Show 44 Tin ru i OF UI inn I i Tim flie fI comment comments of ot tho the pross proa pro s of ot this thie thier r r t country COultry on tho Ian Evans I an bill null and Its veto l by Ly the Governor afford one more II III I of the tha very wry common misapprehension I of at Mormon lormon affairs Irs by Ly the tho thea a editors of the tho public Journals and as aA asa t a fl natural consequence neo by b the people I generally They Thoy also alec make plain the tho tau lau so en frequently exhibited that the cause causa of that misunderstanding arises In this city and hes Its It pur pOle through the electric telegraph which of ot course carries A falsehood with withas ns as much facility as It Hashes truth and the tho errors error thus conveyed form torm a 11 buh for tor editorial mistakes Wo We understand that most If not all allot of ot the these p bits of or untruth sent ent over thu wires vIres about the Evana Esan bill were sue ate to the tho papers that published them S They rhey do not always appear In that light lI h t A large laree number of ot them theta lire are pub as though they were received In lii regular service and one ono Chicago paper the heads Its misinformation By P 11 tho Associated Press Then Thee fol iol follows oh lows los this shameful perversion of ot tho of ef the bill the tho text test of ot the tho gubernatorial veto Salt Lake Inke City CIt Utah March Mardi H 14 Governor Wells has hns vetoed the Evans Eons b bIll II relating to the tanking making of ot coin com complaints plaints and nd commencing of ot o prosecutions In 10 criminal cases against pc Ih veto message was sent to the Son nt ate tonight The bill n a passed provides that no verion lerdon may mil bring brine a charge of ot polygamy I except tho thu plural wire wife or aliened l plural plura I IwHo wHo of ot the tho accused or a 1 blood relation I of the accused As s 11 a II result the bill It i was ns claimed let down the tho barn com corn completely for The only opportunity to prosecute wn R ne a n ClUe case of ot an nn actual within the tho State of ut Utah after Itter Its admission to tho the union tItian A tuna man might go BO Into Inlo Mexico nal nurry ns at II many man wives ns as ho he wished and l I turn to Utah to live lite with them with impunity unless one OM of tim the plural wives began the tho suit stilt Of Or course coUrso the bill ns as ron eon contains no such Buch It does dou not let down aown the bars baNI nor change the law against i Polygamous marriages or orthe orthe orthe the mannor manner of ot their There Therel Is III l nothing In It about such euch marriages either before or after Utah entered the Union The second paragraph p quoted above abo Is totally untrue In examining other Chicago papers paper whIch publish the regular press Ness this pa we WI d do dj not find the objection objectionable able statements that appear In the Record Is h I It that n a Journal claiming r p veracity would too thee pam In Inan inan an nn Associated Vr s dispatch We Wo leave ea that for tor the lie Int parties r to determine Hut w Wv notice that In A j number of or the newspaper that us u these dispatches no such urh misleading comment ar the thi news is it IIi i given simply pimply ns fU the fiN fact II occurred and Is 19 i In strict line with tUh the lh functions of If t the Ir Ire Wo We 0 are thus thu led 1 1 ta to t the tle conclusion that the th has published as all an n Associated Press les dispatch comments of ot Its own and thus not only on maligned the tho Utah Legisla Legislature ture but committed Journalistic forg forgery try ery liNe here Is li a IL dispatch not announced as QI I In the tho c Manitoba l n a of or o in r t Utah March 12 Tim u q bill to restore reMote and 1 lit I In 1 tahi Thu Ihl bill now hr KAfig j Jo t tho thu hll governor having al nl already ready l Im tho Senate This notion on r th r Of ot the li moet meets with ith In vAnal condemnation ut of the tho Oln 1 n ii io t Tho Iti n u ii iii tan is I M general that tj tn of ot the lie hill hili In Introducing trig tog tU m l lire merely did what ho lie WM aas I JY to 0 do di d by llY the Church Thrift I PattI Isaul L 11 s published u IL not headed cum com cummeR meR f 41 Th m lh Legislature J has hAil practically d law polygamy Tha Mormon Church through Jl Cannon ordered Its members hi In to r as it If II HU JlIi iJ appeared simultaneously In other ithier Jw rl ns iii u II pe Ial and in one ona lo l lQ paper layer na 05 II nn an fi j Tho Tue lies ie In lit It wore vora or not Hot cx ex lund C dm thu dispatcher woe was not any anymore more particular p as nil to Its It exclusive new heat than as to his hili own veracity Both Bot II In It lire are false also the tho members i borl of ot the tiis I know known kno n as AI well na Angus 51 1 I 1 Cannon Citation knows know ho he not authorized by bythe bythe bythe the Church to ii unto the passage of or the lull Jill lipid and tu that ho he madl ru no n visit to the tho Legislature for tor any Iny such guch purpose It IBon is eu tho the ot of JuHt just such ouch falso tal so dispatcher either olther or doe doc for tir the thu occasion that the tho absurd comments cOl ot of many loading newspapers alit made Now New York nn 1 Chicago editors commence their tirades against tho the Mormons by stating sta that The Tho Legislature of has hos passed clI a law which provides tint that no prosecution for polygamy m shall bf hh Instituted except on complaint of or the legal wife or the plural wives of the defendant Then Thon follow fallow remarks about the violation of or agreements and of ot tho the State Constitution tion which thaw show tho the dense Ignorance of the tho writers on the whole subject treated upon tiron ns as well vell as 18 of ot tho the simple provisions and Ind purport of ot the tho vetoed measure ntH and an appeal Is made for tor an nn amendment to the National Constitution tion to meet tho ho alleged danger to the I country It Is of no particular use uso Just now to tty say IY anything further In denial of ot the tha falsehoods falsehood wired from this city to tho thia press II of ot thu country The click of the tho telegraph tel touches touche oft off of wild wildfire wildfire fire in iii every overy town In the tho United States Stales where a n newspaper Is Iff published While tho flames ri extend tho the foolish excite excitement ment wilt will continuo continue and nil nfl kinds of af non nse tony may bo be expected from coin both pulpit and press I When hiti tho the noise subsides and ond tho the I country cools down rational people will vill wonder why such Huch n a racket was made by a n simple lm lo proposition to apply to Utah the same sam rules fur for prosecutions lons In certain cases casell that prevail In such I comparatively modern States as Iowa Iown I Michigan l Minnesota Oregon North Dakota It will then perhaps be possible possible ble lle to make our New York YC rk anti Call Cali California fornia contemporaries see ee eu that nay regulations an wi to 10 prosecutions for tor adul adultery tory tery would bo hi superior to the rule rulo In their own n States where that offense In Is Innot I Inot not made a 0 crime by br statute Also tile the I country may be persuaded to look Into i the tha matter far enough to see that there has been n no n attempt nt to change In any anyway way tile the very stringent luwaIn In Utah against bigamy polygamy or plural marriage ln by whichever name It may nut be called Our friends and foes inure have been great groat greatly ly Iy exercised over u tu I very vory small matter They have hae h w been grossly deceived The rue deception has come cornu ns nO usual from rain this his city rue Tho morning papers called tho the bill Jill which was vas vetoed n a 1 Polygamy bill hilI when hell they ho know knew It was not any such thing The Tho framers of ot the tho special dispatches lles sent over tha thin country know knew tint that by the use of ot tho the same term terni they the were creating a false Impression Tho The whole attempt was trite despicable If It any evil results from It the tho responsibility will rest upon Ullon them Thero There was ns no at nt attempt tempt to revIve polygamy There Thero was no nil Intent to 0 bring about nay any such change chon The Tue severe penalties In force torce hero against every sexual crime known to the lie laW w were ro not In nay ony way modi modified fied The Tho Ja or otherwise ot of the pro two proposed posed regulations Is IA a n dir subject for tor discussion lon rind and It was debated with full tull sincerity on both sides side There Is no feeling among fair and rational people against either cither tho the supporters or the opponents of the tho measure It IH IN only tho the miserable and malicious creatures who manufacture turc falsehoods and take toko do the dolight light m In arousing animosities to the In InJury Injury inJury Jury of ot ri it Church and n a 1 people whom they lie hate that th t provoke e the Just censure of ot honest hon et men inca and oud women In this title category gorr W YO do not Include the tho agents of ot the U this Associated Prose Press because tho tim evidence Is strong that a fair state statement meat anent of ot the actual facts foote was sent through that source Bour e to the pavers papers east that service Lot Let and west that use tI e the tho blame rest where It belongs and let p plo of or understand tho the Q from which the falsehoods tal go to have hare so 80 frequently to meet Some Son time Justly justi will 11 claim Its own o 0 God a d speed the day dayt da dai i |