Show 0o 1io 00 E by RA bankson a and more foe on rocky waves rock of cf 10 lo cu cian R 11 Vo vember Ko ML limato az 11 3E ATI G IT U L AA mw ie 11 and ridges machine luns AJ SOLDIERS TOO Ano rican and with those antrican in forces were nu alani lin lant iab it ras sergeant rupted know touch we le I1 on ton firstin 11 inter- as you so there much e did to say about that the tho fightprisoners take Ane rican soldiers ber 0 american brine cate caiete froni ing forces began to bring hose ancestry ca so ie in sonie the nemy prisoners a ane anc root arie the or one were r ivere there times youn americans these many two oy anc str some other times as 01 J ane c ane tadanec brought b 5 a ht in or 6 were braul as d d ere bs re of thom ft hom aad3 oth at a time those fellows or n arl tiara E 6oT guess 1I r iess i r e t ired Y1I ri f Tvar are rl v volun bo hav ers who every they arc just like t ered erk 1 for comb itt service vibo is fa ner aachen acied to tue antol bod else who ter oish it arny this war they wish liec c branch 0 the ermy n 3 at h irs was a job thi TI to the took ahm on that thuy thoy front so and assist in gaining that informa- K ga ELL OF ALEUTIAN CAMPAIGN VIVIDLY lile ravines 1942 I1 the dull revelathe surped thet are tra trapped the they ore uns a tion ti ran of heavy boat bottoms render in of rain in the beaches shadowy or thile we were irl we landed through the tile intelligence orns lun in the with the infantry comand y tv i 1 i r ht ssha d rwu ve went ashore from heavy lost hoac craca of rifles fost we arc anin of men rushing br rushin our ships in flat bottom avay aray ori rom r the lancing boats creeping up f oforward rward f thick tfoor toward chorel toi aard the in- through the shoreline so vas vic dence was which that wo terior of nothing see ahead aatu could of attu the je ate nm put us una uns 75 u landing as on of apounding shore and the seaming es forces lere for fores sounded pov over and our dull in meet shots shore to fog of the enemy the denseness es strongly er he forward eard for aidin in as our forces bablis aed there thera hiding across the beach and faced caves shoot advantageous eaves in from high ledges cov the enemy ern 20 would end hava did you havo when they found th they were here not to be mistreated they answered our quest tons freely questions they fold us as nearer as they kney how large the force kne ho wac vac on the island and other information that ve desired us 1 1 1 1 HIGH JAPANESE 1MORALE their morale seemed chile thoy they bluite eiph and hile they wore licked they shrugged it off by saying that they had done their best bost but it be hellod if they lost the island because ro atly outthey wore viere so beatly knew that aatu on attu nu numbered the of the 11 jo tltwo cloi veterans told mapping up mopping a of oi the american troops in cleaning out olt tha stanco from the resistance last resi caves and the ravines of tho island in which it vas necessary 0 ss a r 1 to hunt dovin in- dividual and scattered sniperi resistance creepar aund the dense fog ing around baiting for openings and for movements aty mighty nice to nico it is mi bo out here away from it vio are or a timo but wo difficul- all for get back to wherety in getting information ready to got od be assigned aro to bo assign from fron the prisoners their ver we aru and et the whole thing captives interviewer asked or as soon as pos Sf sor over no with iwai bant from II ravro VISIT TOPAZ was c talked with silo the consensus sergeants men them and they talked with of both 10 lo of thosen enyoung on 0 or J10 ar back home no thay day tl ny are ON ANOTHER FRONT si bant ben liori waki Sson HOW 5SERGEANT clr RGE ANT KOMOTO WAS saki ur and urs Lor izaki horii of ia BY A JAPANESE SNIPER and sergeant Serg sant brod ajr son of and airs back fron another section of the oriel wide battle dack ly sargeant sergeant ant kazuo kasuo komoto recipient of the ants front staff Sargo all residents frantl d of fighting in tho the south sea jard a told purple ind tol hr heart re arb aren aboia aray of two al faix7 whoso komoto bohose courier Couri or Acco iding to tho gila s arvice behind theia amny according had been without confer have boen of which havo been parents are no in tho gila conter bonhs or drad and hungry azan and tired a week sleep dofor with the alaskan alasi he had relatively f ast co mand had been aliet lie acter afternoon that fox hole and stretched himself on ar of the fittin front clira bod out of his foxhole aay tion front fron any annap am n tho the aneny L hir f I1 abnis thu ground for a nap twenty minutes later a machine ir mod st int hoir adais fram a aion thc y gun cun opened up on several men including komoto from ion of tho the parts jhc range I aved hav in th inva- 25 yard dosing the next dozing an the ground one moment I1 was on aatu sion and aid capture casturo of attu how nd thi I1 dont know fox hole baat in the foxhole th taking over of icis second 1I vias bac says he k th list stronghold of in wonder h namy ni my in alaska but a slug had entered his knee and bored through urr we took prisoners a b ine surf ne several other soldiers viere also wounded the oen camouflaged in a tree was dead a ser ant id sniper who had bbeen ii fin is a hns hos human few seconds follows are hunan later sniping says the sergeant isa ludt luat like us and when suicide mission 1 aas 1 |