Show november 20 arr KIA g fv f topaz times 1943 1945 Mr 1 N M i PA 0 YE iry page 7 pape D p- iry TA KA HASH TAKAHASHI i UT I1 1 1 cv eLi caeli f I1 i 2 V lf kj ri c im u ii lla MIX UP you wear glasses regugia ses regu ea to mixing nisei accustomed accustom larly as we do or even oc a goad good deal of japanese words you will find or Pphra casionally louwill hr seg eser with their english breser that a nonchalant routine hare have been caught up short in cleansing cleans ipg of the lenses is caa in with their appoin1 insufficient the metal tive heads take for instance aad the the liberal use of ne which parts of the bridge and pads seem to clog easily slips unobtrusively into the clo of most innocuous conversations and as evera wearer specs has found these por- or how hon a out tha canteen worktions are hard to get into er who acco sted the little caunho accosted for ready cleaning casian boy thus na ni if 3 I1 J Iunless kept carefully inless and eroclean oxidation making classsion sets in makins And what nuies sances they can be when your nose needing constant hitch 1 they slide down glasses that ingupo sit two far down your nose gives you a squinty old maid look so how to go about grooming them then well make a soap or a little down mel melting laundry by solution soi meltina ution granulated soap add ng twice as much household ambottie and monia keep it in a small size lotion bottle scrub it on all the metal parts and with a be awfully careful to hold discarded toothbrush your glasses with one hand so that they dont bend out of shape in the process do this every week AGED an old walked the CROONER CROOM tortuously path between barracks his aged eyes were viere hid- thick glasses den behind his movements stiff there is the end watched were mete jerky now we how a man who of he meditated is lifes and and nearing liters span we had maneuvered half the distance racks when without a single pause in that jerky stride he burst into song this song was Tan anese and utiJao rendered in japanese lized a high bavery tone whether the tremor was accommuch time between now and plished intentionally or uninthere really christmas come to think of it what are you giv- tentionally ally vas beside the Bro ing your dad brothers brother question what struck us was therk or that man in your life we or a vell the high morale which prompted still think that some hand knit socks by lovin nely tailored shirt produced lovinell Cly stitch lovi stitch the spontaneous outburst are is the most appreciated gift woolen wrinkle proof you listening topaz at large neckties produced on hand looms are about a dollar so are fur lined gloves slippers and nice too cigarettes and machine made for that friend far away woolen socks a box of stationery plain printed or ramonogrammed admed will serve as a gentle hint and furnish the where ail to assure wherewith you of correspondence for a lonc while two decks of playing cards will not be amiss either to wile away spare time they are especially nice r A BEFOGGED these bewildered and distraught individuals you see roaming the center these thesa days for the fellow who is laid up in the hospital here are not what they might appear cheer him up with occasional visits ond and please at first erht to see their don dontt forget him at christmas noses and faltering steps red nodes if your brother simply has just everything he might lead one to believe the might still need a pair of fleeced night aness their unseewitness knit pajamas worst to wi these freezing mornings Hhow about a subscription ing eyes might foster the idea or a that snobbishness has reared Home town newspaper to his favorite map capazine azine hometown warm scarf he might like a scarf you could knit its ugly head to receive the or would you like to make brunt of their glares might one of a width of wool yardbreak up a beautiful friendage and 1211 12 wide monogram ship those these people will continand add fringe of matchue to harrass the public eye it ing yarn of navy blue for the duration of the windark brown grey or a dash ter they belong to the unforing plaid monogrammed or tunate lot which bows yearly with the first name in script it should go over bip we will design this script for you as part of the jast free pattern service send in the name to be size desired article done on the embroidery is to be an plied and your ad- dress armo 1 dry service at the altar of the cold only with the first day of summer do they shako cares of the shake ohp th adres world from their shoulders unless they are also pilgrims JG to the altar of hay fever are not laughing at you were laughing with you dont you think p ea k speak wg we know whereof we |