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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY - MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18 7, 1924. I HURD WINS HIGHEST TITLE SEFA1LSTD MRS. OtO OeO OoO OO 0O 00 CALIFORNIA STAR LOSES FINAL SUM Firpo Arraigned, but Released on Bail; President's Influence Sought Lakr Tribnna Wlr. Trlhane-Ss- Chicago KW TORK. SoPL-- A was asked tonight to order the deportation of Luis Angel Firpo, heavyweight boxer of the Argentine, and Governor George S. Sllitr of New urged to stop the .fight Jersey between Kirpo and Harry Willi, New Orleans negro, at Boyle's Thirty Acres 11. September The ease of Firpo was taken to the president after Commissioner of Immigration Henry H. Curran had caused the arrest of the pugilist on a warrant charging him with two violations of the laws of the United Mates. where Firpo went to T5l1ls Island. ' he" Commissioner appeared before was fixed for Curran, Hie hearingweeka after the Septen'ier 25, two rijite echeiliilBdfor the boxing match. nnd hail was mill at aims) m tiirm. fie.' in the warrant for his arrest. The mcve to hae the president order the deportation of Flrpo wa made by Oar.on Chase, president of the New York Civic league and rector of' Christ's church. Brookjyn, through his counsel, Fernard H, Sandler. URGES HEARING NOW. The message to Secretasv of Labor Davis opposed the granting of bail to Firpo and urged that the hearing be held immediately. Canon Chase sent a ropy of this telegram aleo to President Coolidge wltn this brief telegram: "Kind below request Just wired Secretary Davis. Trust you ll( Indorse to him this request of New York Clvio league, Methodist board of public morals, Int ernat iannl Reform Federation and tho United Womanhood of America." The warrant ogainat Firpo charge attempthim with having brought ed to bring Klan.a Plcnrt. an ArUnited the Into manicurist, gentina rltateo tor immoral purposes, and, Unitto the entrance having gained ed rltatsa under false and irlsleadlng statements. The hearing was adjourned by Commiaatoner Curran at the request of Flrpo'a lawyer. Coolidge VETERAN MPs r ID0X50THV I V If m i r' - W H'.;-I : 1 -l ' " & 1ST SI WEST SWCII p Inter-mur- . 100-ya- MO-ya- sfjinal-caJIn- i-- 220-ya- rd forty-thre- e, o 104 C. rd South. Wis. 1241 General Qaras, Wsshlns. etc.r "Servtcr That Satitftes.' H PROVO, Sept. . Twenty-fiv- e foot-lmen from the Provo high school are practlcinsj every night on the limpanogoe park field, and a more i etermined set of youngsters and coach would fee hard to find anvwhere in the state. They are determined to make a real showing in football n the stale this year, and It would stem that therr chance for victory in athletics is here. Last year, with a whole squad erf green men, fibach Pimmons built a team that made the first rearaectirtkl thnwU - w. i In footlmll. It won jcal high school s games ty fair margins, and succeeded in holding the state champions of the Kast high to a srcall score. With all but four of his Men back in suits. Coach Simmons expects to produce a strong eleven. The position that will cause the coach the greatest worry this is that of quarterback. Peterson, year last year's all --si ate quarter, was graduated, and there Is no one to take bis place. However, Simmons expects to develop a good man out of Webb or "Hanky" Dixon. Webb is clever st handling the ball and Is already familiar with tho signals. He is good at hntb. pajuunff and dropkicking. IMson is a new man in football, but his natural athletic ll z tho I., Sept. Dorothy Press.) Mrs, Ownrrocll Hi ml of ItUladcgia torlay booamo queen of tho American links for tho third time, defeating Miss Mary K. Browns ot Santa Monica, Calif,, former tennis champion, whose progress In her first national .golf tournament has been amasing. The score in tho thirty six hols final round was 7 and 0, yet this decisive defeat leaves sumo . glory for the woman from tho Pacific coast. DANA TO REFEREE She progressed farHher tn her first eff.irt to win the golf titlo than tncuny FIRST UTAH GAME competitors- - have in years of effort, lihcpexience of a veteran of the links, Dana of Nebraska, who Herbert who earlier In life held three nationa very favorable reputation in one year Amerial ehumplonsWp faioed British told rear by his work as refand can, Canadian against the novice, who learned gof eree, will be tho first man, on the after a frw winning ago years orly field when Brake' university and ihe many tennis titles. University of Utah clash on October PLAY. RAIN HAMPERS i. Dana has attained the utmost Outdriving the heavy hKtJng Mrs. eonfidenee among Utah sportsmen by and Hurd frequently usually putting following of the ball and as well, Mrs. Browns could not play his close that is, fair 'derisions. enough trurough the groen; tee Carroll Nelson of Minnesota, shot. a toward the Tin after tho The sofrgy nature of the turf after a newcomer lo Utah football fields, her play, will empire th!s ame, which is atnigtiA of rain hampered, ftarly wi the tournament shs exhibited so tntirh interest among the a tendency to slice brassies and M tracting of the fortunes of the irons from tho fairway and confessed followers 1924 eleven. her Inability to correct her errors, C. Oren Wilson of Chicago- uniMrs, Msrowrw advarmed to the final round by taking advantage of the versity and present assistant roach mistakes of more expert and expe- of high school, has been selectrienced ots,onenas, imiuding tfre re mnrkabte Miss til nine. Collett, whom ed as head linesman. il This linenp of officials will insure-closshe eliminated in an ertna hole attention to the teehnie.-ilitiematch. Mrsi Hurd noticed how Mrs. Browne had won hor previous of the game and do much to elimmati-hsnd left almost no openings inate ny dissatisfaction from In fact She tumol the tables totiay. V in this reopect. Wftten Miss. Browne seemed to have sn opportunity to get A GOOD REMARK. ekise in the way of uiKiorrrfortaily holes won, Mrs. Hurd would usually Aunty And were you a very good ? gink a long putt or lay up a chlip little girl at church this morning, dead for a half at the least. Sallle A Oh. man offered yea Annty. LOSES EARLY LEAD. me a big plate full of money and I Miss Browne was one up after playsaid' thank "No, Legion you." lost holes and two Immediately ing this lead, never tn have It again. At Weekly. Mrs. the in round turn ihe morning Hurd was iwo holes to the gootl, hav- Broom 114, 114. Superletts Swinging ing goste out in the excellent score of 114, Light 11K1. Honey Pot 10, fip 41, as good aa any p layer has done in Blue Warbler Memories Pleasant lit. In Miss tournament. mit the a 109, Sarxana 114. Beatrico 114, Martha Browne took 44 and shortly after the Martin 114. Sombre 10, to exhibit a very inferior turn began Fifth race, tho Isiep for all aea, convariety of golf thromrh the green. She dition, ono rmHe Beginners Luok MB, was five down after, playing the Tho Poet 10S, Alchemy 10, Stan-wiAn approximated mornlptr round. 109. medal score of SI would be givirsr Sixth raco tho Cherokoo firs diviher thS'beot of It, for ah pmked up sion, maiden five and modal at five holes. Mrs. Hurd's lf furkmsrs Marcellus 115, was tl and in eighteen-hol- e match Sani AI115. 112, Mind Master Young hy she would have won 6 and 5. Tock Tick 116. 115, 111, The had Barbary nine time played Or tho they 113, John S. Mbsby holes in the afternoon Mra, Kurd's Spa US, UaibirdMioCrinunon 115. wss. seven holes. Each US, Haby Hi, rdvantjvK John Marrono II, 115, 115, went to the turn in 46, the coinci115. Rtone Rook Patroon 115, Pleasant due scores of medal to dence being one seven by Mrs. Hurd when sho Memories 111, Mary Ann 112, Candy 115. Kid an tho hooked Into only unplaying lis. Seventh race, the Cherokee second tsnc she took over six all day. A maiden five fifteen-foputt for a par three at division, furlongs, main course hols gave Miss and one-hthe Uwenty-eight- h 115. New Tonnec 115, wnas Mon Thundering abandoned Browne hope, but It Mrs. Hurd got 115. Hanby 116, Ann 115. 8alvage115. at fiie twenty-nintClean 115. Hltorhus 115, True Heart a long par five here and became wfiMe Miss Browne, having the 111, Flagship 115. Demurrage 115, Fred lli. Manxaiuia 115, Volcano 115, longer drive, flubbed her second and Taral Tusculum 115. Theored 115. Joliy Rogthird into a brook guarding ers her put 115. Despot 115. Weather cloudy the green. The concluding hole was and track arood. a bak In fives. BELMONT RESULTS. a First race, 5 furlongs Turf Results, Entries 10S (Pierce), f to 1, 5 to 1, 1 4 BeHe 5, won; to 10, f Hams), I to S,Myrtle (Wl. BELMONT ENTRIES. 4 to 5, second; use IDS (McAtee. 4 to 1, third. Orage. Time, First race, claiming three.year-oldn mile and a sixteenth: 1:0 and up Longing. Linrock, Monna Home Star 11 J, Maryland Belle 107, Vanna, tlertrudo D., New Hope, Rol. vllle. Bobbed Bandit, Bright Idea, Oay Ben iW, Llttlo Ammle ins, Super-bun 10S. Oran 114. IJghter lo, Julie, Oypsy Flyer. Brownie, Beatrice Patricia. Tinker Bell and Lady GalHkS.'Kacoba lKiro Prince Hamlet 1W. Scarecrow 10. Master Hand livant also ran. Second race, lift. rVysun 114, Pathan 107. steeplechase, 3 mlleo Damask 144 (Haynes), 15 to Second race, aleeplechase, 1. 5 to 1. t to 1, won; DuetUsts I4f and up. about two miles to 1, ont. second: Carabi-nle- r Bull Tog Hammond 114, Elsear IS. IByers), 140 (MeNarl. out, third. Time, Triipatick 1J. Jocho 130, Lsls lit, 4:53. Vox Popull II and Lieutenant Riitamniffin 137. Third race, tho Southampton handiSeas also ran. Third race, I mile FsJmea lrf cap, for nil aires, six furlongs, main course Lucky Play 119, Zev 130. (Fields), 1 to T. out. out. won; Dare 114. Besrlnnens Lock 104. 8',le and Say 103 B. BreunlngL out, out. secSrian 111, Cyeknw 114. Ooshawk US ond; Priscilla Kuley 117 (Maiben), Brice 104. Comlia W. BHk Tassle 13, cuL third. Time, Only Rival 1 IS. Shuffle Along ill. H. T. three stalled. loo, Iailander $5. Indian Trail Fourth race, t - miles Acakhan Wten 117. Pinna Care li7. Noel 10S, Off 114 (Maiben), 11 to 5. 7 to 6. 1 to Color !7. Swing Along lit. 12 1, wont Transmute (Parka), S Fourth race, fillies, to 1, I to I, second; Mr. Mutt 121 six furlonga; main course Heart (Marliunt), 1 to i, third. rime, Sun Flag, Apprehoaaioa J 4i and Bob Tail. mile rlold Boater Fifth race, ability Is already known throughout 110 (McAtre), I to I. I la 1, I to 5, state. 120 fLang), even, 1 Coach Simmons i will hare to won; a new fullback and tackle to to 2, s"nd; Finland 14 (Maiben), StirUke, tho places of lltddutph and 'Mto. 1 to 4. third. Time. 1.14 Arbitration, Gold Stick, Coard, both of whom were graduated. rup Cup, While they were both steady and con. Idiosy n rasy , Zero Hour and Boonel Knoll also ran. riKtent players, Simmons expects litSixth rare, tle difficulty in replacing them. furlongs Cockney to 2. ( to 5, From his regular last year's team 111 (Stiitls), 7 to 1. Coach Simmons will have Bennett, won; Caligula 111 (L. Fator), 1 to t, to f, second; Defiant ie (Maiben), center; Giles and Corhott, guards; Horns-staBoard man. t ackle; Anderson, end. K. oven, third. Time. 1:20 Duck Pond. Dr. P. Harrington, Johnson and Collins, halfbacks. Ha has out a green bunch who are show- Wildxake. Pat Casey, Yankee Prln-reand Scoop also ran. ing well: Dixon. Bullock and Bown, halfbacks or fullbacks; Webb, IMxon CARD SIGN SHOP or Hawkins, quarters; Hinckley or T. Johnson- Henryr-jrtr- : West, ever, tackle. He Is expecting a great saa, sttraMlte Rsarrs, set Jcal from these new. inert. show rsrsa R. Awociated ss MOTOE CO. 'V'" -- Salt Lake City. Sept. 0. MM. ' V. tribi;nb w. . PROBLEM bessett. Luasea, sxtgUad. Ht seroi-flrs- s B-- n IB oo Q n Wkita , 11. 20. n. 2. Blsek to play snd wla. . Llth-nni- 1 . a 5. OF VROBtJIsI tfO. TS2. By W. VUU Btsek t, . . 18; king It, ' White S3, 24, 27; kiss . Wtitw to pUy sod draw. l- -l three-year-ol- 1 o 1:40-1-5- 5- 5. 4 Clot-duui- d lt 5. r, ss -- lle- JS-1- lB-- l- 20-2- . l M S Irwa. TeaL W ALT LAKE TttmtrNB (IAMB HO. 1S14. 12 IS. Zi n Tesebeieit, Ixsidaa, Anslysis by flsad. Oentrlbatcd hy the sathnr. t. t. 12-- l . IMl 28Tit 11? 1S-- 2B-- 9 ' ' 27- - g 10 14 IS 18 Ml IS 12 19 2 1 . 22-Ill-- Itfso 2723 r. s. Correct T. (b) Or, Or, li, lt. 12 10 5 11-- Wklte Wins. Mr. Test's 4rsw by & ; ; 3-- white wins. white wins. wkite wins. r. SALT IJUSB TRIBUNk! CAJfl NO, ISIS. i. IMS 13 I IS I 111.1 22 1 10 21122 S 25- - 1K e)8-1- Sl-- 7 HI l- IS-l- t &V21 80 2fl(d - l 714-- 10-1- 1 Draws. y This captor is snssesl; 11 22 is tskea. . (bl 27 24 his its polsts. would to quits natural. (c) (d) 30-2apprsrs to gin tUck siere ehsiiee T gfi wrong. seems to ksve wlsalof wars. . e) () ALT LAKI TR1BINII (IAMB NO. 1S16. . 23-- Contribited bj W. 22 17 0 23- - 10 24- 14 9 1 3 2714 11 IS 2S23 I02O BostksmBtaa. VmI, S 22 18 29 2S 4 l !) 24 28 2031(1 13 10-- i 7 SO-- 1.V3 19 1128 it mm 811 Draws. (I This varies from Mr. Howe's black wrn la variation 2ft of s. I T. game No. M38; bnt at the ISth sot, of tbls Tariatton tbe "BncyelooeSls" varies from and gives s draw by sir. Uowe'a lft-l- t instead, t.ntil that draw is proved to be a black via, mr croak above is ef some use. W. VKAI.. FAU8TO DAIXMl'S RKPI.T TO KSTMTXL W BANKS. The Jnne number of the M S Cheelierlst enntalns an article hr the editor, Newell W. Bank. eniltW 'Daliiait'i Win." In Wa article, Mr. Bank states that the problem baa a dual solntion, snd, beaides. kls eriti-clsplainly reavers tn Ides that his solntion li aimplar than mint. I eagerly waited-o- e the Jnlv nnmber of the M-t'heckertst to see Mr. Banks's solntion, but the Jnly nnmber contained no play about the position. I also wrote Mr. Banks two letters asking aim to send si or to publish He replied to each letter, bat his play. in each reply declined to an omit asy play. 1 bat s groat eateem for Mr. Banks'a ability sad I admit that possibly k has tbe risht play to support bis elalm, bat 1 wiM also admit that I still fall to discover any soutd solstioa other than mine. I alao fail to see how Mr. Kanka ens reHis peatedly refnae to submit bis play. article appeared about two months ago and, it aeems to nae, there abonld b no farther delay la pobiiaking bis play asatsialng ais rlaim. The problem la qsestion and the astkor'a .. ' original solatiee. follow: By FAUSTO DALTTMt. 12; kings 4, 14. JO. Black a m sm . i-si- u M 14. 27 2S l.V24a PERSONAL is lTSCHgllT. Asa It. Snow of Providence, R. I., contributes a rsme pkiyed la Denver wita s frienfl. more: Trlpiid's 24- - 10 out j l 0 (i - l- 17-- -l It 12 I.12S J. 30S09200 80020101 15 Beauty Cultortt o s mm um n Uf kn ss. Magna Evens Up Series Standing T Ill With Jo2siB.1JIy. AND Iliauty thahsa st bImu. ANB Whlta-- White 27 23 mil 2S-- 1. 27; kmg 22. to play snd win. BOLITttlN, 1L lit- is - ii IS 2 7 9--3 0 8 7 5 9 (M 9.1 1.118 1 19 13 9- 23 18 - 8 3 - ft- 3 149 4 2723 10-1- 11-- FURNACE REPAIRS t 3 19 7 5 1 1 lu-- 3 e--2 15 ts23 3 - !(- i (.( 5 l- - 2(S 8 White wins, (a) The Important stsrs ef tho problem The rentiers who do not try begins bow. to discover the snthor's so tattoo, sot simply go over the snthor's flfaren, may think the task to block all pieces to be aa easy on. However, the following proves It to be s ratber diffVnlt one. Wkea tho position was tint published as s prise prob- - Ttmi-hea- . 11)1 Uli SOLUTION St-t- s lilt 4913 list 011 llP alf de-vl- .... .... i Kill one-ha- le ..820 la ... .... x dor-ml- e. ... WW Sal-lie- 8uns-per- an r 6frtrTa--rrrt4-f- y NAY ATT, C H I jf hill-to- WARDEN-HAS- ;i smooth-ronnin- '' BEST RECORDS GOOD USED CARS ' - s4 Ah .: PADDMTIES PAY CASH !! s ptvp-arati- WE WILL A thongh prospects ning football season at Drake university are considered briebt. Coach Otsie Solera, and bis assistants will face a strenuous task in working out the problems of the tough seneauie arranged for 1he Bulldogs this season, which includes contests with Utah, Knox, Orinnell, K&a", Am, the' Kansas Aggies, Oklahoma and Florida. With tbe exception of Tackle Al Kreugcr, Coach Holem will have the eleven which defeated Oklahoma, 26 to 20, last season, intact. Captain Bill Boelter, who will asrisf ttolem in varsity coac hirttr this vaar. did not play against the gcttners because of . injuries. Veterans who will respond to So- : ftTs first call Tor on September 15 will include Lldrea Don Carlos, center; Dari Ambelang Al and itoland Henry, guards; Stocking, tackle; Ben Lingcnfelter t and Ted Sloan, ends; capttn-eiecSan Orebaugh, quarter; Glenn Spears and and Joe fciiright, halfbacks; Kenneth MeLuen, fullback. Jack Sparks, anoiher varsity letter man of last season, playing at quarter and halfback, will bo veteran member of the squad. With this nucleus., and with a number of stars reporting to the varsity squad from last year's frejh-mateam, Solem will have material from which tbe fans believe ho will develop a powerful, machine, Solem and Boeller will have the task of whipping their eleven into shape quickly, for the opening game, against the Uniter-aitof Utah, at Salt Lake City, comes on October 4, and will require every bit of their prowess if file .Bulldogs are to register a victory. The entire Drake coaching staff, including Athletic Director K. L. Wilson, varsity Coaches Solem and Boolter, and Freshman Coaches Armstrong and MoCreerv, are now here to map out their strategy for the Dr. M. D. Cramer witl be season. trainer for the Drake football squad again this season. n Tl LE TOtJQtTET, France. Sept. -Senorlta Alrarea. the brilliant vin Spanish lawn tennis player, eliminated if las Hiuhcth Kyan. former CalKornian, now resident In England In the ainrles today of the internal tional tennis tournament here, "'IP c ai- pmuorsisrrtzrsept. for anothc win- ' , , at Centrlbated by tss euths. Biack L T, 11, X Is. " Through his Interpreter Firpo said' "I am not so much worried nlxnit my car or myself as ui vlndlcrting the good name of a woman. At the proper time 1 will prove my innocence of the slanderous charged made bv my enemies." Fkrno's lawyer carried $25,000 In unregistered Liberty bonds (to KUIs Island aa a precaution against havinu to meet high bail for his client. Leopards Have a Busy The action of Commissioner Curran in fixing the date of the hearWeek of Drill Ahead; ing after the fight between Firpo and was greeted with satisfaction Will inAn Harden. Madison at Square Plans for Panthers. crease In the sale of tickets for the fight was expected to be noticed almost immediately. To stimulate the sale of tickets, Tex Itlckard nas Kiiit and West fiwCuall sQuads, and, placed them on sale In several places in fact, every high achool football in Harlem. Negro fight enthusiast who are eager to root for their idol. squad In the city, will tomorrow start Wills, have bought lavishly of the the imensa drill and training i admission cards. for the competition soon bo take place. With baewbal, golf and tennis slipylng Into the background of sports, football is leaping to tho foreground with surprising speed. Lo Roy Warthmnn, tho Leopard coach, already has started tbe grind, with most of his men in aoits. A few suits were issued Friday at the Panther school, hut the flnsl call for practice is for tomorrow afternoon, when t'oauh lloy Mclntyre will put his charges through their Initial paces. Praotiee this week at tho Institution wll oon'trwt of strictly funIf the campus at the damental Takes A. A. Yjtu. high work. Illinois A. Is in filayablo shaee. Inter-clagames may bo bold Tworwray. and Friday. While the Leopard men, U. Team Honors; Sprint tor is not a firm believer in onmpetition aa a developer for grlil teams, the men aro generally Star Holds Limelight anxious to get some preseason scrimmage. The drin for this week will be concerned with passing, punting, running and mtcti preliminary work aa will WEST ORANGE, N. J., Sept I the men in shape for real footCharles Paddock of Los. A o gales to-- put ball. Tackling probably will not come to the title his claim reinforced until either the latter part of this' day of "fastest human" by equaling the week or the first of next. Coach Warthrnan probably' will pic and his squad In a week. The backfteld worWs McaP1 for tbs dashes in whining tbs two of the Leopard aggregation Is weB 4 events at the national senior A. A. filled with the exception of quarter. e I"avl. and Uanitmr at IT. championships under the directum There will halfs and Snarr at full. One of the Newark A. C. veterans g caj bo shifted to the The coast filer nosed out Lores roaition, as plenty of men Murchiaon and Al Laoooer at (he tap have dignified their intention of trying in the century In 9 a seconds, equalwho McHanlela, ing the record held Jointly by himsell for thea tatckfiokl. half for good second-strin- g and others. A stiff wind backed the played two tho will be axu, years Leopards Ja the efforts of the sprinters. McDaolels did not dash, however, there was no in suit Monday. last V because of year play broken wind and Paddock left Murchiaon bono early In the season. The four yards behind with an amasing collar burst pt speed In the last thirty Hne will present more of a problem to Coach bnt soma promHis time. seconds, yards. material may be used to reequaled the mark held exclusively by ising new place the strong line that the East hlmseif. Illinois A. C. won the team honors high had last year. The Panther coach has issued his o with points, when Tom --, Lieb and Qua Pope took first and sec- first call for practice tomorrow afterHa expects a large turnout, ond places in the discus, the final noon event. New York A. C was second with eleven or twelve letter men of with thirty-threNewark A. C third but year reporting. The first pracwith and Boston A. A. tice will be in the form of hardening exercises. Rolllmr. kicking, punting, fourth with twenty. passes and kloklng will be "Only five of the fifteen national snaeTging tho order of business for the champions who competed today were first main few days. Pummy work, successful In defending their honors. light signal practice and scrimThey were Tom Lieb la the discus throw, Fred Tootell in the hammer, mage will come toward the end of DeHart Hubbard !n the broad jump, There will be no interrla. ):. F. Meyers in the pole vault and games at the West high school this year Mat MeQrath In the as Coach believes Mclntyre that in other field weight, events, Halph requiting Hills took Orville Warner's shotput casualties do not merit tbln form of If an ;oes well with title, H. Martin won the hop. step conditioning. and Jump, which was not defended the prospects at the Panther school, should no difficulty in roundthere be John by Hubbard; Leyden captured the Javelin throw, not defended by ing oat a creditable team. H. Hoffman, and Fred Jnday fur- " ' niahed a real upset by winning over PROVO HIGH HAS the champion, and Rick 1eroy Brown, Landon, former titleholder. GOOD PROSPECTS Miss Ryan Eliminated by Spanish Net Star V 1 WOMAN. TO VINDICATE , " SALT taKB By w. ;. PERSONAL Bostoo' Bvealng FAim 5,1 L f CD Tackle Missing From Ranks of 1923? Strong Squad Promised. 36-Ho- le m. CHECKERS RAKE TO HAVE Philadelphia.. Captures National Golf Crown for Third rime by Defeating Miss Browne Lone Match." in Brilliant r ' series at Bingham tomorrow, tho Clobo,' L about 23 euUtMeaa. Nariy all fourth gome at Magna Tuesday, MAN and wvfo drtviog to leaisr eso ae- -' In erotniog nil whits smo, tnit only fifth guano Thursday, Bingham commodata two or liree. Call Apt. go;,, two solnv warO skis' to force ton win provided tt goes tho full fivo games, Keith a pl sod seen crowned, siid E, Bo. Twnpie. after all wtilu - i BTAW. A1AUNA. . AU some of too leading sotwrs clslme4 the tXUIPlst'BNT B.H.U.adriver will drirs car to Lue' BHOAI problem to bo only s draw, statin ; tfcore Ntelaoo.3b Asawl-1 Bnc(tel,t or vicinity far tianaiMrtsUon, was no way to fores a via with tho (our W. References. Hy. 732-B- . Sadler.If 4 110! Nybent.ae , wbita kings. 4 1 8 2i Btspbrt 4 Areblbald,2b write for free mformntloa sai If Mr, Basks Is able to vendors soond Smith, 2 110 8 8 ss Barrru:r... latent methoila of thin disease. all pUy- - that will Wis witkeat bloektag 3 S 0i tKmrtaunstf: . . 2 0 11 Boa ima. Lander. Wyo,treating blsek sirees as shews abeve, thoa bis Iwwct Bebertrf ... 3 1 1 X WKitley.lf 60 MK vsnengera hy auto for Los Aagolea, claim wiU bo sostaiiiad, end I will so Belt. lb .... 1 10 0: Webb.3b smona the first la cosrratnlata aim. Monday or Taesdny. J. W. BdmoBda, 3il Howard. .. 8 17 i: Vlledge.2b .. 1 0 Bo. 7U Kaat. BALUsUL Wondoavo,. A O 0 31 Dowdie 3b .. WK o CHBM. WILL aliara our building hsnlness with: M n.emlnes,isHt la yed is too toornsmeat at Meraoo Lesduuchm.lb 10 3 0 privsto party who hsa money lo saa tm'- oegmd nortgagaa. Address Tribone. Dr. ... Tares twhlto) sod B. MoUisj Hotao by R. Rati from (olio (black l. and-- ' Xpk)kT Oflico for rapid redaction 12 31 Si 3 11 Krhoehnsrlwlektea. Tots'ls ,. This Hon 27 13 . Totsh 40 i toss, agas's health bnilotngj ladlea unly. Waa. 4&SO-wss swarded a brliltasry snss. Bcora by laniags; 8ALB Oood Cosy1 seal cost. 173 rtltt MUKKNH 6 AMBIT DauunsD." . .nvsgns i " S3. so mr enop. I 7 Broadway. Block. Wkilo. Wfelts. Blsek. Runs .. r,Ta K-1 tiHAXll ATt! ilAftSBlUB AND SCALP Bl'hV1 I 21 2 1 11-- 11 1 3 Hits 4 as-a- -OJ CIALI8T Ql ItkLT CCREB BCIALA All Btaro a 23 B K4 USAOACHie. BiB O 3 2 9 0 0 INSOMNIA, -- BTe. c Runs - , 1 S ( B0t.H 211 1IALY HOTBL 20 'sr7BI)WT. i KB B at 4 8 Hi Hita 2 2. an Archibald K4tf 5 Rons Nlelsoo, MAHKAUB Summary? wlrh vseoam tronunent. 34 Bo. I S t'-M Salt Rl Bmlth 2, Belt, ll.ward. Backet , Howard, Main St., ConstltntioB Bldg., room 337. 4 tr Pxl"l 27 lkiois NlebJon. ireh'baM, How- SI KKST reducing method st Staples. yonr homo,' u Kt a Bxr ard, Nyberg, Dowdln, MeKendrkk Tkree-baa- e Coll for appvintmeBt. Afadama LeadratLt s Q IHcb base hits BmlU 2. Howard. SSH3-Was. ss. s. B B3 kits Nlelsoo, Archibald, Barrett. Pooble 4 U Bursa. matsmlty playa Bmlta to ArrhlbsM to Self, Nletson VlollINU 12 8 B3KI (Charges. Hy. 1113 M. to Arrkthald to Be if. fetolea bsse Niehwn. off Wowlktve 8. RJUTt'RMNO to Ban Francisco by way of' Hits Off Mellis 11, 14 SsKPlk Bssss oa balm Off Mellin 4. off WoodPort land la Packard ats oesnm- 15 R trwk FMUb!35 havo 2. not By Woodbare 7. by mods ta one paesengar. touring; rl Ad- -l Refameos, 18 S Boodle. ball Krt Mollis klllt with pitched IT Pif HaP 87 kid PiB of game 2:13. Wild pitch Melus. Tims ia--BlBll.t JlP Left on bases Umpires,jhioraAllsod 19 tl 'o Mists 4. J8l8 BesigiM Magna HI, yiPck 20 4HH IMTOBTANT ANNOtJNrBWBWT. fa Procorlns. Indeed, the f asand ma In connection with onr Boanty Bbae wo 1 jority of pawns oa tbe onoen'a wing, bnt n School of Beauty Colturo. All j fR EAT- - bars opened .wIR (firing up the praosnre spoo WQP, nno so LATH MSTTifuT'TajSeTH; be under tho anperrisloB departmenln M. 2ND IQt'TH. penulttuig kia opponent to advance ts the MBNTS, BATH1. H3 a of thoroughly sxpsrimieed grodaato. canter with P K4. Dr. Tarnisrh aiskso Also wa Worn call attaatioa to oar forriMo use of kia preponderance la ton ssnstnntlsl ssisries aro ready for too bIkUL elssnes for studeata snd also center to further a king's aide attack. trained If yoa wsat s who wiak to toko a "brsjO up" ' obviously mtaesrrieo, owing sueresstsltnlograpk operator. (bl 13...P-B- 4 sourso ia speelsl work. fulnrr, son filled with vital to tho fettered, position of tho h at Q4. sod sdreotare. aa well aa ftaaaciat All inqnirleo given oar saa-- 1 (O This weakens tho pswa st Kl, bat of rial sttesilso. Bondrsds All work H price la ad--, asvostlgsts today. It is hardly poaaibla to find s aatiafaenvy sorress, ttn wau Uarn wblis grnndnton. vIml rancod staiieat for fBrtkor deportment, eontinnauoo fat bioek. tnformatlon and Tales villi sals-- : "Tai H tm aau.jL.priir, that 20. ..g-Bfor rrev XBT9 or MOWIKboars Writs "ss on work. RBAtH'f AND glRlp 2T anil iS.VTIt BSBy" carries by 21 hxk.fl . booklet. Asstricaa Telegrapsi College. Boyd BCHtHtL Og BsALTY CCLTtlRB. 1UP! - w so. son. pr-i4U3 CLIirT BUki. SALT LACS. 28 and 22 BVQJ for It) Preparing Formerly knows aa Kays A Moogk. ss too WQ MlBB ANITA IX, LL, grndnato. and tssehef If 21 tbea ...B-B3- , Marinella Shop. Waa 8244. is Nsw ktaglsnd Couvrvntsry ef kiss, la ao kmger eovotnst. announces HOTEL ANH0UNCK8 OPBNTNO KKNYON rnuo teaching in pmno special (O Tit's prMty stroke eoold so kmgor w for beglnnera ON OP RgAl'TY PARLOB nnd adraacod pupils. Studio, 0ROUND bs psrrted. rixKiK. 8PKCIAL BOOTHS FOR LAOIEB. Black offers tho sxrhangn (which 1131 kltehigaa aro. Hy. 3971. (g 8 MBN OPERATORS. he cob Id sot very well sort) snd a pnnm, 8AM. WILSON, wit1 time yoa on in Bait KM'BHIENCKD CUT YOCR HAIR IV PBhlPBRRMU. la tho hope of at least getting a ooantor-attarlake rone sad are me. I stopping AND BEAUTY WORK. st tbs bightosy hotel. 33 B. Broadway. klAHCKLUNU KBABONABLB. CALL WAS. 33 (hi It Is door that so duo not take Yob can gat a nice room there very reasonKOR APPOINTMBNTU. able.the paws. rmnkr Smith. . (1) Bviftly derlniv. KDNA L HOtTZ, kill. manager of OUMoa Wl boy sellnia' oquiUon Ut roal rautt fallowed by PxS, 13 Bo. (Jl Threatening r. Buta at., aa- Ranly sheparkira, ssnnmod trseto. No. 38 W. tab lo.. aUritllBiH nounces t I Intending to answer 33 kx8 with LTCA3 hss ,tko maaagaateot ' INV. CO., Wno. 1364. of the Theater Beauty parlors, 48 S. 1st ...8x8 eh, bat wkit has aa mtennediate baths. owl tll.LK. IKiNCUmk. Moougo mora at bis disposal So. Bfficivat operators aad barber la Was. 4913, M4 Colonial hotel, 141 W. 1st Buath. r Boot. 4, COMMENCING Sept. 8, 1924. ws sr. a aly dear Plnmly: AXMh) VOKOON gives stieoUfie st tho Nan liobb Besnto Bnopps, 231 Developments la ekeeksr eixcles dnrtng tbe sad uasaage. Was, 7234-Kearna atndeats la sny snd sit Bldg.. week further strengthened f. L. Libby's Soulh and Esat. branches of beamy culture; also special tonms-men- t. grip oa first plsco la tao Ail work under oeraounl classes. troables: banlnaos DrvOKCE; night bsnkraptcy; Only Krb bss a ehance to dsfest rontrneta; wills. Intorrl.wa rsnfMantiaL supervision of Nsn Dobb. him now. A week ngo it kwksd like Crb's Legal free, Information advlos and at Maack's Bcbool of LRAKN ealtura beanly ehanres were ewoodlngly brilliant, bat now tlonnl (1 weeks' coarse. AM. 00. saaoelstloa, St7 Atlss block, Beauty Culture, It all happened la they an slim indeed. W. 2nd Booth. Inqaira about one weekly rotas; pay while this wist: I kad oil anplsysd games to flniak two ilea in tsttha, eleetrle trosl-mevt- you lenrn. f.is K. atn so. liy. 4ftis. Swedish msssssn. by espsriencsd MY SPkXUALTt with Oeorgs Bartaa snd four with U O. klLBCTROLYSlS forever a. m. neewa-ar. . . .. " , - l , Krb. To wla tbe tournament It was Bsssaar, Btta Dais. Office noon ztmw ' ivuh, 12 yeser exparlenco. that 1 ebon Id wte tire snd draw one to 10 p. m.. 207 Mclntyre Uldg. Waa. 6993. title, safe, sure. To PROC. J. (I. KLEMBNAl!, rnenmatiem Wss. 3328. IssbellQ Btevensoo. 811 Msln. (or win nil six, of coarse, If I coaJd). s gsane or pnnatb two draws mesnt PALAChV BKAUTY PARLUB. neuralgia, paralysti goat, I eon Id tie Linby noly; while the of and deformities. scistirs, Immsdiata relief.- 11 W: Wl) 80. WAS. 4133. n game nod s draw, or the silowing of boon. 2 to 8 . m., 403 Cilft bldg. Marcel, 73e. Lxpert operators, mea three draws, wosld pnt ate ovt of tbe Waa 30t7. ent yonr natr right, "not too short. " running. DONT BB A STYLISH gTOUT. LAOIEB' hair curt, marcelling, moalcnrlag. I tackled Barton first Be was oos game of exercise Work yon etc., st popular prices. my eystem By facial, approved np ao the prevloos sitting (s wla be scored can attain yonr Ideal figure and improve gusranteed. Kesrns Bidg. Beauty tbos, and with the white slue of Why be orerfat downrtatrs. Wsa. 758L ho Intended to bold onto his sdvsntsge If your boatth ao msdicinea. wllat yon should? NEIGHBORHOOD when yon "can weigh BKAUTY PABLO 1L The opening was he possibly cooUk Reality cornea from within let me show yon d and I carried tan fight ont o 3Iarcelling taught 1- - lessons, 320. Uennral New cUas tho way. starting Sept. 10. 740 beauty work, fsctshrn. scalp treatments, ate. ' lines, bnt tbs best I conld do was fcait lat Booth. 74U K. 1st South. Wasatch 8tr77-two draws. This Sent mo against Krb with the soessnity of winning sll foor gsmes WANTBII Embroidery work snd plain sew- GVTr a beautiful naarcel, an excellent naam-po- o to tie . . . virtually aa, Impossible task. for 11 at tbe Rosemary Beauty Partes, Hy. 878 J. ing. 43! Bunt 17th Booth. I pat on PARTY would shsro Pee Its psrekologiesl of feet, Pltana Waa. 2182 for aa espensrs with party expert operators, 11-Wendemnth's Kdtnnnrgh lose (a draw Add. Tribune. appointment. anurias to California. for which Anker Jenses has demonstrated bob and MAKCLLi curl. 30c; facials, one; a PREPARATION MA.M'BCRlrT apectalty: in eorreapondoDce plsy sgsinst .net sud I 33c; rose I, shampoo, 33c; oil treatment, typing smooth snd even; technics! form son the game. For the first time ii all of tsu-K- . was. at. :rc. h demsnded tlx snd editors by prodneem strictly eir meetings over a period of- senrle fif adhered to. viola Houao, 1032 East 75tu MR. W1KNKH. srtist ia shingling ladlea' 1 teen years, Bro seeonod to r- tn pteees. X wca hair. Community Mkt, bldg. Woo. 79S1. the other side of the opening. Tnen street, Chicago. III. s Peflanee enmo ap sad I put mi sno of WAKTJCD Bsby girl under two yosrs old UPTO-UATparlor, spoelst ma real aad D'Orio's linen. Moeh to my amaseiaont, he for sdoptton: good botne; oast at rare. bob rnri, 80c; nil kinds of beauty work. didn't recugalee the position (aithosah n Write P. 0. Box 41, eity. Hours 8 s. in. to 8:su p. m. .am B. 3rd is rtmlllar with tl'Orios book) snd 1 ana OfrTRICn festhars cleaned, dyed snd re Bo. Waa. 8.M1. me ttiia strsigkt game. made; nil new styles. 171 Ho. 3rd sktst. COMK get the beat ware yon arer had at Bnt .he palled fclmself tognther t.t the the shop, 463 So. SU WosL HOsiM. BHOADWAY MATKRNITT foank game nnd ooce mora wss tlie can Wss. 4S30-M- . 803 lo. 7th Bsst st. Phono Hy. 6504-W- . r rti he has alwsys boen lefore. oipient Nnraary LaiAKN beauty culture at tho Duvlo Beaatyj Tho nest X eoold do was a draw, which Open to all ethical pkyslelsnn. Parlora. Inqnlsa about our weekly rataa. j! seit door for older children of patients. pnt me ono point behind lIhby. 08 Utsh Bsrlnsa A Truss bldg. If nvb wlno bio twnlvo remnlslng gnmoo, Bates ressonshla. In marcelling, no will win LKSBONS marcelling sue, ax- tho tsorssmoms, bat that's LMARN PAST Iff, PAINTING evenings, pria pretty largo order. Hy. 900-vate or elaw; landaeapo ssd portrait. pert operator. 1018 Blslne The nsnasl meeting of the Salt Lake Pays. Was. 7381; Hy. 5330 evenings. avXPKUf mareelBo snd bob ear ling, 30c f . will be held COMPICTkl.NT City Ckockera association sva. 823 th Wss. aa will take bsgiaaora u.cher Tuesday, September 9. 1934. . Tlalln. 7Bc a lesson. Tali Hy. 1372 SO. MAHCBL AND BOB CURL. Yearn, Phone Till. 21074. Bute. MMR. MARIE UOWB. facial eoatonr J. B. SMITH. rrrnrh plaattc treatment. 119 SJAKl KLLINll ssd sll beauty work. LIUlas ' No. Main. Waa. 8788. lenoen. 1833 Bo, 3rd Bsst. Hy. 4098. DB. N WALL physician nnd rnrgeon, movod HA Yin BKAUTY PARlAhC Bemloh hotel. Offkn 400 Clift Bldg. Waa 104 R011KUT8 Out el. No. Main, saovcel-Itn- g 9332. snd sll branches of beauty culture ; SPECIAL private lesaona given. Wss. 8738. SALE All-Sta- rs Ont of the high-ren- t district. Barber MABCML ssd bob curt 80c. 738 lootb 8tb and batcher supplies, looser bends, Beacon Esst. Hy. 334S-W- . Moab Co., 133 kllNC.KU'S B HAUTE 8HOPPB. blankets, sen Dins Navojoa. Ws bars MAGNA, Sept. 1 Magna handed Regent street. with ns Ben Kasts. expert Udies snd, out a neat trimming to tho Copper BOIIB and switches msde from yonr own children's 173 K. 9th no. harbor. Hy. hero yesterday, 7 hntr. 12.50. 171 Bonth Srd East. HWA league All-Sta- rs to 3, tn tho first of the five-gaPARTY wishes to go to Twin Falls la car MA KCEL anil hob carl, 7bc. 1L 2nd sva. win before end of week. posOsoason msries. Macrna's Waa. 1SK5-Csll Hy. OrlO J. squares up tho standing. IWEIIISU jnawago, ateam baths. Bath klARC ELLIN il snd bob carliag by appoint-men- t. Though Mellts of Bingham, pitch8411 No, Monson. gin Braofc 2H8 Sn. Stats. 1st West. . Wss. S'WB-- J. Arcale. s, hurled one of ing for the l esch. Call from 1 TAll.llUIMl A Bi'l'PLY CO. MARCKL lessons. his best games of the year, he failed MILITARY Hl-All kinds of nnifonns rosde to ordar, mill-tsrto stop the Magna, sluggers. of fleers. poUre officers, firemen, postWoodhavo pitched a ciassy gams men snd nil LOST FOUND apecial low rstea to for Magna, allowing only fivo safe' sll uniformed othera; men; clesn'ng. pressing, ties and fanning seven. Mellls struck snd rspsiring; open evenings. big brown water- 187 ont eight. apanlel. who called Was. 93A0-- J Bsaday, so. ima wi sr. was. 1U12, call agaia or corns to 947 Wssh. w., short for tho Nyberg PIANO tesrher will Uke students. Btudls please between lat and 2nd West, on 9th So.? fielded brilliantly, handling seven mil m. inj bo. rnone nr. 4419-d A pair of LOST chances with only one boot. The WANTED smoked, to sdopt, by , renponaible psrty os road between Oonrrllia snd glasses, work of Smith at short and Archi. . W ,. Mttl "J gin irvm 4 Offden, Labor dsy. Reward." to Return bald at second for Magna was excel- dayKit, 7 to yrs. Aress L3. JTrlbnne. Columbia Optical Co. lent. Archibald made eight putouta ono 11AUNA aorso. Drown at second base. Smith was the big BAUDS pound, atray ORCHESTRAS sbuat 1 years. )4oa Iba.; one osraol bane, sticker of tho 'game, getting three IJTTAN8.v,'Bmpbonlc Unn OnhratT whits atrlpo ea oreheod, 12 years, UU9 hits, two of- which were three-bagg- er. No brands vlslblo. lbs. 440 B. 4th So. dependnblo. Hy. 1SA Ho was closely followed by LOST Black dog, yellow spots sa head. Barrett Archibald. Nlelsoo, and VACUUM CLEANERS one leg bandaged; last is Walker's la no. Bucket. Pour. 18. twum tnmU r ', ipvi 1 "L'uaVc wttsUj Call Magna plays tho third game of this fcLs-aMi rout raff. LOST Bunch of keys, belonging to T. R. i tfig4 Bm. Wn, SeftO Wslksr. Call Was. 12BT or Was, 8097. STOVE, Rewspd. LESSONS water 82; RANUK8. Conner tod, LOST In Utsh Ststa Natiaaal book. Sept. . jackets . n. I k mmvwm rojms.uv,m, tiesnao. 4, forenoon. 3100 eonwncy by working Tin gk.t bj fr.iajiti of man. (plusiianit. paired. AH stork rsnrantned. Rylssd 3178. Cllifomi Bummer orsges. Hstnra 334 Jeremy fiDtMt VhlfltlittC KtltWl, ALVTOQt or Reward. I. B. Morrl as. bank. National State at. rtah run tara tbls faclntiBg art, Ph&n Waa, CALL Wasters Foundry ff sli kinds or VI-te- r 4XH4-tor appotBtmet. LOST i'reni tax Bomber 1233; i bulldog, Isekets. stove repairs, Waaalch 44T4. newara. to 2 it aireer. return TJBKACEB cleaned, ropnlred. etova rrpsira CLEANTNO DYETNO LOST Wednesday,- - wlliis' block of B. Y. water Isrkots cleaned, piombiag npoirs. monnment, pair plncb eyo g 'arses. SvHr2iv!!?. llenoing ladies' Olbboney. Hy. 84. 87S7-. Boi Was. 3UU, laU Wss. ing at 144 W. HANDY Rbop Stoves, farnsees, cblmners, LOST Small black sqaara grip coataiBlagi Jackets elsrt.. rep.; plumbing. Wss. 2833-R- , 2 pairs boxing shoes, ate. dsdar phono' llYKINU CO., kALT LAkkt ClAi. sT Wss. 10J29. Reward 9lh 8. H. 43S1. cleaners snd drera. rot'trr or roa-United States for the district of Utah. 4th sts. snd 1st are. aad R st rmder Notice on pntltloa for discharge Is bank. Was. 9H2 or return to Tl B, 2nd South. phone coats of XPERT rellning snd jaeketa, pat in Kswsrd. Hyrnm riegg, mptcy. In the matter a baskrnpt. In bankruptcy, No. 7730. by mes Isilor. High cisss work gassao. Modars Cleaning Co., 403 bo. 9th M. LOT Brown traveling bsg. eontslalng Notice is hereby gives tbst Hyrnm Clegg ed. 4778. children's clothing, etc.; initials oa onds, hss tiled bis petttioa oa the 4tk day of Hy. "G. H. II." Finder phone Wss. 32a. Uiaa Beptember,. 1924. praying for s discharge H. McBwan. Linerst reward. from all bis debts Is nsnkrnptry. All see creditors snd other persons Interested 2 keys on ring; can have ssois POI'NO ittlu ordered to attend st the hearing npvs Said 820 ACM KB of twnresldronwalad, by paying for sa. Hy. ions. elsss Issd, f os 1 100; or 840 acres graslng petition before too I'nfted states district LOST Ooid brooch, fonnnesf flower, pesrt Wfl:lam U. slsrahaw. Wsa jodge, In tbe t'atted Bates con rt room. In kosaestsad.o 4T1R-center. 333 Bo. 2nd Bast. Waa 3470. the federal bniMing, Halt Like Pity, ( tab, SIMS or Hy. Rewsrd. on the 13th dsy of October, 1924, st tw GUNS AND About week sgo, small silver rosary, LOBT o'clock la the after-noo- n thereof, and tbea and there snow eonse. It sny they ksve, 8BNO Gi your gnuST befors lbs eagraved on cross. Csll Was. 2330, Re--, rash for the of th ward. should prayer why petitioner New and nsed gnns repairing. sot be granted. By general mle of the forexpert mas. $05 currency. by working sole, ammnaitloa. ate. Knadaoo'a, 333 LOOT eonrt tt Is fnrtnor ordered that ssy creditor so. State. Plesse csll st 21r Wright plscs. shall enter his opposing this sPPncatina a 1. toll of On LOST beddtfig. September la welt, appearance nnd file specifienuooa roralnc from Mniisratioa. Kstnra to 80 thereto with the ander-signetng la opposltloa referea, to too maaner and at the C. 8. l.OWAN. naayrr and ehomMt, 108 West 7th Bo. Reward. Owser call 1S2 nek of time ss provided la geoeral order No. 32, keys. go. Wwt Temple. rolNo."SD-Bu-3th Phqor Wawstrh 4114. W. I. T. OOBX, iKASON. asasyers and rhemlnta, Referee la baskraptry, - L, sitting at Salt BM:K 8.LOIT-SUmbrella. 0 ilk ISA Sioeth Weel TWnle. Was. 1214. depot.. Lake City. rtah. Please return Tribone Want Ad dept. CRIHMON O NH HulJt. awnytra ood coam-lat,Dsted September 8. 1934. 2JS Sooth Weet Temple. LtSST A rollte dog sbont 8 SMB. oM. Bo- TBI DISTRICT IWRT OF AH! turn 10 217 So. 12th East. t olled Ststea. for the dlaunet of Utah. INION ASSAY OVfli B, INC.. 161 XH P O Hot 1440 Temnle LOST Strayed, bay mora, Friday morning. Notice oo prtittno foe discharge In bank- ' Bo. 9th Bsst, In the vicinity ot roptry. Is tbe matter, of Keberia Prancls KALSOMLNXNO years old, weight about 900. Csll Hy. "GntndTlg, a bankrupt. la Urn hi the NOTICE TO CONTRACTOHS. Tho Board of County Com miss lonof Lincoln county, Koramorer, Wyoming, will receive bids at Its of-liat Kemmeror, Wyoruing, up to September 11, at I o'clock u. m., for tbe erection of a county courthouse t r the general contract, also separate I r.l for the heating, plumbins; and electric wiring in accordance with plans and. specifications now on file at tho rountv clerk's offlc In Kem-ff.ere- r. Wyoming. 1'lans and specifications can bo obtained from tbe ofneo of Headlund & :3-Watkina, architects, Dooly Building. Salt Lake City, Utah; also office of the county clerk ot at tho Lincoln county. Kemmeror, Wyoming, and may tie ohtainxi hy tho eon tractors by leaving a dopusit of twenty dollars for tho safe return of said ers risns and specifications. Each bid must bo sccotnKanled by a certified eherK of five per cent of tho amount of lild, made payable to the Itoard of County Commissioners of Lincoln county, Wyoming, as a guarantee that the bidder whoso hid is accepted will enter into a contract snd give an approved bond, in an amount as provided by law, within five days after kho contract has been awarded, otherwise tho amount of check to e forfeited to said, eounty. Chocks will ho returned with rejected b (is. Tho board reserves tho right to reject any and alt bids. By order of the Hoard of County of Lincoln Commissioners eounty, Kemmerer,- - Wyoming. rsted at Kemmeror, September 1. :?:. WHISTLING e, AND lu is tub District prt Garment Relining tub 2i ' HOMESTEADS REPAIRING ASSAYERS JS s. Tel No. 7704. - baakraptcy. tir Norleo Is hereby gives tkst- - Reborln pras-el- a kai.sai.Nu, If psnvinaniwr. e r V rr,t w an SAM- o Grosdvlg. has filed hla petition on tbe 11th day of Aaswst, prnrlna for s fraaa kia debts all dtsrkSTga All eredlrors snd other persons Interest! JLNtv Higttest pri,-atot nro ordered to attood at the hearing npoo allkklUN tWtfaeo, faraitnt, bat. lank, semnd-hss- d . said petition befatw tho 1'nlted States Hr rtr indge. In tho Pa i ted Sistea conrtroom, Junk pays mar' fat Inrnitore, lo ton federal building. Rait Lake City. , A.NKI4B taois. ttoiMos. odds nod ends, raga, bat- Utah, oo the 13th day of October, 1924, st m. two o'clock la the afternoon thereof, snd t:e, e,e. then and there nhow essae. If any thay Hir,l!FJT P"'S paid foe fnraltnre, old ruga, eddo, onds. clothing, hare, why tho prnynr of tao petitioner everything. 4"nr. , shook! sot bo granted. By general mle of the osort, tt lo farther nrdernd that any creditor apposing tnts appiirauoo saall enter PLUMBING HEATING and file spectfleauono his appsnrnoeo is BLACK MAN, p.ub7",XJ writing is opnoalttas thereto wlrh tho Bn- - LAWKENCs) serrtro. prompt beating, Shop 3J H,,. manner and st the dersigned raforso n the Poona Was. MB4, res. phona Hy. gtats., time ss provided in general order i. ' 4IIK1-B. ,, . .'.:.:. 8. T. t'OB.K. Befnve la, btnbnrptcy. sltllsg st Bs)t PLl XIB1MI resalrs, wnter jsekeis cleaned, erfe-letc.: t'tsh. foroscrs. City, reasvnahlo. Ijke roil, Dated Septum aer 8, 1924. Joka H. Ckspmsn, U na, tisti. ''""l lf. JUNK (... V. Ii- I AND lli' i. LtiwT 8flB7. lt t ' Lsat week, Bastora Star pin. Was. i Will lady who found large brown tax fur nnd who plumed Ily. 2394-kindly sgaln? saw who of car off lady get WIU, girls two si on Lbs sgo oa East 81k Bo., aad left , cost lying by mutnrmsa's chair, and called please call Hy. tht siw leftbrowncoat,spaniel, LOBT Big white strip ander neck, extra too on back font; collar lock snd ring. Reward foe giving Information '' aa to wliero this dog to. Call Wss. 96301. 35, by' working gtrL In bssincss district. Finder phone Was. 8302 M. Uisf At Wlli.es thealor or dowstowa dls- trtct. smslt pscksga eowt. bins nnd goM j Csll Was. 798 W or 278 East I embreldery. fouth. spt. 91 recelna reward.- - . H)BT Or strarpd, one female setter pupj red snd white speeHLJ, Reward, lat Sio.1 1st West. Was. 1714. . LOST phono UT lt |