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Show Hill AFB, fry.' Utah Vol. 54 No. 20, May 27, 1999 84056-582- 4 w reers Hill 0) If 0 (0 .? ...,.:,.-- INSIDE: Summer safety page 2, 3 j - l 1 - - - TT" -- " - - - ' r ' Savings Bond campaign page 4, 7 If t i. ."Sit . i - i I Major promos page 5 J; : v:V' ': f ,.,4j Scholarship winners ; '1 page 6 4 1 tl It. I.... - Births page 10 Photos by Randy and Mary Galbraith In to addition 900. of planting flowers, Transportation (Clockwise from top left) Nina Olson, left, waters Becky Larsen's newly planted flowers in front Bldg. Division personnel landscaped a new ground facade, which includes a rock garden. Amn. Brian Richardson, 75th Operations Support Squadron, paints the inside of the control tower. Marsha Pohlman brightens the entrance of Bldg. 1289. Jim Cole works with a squeegee to get windows in front of Bldg. 1227 spotless. (Bottom left) About 15 personnel from the Environmental Directorate turned the weed patch grounds of the Hazardous Waste Facility, Bldg. 514, into a green lawn using more than 6,500 square feet of sod. Hog heaven page 14 Triathlon page 16 announces Air Force Stop-Los- details s to offer appropriate relief." Stop-Los- s will affect 40 percent, or approximately 120,000, of those now on active duty. Slightly more" than 6,000 airmen who have requested and received permission to separate or retire from the Air Force between how and December will be required to remain in uniStop-Los- s also form as a result of Stop-Lostemporarily blocks changes of status of members of the Air Guard and Reserve that would allow a member to leave units at risk for call-uTwenty-thre- e percent of Air Force specialty codes have been identified as the critical skills needed to perform the mission. may be used only to susBy law, Stop-Los-s pend temporarily voluntary separations (to include discharges and resignations), retirements and promotions of members of the armed forces while a presidential call-u- p or mobilizawill tion is in effect. In this instance, Stop-Los- s last indefinitely, pending further reviews in the coming months, or the termination of presidential call-u- p for Kosovo. s. Marathon winners Page 17 WASHINGTON (AFPN) Acting Secretary of the Air Force E Whitten Peters and Chief of Staff Gen. Michael E. Ryan announced their susdecision May 26 to implement Stop-Loss, pending normal separations and retirements for people in critical career fields effective June 15. ial Day Peters and Ryan emphasized that they plan to keep disruption of the lives ofAir Force men and women to a minimum, and to avoid adverse effects on promotions. The Air Force will hold up only separations deemed critical to preserving mission capability. The driving force behind the decision is the ongoing air campaign in the Balkans. ' - Va..... l ', "We do not take this action lightly," said Peters. "Stop-Los- s V JVC 17 is designed to preserve the critical skills essential to support our missions in Europe and Southwest Asia, while remaining prepared to meet another major regional contingency. Stop-Los- s will also allow us to keep our training base intact, so that we will be able to reconstitute ourforces quickly when Kosovo operations cease." Peters also acknowledged the toll taken on the total force. "We are acutely aware that ours is a volunteer force and that this action, while essential to meeting our worldwide obligations, is inconsistent with fundamental principles of voluntary service," he said. "We also know that this action will adversely affect the lives of airmen and their families. "We have done our best to minimize this disruption by limiting the career fields to which s will apply. On the individual level, s we will look at the hardship caused by on a basis and do all we can Stop-Los- Stop-Los- case-by-ca- se p. s seriously and are worklives of our Air Force the to ensure hard ing members, their families and their civilian B See Details, page 3 "We take Stop-Los- |