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Show J THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNT) AY- - MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1924- - Potash and Perlmutter Discuss Prize Fighting and the Movies N By MONTAOTrE GLASS. "Outside of nurtenra, IUktim, of people has become more in the past few year than Abe Potash remarked Janbefighters," looked up from bis paper the ee other morning. "Which I can re-- ( member when If you said somebody WU a prize fighter, y'undersland, you didn't haTe to explain that he was a loafer, any more -t- han, it you t .also Vwas telling something about Tunisian porter, you didn't need to go into details about color, y'usdersutad." "But loafertshness is now a thine 'of the past with prise Abe continued, "so much so. Mawruss. that a, man can take his ' sister and his mother to see two prise half kill each other and sot tighten bear a single word out of the way. v" understand." . loo dw pflnl -- -- Maw-russ- ." ' 4 adopted long before either Moving Pictures or Prohibition had been Mawrues, and In them days when a World's Champion lost bis championship, there was practically nothing left for him to do but open a liquor saloon and you know as well as I do, Mawruss, a couple of cauliflower ears and a broken nose wasn't who wanted no handicap to In fact. saloon. to open a liquorajnan e saloon keeper Mawruss, an should ought to have bad anyhow one cauliflower ear IX only out of compliment to his customers Just to show '1 at be wasn't no better than , they were." Cham"But could an pion have written his mjjnorles tn them days the same as he can do to- -, day ?' . Morris Inquired, "Ink ' had -- tfe S much It is not only in engineering de sign in performance that the good Maxwell now revolution- t izes four -- cylinder standards. 4 , V 4 i Never was there a car which gave the owner so much in line materials and workmanship for anywhere near the price. i We will gladly go over the chassis and body construction witK you, as intensively as you IIIi I r A I t4 may desire, and you can Nowadays lt'i a foul blow If one fighter Uts another above bait or anyhow above the nect "I presume. Abe, you are going to been Invented at that time hadn't take your Rosie to see this here it'" Tirpo-Wtl"Pens also." Abe admitted, "but in fight," Morris Perlmutter suggested, "or is she one of them them days the parents of prize fight ers was very neglectlful of their back number women which couldn't stand the sight of blood?" cheir children when it came to Mawruss Take Mr. and Mrs. "What has blood pot to do with prize fighting any more. Mawruss?" Stribling. the father and mother of Mawruss. and the Ate asked. young Strib'.lng. nay they are bringing up their son MOVIE FACES PRESERVED. to be a light heavyweight champion "Well, if this here Firpo advertises should ought to be a lesson to ail if they've got himself as the Wild Bull of the Pamparents particularly to I naturally' took it for some which show any disposition pas, Abe. for lire their little playmates injure granted that somewheres along the or something. Mr. and Mrs. Stribling first few minutes of the fight, this are actually keeping their boy In high hira English comhere Wills would naturally have school and learning grammar, so that when something on his face to make good position and they get old and maybe he closes a Firpo"s trademark," Morris said. his mem "You've got a very funny Idea of championship, be can write sorrow on Instead of bringing prise fights. Mawruss, I ories must say," Abe observed, "which if their grsy hairs by going into moving Mawruss. on pictures. the prise fighters hit each other "No doubt Mrs. Stribling Is kept the face nowadays, how could they busy writing notes to George's high appear in such moving pictures 'Neville of the Pennsylvania State school teachers, which read: "Please Constabulary afterwards? Take this excuse George from his psychology he stopped here Jack Dempsey for instance, and and trigonometry today as I seen him in a picture the other day s haymaker last night to oblige his Mor where there must have ' been as mother. Mrs. G. w. stricluig, of ris suggested. many as forty or fifty close-up- s a tries which boy "Well, naturally, him measuring at the very least be light Heavyweight Champion of thirty feet square, and if that feller to of America and North valedictorian ever got so much as a split lip in a in high school at one and rrlr.e fight, Mawruss, you couldn't tell his class difsame to is liable have time, the It from where I was sitting." "But don't prise fighters nowadays ficulties. Mawruss," Abe said, "but better than the training get sometimes cauliflower ears from It's anyhow e champions who given them Srixe fighting by accident maybe?" was allowed to run around wild in Inquired. not made to study and their 'youth com"In former times It was very Guide by way of mon." Ab admitted.' "but nowadays. even the, Barkeeper's become to them Mawruss,' the only diseases which a educating prize fighter suffers from on account Well, m tell yon, Abe, while I of his profession Is Kleig eyes, obesfigure that everybody should ousht ity and writer's cramp. Of course to be allowed to write his memories once in awhile, a prize Jlsrhter gets Into an automobile accident like in moderation, y"understand, I have the other day. and always put the memories of prise Denipsey did they retired from the sometimes their faces get so smashed fitrhters aftersame class as the memthe ring.ln up on account of such am automobile ories' of before they went murderers accident that it is feared they will to the chair, understand me," Miwrli be mined as prize fighters beeau.'e observed. "They ain't so much books they will never be able to stand up before a camera again. But as for of memories as horrible examples and and after all. Abe. it does prise fighters getting their faces warnings, seem a waste of good education to pmsshert up in a prize fight. Mawtrain a prise fighter In a high school, russ, they dassent do it. It would so that when he gets old he can write bust up their moving picture cona book to say that if he had his life tracts if they did." to live over again, things would have PREPARING FOB FUTURE. been very different, believe It or not." "Then T suppose, Abe, this here "But you've got to admit, Mawruss. that books by prire fighters snd murfight would be held under the rules of the National Moving derers are in a way more interesting Picture Manufacturers' association, than books by author, because what which seemingly has changed the do you expect from an author but a Marqula of Queensbur? rules so that book?" Abe said, "whereas for murrowadays It's a foul blow If one derers and prize fighters to write fighter hits another above the belt books must be very difficult." or anvhow ahoy the neck," Morris "I know it must be difficult," Morremwked-ris agreed, "and It's too bad It ain't "Well, why not?" Abe asked. Impossible." "Them Mawrcds of Qneensbnry ruler (Copyright. 1924. by the Ben Syndiwas regularly moved, seconded and cate, Inc.) satisfy yourself on that point ls We will particularly emphasize this fact: In every part which wears, or has to do with reliability, the good Maxwell is now actually stronger, pound for n. pound, than many a car costing four to five times its price. You can depend upon the good Maxwell to stand up in tough- you can drive it with the same assurance you would feel with a cosdy car. est, Tttic Good Touring Car Sport Touring Roadster Club Coupe Fbrpo-WT- i Vvf V 1 9' street at Mawmffa going ay Indeed, if road conditions are at all possible, you'll never see a Maxwell stopped. Its brute pulling power seems always able to carry it through. Perhaps the greatest boon to the good Maxwell owner, however, is the consistently carefree service it gives him, day after day and month after month. There are a host of mechanical reasons why the good Maxwell 1 Fine bearings, used exten- sively, eliminate friction. (With one hand you can roll the car on a level floor.) 2 The crankshaft floats on a film of force-fee- d ofl, maintained under pressure in its three over-siz- e bearings. This reduces wear to the point where there is practically no need for bearing , . replacement. 3 The clutch release or throw-obearing is positively and ut automatically lubricated from th fra,ntraixxiTn- - 4 At afl vital points the good Maxwell uses the same kinds d of alloy and steels employed in the cost heat-treate- liest cars. 5 The rear axle drive pinion-which bears the burden of propelling the car is rigidly mounted on which preserve permanent alignment and quiet. 6 The frame side rails are of ball-bearin- gs unusually deep sections which insure great strength I and rigidity. The fact that the good Max- well motor is practically vibra tionless that vibration in any event is not transmitted to the body is another long-lif- e feature You should ride in the good Maxwell, now that Chrysler engineers are directing its development, and talk with owners and learn their diV interested opinion of good Maxwell performance and economy TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO., Corner Motor Avenue and Second East Street Phone Wasatch 2187 Madison Square, they had no traffic cops. A crowd of 150.000 people, the largest New York bad ever seen, or about the equivalent of a shopping crowd any afternoon when a good bargain sale Is on exeeted the chap and overwhelmed him with cheers, band music and adulation. Be had. desired, you eee. to come Incognito and quietlv. as Baron Renfrew; ftis Is a trait that runs la the family. The crowds were "noisy, but kindly, and the prince, with his "courtesy, bovish smile and slender young figure." made a hit An attache of the Fifth Avenue hotel reported later' that the prince was sick and tired of all the red tape and ceremony. Anyway, when 'the prince rot back to his rooms, ha threw royal In one direction and etiquette dignity In another, and scandalised the bote! people by playing leapfrog with the mem- . bers of his suite Fifth avenue oulckly recovered from this shock, however, which diifh't stunt Its growth at all. The little old street went on expanding, growing richer and getting handBomeriniia old age. Today It'e the sort you'd be willing to back against ten foreign and famous thoroughfares In the world . till yon about to the uptown ear f fifth avenue an J Central park. rt 1325 m farm house or two nestled amid the greenery of the .nrevailinjr wilderness. Beyond these farms, the avenue waa only a somewhat desolate waste of un even ground, full of brambles, star nant pools, the ancestors of the con temporary mosquitoes, and a good many rabbits, foaves and beavers. If the latter abound today near their old haunts, they are worth about as much per Inch as their forebears were per tnousana. nou can see them beautifully sleek and beautifully protected in the gleaming shops that have risen wnere the waste ground lay. When the avenue waa first laid oat. nobody expected it to be to New York wnat Broadwsv is la the visitors, what the Rue de la Paix is to wnat Regent street is to Ion rsns, don and what Beacon street Is to Boe ton. it was 'only another street In a town. Broadway, swiftly growing Rue de la Paix. Beacon street Fifth avenue has the traits of all these, with an Individual distinction emanating, perhaps, from this heterganeous In 3 $60, when the other Prince of wales started away uptown at the Fifth Avenue hotel on the comer of Twenty-thir- d - All prices f. o. b. Detroit subject to current Qovernment Tax By JESSIE HXNDEBSOIT. Special CCTTespondant oX Tbe Salt Laka TrTbnns, . - Club Sedan Sedan Seven Days in LiT Or New York (Copyright. 1924, Salt Lake Tribune.) NEW TORE, Sept. Things along Fifth avenue are beginning to wear a expression. The most famous street Is the world Is getting ready to celebrate its birthday late this autumn, and, like the various other centenarians hereabouts, it is putting its best foot forward with an enthusiasm calculated to strike envy among th younger generation. Already the generation which felt that Square Garden was the ' center of New York life is beginning to wail because that imposing old hunk of Moorish (it is Moorish, Isn't it?) arch! tec cure is being torn down. In Its place a lofty building will decora ts the skyline of Madisoo Square. Column by column, story by story, the edifice is crumbling like an overripe wedding cake; a bit of frosting down at one side, a mouse hole at one end and the gallant Diana atop the tower it ready to be discarded. Ah, well, couldn't have stood another Democratic convention, anyway. The walls of Jericho toppled before too much blowing of horns. But the ceieb rants of Fifth, avenue's birthday are beginning to wonder, after all. the demoliwhether, tion of the may not gardes add historical spice to the festivities. Though the garden Is a block from the avenue, it is possible Its excavated underpinnings may disclose again the troot brook which once formed a connecting link between what Is new Fifth avenue and what was a swampy field. There are still living a number of New Yorkers who remember that their fathers ased to catch trout In the little stream srhich ran somewhere along between the garden and where the Metropolitan tower now stands. A century ago the land along Fifth avenue was not worth In the vicinity of a million dollars a square foot. It Isn't worth quite that now, but values are on their way to some such figure. at the other end Washington Square, of the street, was a potters' field. Madison Square, at the thronged intersection of Fifth avenue and Broad--- i, was streaked by a rather mean- track which- formed part of the rlrg Bnston post reed. Fourteenth street and fifth avenue a district growing too crowded with commerce In these 895 1055 885 1025 1095 day-after-d- saves its owners both trouble and expense. Here are a fewv -- Vpa- rerM a Tsn-ry.flv- e spite the reports to the contrary, the II pe. secretary andhax-e- manager. r Turkey Crop Will Be members crop la to be at least normal. A dry signed, up for season two Is next advanconsidered the years. generally Normal in Cent State tageous In turkey raising, and. as far WATER STILL SCARCE, as can be ascertained, the grasshopper Special t Tee Triaesa. population baa been sufficient to keep gpartsl l The Tribune. KAlfPA, Idaho, Sept. . Turkey the turkeys well fed. Water-mastRUPERT.' Idaho. Sept. breeders throughout the Boise valley R. U Willis announces that are smiling at reports that th. WOOL POOL SUCCESSFUL, In of water canals run the a started drought and other unfavorable condilei The Trtbaae. Thursday will only be sufficient for tions ef the summer will result In a stock purposes. Idaho, Sept. t. Members watering greatly reduced crop of birds far the ofRUPEKT. the Minidoka-Cassi- a county wool Thanksgiving season. Ramon that WATER FOUND PURE, Idaho turkey raisers would suffer pool received U3.tii.19 for SS.ftf net In Is Tribes. greatly because of the dry feeding pounds of this season's wooL Asso- -special Idaho:" Sepr g JT POCATELlX grounds and saortage-o- f grasshoppers ciation charges 1yr handling amountOld ed of to asof the water supply at McCam- some HOe.tt. officers the test time. have been gntng around for It was Just last year that this sec- sociation were reelected as follows: iron has been made during the pas! tion of Idaho came Into prominence as Luke Williams, president; D, T. ."Wi- few days by. the village officials and a turkey producer, and this year the lson, vice president.. J. R. Taylor and the supply is well protected and there flackaaie greatly Uiersasea. ana, da ate na Wttioatioaa ef eoatai . ( er The source of supply Is within ten feet of the mouth of Crystal springs snd a high woven wire fence completely encircles the reservoirs aad springs. The test of the wster supply was made by state officials. Barley Soon to Stage Big fair and Roandap the dry year, crops are making big yields, and many fine asimala have been added to the blooded herds ef this section. Many new stunts. Including wild sow milking contests, wild horse reees aada special Indian features will draw , wide representation of sports gome of the good features of the Salt lAke ronndup have been signed up for the southern Idaho anew. . a The Tribes. HUNGRY DOGS ARE ' BURLEY. Idaho, Sept- - i On ef the twa big fairs, roundup aad dairy shows to be pot ee in southern Idaho DUBOIS. Idaho, Sept. this year will be held at Burtey. Sep- os reaches near Dubois tember 17.11 and It.. One of the owners moved away, have Special folio-were- MENACE. Dogs left wben their congregated greatest exhibitions of livestock and and have done considerable damage to farm products ever seen in Cassia the livestock during the pest week. TtiDIBeraS5wTligt!'TirBTll- TSmr, . aad a steer belonging to Ed Pernaerafcerthe Leese place. The a horse Iff aad bis force have destroyed seven , of the dogs. . BOOKS ARE PRESCMTCCb neeial e Tss Trtbaas, . t3SJ Kendall BEAVER. Sept. Frenke, secretary of the Beaver Red Ones, chapter of the Americanbooks ks the has poveed the following Beaver City library aa a tnft fron the Beaver chapter: "American Red Peocte." Croee Among the Trench "American Red Cross In the rat War." "The Peseta Legion.' "The Story ef the Amenoaa Red Os) la "With the Doughboy la Italy," France and "Prisoners of Us Orral t |