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Show 22 May 27, 1999 Schedule Chapel CATHOLIC LITURGIES: 5 p.m. Saturday, 9:45 a.m. Sunday. Noon Mass Monday-Frida- y MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION: 4 p.m. the first Saturday of each month or by appointment BAPTISMS: Baptismal preparation classes required. Call chapel for more information. MARRIAGES: Six months notice and preparation classes. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sunday, CCD classes, a.m.; grades K-- and adult education, and RCIA, 1 1:15 p.m. grades PROTESTANT Table SUNDAY: 8:30 a.m. Service of Word-an(liturgical); 11:15 a.m.General Protestant (traditional) , 6 p.m. Sunday Nite LIVE, (contempo- 782-550- 0. INTERFAITH INFORMATION JEWISH a.m.-12:3- 0 2 6:15-7:1- 5 Y 8:15-9:3- 0 6 SABBATH SERVICES: Held at Ogden's 621-372- 484-150- rary). a.m. ages SUNDAY SCHOOL: YOUTH MINISTRIES: Group meets every Sunp.m. All youth from day at the Youth Center, school are invited to junior high through high attend. Call Chaplain (Capt) Bill Fretwell, Ext for more information. ECCUMENICALACTIVITIES SINGLES MINISTRY: Find the love of your life. 11 week series held Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Held in the Chapel basement, Bldg. 475. Principles for marriage preparation will be discussed and 10-1- 1 3--5 Sun.-Mo- Ext Tue.-Thus- ., n. Sun.-Mo- such as acrylic, water and oil paints, brushes, art books, stained glass, scrapbook supplies, rubber stamps, clock parts, computer clipart programs, etc. Drop in often to catch our sales. We also offer special order services for virtually any hobby or craft item. n. 5 d. 6 1-- Tue.-Thu- r. 773-078- 2. 6 CREATIVE MEMORIES: Learn how to complete and simplify photo albums. Learn how to easily document precious memories. Cost is $20 per class, $10 will be applied towards a Creative Memory album. This class is offered the second Thursp.m. Sign up at the day of each month, Thornton Community Center, Bldg. 460. Call Ext for more information. Fix-Sa- t, lf 6 4-- r. . Sat 2-- 7:30-9:3- 0 10a.m.-6p.- FEES: Wood Shop: Use fee $3 per hour, minimum of $2, Planer 25 cents per running foot, sander, . 6 y, craft products to meet your creative needs 5 s. OTHER SERVICES FLIGHTLENE BIBLE STUDY: Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., Chaplains office, Rm. 115, Bldg. 36. Afree lite lunch will be offered. Call Chaplain (Maj.) for details or Ronald Underwood at Ext show up. just refreshments will be served. SINGLES STUDY: Each Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Singles Center in the Chapel basement INFORMATION: Contact Chaplain (Maj.) Ron or TSgt Tom Koehler, Underwood, Ext y, Friday-Saturda- 8 LOCATION: Skills Developmentis located in Bldg. 534 on 11th Street We offer a variety of programs and services to meet your creative needs. NEW HOURS OF OPERATION: Frame Shop: 10 a.m.-- p.m., closed, 2 a.m.-10 10 p.m.Tue.-Thura.m.4 p.m. Sat, Fit, is open for custom frame business only. Fri. and Sat will be made available to customers. Engraving Shop: closed, Tue.-We10 a.m.-- p.m., 10 &m.-- p.m.Thur.-Fri- . Sat 10 a.m.-- 2 p.m. Auto Skills Center: Sun. 10 am.- - 8p.m., p.m., Moh. closed, 10 am.- - 6 p.m. No mechanic on duty on Sunonly. No emissions or inspections days. on Sunday. Wood Shop: Sun. 10 am.-- p.m., Mon.- 8 Tue. closed, Wed.-Thup.m., Fri. 6 p.m., 1. 399-223- 1. home phone pre-regist- er Skills Development Center 399-966- 1; 9 six-wee- Con- gregation B'rith Sholem, 2750 Grant Ave., phone and Salt Lake's Kol Ami, or 2425 E. 2760 S., GREEK ORTHODOX ORTHOS: Morning prayer held Sundays at 9 am. with Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m., Greek Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration, 674 42nd St, Ogden. For more information, call ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF SALT LAKE CITY INFORMATION: For monthly prayer schedule write to the Islamic Society of Salt Lake City, 740 South 700 East, Salt Lake City, UT 841 02, or call Sgt Dereck A. Beresford, Ext. or d cents per running foot, equipment certification class $3 per student, minimum of four students per class. CLASSES are open to active duty military, reservists, retirees, DoD civilian employees and their fam- k rotation, ily members. Classes are on a exceptthe basic framing class which is held every two weeks and the design matting class which is required is held once a month. call Ext for all classes. To HOURS FOR SALES STORE, FRAME SHOP, & ENGRAVING SHOP: Tuesday-Thursda10 a.m.-- p.m.; 10 a.m.-- p.m.; closed Sunday and Monday. INSTRUCTORS NEEDED: For wood project classes. Classes will be held on Monday or Tuesday. Project could include the following: furniture, lathe work, crafts, game boards, clocks, puzzles, etc. For more information call Ext SALES STORE: Stocked with many hobby and 25 MORNING BIBLE FELLOWSHIP: Bible study every Wednesday in the Chapel Annex, Bldg. a.m. Sponsored by CMFOCF. 445, all to ranks, family members and civilian Open employees. for informaCALL THE CHAPEL, Ext. tion on local churches or check the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. NEED MORE INFORMATION? FOREVFORMATION concerning any chapel activities, parochial schools or to reach a chaplain, call For emergency assistance after duty Ext hours, call the Command Post, Ext OTHER INFORMATION CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DASAINTS MILITARY LIAISON: Call Col. Trapper Hedges, Ext. or 8254904 for information. Meetings are not held at the base chapel due to the numerous meetings held locally. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST FOR INFORMATION: Call SabrinaStilwell, Christian Science lay representative for armed services personnel at Hill AFB, mm. AoSoDo TATTOOS I, 2443 Kiesel Ave., Oqden 625-023- 3 1 FURNITURE COMPANY 103 South State, SLC 531-886- f 3 f'-'- j Stale Health Department Approved. Oldest Established Tattoo Company in SLC. HIGH ENERGY WORK THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Sterile Methods Privacy Brilliant Colors Cover-up- s Cosmetics Body Piercing wm M Fl II I D KTOM AnPK AVAII ARI F riiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT A fine selection of sunny saxonies, COasses & Saspplses DESIGNER LSS WORK iW' 5360 S. 1 900 tantalizing textures, and brilliant berbers... from the Mohawk family of carpets! "J.W .7 w. i W. --" CST . Roy, Utah 2t yA m I r w , r l'i SO 1 V'""- SB5 7176-- 1 Monday - Friday 6 Saturday 10-- 4 Stop by and see our showroom(Next to Harmons) 9-- Wm CQijJD) mm mrnm mm mm Sign (MMMMf (limit H1 (M "Oj mm i&, mm icifcflwftMtti 1 J IV. p ""I ' ai ii 4 mi HJffl' mi H ii yjui m i at m in m i,i, ' j ' Suo..Mrv s 7Tm,,irtiygittft..1aa.t.y. uni fiLi Utah's Largest Locally Owned Home Furnishings And Full Service Floor Coverings Store! We Are An Authorized J) If '99 FOQELD memo Super E2utyv "x A st cs. -- 0ILI52 sar2 Retail Prices X $2956 to $4o,ooo 'i Prices starting at NOW $26,988 C SUPER CADS, CREW CABS CHCOSE FROM 5 J V.. i 5 4 y & 1 .JIL1J.HJA4.JIUJI |