Show A tr J V val no V r fs y11 Aw lf f VVEin x r alt T R 1 TOPAZ 21 EXCHANGE SHIP KE RE keaches aaA PA N beaches NOV iq f li at E i S K i all v hii L 1 Y saturday TAH UTAH november TOELECTIONS TOBE AS ENTIRE COUNCIL RESIGNS following the resignation of the entire city couarrangements cements for a new election were nov vere bencil thursday arran washington DG new couby made eloc general the election the fco radio tobord to 16 according ine accordia kyo as transcribed by the ncil will serve for the remainder odthe current term synpathy with its chairman the council resigned in sympathy g monitor US government ho dr georfe Oci kuba the exchange ship teia na- LE OCA TION ON no position ron withdrew from his ru with 1500 repatriated explainsafely r FORUM FEATURES tuesday ijapanese aboard ques he had been ed that japan reached yokohama E LT HR P C SM LA FBI BI a about by the immediately tinned november 14 was statement which he vias one a TTO al sas tivo speakers sneakers hoafter landing it vas and tho the lead stel stated many of the lef od to have made at a the pers took the first stream- other a relocation supe- council discussion on anthe lined express train to to- rvisor for the boston area recruiting of topaz vork the reloca- ers to harvest tule lake at tho kyo inhere as their ini- till s forum tuesday at din potatoes act they visited the tion tial pi S 72 had been reported to imperial palace from P inu hall erial alace it had on the following day it oss learned today FBI the that pre he preferred ferrod raloh direc- remarked that their representatives nade speeches to see the potatoes rot ad sn tor of the brethren hostel on capo Chi speak ate than to have topaz resico treat- in chicado will considerate nahe enemy 11 a work ment for all the the of the hostels host els dents harvest them costels ho he betzer because staying resigned Srael rc jaan in durina his visit smeltzer signed tionals would like to meet with lieved that one of those radio tokyo continued at atvas as an info reportraer time and informer same they sane the friends relatives of present jhen we had this re- since nhen ed all of their experi- residents vho have ences rood and bud in the bre meeting there alere no causettled throughh tho sentrk tt etail chiq ahi h they had casians roger clapp relocation gone while in the US all their statements supervisor for boston and AUTO MECHANICS the new edeland states were to have boan broadcast throughout tapan japan on will tell about the oppo- CLASS TO BEGIN a the following day tho registration for Refi tuni ties in that area rtunities class in auto mechanics CIT P vill be held londay afternAT oon and evening evenin at the cp W av IR 1I 1I G N R S PJ A IL vocational training office administration the long awaited trench- an outlet for completely in the building annex L C bane be er which will bs in alushin out the vater ater the replacement of the vi- mains adult education supervisor ator lines henry R watson senior announced today iIS arrived here from ely fro nevada the instructor is tok last engineer stated that the yi make it po- hironaka nos corking night and is now tren chor aill classes are to trencher pipeline berin november 24 inthe hospital area ac- ssible for the crow cording to the enc engineers cro to control leaks and ONE PERSON CAUGHT nure atar supnuro section EN TR Y IN CANTEEN ENTRY be the trencher will plies in the city apprere one person was ap used to replace service dvork ork on th the replacement of service lings in all hended in connection with ibes lips in the hospital entry try into canschool administration blocks was has completed fri- the forced en accord aek accordi war huse and garage areas day night to teen 19 last wipek according 8 p well theil as the entire mai- watson to the project attorwe wish to express our neys office ine in jasner avenue and nline jaklon into cu by soot ions cb opera custody tody sections in thanks for the co other apes janes count authorities tion of the blocks for LIillard countr nama naia iad ad his hi A rei dart in the replace the culprit their part ill falso carbe bent urt be denning o urtie of ti watson vatson services withheld dur t t supner off t without said r ta t Mmil their aid port we would not have Rudd tiU W be THER an in ork IH ER 1I abl ark on bein hati il avo 28 88 socia 67 will hold their social big job of yre the other bigjoe tl r d y dr 1 ril o 11 d- T 1 1 0 f-a hr 0 ki I1 v 0 1 11 11 ba tr y 66 ba or er arAve 4 arrive 1 hen the r arnch DH 20 xr ther thun ea age DH 4 32 99 44 |