Show november Woven ber 20 topaz tinos tines 1943 bouc pampie Pa opiE IMPART bov oa e P TIC 0 IF WN 11 im 1I TO MI RH mi B1 C D B N bll K S CA TO RS f conducted in a relocation survey con ducted by the granada r coran unity ty analysis division headed by john Ra damker relo community the median leafan are of rolo overwhelming in r majority of the evacuees es ao cahors who have stayed at an overwhelm ho VT thay vore hesitant about resetrelocation questioned stated that they tae te brethren tling the chief reasons for their state oi chicago 01 mind ver cako ottel in Chi illiyears As ac due duo to uncertainty of public sentiment noisSI is 26 lack of into information re- formation lack of confidence in mains a livinio 7 a A livina livin ceived here lack fP confidence in establishing a secure future I1 Iu ture Ho rever according to the granada pioneer of loven evacuees es ho however of the advantage ve taken advant ae of bar 6 tion received from the various relo have a oration relocathe hostel only 56 were tion officers scattered throughout ent hout the differ different states august 25 and letters aroa those who hu ae already re bettl d infrom topa ac of autust have leads the list dacate dicate that public acceptance is very favorable to our with by thu fol loved by gila acceptance with more Cu cation and followed rith thi ora r sid ants could be induced to relocate with 70 others include roro poston 58 tule lake 4 following winf is a chart sho ain what factors havo Follo have nade granada 37 jerome 23 ht ts reluctant ant in adult acbo 0 j f k V 11 Mini doka 3 mountain 4 minidoka and rohwer 1 females for every rho have stayed at the hostel there were males re of the q 21 locators were drori I to 1 0 years of age se fro 1 FAIR falt PLAY TOWARD N S E nase I1 0 10 20 50 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 of public lyof lack of vl lack of information nals dats Comi ties comities tea W V ttee FX lusion L oto this is a story sith happy ending endine and hee r tins W 40 i- a EVA EVACUEE nt against tho Su ukia Suz the buzukis bowore beand lore efto etc leal 4 inie cie i 11 imbi P a ate had also visit aio viled and fainerr the h U x na n irra ryy h n IE se american fan nse ise in r att r t r n it i L i s v ana gun to co bar thera suzuki and them went to all chitren iship of Follo fella niara yas in- ton as el liati zimn nr bribers ibers nw ottn calls r nf evacuation aarl nn proa stat in pro ajajj gi start catholic it holic t hon hor in a strict cler cori the community in tho ditc tat ay NT 1 CIVIL MINDED CITI HELP CITIZENS ELP ZENs H r y tj 0 training schools r t of ans from US americans L ai qy 1 slows relander to was ta 41 vias tho the result rosult th health lt clof poor flo 4 T y ic eaf lishh th aln v Tapan esp ancestry full of Japan protection of the execl lack confidence idenie I1inn tivo order which forbids establishing in c a ishino Establish ag ins t secure future ii nation discrimination against diacri aea rs because of race or difficultyy in using oric arkers Us ins 18 I1le m 4 ry 43 i A i 1I w 7 U hav color vw y s y ing arters instructed by a directive from will maslov di rvictor of field operations camly tians and to rive five american citizens responsibilities ties esp been v i 7 t T on bair dai Frac tico i u regi regional onal lack confidence idenie in of the baking a living C fikri ul VJ washington ASHINGTON directors I1 ba oney ff 3 TV il sentiment ADVOCATED I1 10 i i i il a borl borloo horio 0 o y 1 d most of 11 ii s in the noi al nnoihh n the opI itt irr 1 a lac Q r an e e c I ir i the 1 airr r are 3 li bertierfl ro in tt rrr 17 ivil i ivi added to po in r int ih t fl in lin thiti FAMILY front Su Sue window A delegation gation dela bad ened to call on baa throat threatened Su th the in a further them out then to force effort when they arrived they found in the suzuki living of neighbors ii room 15 udina catholic arie riestt and mi lister prote tart prot tar t ni a ta tt thirir ahr at s aier Q m first mn acine lo itic ahr ta iq on ton pd c i T nj ni dl rr i in nd earl h nd some etian kanj aa a at ed ue then aro u 4 I1 apo hole situs situa lay dia di arr b he the d ct verv ver vody Kody |