Show gift ift i T ij a 1 li e jiqui bai new nevi ab AT h w 7 V v of an ar an informative aria tae na- hlLl TARy ture 1 by 13 ilai DICINi J albert Q giai jhb the describes sel af 11 me dicine of medicine surgery which in the weapons new and reckoning onillE will final reck 3 U TA H GOVERNOR PROTECTS i NISEI NISEl RIGHTS IN SPEECH F s afore boak b bokss page times tines 1943 1945 november 20 gov an ogden audience last becomes strong elou gh any tuesday lu grout enough that if to restrict the rights of american citizens of japarave danger that the rights of nese ancestry there is arave even your rights and my ts will be reothers stricted strict ed according to the ogden standard examiner FIRS filstr STUDENTT FORUM ISS HELD first the of weekly student the bi- forums was has the governor said it that suggested been the constitution be amended or laws enacted so that citizens of japa- ancestry nese re- may be held thursday at the high moved from this country or wont die in this james hirano act- denied privileges school janes drugs chich read about sulfa manager rev J guaranour block ing and blood dried constitution bottled tees to all americans new nev Tsuka noto and nancy akita an aesthetics new aita 1 I hope vere the forms that the time forms of treatment and senior student were never comes when the limain speakers aers new surgical procedures aers a- berty of any american cispeakers by da LOVEE IN all three aspea cohn A thorough job greed that relocation is tizen is limited or revid gohn of research has been done good in individual cases stricted strict ed merely because or his dark by cohn who after inves- but that there were viere some his skin is darl be ap recognized appear to eyes oear or be the obstacles slanted american tigating ti norman hirose acted as cause he belon belongss to a mi comes to the concluscene cones sion that relations be- moderator sachi Kaija hara bority religious or racial croup if the time comes tween american men and wois chairman of the student group jaich is when this should be done men are far from satisfacforum committee tory that americans are sponsored by victor goert- I1 would ask ahat did teQ dd emotionally adolescent he zel director of guidance fight for war jar one x goes vay inay out on a limb when he ans answers viers the ques on mio is nore to blanc ti lie or the aj VISITING So 0il 1 11 II T ell alile sl ir ii I1 I dont think thin I1 need to rem remind ind you peddle there lil vas a tine lihen the bior or 1 than wre TS yoshio hatta carlp bre hated KAISER the japanese are today and akes THE boo savage alinn by paul dekruif TORS a nere made to deny ta mitsuo Toni naga efforts were oe of a to the description medical fort ouster rions the rights custer i ich group plan as initiated by oto enjoyed by other Ane americans ricans set takeshi pac larry Xa camp shipbuilder henry kaiser personally 1I fear the Kata yaa THE TAE LAND OF THE GREAT grant disloyal germans in this ill Liaurice collins pac by II IMAGE country more than the japata a kusuda the men ale n 1 omen 1 a faithful account travels from aci dia goa to of fort rile y kansas aava lianrique ta shuichi xira Kira kaa friar portuguese Leaven north kans in in- fort leavenworth of the 11 yas the nativo native king- kitagawa salva act t of burma picturesque SI rocchi adachi pat portuguese india of tho 4 katsumi the sev- atsumi fujii camp shelby entee nth century with enteenth nith its I aiss doms U 1 inquisition and its slave RECORD CONCEPT traffic is brought to life BE GIVEN and the unique story of buddhist king jho aspired to tho the of the world is told in vivid detail the fiction THE FABULOUS by robert hubner novel whose locale is PEOPLES PEOPLE a into this story is TO violin nor for trall tra with yehuda as violinist hall 11 sr T day7 shi one ono D byll day in- carmen carnen 1 arss hida hid to rj ve- 40 4 a boy 14 r T E rs drs I1 i Noven bor 14 27 a boy to arsrs ia ha 28 7 F a boy iwaihara omber ilov riber buo 16 a to ti a hashi 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that tens and hundreds of thousands of men who would have died inn any previous herbert 15 pirl to lrar 3 no- Nov enber november to hrs irs ta1 39 8 motsu kikugawa november enber 18 a boy Nov G C 4 |