Show CONFERENCE NOTICE 4 The Annual Conference I of the Church of ot Je UA Christ of ot Lat Saints Sainta will convene In th tW tM Tabernacle Salt Bait it Lake Lako City ell on oi Friday I April 6 5 I at Ut 10 W II a m mt fl t SNOW f Q CANNON JOSEPH F P SMITH SMI ll I I First Presidency Pre I kC I T ww 0 t rt 1 i t t A tt o Ito 1 t ii p j It lill J SPRING MilliNERY OPENING t if j i jj iJ FOR 1901 r AT Z I 0 c Ml I Ir i iIi If Ii I I II Ii t Utah Ladles always Aya want the tho W have 4 Best Styles and the Jet Beat Goods Occurs Department the proof prof I In Our M I n 1 r comment hand h t ami they hey deserve to have uve them tor Tn th the n o t f service U to 3 r mj In Utah Ut h the Indies have hava aa as a deli deU delicate Monday on d ay ec n OUr 4 cate ente arid am discriminating taste taMe as liS asto lIp ct 0 i ot t tto 4 to whit t l I QUI and nd beautiful In Inthe n r j 1 lA tT nN HATa ND IJO j the till Ina ot o an IS a have Tuesday T j ues d ay and an anu d IIno no ot of and II e I j t J any people In the world worM That ThatIs Ie be rl 1 j Is I ono one reason renson why 1 n they t y give G I e to toZ toC to b kt In a j I i Z C M r I HO no much In If any I 1 Wednesday ami on Hipp tir thre d We ve have tho the best handsom handsomest T j you oU will wilt behold b a n bow nf of f b nil yi 1 est goads oc obtainable This year ty tytha that will indeed Indell t il r r tl Is no II exception to tho ho rule rub and andIn eye and mil gladden ii ti fill t hart 11 th 1 f 1 In our Spring Millinery Opening March M arc h 18 1920 19 20 attention fc 13 r I 4 our ot o h lint 0 j N which productions re ree e ef f e L M 14 f fj f r Como and examine our I t j I Spring gS Suits it Dress D Goods I t t Hns 1108 Just been newly newy fitted with a n new pur Our splendid assortment a Is unexcelled In the tio West Vest Just an as on nn examination m menow II tb choice choke Block of ot elegant goods show enow IU ri l tha tito thing thins for tor the tt th season Benson welcomed to AW O f I p pp cleat glent mercantile establishment p I II I L J JI Jt I I I 1 t a a i h Z C c M f I T G WEBBER Supt ii I 1 f g a a I I t a m i ti t e t it i aaa 1 t tIe 11 t t j 1 f a TO THE LAMES LADIES ii iii I i OF SALT LAKE DAVIS DA COllEN 1 late lato of oC l Fifth avenue New York y at 1 will In n few tew days dUs open up an 1111 i elegant defiant establishment tot for LA LAA LAas f A as at ot 11 II E i tAt 1st South one of ot the th parlor y yv 1 v In the tho West These gentlemen y yV 1 V come to the city ctt highly recommended Y X I mended for tor their and cor correct corI t tA A I business bu methods Ladles LadIe A AA A t of o this city will un at appreciate the efforts y yV 1 V I of Davis and Cohen to tor V r provide them with hIgh art 1 garments at nt popular X 1 prices Watch for tr their opening announcement y at atU 1 II U East First South SouthLAKE Southa 1 I IS a a S fl a a a S 1 LAKE THEATRE AI J am aEo I D f TWO NIGHTS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 22 and 23 MATINEE gg SATURDAY Y Rusco Hollands B I MINSTREl Al Now tho the and net Host Watch For Monster Parado BILLY K Anil a tt life JIll B Company Com Scat Sen at Sate Sale Home cf Of JOHN C CUTLER JR lii nt STOCKS BONDS ht unil Sold Hank Dank anil nd 1 Stock Tel UT 1ST 30 31 Main Aln Kt Sto flOYA R OVAL are Arc protected of Royal ly U L thIs his DREAD hE AD label Lewis Levis 98 Lye and ind umed pur Tho Tim i anel tn nfl made other ITOI Ive It U Is finely packed lt In Incan Incan s scan can two lids lid one ono cut Rod od lb the theother other oth r removable tot foi U B H It will make mako the tho Nn 11 l Ir Ier r Hard liard on In InS S minutes without wit outs tailing It fl li Is I the tin but bat batI for tor claiming wane Ink clonta CID OU cleaning paints l barrels I Indirect ln tec and kille ki In Inte Inh te ti h j for engineers and U use I for by foru painters u tn t remOTe old oW lots IntI e PENNSYLVANIA NIA BALT WIG Ott oo I Pull Puila Ia PL RI RIt t t Ills fills gui the nation f T I With n it lot of ot rId KIM I 1 c quickly aid the th sickly I IOne I One gives relief t J JI t tt I 10 For 5 B Cents Cent At Stores t tl 2 II il I I H I l VS t tt 4 t t t t s t I LIre Here is Another g We want you u to t notice t our prices on MENS WORK PANTS t T They ore made mado of henvy medium weIght cloths very ery durable welt well mide Colors ore aro just the best that can be had for the aol 4 pur os they are afO to l PRICES PR ARE PER PAIR tt ii t Bettor looking goods than theno can net ba be found u nt ot double these t prices t t f I CUTLER BROS CO CU i I 30 MAIN STREET REE SALT S LAKE K CITY 44 H 4 HH 44 H 44 44 44 t DIRT DEFIES THE KING THEN THENIS SAP OLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF I h h h h V H I f g FIRST I PIR T i x Everybody wants to be first That Is In every everybody b f body who la Is anybody You do d anyway And i iI I wo we want wont you yO to got get there tere too Wo We you x 1 1 to hold rold I your J head UD UP and take a o new w Iq 11 life Ife Wo your cro C chest Olt t to high with 1 t pride and ard your heart hoart beat fast with pleasure 1 why we wo carry the tho 1 i 1 CLEVELAND BICYCLE Come Coma ard ad got get ot ono ona and the world will bs ba at your feet i 1 light Roadster 1 Also Day Wheels 2500 to f i THE SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO COSign COSign COSign Sign of or the Big Gun 42 44 46 W Second South x T Heber J Grant Co CoINSURANCE 0 INSURANCE AGENCY l lOUR OUR COMPANIES THE HARTFORD HARTFO D of Hartford Ct GERMAN AMERICAN of New Now YorK NORTH BRITISH MERCANTILE London and d Edinburgh PENNSYLVANIA of Philadelphia NORTHERN of London j FIRE ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia Ii TEUTONIA of Now Naw Orleans Orlo ns and I TilE THE HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO OF OP UTAH U r tJ |