Show I i SOWS NOTES The Te CarIsi of if TIntIc had i 4 ears cars of or ore oreon oreon oreon on the market today tollay Samuel went out to Mam Mammoth Mammoth am amroth moth roth last evening Eleven cars of oC ore oro were on the mars ma kt today from the Grand Irani Central of cC Tintie Tho rho Lower Mammoth of 01 Tintin reached the market today with another oar sar rr of oC ore oreA ore oreA A car of ore was marketed tra from the Burning Moscow of ot The Te sulphide mill mi of or the Taylor sampling company Is shut eliot shutdown loan down ton for Cor repairs The sampler reported 16 1 oars earn of ore from Irom today and 3 from rota The Tho ho Annie Laurie nf or had ha n a consignment Of sif gold goll cyanides NI on the market marketA A lot of oC copper bullion bullon from Crom the Dixie copper mine minI near St George Georgo was sold yesterday afternoon A small mul force Is II still at nt work nt at the Manhattan at Tintic but hut no change la Is reported In tho the face of oC the Ihl tunnel Ten cats of oC copper matte Into anti 3 cars ot crude crullo ore are were at the tOn ten sampler today ton from Crom the Copper r d Gold lIld company compan P J Donahue who Is I back from tram Stateline reports some soma fine looking copper ore being extracted In m the 0 O K properly n mi Heaver Lake district A fabulously rich rih strike is 14 reported In the Gold Sovereign Sil r of or Five FIo i Inches of ore oro has hn uc Icon licen n round found ut pt t a h depth of ot feet feet which assays O as o high bight as ha to the tJ ton The Tue Boston News Bureau Is If authority au for tor tho the statement that tha the tho th American Smelting and nud Refining Kenning company Is la ne tie negotiating n n it 1 contract With wih tho the lead mines lines of hf the Coeur die tritt H It Is I stated that tile the Joe Dowers Joer I equipment Cl ent consisting c n of ot butlers boiler en cn engine engine gine glue ole etc call II be he fold rold 01 by lt the sheriff herll I next morning to 10 partially tt I l bt fy the Judgment against n t tho the com coin company palsy pany This will wi be bo followed Cal owed by tho the ml nl of or the mine next month If It I other arrangements are arc url not Slot made mado Tho The company whoso whose proper propertIes tIes tics lel tire lre In the thu mountains in northern Arizona Is still sUI leaching some copper though hough It does not expect to do much mich before spring wh where whelo ie the pipe line lne will vIlI be ho built bui At present the pipe Is wi snowed In some where between en tho the railroad and tho tIm thomine thomine mine Assays er received late In afternoon II from rr m a now discovery y In the 1 nw Silver 81 fell Bell Del of or Park Il rk City which showed time the presence enc of 55 per cent lead leRt 85 8 ounces silver 88 18 per pent cent copper and in 11 gold Kolt per ton Secretary Sonne onnO flecker docker reports about 4 Inches of the above grade fissure which was encountered Gj feet from Cram this the f t the tho tunnel |