Best in - Modern Iiohtms rta- turee chaosst - ssiiS the appears e e of any u A Good lighting tures times poeit hold wilt your new and save. many their cost to the value of your property. "Lily oTthe Dust" "A Picture Without Kither Heroine or Hero.'' might well be the title of "A Lily nf the Dust." which opened mount Kmprpss theater at the Tfsterday. for neither Pola NegrK in the title, role., nor the three men who support her. are in the least bit hemii', are all human, how The character and make the picture interest- - 1 New-York- Buy . rjtri p:aT tnp parr or n woman of whom, it is ud. "she wants a lot of Io e fr"m one man hut"' contents herself with taking a lHtle loe from a lot of men." Hroucht tin in shabhv gent ili' y of a small tnwn. he marries an garnv-overbearing colonel for the prttge his position will give her. although she sacrifices her true love to do so. Finding her love for a young subaltern too strong she leave the colonel for him. When she wishes to marry the subaltern fat intervenes and she is thrown upon the nrotection of the "angel" of a Bohemisn eolonv. As the "UW vt the pust" Pola Negri in impetuous and - fascinating and wicked, with success both as a screen actress and a the charnctpr in Uth picture Noah Beery, as the Ger man cnlnei. support we'l In addition to the future film, the Are youp first installment jt "The Telephone series, by H, C. Witwr. and a fixtUPNI Oirl" to new reel are shown home? XsKBIAeC U OT ICSES. aHsr I, rvirrwa. Rrlshsn rlty. asd Rrana. fala4. Maho. An a tier-ma- n credit Filwirt and Brsaie S. W. n Rait Istko. w JUmrtt Salt Franris R. ami Iwlitk Tak.. Salt Alta Electric Co. 245 SUt Street. customers write for free sataJoo, Jamb rsssls; lal". iatVs Law Kins irktisjr. W. Asft Rasssnasss. sf- - Bssksrvltls. V.... Tnll's. HaBtinstos. Rmaniph y.- - JCrh ksTH saff TSsf iaaa K Salt csnrr. laa. 2l SH ' i tar-to- -- fig-lur- 1 : ! 1 n. 1 ;-- ! '. fj . I "1 .it rr. ! 7(11 l l . l. . LIITT . ,0'Jf. 1 Kath-ena- t fj,s v. a Ml THt-t- . K. O'Brlrn. Binsham. "sad B. Joaasttka. Salt Lke. Jt 11 T AsaM llnorshraS. AsoVmti: re r. . son. tt'mpe-jitn- llil. ts H'rhanl P. Whit, and Kaemi V. Rnatss. Salt Aahhi er, . hr small da. order. add fix- ttr. Temp-rutur- Pr THINK OF IT! $2.75 Lot ... 2 for $2.75 2 for $8.10 $8.10 Lot 2 Lot for $10.50 $10.50 $16.65 Lot . 2 for $16.65 IB d .Vce-lyn.- " Pay for One Get Two ' September, the Month When Everything o, , Of Mf H Autumn 1: Apparel Municipal Power Plant Is Soon to Be Opened H. TIBBITTS. GEORGE Tib-cut- s. .George La Verne d. COPE NAMED CHAIRMAN. MRS. ROBB ORGANIZES. J. Cope was named Democratic chairman for th Second municipal Mrs. IM. M. Hohb assumed work PRISONER IS DEAD, I of a a two term at fcr ward years as general secretary of the serving sn 'Ray Bums, 29, who held st the Newhouse hotel yeterday It tnrmountaln region for the women t Indeterminate sentence in the T'tah meeting night. The following were cho- department of the national Repisblltwn state prison on a charge of burglary, last sen members from the disjtrtrt for committee. Mrs. Margaret C. Can.idied at that Institution yesterday of the county committee: Mrs Minnie non will leave today for New Mexico He had been in the ;;aimerculoals. K. N. to become V. and Paul Murphy Harries, orgnniser there for the about two years, having- been Wblte, name forces. The are was from appointments He this district. up made by the national committee on .employed for a nrhile at the road 5. A. CACHE CONVENTION Mrs. DATES. of Jeannette advice the near Hyde, St. George, but escaped camp a member of the executive committee. 5 rrom there. Two days later he was Special tn "The Tribune. recaptured and had been at the prisonUX1AN. Sept. 6 The Republican TICKET BOOSTED. r.jtlnre. No relatives are known to sur- county convention wil' be held in Lo- LEGISLATIVE of the legislative ticket Vive. gan September 19. according to a in Importance success of the the party campaign Is the second desth to oocur decision reached at a meeting of the in Salt t from natural causes at the prison In Cache county cmirrfylthls fall is becommittee held stressed Democratic tfour years. The other case was that this nflemooh. cenlrnl ing heavily Nominations for th leaders. There Is muchby discussion "of a tubercular patient, who died In position, of county attr,rny. two me ny circles as to possible candidatesIn. .' 1551. commissioners and three county much arranging of tickets so that state representatives will be made at and of the city and the county ;ill PROWLER TAKES WATCH. time. thst each of the various elements of and G. L. Anderson, 39 Reed avenue, ls In all Prin.aries will be notified police last night that his home and lxtiran district on Sep- the party may have proper represen'.'hed been entered and a watch stolen. tember. 1" to elect delegates to the tation. .Here are some nf the names were discussed yesterday In i The prowler entered through an uncounty convention and to the judi- which i.rlnua places where Democrats got blocked door. cial convention for the First judicial together: Is to Brig-habe which in held district, HEW BUTTS FILED, Harden Hennion. former secretary City September 17. Nominations P ft.nsle for district judi;e and attor- of state; Soren Rasmussen of lraper ransmrbAlroa tn. Thomas .J Pananrehoteou. dirorre. ney will be made at this convention and W. S. Romnev of Salt laJie. as w . Thomas Dunn. Jr.,. riltine Puna Carl R. Marctisen. chairman of the possibilities, with usher state committee. spoke filch tKissibihtles from the following, J InfermeDiita'a AaMirlatinn of credit Men. Republican for a few minutes to the members of vho were considered merely as legisrt Thomas De La Marr. juriginrirt. ir,.K the committee during the session. He lative timber, without assifmment. In self. outlined a few of the questions and n any instances, either to the house Fred H. Decker ti. Franree K. Pecker, issues of the coming campaign. (,r to the sena'e: Mrs. A. H. Parsons, di.orre. Joseph Odcll. Republican county Mrs. Ihiisv Allen. Mrs. John .1. Galli-A'! t'srl M. Cos tea va. Orsre W. Contes. dl- his Mrs. Fred Merrill. John R. Hruff. WiTTS. chairman, tendered resignation at Ida Sargent vs. Jlollr r,. Sargent, d! the meeting, giving as his reason for D. A. Skeen, ,C. .llr Hart. Taylor of office as Chamoerlain, Nathaniel Jackson, resigning his acceptance FOR DpAirrseT Office, !.. Mart Msln. phone IIS. Rtasnte Tei. ; A. hll rLOGAN v ' compelling end the way you're sure It's going to the current atWomen. h) "Three traction, at the Victory theater. One woman is enough to make a plot Interesting, but when you get three, thinsts happen fast and furiously. It's Octobr 2ft. Both are traveling undeiii about love piracy, men that can t be the auspices of the national campaign trusted, and a giddy social whirl., Three women all love one committee of the party, Ar-- 4 worthless one at fhaL One for their reception In Salt !na roses on mm, one irarnra ....... are under the i reel i.f thn Lake local committee, of which L. Schippe thlrd takes him temporarily. Mabel Wilton, wealthy widow, be-- l IS chairman. comes the object of the affections of one Mr. I amont, who is financially KINO LEAVES FOR CAPITAL! Ail goes weJl, and he embarrassed. y Senator William H. King left starts on a nice little campaign of for Washington to attend the fleet-Iuntil the daughwhile loving sessions, starting next Wednesday, of ter of Mabel shows up. Jeanne Is a s senate committee to investigate the pretty creature, and, Ignorant of the workings of various bureaus In the fact that her mother loves the man. treasury department. He expects to walks off with him. He figreturn to Utah later In the fall and promptly ures he is In the same amount of to devote some weeks to sn Intensive cash both ways. After a few weeks campaign tour of the state. of married life. Lamont again strsys. In the meantime the young college IN RACE AGAIN. lover of Jeanne has come from the his west to fortune in New make Franklyn Christiansen of this city yesterday addressed letters to a num- York, and, inof course. Is bitterly dis-In Jeanne's marriage. ber of active Democratic party workers appointed the end Mabel well, telling it spoils in tne city and county calling attention to his candidacy for county com- the story. Pauline Frederick as Mabel Wilton missioner for the four-ye- ar term. He takes the action on the advice " of is forceful. rier beauty Is of rather a cold type, which contrasts so splenso not and much from friends, any of personal ambition, as with the desire, didly with that sweet prettiness of the letter says, to be of service to the May MacAvoy, who plays the role partv and the county. Mr. Chris Jesnne. Marie Prevost makes an actiansen was candidate for the office ceptable vamp without scruples! Lew two years ago, "and was so close to Cody plays Lamant in a suave election that for a time the unofficial returns showed his election. On sc- Completing the bill Is an Aesop count of his success at that time, fable on reducing and Pathe Ness 1'hil Fischer, the new leader of I he when the majority of the ticket was defeated by a considerably larger mar- Victorian orchestra, began his engin, his friends are urging that the gagement yesterday and proved to be party owes tt to him to enter him heartily popular with his 'audiences. again In the race. He Is put forward He m well known to . many Salt as a man well qualified for the office Lakers, having just completed a sum--me- r and who wouH conduct It with fairengagement. The opening offer ness to ail. and In a businesslike man- Ing was a prettily arranged garden ner. In business Mr. Christiansen is scene. Particularly striking was th a manufacturer of woolen goods. number, "By the Waters of T- - r g. Ttbbitts, Ernest Elmer Tlbbltts, Ira Ttbbitts, Tlbbltts and seda Tlbbltts. In addition, tbe following brotherse Mrs, Emme-ltnand sisters survive: Hammond of Providence. M. N. Hammond of SL Anthony, Idaho; Benjamin Tlbbltts and Edgar Tlbbiits of Providence. Funeral services will ' held Monclock in the day afternoon at 1 Providence Second ward. . vlve: . n NATIONAL t . PerieywlU, Stewart, C T. Dane. Charlea J. fX Gul. W's W. E. tiransea, Itmeyer. F. Bugene Henoert JCrneat D. Hurd. OlorrU, Hr.ow, George Tryur, James H. Wolfe, J. H. Harper, Krnest Holmes. George D. Pyper, George Man waring and George 11 Islaus. Some of these. It Is definitely known, are inclined to be candidates. ' THIRD WARD CALL. , The Democratic district chairmen and district workers of the Third municipal ward will meet tn parlor E of the Newhouse hotel at t o'clock Tuesday evening. This call was Issued last evening by Ernest S. Holmes, chairman of the ward, which consists of sis teen A concentrated effort to districts. strengthen the Democratic organisation In the Third ward will be considered at the meeting. Ernest Bamberger. Republican national committeeman from t'tah. re turning from California yesterday me t rtportea that the sentiment on still ' coast "1 Is all for Coondge. contend." aaid Mr, Famberger, "that in t'tah the great .issues tirs tariff and tax reduction, and on thess points the Republican party record firm from all attack." T. Ralph 1924. "rS'l H.... n, bst-fle- s, Broadway in time, and it was .only as Brown went down from what Anton claimed was a beautiful right swing that the George claimed.' cops did Interfere. afterward that he had tripped anl. that it was not Anton's right thst1 made him kiss the pavement. However, It was s grand battle and the '.000 people cheered them for their-frcontrfst. 1 hen canie ' rhftllefljeg hark liul forth and ended with each man posta to a finit out forfeit to ing fight ish in private with five friends on each side attending, (or tlOCO side, The authorities heard of it wager. and Issued an order to prevent the frierios brought the meeting. two battlers togethrC and they decid ed It was best to forget their little troubles and. again be friends. Both Anton snd (feorge agreed, however, thst it wss "some fight." ee Iter ants. Charlf. saaisei asd fears Rssiree 7VJ kMt aisia Hueta. gin. Harotd Taraer aod Beasts Madeline Crotaar. 87 South Ninth Bast, girl. Bnaeat Frank asd Sarah Ann Mary Set la Drury. 411 West Birhth Keats, dot. KlrbarS sad Amanda Stilus Ward, asa Atkia areas., girl.' Wesley Lee aoS Hrtee Margaret Parser Maashaa, stu Boats Fosrth But. hey. Robert Henry and Buby Lartie Barry Ss t'estsrills avenue, by. Batvh Washlngtos and HIMa Ana Byraia) rarasorortk, S- -t Wltshmr aveaae, bey. Lyss ss4 Hilda Terry Isiaee, 2M Bseta) is ath Ra,t. girt Robert Dee asd Knot Yalate Cray sk- nage, waanisgioa aitwi. aoy, sad Rosilpba lleerge Qnioey Saewttos. Fanaingtrm. T'tah. boy. Jess Heary aad BerUi Qrabasi Dsrts, Atwst. Wyo.i girl. Joss Lewis sad Begaa (Tiarlott aader-ao- s Ninth Bast, girl. . Hoy, 3oJ Torae asd Txisle " flaaafal BobayasaL ' MS West First Soots, boy. snd Bra Marie Osart Faa-ga- rt. William 873 Weat Bemad Smth. boy. - Mtrbeet aod Boa- - Karawfskr OtbseT,- IBj ' Boats Third Baet, apt. 11. boy. Reebee Baax-he- r snd Bath at arte Chrlstaai Fanisworthv HI First aruaM, boy. s fx; |