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Show 1 Page D10 THE DAILY HKRALD. I'rmo. Hah. Thursday, November 21. 19 Study: Smoking enhances memory, Seaming abilities Subjects in both groups had electrodes attached to their heads that recorded brain waves while the word game was under By PAUL RECER AP Science Writer A new study sugWASHINGTON smokers are quicker gests young cigarette to learn and to remember than nonsmok-er- s, but researchers warned that the small udunlage doesn't outweigh the high risk of heart disease and cancer from smoking. Jaime Pineda of the University of California. San Diego, said Tuesday that the purpose of the study was to seek ways to control nicotine addiction by finding how the compound affects the brain. The sud tested 12 young smokers and 2 nonsniokers at a word game that rvqtmcs tapid learning and quick recall. way. "It is clear that there was a lot more processing going on in the brains of smokers when compared to nonsniokers." said Pineda, lead author of a study presented at a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, "A smoker's brain is busier at the memory task than were the others." Smokers were quicker and more accurate in specifying whether a word was part of a set of five words that had been Hashed on the screen shortly before. That is a pi'rtciiul test ol wotking memory. "Woikiii'- -' memory also has been called White House ready to talk about budget The enhanced performance of the smokers was evident even after they abstained from cigarettes foe 12 hours. Pineda said. The researcher, a nonsmoker himself, emphasized however thai the slight advantage does not justify the severe additional health risks of smoking cigarettes. "This in no way supports an urgumenl that people should go mil and smoke." said Pineda Smoking is (he major cause of lung cancer and has Iven linked lo cancers of lo cardiovascular disease, impotence, stroke, heart Mtack and even denial disease. Despite all those known health ellects. scientists are still uncertain aboul nicotine's piecise efforts on the ham, Pineda said. Understanding how cigareites ailed the brain may help find ways of breaking the addiction, he said. In fact, studies like Pineda's are 'absolutely essential lo the field of smoking cessation." said Dr. Mark Molnar of the Institute ol Psychology ol the Hungary Academy of Sciences. is looking into the basic inoi danism of u habit, which we cannot light successfully if we do not under-siandMolnar said. "This is important ! work." Neural scientists worldwide are trying lo learn how smoking affects the brain so new drugs or techniques can be found to combat the addiction, Molnar said. Pineda said nicotine from cigarettes appears to mimic a brain chemical called acetylcholine, one of the neurotransmitter molecules that carries messages between brain cells. i.m "This research ." ammvmmwm COTTON BOOi By MARTIN CRUTSINGER AP Economics Writer I lard as it WASHINC.ION is to believe alter last winter's debacle, the Clintor administration says it is eager to get back into serious with the budget negotiations Republican leaders of Congress. The White House's new budget director. Franklin Raines, said he will begin holding a series of exploratory talks with GOP leaders searching for ways to achieve a five-veagreement to balance the budget by 2002. " I will be talking to them to see if there are any areas vv here we can begin to work together, large or small, to begin to build confidence in our ability to work in a political but not necessarily partisan environment." Raines told a small group of reporters Tuesday He said his initial discussions would focus on whether both sides could agree on a single set of economic assumptions. Clinton eventually agreed last year to offer a plan that reached balance using economic assumptions of the Congressional Budget Office rather than the more optimistic forecast of his own Office of Management and Budget. Raines, who look over in September, said he believed the political env ironment was tar more conducive to reaching a deal this time Take an Extra around than it was two years ago. "Two years ago. we had a Republican majority that said. 'We are not middle o! the road: we are here fNr revolution." and we had a Wool Coats and Active All Dresses and Special Democratic Party that said. We ' Jackets Already on Occasion Dresses for are opposed to the elements nf Sale for Misses, Juniors, Misses, Juniors, your revolution."" Raines saiJ. Petites & Women Petites & Women "Today each is saying. 'We represent the briud miJJIe of America ' That is a big difference." Following the November elections. Nth PrevJent Clinton and Take an Extra Take an Extra Republican leaders in Congress itave signaled a desire to auud last wmrer's avnnvoniiHis stanJott in whuh n balance J budget deal v. as achieve J despite two part; .J v Diamond Jewelry, gi ernn e r. I shut Jow n s, Fine Watches, CTint.'it imiteJ congressional Currently Currently 25 Off! leaders to lie White Hihjsc last 20-40 OFR week to JisvUss ways to avuid suvh a stand 'tf this time around Later, he called getting a balanced budget his i.m-..'.h- :i ptufity in a second term and said it could be "easily achievable." given fuw v tnh sidc were before talks broke off. Katncs ottered n hints TuesJay t where the administration mm Cartncaai planned to otter compromises in its ettort to reavh agreement with All Sportshirts from All St. John's Bay4 Republicans, but he said the Conte di Milano, Hunt and Club' on aJaunisrrarion's position Robert Men for Stock, Natural Issue Medicare would not be significant-t- v Sportshirts 4VanHeusen different than its last budget itnawt Cartrticsia. if.lm ancaa. utter. During the campaign, rhe presi1 dent had denounced the Republisevere can budget for prorv-sinreduction, in Medicare while Republicans contended that the Democrats were res.rting to scare tactics, in an effort to win votes. Nh Carancaaj : Raines, said Tuesday he hoped All Nike All Kike and adidas agreement could be reached in Footwear for Fleece in Apparel trine for the deal to be reflected & Men Women the budget Clinton is required to Men Women and for submit to Congress on Feb 3 Bat he conceded that was an extremely ambitious target and siicgeved as a fallback a deadline ia April, when Cngress is supplied to produce its own spending outline ; Both House and Senate Republican leaders, however, ha' already expressed their own prefSelected Cookware Sets Any Krups Appliance erence fir sticking to the traditionMore! or S20 al schedule that would have n Reg. bear CopparSpc Set, serums talks get under way until Sotutxmftpc SQ sub-the after president's budget ssion in February. WIOMut CarMlcaM. mgUr fM Raines, said he still hoped to move that timetable up in the preliminary discussions he will tue in cominc davs with congressional lalm mm " t m iwJm pne m. f film bwc m alttntq mum leaders. 23. IM a Immimt CanHcmm HuMiia iih mm mtm mm mmmmm m mncn m mm mi ncm rnnm Mvwdiii "We would particularly like to "gifrcn H.itimom an tnmtml prMari iAiiM mrnt Mac m nnin rfW CI CI m. SpacMI mm mmmtm. IM kMm JGPmmm the process of having us mi.. at Mi m mm. CarMcaa) mrnt m bM at M mmn MM wary tmj m mnuuM move on our own and for them to km af put Llima. Mot taM mom iiniiiml mm mt Mr JOmr, tinii.aaj m tmamm anal camot a aaad (Br pa,m I an atcaiaa: ar naMaaM kjr emmx a akrant move on their own and only really oradK aroaaa an aubiact laaa. hard after a discus.sin posijoin tions have been outlined and set forward." Raines said. . Occ-a;- . ar OOo 0 1 0 6PF 3 FF ff ff 9 tp o 10 'I ff ff OFF FF $ mm $1FF "w " c " n v. J ff 30 ff ss IW5)3!kG5Mk jxd the pancreas, stomach. bie.N. own) ami throat. Smoking also causes emphysema, an oflen lethal breathing disonlei, And it has been identified as a major contributor 'scratch pad memory' because it is when the brain only needs to remember things for a short period of time and then w ipes it t out," he said. 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