Show la 2 topaz limas t r w is r y na E JOAZ ys published tuesdays thursdays and saturdays i i i i f avd a 4 1940 r f f abc the cen central aral uta utahh relocation center atthe r nts re t 0r d reprints ed editorial two i 4 LE TS 1 I1 i OURS ELVES CLEAR MAKE OURSELVES note after several weeks of waiting dur- I1 ed in ing which no direct mord was received from the tule lake center several ccopies aof the aulean dispatch finally fina ly found their way into the times ofsomewhat some ahat roundabout route by a sor fice vere and 4 issues issuer were at the time the november 2 ano and the published the strike was already in effect tule lake center vas already the focus cyof public attention within the center the trend of resident bly such headlines as sentiment was indicated by by center over resicommemorated ji setsu emperor er geror pay nippon respect lanto late dents over to at2500 students organized guage school than those more ficano tend classes still okada was the follo jing editorial by tsuyoshi november bor 4 edition of the which appeared in the Novem aulean dispatch pas passenger ving car carr carrying lips skidded and overturned on a curve four or five A I1 seven north narth of the center wednesday morning of soldiers were last week killed instantly and one faev tally injured died a few miles early earl hours 1 tei- to later plans are now underway for huo athletic stadium to be built near the high school din building buil this stadium the a first of its cation center kina in any relo- will vill ball field fiel A ill yard bo be dug be out and banked inside footencircled A a track A basketball court is also being we wore into this planned for the south side of Is the reason why wo dents residents if not the field center clear in the minds of all rosi poston chronicle why not our made in clear definitely has this the ira in observance of armistice minds when they defined segregation as a movement to separate those who want to be JAPANESE from day a sale of veteran made pop po p ties was held in the center those who want to be asrican be1842 worth of we we wish to be japanese last week ive are here because wo our vas japanese sold in the adminfu- poppies ese cause we vie desire to do things as janan S way buildings police sta our istration american of life rican ture does NOT lie in the Arte 3 barracks and jiin IT nay or of life tin future is in tho japanese way rohwer outpost however there are still many who by their acreverting ting to the tions and thoughts insist upon reve pounds life they led prior to their decision I are you one of approximately ordered were for turkeys you are of those residents it is about tine thanksgivingnr if the day from nu you and have decided act accordia lyt that center market quartermasters us and we who elect to remain a japanese let angeles be sincere in our protestations Celes lot let us act like in los An manzanar Manza aar free press Japa japanese neset 1 let aleman us show america in every respect that the japanese is gs gs a cen our actions and conduct here fellow japanese in this center reflect not only unon our individual lives but upon all 0of our fello japanese ve are javanese Jananese at all time remember that vie 7 famin honor of the ilies in the center with sons in the service the denson USO and hostess club sponsored a joint TULE LAKE RIOT the affair camp a the tule lake segregation center is for japanese rho are obvious self confessed enemies of Ja THE last tues- torether beet 14 more are than day evening parents and friends attended denson tribune it center baked bread will america ib houses only those who as alien foos foes A grace possible tha moss hall tables as the to sonn soon aa tokyo as as will be returned as a supervisor arrives soon group by a such not surprising riot is equipment m has bakery make a would be to thouthe therefore stale mistake it the sands of other japanese americans suffer for the valued at dont tule lake inci incident the trouble making of avowed pound oven capable of baking is re enemies should not interrupt the grocers of loaves at one time leasing individual nisei whose trustworthiness ready for operation A moulder large and larse dough mixer has been reliably determined are be cake mixers and small on the country the has no reason to tolerate placement proper held in any more hand nonsense other at tule lake it is hode to create a the bakery is expected to turn hinted that our rioting guests hooe phereby can tokyo mistreatment out 1000 loaves a day cakes justify situation bakes when sugar is of americans but if so that is sheer blackmail will be baked 1 fr brutality is not necessary discipline is from an editorial in the chicago sun nov available 6 heart mt Senti nef sentinel |